17 research outputs found

    Neural Networks for Complex Data

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    Artificial neural networks are simple and efficient machine learning tools. Defined originally in the traditional setting of simple vector data, neural network models have evolved to address more and more difficulties of complex real world problems, ranging from time evolving data to sophisticated data structures such as graphs and functions. This paper summarizes advances on those themes from the last decade, with a focus on results obtained by members of the SAMM team of Universit\'e Paris

    Multiple kernel self-organizing maps

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    International audienceIn a number of real-life applications, the user is interested in analyzing several sources of information together: a graph combined with the additional information known on its nodes, numerical variables measured on individuals and factors describing these individuals... The combination of all sources of information can help him to understand the dataset in its whole better. The present article focuses on such an issue, by using self-organizing maps. The use a kernel version of the algorithm allows us to combine various types of information and automatically tune the data combination. This approach is illustrated on a simulated example

    How Many Dissimilarity/Kernel Self Organizing Map Variants Do We Need?

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    In numerous applicative contexts, data are too rich and too complex to be represented by numerical vectors. A general approach to extend machine learning and data mining techniques to such data is to really on a dissimilarity or on a kernel that measures how different or similar two objects are. This approach has been used to define several variants of the Self Organizing Map (SOM). This paper reviews those variants in using a common set of notations in order to outline differences and similarities between them. It discusses the advantages and drawbacks of the variants, as well as the actual relevance of the dissimilarity/kernel SOM for practical applications

    On-line relational SOM for dissimilarity data

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    International audienceIn some applications and in order to address real world situations better, data may be more complex than simple vectors. In some examples, they can be known through their pairwise dissimilarities only. Several variants of the Self Organizing Map algorithm were introduced to generalize the original algorithm to this framework. Whereas median SOM is based on a rough representation of the prototypes, relational SOM allows representing these prototypes by a virtual combination of all elements in the data set. However, this latter approach suffers from two main drawbacks. First, its complexity can be large. Second, only a batch version of this algorithm has been studied so far and it often provides results having a bad topographic organization. In this article, an on-line version of relational SOM is described and justified. The algorithm is tested on several datasets, including categorical data and graphs, and compared with the batch version and with other SOM algorithms for non vector data

    A comparison between dissimilarity SOM and kernel SOM for clustering the vertices of a graph

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    International audienceFlexible and efficient variants of the Self Organizing Map algorithm have been proposed for non vector data, including, for example, the dissimilarity SOM (also called the Median SOM) and several kernelized versions of SOM. Although the first one is a generalization of the batch version of the SOM algorithm to data described by a dissimilarity measure, the various versions of the second ones are stochastic SOM. We propose here to introduce a batch version of the kernel SOM and to show how this one is related to the dissimilarity SOM. Finally, an application to the classification of the vertices of a graph is proposed and the algorithms are tested and compared on a simulated data set

    Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis

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    Large graphs are natural mathematical models for describing the structure of the data in a wide variety of fields, such as web mining, social networks, information retrieval, biological networks, etc. For all these applications, automatic tools are required to get a synthetic view of the graph and to reach a good understanding of the underlying problem. In particular, discovering groups of tightly connected vertices and understanding the relations between those groups is very important in practice. This paper shows how a kernel version of the batch Self Organizing Map can be used to achieve these goals via kernels derived from the Laplacian matrix of the graph, especially when it is used in conjunction with more classical methods based on the spectral analysis of the graph. The proposed method is used to explore the structure of a medieval social network modeled through a weighted graph that has been directly built from a large corpus of agrarian contracts

    Characteristics of networks generated by kernel growing neural gas

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    This research aims to develop kernel GNG, a kernelized version of the growing neural gas (GNG) algorithm, and to investigate the features of the networks generated by the kernel GNG. The GNG is an unsupervised artificial neural network that can transform a dataset into an undirected graph, thereby extracting the features of the dataset as a graph. The GNG is widely used in vector quantization, clustering, and 3D graphics. Kernel methods are often used to map a dataset to feature space, with support vector machines being the most prominent application. This paper introduces the kernel GNG approach and explores the characteristics of the networks generated by kernel GNG. Five kernels, including Gaussian, Laplacian, Cauchy, inverse multiquadric, and log kernels, are used in this study

    Utiliser SOMbrero pour la classification et la visualisation de graphes

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    International audienceGraphs have attracted a burst of attention in the last years, with applications to social science, biology, computer science... In the present paper, we illustrate how self-organizing maps (SOM) can be used to enlighten the structure of the graph, performing clustering of the graph together with visualization of a simplified graph. In particular, we present the R package SOMbrero which implements a stochastic version of the so-called relational algorithm: the method is able to process any dissimilarity data and several dissimilarities adapted to graphs are described and compared. The use of the package is illustrated on two real-world datasets: one, included in the package itself, is small enough to allow for a full investigation of the influence of the choice of a dissimilarity to measure the proximity between the vertices on the results. The other example comes from an application in biology and is based on a large bipartite graph of chemical reactions with several thousands vertices.L'analyse de graphes a connu un intérêt croissant dans les dernières années, avec des applications en sciences sociales, biologie, informatique, ... Dans cet article, nous illustrons comment les cartes auto-organisatrices (SOM) peuvent être utilisées pour mettre en lumière la structure d'un graphe en combinant la classification de ses sommets avec une visualisation simplifiée de celui-ci. En particulier, nous présentons le package R SOMbrero dans lequel est implémentée une version stochastique de l'approche dite « relationnelle » de l'algorithme de cartes auto-organisatrices. Cette méthode permet d'utiliser les cartes auto-organisatrices avec des données décrites par des mesures de dissimilarité et nous discutons et comparons ici plusieurs types de dissimilarités adaptées aux graphes. L'utilisation du package est illustrée sur deux jeux de données réelles : le premier, inclus dans le package lui-même, est suffisamment petit pour permettre l'analyse complète de l'influence du choix de la mesure de dissimilarité sur les résultats. Le second exemple provient d'une application en biologie et est basé sur un graphe biparti de grande taille, issu de réactions chimiques et qui contient plusieurs milliers de noeuds

    A comparison between dissimilarity SOM and kernel SOM for clustering the vertices of a graph

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    Flexible and efficient variants of the Self Organizing Map algorithm have been proposed for non vector data, including, for example, the dissimilarity SOM (also called the Median SOM) and several kernelized versions of SOM. Although the first one is a generalization of the batch version of the SOM algorithm to data described by a dissimilarity measure, the various versions of the second ones are stochastic SOM. We propose here to introduce a batch version of the kernel SOM and to show how this one is related to the dissimilarity SOM. Finally, an application to the classification of the vertices of a graph is proposed and the algorithms are tested and compared on a simulated data set