128,051 research outputs found

    De progreso y población. Breve análisis comparativo sobre la colonización en México y Chile en el siglo XIX / About progress and population. Brief comparative analysis of nineteenth century colonization in México and Chile

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    Los gobiernos de México y Chile, promovieron proyectos de colonización e inmigración durante el siglo XIX para fomentar el progreso, el desarrollo económico, la integración cultural y la consolidación el estado – nación. Así, el objetivo del presente artículo es destacar las similitudes y diferencias entre las políticas migratorias y de colonización de ambos países destacando las características propias de cada territorio. Los ejes claves de comparación serán el objetivo de colonización, las políticas migratorias y el perfil social de los inmigrantes.   Palabras clave: Colonización, inmigración, México, Chile   Abstract: The Mexican and Chilean government, respectfully, have promoted colonization and immigration projects during XIX century. These projects tried to stimulate progress, economic development and achieve to construct a strong nation. The objective of this essay is to call attention about the process that led to the colonization and immigration in both countries. Also, this paper identifies comparatives key words such as colonization and immigration politics and the social structure of those foreign people who arrived in both territories.   Key Words: Colonization, Immigration, Mexico, Chil

    MENCARI JATI DIRI? (Relasi Antara Nasionalisme Dengan Pendidikan)

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    This paper tries to give a closer look at the relationship between nationalism and education during the Dutch colonization which had born the national leaders. They were leaders who had found their true identity as leaders. They are our founding fathers who never thought of anything other than the national interest. Among them are: HOS Tjokroaminoto, dr. Soetomo, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and Soekarno (the Indonesian Proclamator) Key words: self identity, the founding father

    Colonization Capability of Trichoderma Viride (T1sk) on Several Banana Cultivar Roots and Its Effect Against Development of Fusarium Wilt Disease and Plant Growth

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    Fusarium wilt desease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubence (Foc) one the important desease on banana around the world. The purpose of this research was to recognize surface and endophytic colonization capability of Trichoderma viride (T1sk) on several banana cultivar roots and its effect against Fusarium wilt disease and increasing banana seedling growth. The experiment was divided into 2 parts that were colonization effect against Fusarium wilt disease development and colonization capability of T. viride (T1sk) on roots of several banana cultivars. The parameters observed were: 1) surface and endophytic colonization capability of T. viride (T1sk) on various banana seedling roots, 2) incubation period, 3) percentage of symptomatic leaves, 4) increase of leaves amount, 5) increase of plant height, 6) Stem circle and 7) dry weight of banana seedling biomass. The result showed that highest surface colonization capability of T. viride (T1sk) found in Barangan and Kepok cultivars and endophyte colonization found in Kepok cultivar. The surface colonization capability of T viride (T1sk) on the roots of Barangan and kepok reached 93, 33% and the ability of being endophyte 43, 33% and 38, 33% could reduce Fusarium wilt disease on banana seedling and increase seedling growth. MS History: 15.09.2016 (Received)-30.10.2016 (Revised)- 2.11.2016 (Accepted) Key words: Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. cubense, Trichoderma viride, surface colonization, endophytic colonization

    Colonización micorrícico arbuscular de Alnus acuminata Kunth en el noroeste Argentino en relación a la estacionalidad ya los parámetros edáficos

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    The objective of this study was to determine patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization of Alnus acuminate Kunth at two natural forests in relation to soil parameters at two different seasons (autumn and spring). The soil parameters studied were field capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, available P, total N and organic matter. The percentage of AM colonization was estimated and correlated to soil properties and to two different seasons. The results indicate that the percentage of AM colonization varied among soil types and was higher in spring than autumn. A significant positive correlation was found between AM colonization and electrical conductivity, organic matter and total Nitrogen. Results of this study provide evidence that AM colonization of A. acuminata can be affected by some soil parameters and seasonality. Key words. Alnus, arbuscular mycorrhizal, seasonality, soil type, Yunga forest.Fil: Becerra, Alejandra Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Arrigo, Nilda Marta. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente. Cátedra de Edafologia; ArgentinaFil: Bartoloni, Norberto Jose. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Dominguez, Laura Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Cofré, María Noelia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    Advanced Aspects of the Galactic Habitability

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    Context. Astrobiological evolution of the Milky Way (or the shape of its "astrobiological landscape") has emerged as one of the key research topics in recent years. In order to build precise, quantitative models of the Galactic habitability, we need to account for two opposing tendencies of life and intelligence in the most general context: the tendency to spread to all available ecological niches (conventionally dubbed "colonization") and the tendency to succumb to various types of existential catastrophes ("catastrophism"). These evolutionary tendencies have become objects of study in fields such as ecology, macroevolution, risk analysis, and futures studies, while a serious astrobiological treatment has been lacking so far. Aims. Our aim is to numerically investigate the dynamics of opposed processes of expansion (panspermia, colonization) and extinction (catastrophic mechanisms) of life in the Galaxy. Methods. We employ a new type of numerical simulation based on 1D probabilistic cellular automaton with very high temporal resolution, in order to study astrobiological dynamics. Results. While the largest part of the examined parameter space shows very low habitability values, as expected, the remaining part has some observationally appealing features that imply, among other things, a reduction in the amount of fine-tuning necessary for resolving the Fermi paradox. Conclusions. Advanced aspects of Galactic habitability are amenable to precision studies using massive parallel computer simulations. There are regions of parameter space corresponding to a quasi-stationary state satisfying observable constraints and possessing viable SETI targets.Comment: Language corrected version, to appear in Astronomy & astrophysic

    Using Motivation to Teach Portuguese as a New Global Language

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    This portfolio is written to show how Portuguese was a global language in the past, as a result of Portuguese exploration, settlement, and colonization, and is once again a world language that is becoming increasingly important on a global scale, especially as a result of the economic and political emergence of Brazil on the international scene. This portfolio also covers the important topic of motivation and its key role in learning Portuguese or any second or foreign language. Music is also addressed as an invaluable medium that plays an integral role in teaching a second or foreign language, Portuguese in this case. The portfolio addresses the power that music has in helping people, and especially students, to remember key words when those words are set to music. The Teaching Philosophy Statement addresses the prominent role that motivation has in the second language learning process. The power of music to increase information retention or memory is also covered. Experiences using music in the Portuguese language classroom are documented in the portfolio and many of the study results have shown music to be an effective medium to capture and maintain student attention and aid them in learning and memorizing vocabulary

    Book Review: Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement

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    “There is a clause in the Act which is likely to meet with misconstruction in Europe,” wrote Frederick Milnes Edge about the legislation that emancipated the slaves of the District of Columbia in April 1862, “namely the appropriation for colonizing the freed slaves.” Ignore it, Edge advised. It only “was adopted to silence the weak-nerved, whose name is legion—and to enable any of the slaves who see fit to emigrate to more genial climes.” And this, for a long time, has been the way that most commentators have understood colonization—a plan ostensibly designed to expatriate any emancipated blacks to Africa or the West Indies or South America, but offered mostly as a placebo to reassure nervous white Americans that their hiring halls and neighborhoods would not be swamped with cheap (and presumably undesirable) freedmen. [excerpt

    Response of Root Properties to Tripartite Symbiosis between Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rhizobia and Mycorrhiza Under Dry Organic Farming Conditions

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    It is generally considered that root turnover is a major contributor to organic matter and mineral nutrient cycles in organic managed agroecosystems. Approach: This study designed to investigate whether microbial activity could affect on root properties of lucerne in an organically managed field under dry weather conditions. The trial was laid out as a factorial experiment in the fields of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna-Austria at Raasdorf in 2007. The experimental factors of Sinorhizobium meliloti and arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) including Glomus etunicatum, G. intraradices and G. claroideum and irrigation levels were tested. Results: Results showed that increasing water deficit affected root dry weigh, specific root mass and root length significantly at 1% level and co-inoculation of rhizobium and mycorrhiza with irrigation could increase all root parameters. Data’s of variance analysis for mycorrhizal colonization showed that main effect of using mycorrhiza had significant effects on root parameters at 5% and 1% probability level in first and second harvest, respectively. Results of mean comparisons by Duncan’s multiple range test showed that mycorrhizal colonization was higher in the inoculated treatments by rhizobium , mycorrhiza and irrigated plots in both harvests. Double interaction of mycorrhiza and irrigation was higher in both harvests (37.05% and 65.73%, respectively). Conclusion: Hence, it can be suggested that the tripartite symbiosis of S. meliloti, AM and lucerne can improve the performance of lucerne in organic farming and under dry conditions. Such traits could be incorporated into breeding programs to improve drought tolerance especially in organic fields


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    Nineteen non-recultivated waste heaps are found on the territory of the Novovolyn mining area (Lviv-Volyn coal basin), three of which are damping. The total area of disturbed lands is 116.7 hectares. An important role for optimization of disturbed objects is played by natural colonization by vegetation, since it indicates the state of the rocks the waste heaps are made of. Studying of phytocoenoses, which are formed during self-establishment, gives an opportunity to estimate the formed groups, considering their place and role in the vegetation cover of the region and predict their further development