20 research outputs found

    Készülőben az új Európai Moha Vörös Könyv = The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes in preparation

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    The new Red Data Book of European Bryophytes is the most important recent project of the European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes, and the basis of bryophyte conservation in most European countries. The first edition, published in 1995, is now in urgent need of updating. Since its publication, our knowledge of the bryophytes of Europe has been considerably improved, especially concerning taxonomy and distribution. The work has started: a comprehensive table, listing the occurrence and Red List status of each species, in each European country, has been prepared. A short list of candidate species for IUCN threat assessment was established by eliminating species known with certainty to be of least concern. Of 2140 bryophyte species known to occur in Europe, 241 liverworts and 721 mosses were selected for further consideration. Among them, 28 liverworts and 98 mosses occur in Hungary. Examples of some species occurring in Hungary are presented below to show which criteria are used to select species for the European candidate list. With 12 fi gures

    Az orvosi helyiratok mint a kutatás forrásai

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    The medical topography is a special group of the historic sources. Those, which were published in Hungary organically participated in the development of the modem medical science, in the changed attitude in preventive and curing work. The appearance of the genre related to the general medical opinion according to which teh environment, the climate, the waters, the quality of the soil, the lifestfle, the agriculture, the belief and custom world determine the medical position of a certain community. It also effects the illness, the curing possibilities, demographical relations and people's everyday and festive life. Therefore one part of the doctors tried to collect geographical, natrural endownments, historical, statistical, demographical and ethnographical data of a certain territory, town or coutry. In al cases several years' research, medical work, experience and study of sources were in the background. These topographs portrayed the 18th—19th century picture of a certain country or town to the posterity

    EU-csatlakozás és intézményi reformkényszer

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    Irodalomismeret 2018

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    A Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziumának, Általános Iskolájának és Diákotthonának évkönyve 2006-2011.

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    Belvedere Meridionale : 11. évf. (1999) 5-6. sz.

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