631 research outputs found

    The Finite-Sample Properties of Autoregressive Approximations of Fractionally-Integrated and Non-Invertible Processes

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    This paper investigates the empirical properties of autoregressive approximations to two classes of process for which the usual regularity conditions do not apply; namely the non-invertible and fractionally integrated processes considered in Poskitt (2006). In that paper the theoretical consequences of fitting long autoregressions under regularity conditions that allow for these two situations was considered, and convergence rates for the sample autocovariances and autoregressive coefficients established. We now consider the finite-sample properties of alternative estimators of the AR parameters of the approximating AR(h) process and corresponding estimates of the optimal approximating order h. The estimators considered include the Yule-Walker, Least Squares, and Burg estimators.Autoregression, autoregressive approximation, fractional process,

    Hidden tail chains and recurrence equations for dependence parameters associated with extremes of higher-order Markov chains

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    We derive some key extremal features for kth order Markov chains, which can be used to understand how the process moves between an extreme state and the body of the process. The chains are studied given that there is an exceedance of a threshold, as the threshold tends to the upper endpoint of the distribution. Unlike previous studies with k>1 we consider processes where standard limit theory describes each extreme event as a single observation without any information about the transition to and from the body of the distribution. The extremal properties of the Markov chain at lags up to k are determined by the kernel of the chain, through a joint initialisation distribution, with the subsequent values determined by the conditional independence structure through a transition behaviour. We study the extremal properties of each of these elements under weak assumptions for broad classes of extremal dependence structures. For chains with k>1, these transitions involve novel functions of the k previous states, in comparison to just the single value, when k=1. This leads to an increase in the complexity of determining the form of this class of functions, their properties and the method of their derivation in applications. We find that it is possible to find an affine normalization, dependent on the threshold excess, such that non-degenerate limiting behaviour of the process is assured for all lags. These normalization functions have an attractive structure that has parallels to the Yule-Walker equations. Furthermore, the limiting process is always linear in the innovations. We illustrate the results with the study of kth order stationary Markov chains based on widely studied families of copula dependence structures.Comment: 35 page

    Properties of the Sieve Bootstrap for Fractionally Integrated and Non-Invertible Processes

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    In this paper we will investigate the consequences of applying the sieve bootstrap under regularity conditions that are sufficiently general to encompass both fractionally integrated and non-invertible processes. The sieve bootstrap is obtained by approximating the data generating process by an autoregression whose order h increases with the sample size T. The sieve bootstrap may be particularly useful in the analysis of fractionally integrated processes since the statistics of interest can often be non-pivotal with distributions that depend on the fractional index d. The validity of the sieve bootstrap is established and it is shown that when the sieve bootstrap is used to approximate the distribution of a general class of statistics admitting an Edgeworth expansion then the error rate achieved is of order O (T  β+d-1 ), for any β > 0. Practical implementation of the sieve bootstrap is considered and the results are illustrated using a canonical example.Autoregressive approximation, fractional process, non-invertibility, rate of convergence, sieve bootstrap.

    The MVGC multivariate Granger causality toolbox: a new approach to Granger-causal inference

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    Background: Wiener-Granger causality (“G-causality”) is a statistical notion of causality applicable to time series data, whereby cause precedes, and helps predict, effect. It is defined in both time and frequency domains, and allows for the conditioning out of common causal influences. Originally developed in the context of econometric theory, it has since achieved broad application in the neurosciences and beyond. Prediction in the G-causality formalism is based on VAR (Vector AutoRegressive) modelling. New Method: The MVGC Matlab c Toolbox approach to G-causal inference is based on multiple equivalent representations of a VAR model by (i) regression parameters, (ii) the autocovariance sequence and (iii) the cross-power spectral density of the underlying process. It features a variety of algorithms for moving between these representations, enabling selection of the most suitable algorithms with regard to computational efficiency and numerical accuracy. Results: In this paper we explain the theoretical basis, computational strategy and application to empirical G-causal inference of the MVGC Toolbox. We also show via numerical simulations the advantages of our Toolbox over previous methods in terms of computational accuracy and statistical inference. Comparison with Existing Method(s): The standard method of computing G-causality involves estimation of parameters for both a full and a nested (reduced) VAR model. The MVGC approach, by contrast, avoids explicit estimation of the reduced model, thus eliminating a source of estimation error and improving statistical power, and in addition facilitates fast and accurate estimation of the computationally awkward case of conditional G-causality in the frequency domain. Conclusions: The MVGC Toolbox implements a flexible, powerful and efficient approach to G-causal inference. Keywords: Granger causality, vector autoregressive modelling, time series analysi

    Modeling multivariable time series using regular and singular autoregressions

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to study the modeling of high-dimensional time series with periodic missing observations. This study is very important in different branches of science and technology such as: econometric modeling, signal processing and systems and control. For instance, in the field of econometric modeling, it is crucial to provide proper models for national economies to help policy makers with decision making and policy adjustments. These models are built upon available high-dimensional data sets, which are not usually collected at the same rate. For example, some data such as, the employment rate are available on a monthly basis while some others like the gross domestic product (GDP) are collected quarterly. Motivated by applications in econometric modeling, we mainly consider systems, which have two sets of measurement streams, one stream being available at all times and the other one is observed every N-th time. There are two major issues involved with modeling of high-dimensional time series with periodic missing observations, namely, the curse of dimensionality and missing observations. Generalized dynamic factor models (GDFMs), which have been recently introduced in the field of econometric modeling, are exploited to handle the curse of dimensionality phenomenon. Furthermore, the blocking technique from systems and control is used to tackle issues associated with the missing observations. In this thesis, we consider a class of GDFMs and assume that there exists an underlying linear time-invariant system operating at the highest sample rate and our task is to identify this model from the available mixed frequency measurements. To this end, we first provide a very detailed study about zeros of linear systems with alternate missing measurements. Zeros of this class of linear systems are examined when the parameter matrices of a minimal state space representation of a transfer function matrix corresponding to the underlying high frequency system assume generic values. Under this setting, we then illustrate situations under which linear systems with missing observations are completely zero-free. It is worthwhile noting that the obtained condition is very common in an econometric modeling context. Then we apply this result and assume that the underlying high frequency system has an autoregressive (AR) structure. Next, we study identifiability of AR systems from those population second order moments, which can be observed in principle. We propose the method of modified extended Yule-Walker equations to show that the set of identifiable AR systems is an open and dense subset of the associated parameter space i.e. AR systems are generically identifiable