94 research outputs found

    A line-based representation for matching words in historical manuscripts

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, we propose a new method for retrieving and recognizing words in historical documents. We represent word images with a set of line segments. Then we provide a criterion for word matching based on matching the lines. We carry out experiments on a benchmark dataset consisting of manuscripts by George Washington, as well as on Ottoman manuscripts. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Using Phonological Phrase Segmentation to Improve Automatic Keyword Spotting for the Highly Agglutinating Hungarian Language

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    This paper investigates the usage of prosody for the improvement of keyword spotting, focusing on the highly agglutinating Hungarian language, where keyword spotting cannot be effectively performed using LVCSR, as such systems are either unavailable or hard to operate due to high OOV rates and poor N-gram language modelling capabilities. Therefore, the applied keyword spotting system is based on confidence scores computed as a ratio of acoustic scores obtained in two ways: firstly, by decoding with an universal background model; and secondly, by decoding with a keyword model embedded into filler models. Prosody is used to perform an automatic phonological phrase alignment for speech, proven to be useful for automatic partial word boundary detection in fixed stress languages. Several features deduced from the phonological phrase alignment are investigated to rescore baseline confidence scores both in a rule-based and in a data-driven manner. Results show that in relevant operating points of the system, a false alarm reduction of 10% - 40% can be reached by the same miss probability rates

    A line-based representation for matching words in historical manuscripts

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    In this study, we propose a new method for retrieving and recognizing words in historical documents. We represent word images with a set of line segments. Then we provide a criterion for word matching based on matching the lines. We carry out experiments on a benchmark dataset consisting of manuscripts by George Washington, as well as on Ottoman manuscripts. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Learning-Based Arabic Word Spotting Using a Hierarchical Classifier

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    The effective retrieval of information from scanned and written documents is becoming essential with the increasing amounts of digitized documents, and therefore developing efficient means of analyzing and recognizing these documents is of significant interest. Among these methods is word spotting, which has recently become an active research area. Such systems have been implemented for Latin-based and Chinese languages, while few of them have been implemented for Arabic handwriting. The fact that Arabic writing is cursive by nature and unconstrained, with no clear white space between words, makes the processing of Arabic handwritten documents a more challenging problem. In this thesis, the design and implementation of a learning-based Arabic handwritten word spotting system is presented. This incorporates the aspects of text line extraction, handwritten word recognition, partial segmentation of words, word spotting and finally validation of the spotted words. The Arabic text line is more unconstrained than that of other scripts, essentially since it also includes small connected components such as dots and diacritics that are usually located between lines. Thus, a robust method to extract text lines that takes into consideration the challenges in the Arabic handwriting is proposed. The method is evaluated on two Arabic handwritten documents databases, and the results are compared with those of two other methods for text line extraction. The results show that the proposed method is effective, and compares favorably with the other methods. Word spotting is an automatic process to search for words within a document. Applying this process to handwritten Arabic documents is challenging due to the absence of a clear space between handwritten words. To address this problem, an effective learning-based method for Arabic handwritten word spotting is proposed and presented in this thesis. For this process, sub-words or pieces of Arabic words form the basic components of the search process, and a hierarchical classifier is implemented to integrate statistical language models with the segmentation of an Arabic text line into sub-words. The holistic and analytical paradigms (for word recognition and spotting) are studied, and verification models based on combining these two paradigms have been proposed and implemented to refine the outcomes of the analytical classifier that spots words. Finally, a series of evaluation and testing experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed systems, and these show that promising results have been obtained

    Multimedia Retrieval

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    Tone classification of syllable -segmented Thai speech based on multilayer perceptron

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    Thai is a monosyllabic and tonal language. Thai makes use of tone to convey lexical information about the meaning of a syllable. Thai has five distinctive tones and each tone is well represented by a single F0 contour pattern. In general, a Thai syllable with a different tone has a different lexical meaning. Thus, to completely recognize a spoken Thai syllable, a speech recognition system has not only to recognize a base syllable but also to correctly identify a tone. Hence, tone classification of Thai speech is an essential part of a Thai speech recognition system.;In this study, a tone classification of syllable-segmented Thai speech which incorporates the effects of tonal coarticulation, stress and intonation was developed. Automatic syllable segmentation, which performs the segmentation on the training and test utterances into syllable units, was also developed. The acoustical features including fundamental frequency (F0), duration, and energy extracted from the processing syllable and neighboring syllables were used as the main discriminating features. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) trained by backpropagation method was employed to classify these features. The proposed system was evaluated on 920 test utterances spoken by five male and three female Thai speakers who also uttered the training speech. The proposed system achieved an average accuracy rate of 91.36%

    An acoustic-phonetic approach in automatic Arabic speech recognition

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    In a large vocabulary speech recognition system the broad phonetic classification technique is used instead of detailed phonetic analysis to overcome the variability in the acoustic realisation of utterances. The broad phonetic description of a word is used as a means of lexical access, where the lexicon is structured into sets of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. This approach has been applied to a large vocabulary isolated word Arabic speech recognition system. Statistical studies have been carried out on 10,000 Arabic words (converted to phonemic form) involving different combinations of broad phonetic classes. Some particular features of the Arabic language have been exploited. The results show that vowels represent about 43% of the total number of phonemes. They also show that about 38% of the words can uniquely be represented at this level by using eight broad phonetic classes. When introducing detailed vowel identification the percentage of uniquely specified words rises to 83%. These results suggest that a fully detailed phonetic analysis of the speech signal is perhaps unnecessary. In the adopted word recognition model, the consonants are classified into four broad phonetic classes, while the vowels are described by their phonemic form. A set of 100 words uttered by several speakers has been used to test the performance of the implemented approach. In the implemented recognition model, three procedures have been developed, namely voiced-unvoiced-silence segmentation, vowel detection and identification, and automatic spectral transition detection between phonemes within a word. The accuracy of both the V-UV-S and vowel recognition procedures is almost perfect. A broad phonetic segmentation procedure has been implemented, which exploits information from the above mentioned three procedures. Simple phonological constraints have been used to improve the accuracy of the segmentation process. The resultant sequence of labels are used for lexical access to retrieve the word or a small set of words sharing the same broad phonetic labelling. For the case of having more than one word-candidates, a verification procedure is used to choose the most likely one

    Large-scale interactive exploratory visual search

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    Large scale visual search has been one of the challenging issues in the era of big data. It demands techniques that are not only highly effective and efficient but also allow users conveniently express their information needs and refine their intents. In this thesis, we focus on developing an exploratory framework for large scale visual search. We also develop a number of enabling techniques in this thesis, including compact visual content representation for scalable search, near duplicate video shot detection, and action based event detection. We propose a novel scheme for extremely low bit rate visual search, which sends compressed visual words consisting of vocabulary tree histogram and descriptor orientations rather than descriptors. Compact representation of video data is achieved through identifying keyframes of a video which can also help users comprehend visual content efficiently. We propose a novel Bag-of-Importance model for static video summarization. Near duplicate detection is one of the key issues for large scale visual search, since there exist a large number nearly identical images and videos. We propose an improved near-duplicate video shot detection approach for more effective shot representation. Event detection has been one of the solutions for bridging the semantic gap in visual search. We particular focus on human action centred event detection. We propose an enhanced sparse coding scheme to model human actions. Our proposed approach is able to significantly reduce computational cost while achieving recognition accuracy highly comparable to the state-of-the-art methods. At last, we propose an integrated solution for addressing the prime challenges raised from large-scale interactive visual search. The proposed system is also one of the first attempts for exploratory visual search. It provides users more robust results to satisfy their exploring experiences

    Symbolic and Visual Retrieval of Mathematical Notation using Formula Graph Symbol Pair Matching and Structural Alignment

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    Large data collections containing millions of math formulae in different formats are available on-line. Retrieving math expressions from these collections is challenging. We propose a framework for retrieval of mathematical notation using symbol pairs extracted from visual and semantic representations of mathematical expressions on the symbolic domain for retrieval of text documents. We further adapt our model for retrieval of mathematical notation on images and lecture videos. Graph-based representations are used on each modality to describe math formulas. For symbolic formula retrieval, where the structure is known, we use symbol layout trees and operator trees. For image-based formula retrieval, since the structure is unknown we use a more general Line of Sight graph representation. Paths of these graphs define symbol pairs tuples that are used as the entries for our inverted index of mathematical notation. Our retrieval framework uses a three-stage approach with a fast selection of candidates as the first layer, a more detailed matching algorithm with similarity metric computation in the second stage, and finally when relevance assessments are available, we use an optional third layer with linear regression for estimation of relevance using multiple similarity scores for final re-ranking. Our model has been evaluated using large collections of documents, and preliminary results are presented for videos and cross-modal search. The proposed framework can be adapted for other domains like chemistry or technical diagrams where two visually similar elements from a collection are usually related to each other