880 research outputs found

    Geographical Forwarding Methods in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks are new and emerging technology and special class of mobile ad hoc networks that provide wireless communication between vehicles without any fixed infrastructure. Geographical routing has appeared as one of the most scalable and competent routing schemes for vehicular networks. A number of strategies have been proposed for forwarding the packets in geographical direction of the destination, where information of direct neighbors is gained through navigational services. Due to dynamically changing topologies and high mobility neighbor information become outdated. To address these common issues in network different types of forwarding strategies have been proposed. In this review paper, we concentrate on beaconless forwarding methods and their forwarding methods in detail

    Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Video streaming in urban vehicular environments: Junction-aware multipath approach

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. In multipath video streaming transmission, the selection of the best vehicle for video packet forwarding considering the junction area is a challenging task due to the several diversions in the junction area. The vehicles in the junction area change direction based on the different diversions, which lead to video packet drop. In the existing works, the explicit consideration of different positions in the junction areas has not been considered for forwarding vehicle selection. To address the aforementioned challenges, a Junction-Aware vehicle selection for Multipath Video Streaming (JA-MVS) scheme has been proposed. The JA-MVS scheme considers three different cases in the junction area including the vehicle after the junction, before the junction and inside the junction area, with an evaluation of the vehicle signal strength based on the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR), which is based on the multipath data forwarding concept using greedy-based geographic routing. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated based on the Packet Loss Ratio (PLR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) and End-to-End Delay (E2ED) metrics. The JA-MVS is compared against two baseline schemes, Junction-Based Multipath Source Routing (JMSR) and the Adaptive Multipath geographic routing for Video Transmission (AMVT), in urban Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)

    Multi-metric Geographic Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Maintaining durable connectivity during data forwarding in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks has witnessed significant attention in the past few decades with the aim of supporting most modern applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Various techniques for next hop vehicle selection have been suggested in the literature. Most of these techniques are based on selection of next hop vehicles from fixed forwarding region with two or three metrics including speed, distance and direction, and avoid many other parameters of urban environments. In this context, this paper proposes a Multi-metric Geographic Routing (M-GEDIR) technique for next hop selection. It selects next hop vehicles from dynamic forwarding regions, and considers major parameters of urban environments including, received signal strength, future position of vehicles, and critical area vehicles at the border of transmission range, apart from speed, distance and direction. The performance of M-GEDIR is evaluated carrying out simulations on realistic vehicular traffic environments. In the comparative performance evaluation, analysis of results highlight the benefit of the proposed geographic routing as compared to the state-of-the-art routing protocols

    VANETs Multipath Video Data Streaming Considering Road Features

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    Multipath video streaming in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is an evolving research topic. The adoption of video transmission in VANETs communication has become essential due to the comprehensiveness and applicability of video data for on-road advertisement and infotainment. Meanwhile, several research studies have considered how to apply and improve the transmission of the video quality. Due to this, the concurrent multipath transmission has been employed in order to achieve load balancing and path diversity, because of the high data rate of the video data.  However, the main nature of the road, which is the pathway for VANET nodes has not been considered explicitly. In this paper, the road features are considered for VANETs multipath video streaming based on the greedy geographical routing protocol. Thus, VANETs Multipath Video Streaming based on Road Features (VMVS-RF) protocol has been proposed. The protocol was compared with an ordinary Multipath Video Streaming (MVS). The result demonstrates that the proposed VMVS-RF protocol outperforms the MVS in terms of Data Receiving Rate (DRR), Structural Similarity (SSIM) index and Packet Loss Ratio (PLR)

    Performance improvement in geographic routing for vehicular Ad Hoc networks

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    Geographic routing is one of the most investigated themes by researchers for reliable and efficient dissemination of information in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). Recently, different Geographic Distance Routing (GEDIR) protocols have been suggested in the literature. These protocols focus on reducing the forwarding region towards destination to select the Next Hop Vehicles (NHV). Most of these protocols suffer from the problem of elevated one-hop link disconnection, high end-to-end delay and low throughput even at normal vehicle speed in high vehicle density environment. This paper proposes a Geographic Distance Routing protocol based on Segment vehicle, Link quality and Degree of connectivity (SLD-GEDIR). The protocol selects a reliable NHV using the criteria segment vehicles, one-hop link quality and degree of connectivity. The proposed protocol has been simulated in NS-2 and its performance has been compared with the state-of-the-art protocols: P-GEDIR, J-GEDIR and V-GEDIR. The empirical results clearly reveal that SLD-GEDIR has lower link disconnection and end-to-end delay, and higher throughput as compared to the state-of-the-art protocols. It should be noted that the performance of the proposed protocol is preserved irrespective of vehicle density and spee

    Probabilistic Road-Aware Geocast In VANETs

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    Geocast is a communication technique to disseminate information in specific geographic regions instead of node addresses. Traffic congestion, accidents, local hazards and digital content sharing are potential use cases of information sharing in VANETs. Recently, several approaches for geocast routing have been proposed to achieve high delivery ratios. These approaches consider a center point and radius to define the destination region also called geocast region. They focus only on routing scheme to enhance the delivery ratio and delays. However, these approaches do not consider the target region selection problem in the geocast routing. In this paper, we propose a novel application-level mechanism for sharing road conditions, such as accidents, detours and congestion in VANETs through probabilistic road-aware geocast routing. We assign probabilities to the roads around each intersection in the neighborhood road network of the source vehicle. We then build a spanning tree of roads (from graph representation of the road network) with information source as the root node. Nodes below the root represent junctions and edges represent inter-connecting road segments. Messages propagate along the branches of the spanning tree. The spanning tree represents the geocast region. As the information propagates down the branches, probability of road as geocast region decreases. Information is propagated until a threshold probability is reached. Our method also ensures that messages are not delivered to irrelevant vehicles irrespective of their proximity to the source. We evaluate our application through extensive and realistic simulations in ns-3 simulator using IDM car following and MOBIL lane change models for realistic modeling of vehicle mobility

    ASGR: An Artificial Spider-Web-Based Geographic Routing in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks

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    Recently, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been attracting significant attention for their potential for guaranteeing road safety and improving traffic comfort. Due to high mobility and frequent link disconnections, it becomes quite challenging to establish a reliable route for delivering packets in VANETs. To deal with these challenges, an artificial spider geographic routing in urban VAENTs (ASGR) is proposed in this paper. First, from the point of bionic view, we construct the spider web based on the network topology to initially select the feasible paths to the destination using artificial spiders. Next, the connection-quality model and transmission-latency model are established to generate the routing selection metric to choose the best route from all the feasible paths. At last, a selective forwarding scheme is presented to effectively forward the packets in the selected route, by taking into account the nodal movement and signal propagation characteristics. Finally, we implement our protocol on NS2 with different complexity maps and simulation parameters. Numerical results demonstrate that, compared with the existing schemes, when the packets generate speed, the number of vehicles and number of connections are varying, our proposed ASGR still performs best in terms of packet delivery ratio and average transmission delay with an up to 15% and 94% improvement, respectively

    T-VNets: a novel Trust architecture for Vehicular Networks using the standardized messaging services of ETSI ITS

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    In this paper we propose a novel trust establishment architecture fully compliant with the ETSI ITS standard which takes advantage of the periodically exchanged beacons (i.e. CAM) and event triggered messages (i.e. DENM). Our solution, called T-VNets, allows estimating the traffic density, the trust among entities, as well as the dishonest nodes distribution within the network. In addition, by combining different trust metrics such as direct, indirect, event-based and RSU-based trust, T-VNets is able to eliminate dishonest nodes from all network operations while selecting the best paths to deliver legal data messages by taking advantage of the link duration concept. Since our solution is able to adapt to environments with or without roadside units (RSUs), it can perform adequately both in urban and highway scenarios. Simulation results evidence that our proposal is more efficient than other existing solutions, being able to sustain performance levels even in worst-case scenarios. © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.VThis work was partially supported by both the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014, Spain, under Grant TEC2014-52690-R, and the Ministere de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche scientifique, Programme National Exceptionnel P.N.E 2015/2016, Algeria.Kerrache, CA.; Lagraa, N.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Manzoni, P. (2016). T-VNets: a novel Trust architecture for Vehicular Networks using the standardized messaging services of ETSI ITS. Computer Communications. 93:68-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2016.05.013S68839