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    A Bibliometric Diagnosis and Analysis about Smart Cities

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    [EN] This article aims to present a bibliometric analysis of Smart Cities. The study analyzes the most important journals during the period between 1991 and 2019. It provides helpful insights into the document types, the distribution of countries/territories, the distribution of institutions, the authors' geographical distribution, the most active authors and their research interests or fields, the relationships between principal authors and more relevant publications, and the most cited articles. This paper also provides important information about the core and historical references and the most cited papers. The analysis used the keywords and thematic noun-phrases in the titles and abstracts of the sample papers to explore the hot research topics in the top journals (e.g., 'Smart Cities', 'Intelligent Cities', 'Sustainable Cities', 'e-Government', 'Digital Transformation', 'Knowledge-Based City', etc.). The main objective is to have a quantitative description of the published literature about Smart Cities; this description will be the basis for the development of a methodology for the diagnosis of the maturity of a Smart City. The results presented here help to define the scientific concept of Smart Cities and to measure the importance that the term has gained through the years. The study has allowed us to know the main indicators of the published literature in depth, from the date of publication of the first articles and the evolution of these indicators to the present day. From the main indicators in the literature, some were selected to be applied: The most influential journals on Smart Cities according to the general citation structure in Smart Cities, Global Impact Factor of Smart Cities, number of publications, publications on Smart Cities around the world, and their correlation.PĂ©rez, LM.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Oltra GutiĂ©rrez, JV.; Gil GĂłmez, H. (2020). A Bibliometric Diagnosis and Analysis about Smart Cities. Sustainability. 12(16):1-43. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12166357S1431216Guo, Y.-M., Huang, Z.-L., Guo, J., Li, H., Guo, X.-R., & Nkeli, M. J. (2019). Bibliometric Analysis on Smart Cities Research. Sustainability, 11(13), 3606. doi:10.3390/su11133606Mora, L., Bolici, R., & Deakin, M. (2017). The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Urban Technology, 24(1), 3-27. doi:10.1080/10630732.2017.1285123Albino, V., Berardi, U., & Dangelico, R. M. (2015). Smart Cities: Definitions, Dimensions, Performance, and Initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 3-21. doi:10.1080/10630732.2014.942092Li, C., Liu, X., Dai, Z., & Zhao, Z. (2019). Smart City: A Shareable Framework and Its Applications in China. Sustainability, 11(16), 4346. doi:10.3390/su11164346MerigĂł, J. M., & Yang, J.-B. (2016). Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Australian Accounting Review, 27(1), 71-100. doi:10.1111/auar.12109Garg, K. C., & Sharma, C. (2017). Bibliometrics of Library and Information Science research in India during 2004-2015. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 37(3), 221-227. doi:10.14429/djlit.37.3.11188Metse, A. P., Wiggers, J. H., Wye, P. M., Wolfenden, L., Prochaska, J. J., Stockings, E. A., 
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    The role of sex differences in detecting deception in computer-mediated communication in English

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    [EN] While deception seems to be a common approach in interpersonal communication, most examination on interpersonal deception sees the sex of the interlocutor as unconnected with the capability to notice deceptive messages. This research studies the truth and deception detection capability of both male and female receivers when replying to both true and deceptive messages from both male and female speakers. The outcomes indicate that sex may be a significant variable in comprehending the interpersonal detection probabilities of truth and of lies. An interaction of variables including the speakers’ sex, receivers’ sex, and whether the message appears to be truthful or deceptive is created to relate to detection capability.Kuzio, A. (2018). The role of sex differences in detecting deception in computer-mediated communication in English. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 2(1):39-53. doi:10.4995/jclr.2018.10521SWORD395321Aamodt, M. G., & Custer, H. (2006). 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    San Juan Bautista (Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz), un ejemplo de documentaciĂłn del Patrimonio con nuevas tecnologĂ­as

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    [ES] La presente comunicaciĂłn pretende acercar la aplicaciĂłn de las Ășltimas tĂ©cnicas en Levantamiento con LĂĄser Escaner y textura fotorrealista en la Iglesia de San Juan Bautista (Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz), dentro de un proyecto de puesta en valor de un yacimiento de notable interĂ©s para la arqueologĂ­a extremeña y peninsular, donde se aunaron las tĂ©cnicas mĂĄs actuales en documentaciĂłn del patrimonio con los resultados obtenidos de la intervenciĂłn arqueolĂłgica, consiguiendo una completa y exhaustiva documentaciĂłn del yacimiento arqueolĂłgico.[EN] The present communication explains the application of the latest techniques in Laser Scanner and photorealistic texture in the Church of San Juan Bautista (Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz), in a project which objetive is increase the value of a site for peninsular archeology, where joined the lates techniques in cultural heritage documentation and the results of the archaeological dig. We obtain in this practical work a complete documentation of the archaeological site.MenĂ©ndez MenĂ©ndez, A.; Gibello Bravo, VM.; Ortiz Coder, P. (2011). San Juan Bautista (Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz), un ejemplo de documentaciĂłn del Patrimonio con nuevas tecnologĂ­as. Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):71-74. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4608OJS717423BÖHN, J., (2004): "Multi-image fusion for occlusion-free façade texturing. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry", Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, Volume XXXV-5, pp. 867-872.DAL PIAZ, V., GUARNIERI, A., PIROTTI, F. , A. VETTORE A. (2007): "International Archives of Photogrammetry", Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Volume XXXVI-5/W47. Stability control of an historical structure with TLS survey. ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 12-13 July 2007.FRASER, C.S. (1997): "Digital camera self-calibration", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 149-159. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0924-2716(97)00005-1GIBELLO BRAVO, V. M. (2008): El poblamiento islĂĄmico en Extremadura. Territorio, asentamientos e Itinerarios, MĂ©rida.GIBELLO BRAVO, V.M. y AMIGO MARCOS, R. (2001): "San Juan Bautista: una rabita hispanomusulmana inĂ©dita en la antigua iglesia parroquial de Burguillos del Cerro (Badajoz)", MĂ©rida ciudad y patrimonio. Revista de ArqueologĂ­a, Arte y Urbanismo, nÂș5, pp. 173-189.GRÜN, A. and D. AKCA D. (2006): "Least Squares 3D Surface Matching". IAPRSSIS, Vol. 34(5/WG16), Dresden, Germany, on CDROM.HABIB, A., and MORGAN, M. (2003): "Automatic Calibration of Low-Cost Digital Cameras", Journal of Optical Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp.948-955. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.1555732MENÉNDEZ MENÉNDEZ, A. (2010): Memoria de la intervenciĂłn arqueolĂłgica para el Proyecto del Centro de InvestigaciĂłn Turismo y Cultura de San Juan Bautista (Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz), MĂ©rida (inĂ©dit

    Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork

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    [EN] The need of organizations to ensure service levels that impact on customer satisfaction has required the design of collaborative processes among stakeholders involved in inventory decision making. The increase of quantity and variety of items, on the one hand, and demand and customer expectations, on the other hand, are transformed into a greater complexity in inventory management, requiring effective communication and agreements between the leaders of the logistics processes. Traditionally, decision making in inventory management was based on approaches conditioned only by cost or sales volume. These approaches must be overcome by others that consider multiple criteria, involving several areas of the companies and taking into account the opinions of the stakeholders involved in these decisions. Inventory management becomes part of a complex system that involves stakeholders from different areas of the company, where each agent has limited information and where the cooperation between such agents is key for the system's performance. In this paper, a distributed inventory control approach was used with the decisions allowing communication between the stakeholders and with a multicriteria group decision-making perspective. This work proposes a methodology that combines the analysis of the value chain and the AHP technique, in order to improve communication and the performance of the areas related to inventory management decision making. This methodology uses the areas of the value chain as a theoretical framework to identify the criteria necessary for the application of the AHP multicriteria group decision-making technique. These criteria were defined as indicators that measure the performance of the areas of the value chain related to inventory management and were used to classify ABC inventory of the products according to these selected criteria. Therefore, the methodology allows us to solve inventory management DDM based on multicriteria ABC classification and was validated in a Colombian company belonging to the graphic arts sector.PĂ©rez Vergara, IG.; Arias SĂĄnchez, JA.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Diego-Mas, JA. (2020). Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork. Complexity. 2020:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6758108S1132020Poveda-Bautista, R., Baptista, D. C., & GarcĂ­a-MelĂłn, M. (2012). Setting competitiveness indicators using BSC and ANP. International Journal of Production Research, 50(17), 4738-4752. doi:10.1080/00207543.2012.657964Castro Zuluaga, C. A., Velez Gallego, M. C., & Catro Urrego, J. A. (2011). 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    Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs

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    [EN] Currently, the management of water networks is key to increase their sustainability. This fact implies that water managers have to develop tools that ease the decision-making process in order to improve the efficiency of irrigation networks, as well as their exploitation costs. The present research proposes a mathematical programming model to optimize the selection of the water sources and the volume over time in water networks, minimizing the operation costs as a function of the water demand and the reservoir capacity. The model, which is based on fuzzy methods, improves the evaluation performed by water managers when they have to decide about the acquisition of the water resources under uncertain costs. Different fuzzy solution approaches have been applied and assessed in terms of model complexity and computational efficiency, showing the solution accomplished for each one. A comparison between different methods was applied in a real water network, reaching a 20% total cost reduction for the best solution.Sanchis, R.; DĂ­az-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; LĂłpez JimĂ©nez, PA.; PĂ©rez-SĂĄnchez, M. (2019). Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs. Water. 11(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122432S1221112Biswas, A. K. (2004). Integrated Water Resources Management: A Reassessment. Water International, 29(2), 248-256. doi:10.1080/02508060408691775Pahl-Wostl, C. (2006). Transitions towards adaptive management of water facing climate and global change. Water Resources Management, 21(1), 49-62. doi:10.1007/s11269-006-9040-4Wu, K., & Zhang, L. (2014). Progress in the Development of Environmental Risk Assessment as a Tool for the Decision-Making Process. Journal of Service Science and Management, 07(02), 131-143. doi:10.4236/jssm.2014.72011HernĂĄndez-Bedolla, J., Solera, A., Paredes-Arquiola, J., Pedro-MonzonĂ­s, M., Andreu, J., & SĂĄnchez-Quispe, S. (2017). The Assessment of Sustainability Indexes and Climate Change Impacts on Integrated Water Resource Management. Water, 9(3), 213. doi:10.3390/w9030213Hunink, J., Simons, G., SuĂĄrez-Almiñana, S., Solera, A., Andreu, J., Giuliani, M., 
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    Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Instagram Using Cross-media Bag-of-words Model

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    Instagram, one of social media sharing services has increasing growth of use and popularity during recent years. Photos or videos shared by Instagram users are challenging to be mined and analyzed for some purposes. One type of studies can be applied to Instagram data is sentiment analysis, a field of study that learn and analyze people opinion, sentiment, and (or) evaluation about something. Sentiment analysis applied to Instagram can be used as analytics tool for some business purposes such as user behavior, market intelligence and user evaluation. This research aimed to analyze sentiment contained on Instagrams post by considering two modalities: images and English text on its caption. The Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM) was applied for analyzing the sentiment contained on Instagrams post. CBM treated text and image features as a unit of vector representation. These cross-media features then classified using logistic regression to predict sentiment values which categorized into three classes: positive, negative and neutral. Simulation results showed that the combination of unigram text features and 56-length images features achieves the highest accuracy. The accuracy achieved is 87.2%. Keywords : Instagram, sentiment analysis, Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM), logistic regression, classification Bibliography [1] D. Borth, R. Ji, T. Chen, T. Breuel, and S.-F. Chang, “Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ser. MM '13. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013, pp. 223–232. [2] R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin, “Liblinear: A library for large linear classification,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 9, pp. 1871– 1874, Jun. 2008. [3] E. Ferrara, R. Interdonato, and A. 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    Bibliometric studies on single journals: a review

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    This paper covers a total of 82 bibliometric studies on single journals (62 studies cover unique titles) published between 1998 and 2008 grouped into the following fields; Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (12 items); Medical and Health Sciences (19 items); Sciences and Technology (30 items) and Library and Information Sciences (21 items). Under each field the studies are described in accordance to their geographical location in the following order, United Kingdom, United States and Americana, Europe, Asia (India, Africa and Malaysia). For each study, elements described are (a) the journal’s publication characteristics and indexation information; (b) the objectives; (c) the sampling and bibliometric measures used; and (d) the results observed. A list of journal titles studied is appended. The results show that (a)bibliometric studies cover journals in various fields; (b) there are several revisits of some journals which are considered important; (c) Asian and African contributions is high (41.4 of total studies; 43.5 covering unique titles), United States (30.4 of total; 31.0 on unique titles), Europe (18.2 of total and 14.5 on unique titles) and the United Kingdom (10 of total and 11 on unique titles); (d) a high number of bibliometrists are Indians and as such coverage of Indian journals is high (28 of total studies; 30.6 of unique titles); and (e) the quality of the journals and their importance either nationally or internationally are inferred from their indexation status

    Development and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Science Communication Module

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of an undergraduate final year science communication module for the Science Faculty at the University of East Anglia. The module focuses specifically on science communication and aims to bring an understanding of how science is disseminated to the public. Students on the module are made aware of the models surrounding science communication and investigate how the science culture interfaces with the public. During the module they learn how to adapt science concepts for different audiences and how to talk confidently about science to a lay-audience. Student motivation for module choice centres on the acquisition of transferable skills and students develop these skills through designing, running and evaluating a public outreach event at a school or in a public area. These transferable skills acquired include communication, interaction with different organisations such as museums and science centres, developing understanding of both the needs of different audiences and the importance of time management. They also develop skills relating to self-reflection and how to use this as a tool for future self development. The majority of students completing the module go on to further study, either a PhD, MSc or teacher training. The module can be sustained in its present formed if capped at 40 students, however it is recognised that to increase cohort size, further investment of faculty time and resources would be required
