335,733 research outputs found

    About Graph Mappings

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    In this articles adjacency-preserving mappings from a graph to another are formalized in the Mizar system [7], [2]. The generality of the approach seems to be largely unpreceeded in the literature to the best of the author’s knowledge. However, the most important property defined in the article is that of two graphs being isomorphic, which has been extensively studied. Another graph decorator is introduced as [email protected] Gutenberg University, Mainz, GermanyGrzegorz Bancerek. Introduction to trees. Formalized Mathematics, 1(2):421–427, 1990.Grzegorz Bancerek, CzesĹ‚aw Bylinski, Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniĹ‚owicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, and Karol Pak. The role of the Mizar Mathematical Library for interactive proof development in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1):9–32, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10817-017-9440-6.John Adrian Bondy and U. S. R. Murty. Graph Theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 244. Springer, New York, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84628-969-9.CzesĹ‚aw Bylinski. Functions and their basic properties. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1): 55–65, 1990.CzesĹ‚aw Bylinski. Functions from a set to a set. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1): 153–164, 1990.Christopher David Godsil and Gordon Royle. Algebraic graph theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics; 207. Springer, New York, 2001. ISBN 0-387-95220-9; 0-387-95241-1.Adam Grabowski, Artur KorniĹ‚owicz, and Adam Naumowicz. Four decades of Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55(3):191–198, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9345-1.Pavol Hell and Jaroslav Nesetril. Graphs and homomorphisms. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications; 28. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004. ISBN 0-19-852817-5.Ulrich Huckenbeck. Extremal paths in graphs: foundations, search strategies, and related topics, volume 10 of Mathematical Topics. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1. edition, 1997. ISBN 3-05-501658-0; 978-3-05-501658-5.Tommy R. Jensen and Bjarne Toft. Graph coloring problems. Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization. Wiley, New York, 1995. ISBN 0-471-02865-7.Ulrich Knauer. Algebraic graph theory: morphisms, monoids and matrices, volume 41 of De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics. Walter de Gruyter, 2011.Sebastian Koch. About supergraphs. Part I. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):101–124, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0009.Sebastian Koch. About supergraphs. Part II. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):125–140, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0010.Mike Krebs and Anthony Shaheen. Expander families and Cayley graphs: a beginners guide. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. ISBN 0-19-976711-4; 978-0-19-976711-3.Gilbert Lee and Piotr Rudnicki. Alternative graph structures. Formalized Mathematics, 13(2):235–252, 2005.Robin James Wilson. Introduction to Graph Theory. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1972. ISBN 0-05-002534-1.27326130

    EEG Resting-State Brain Topological Reorganization as a Function of Age

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    Resting state connectivity has been increasingly studied to investigate the effects of aging on the brain. A reduced organization in the communication between brain areas was demonstrated b y combining a variety of different imaging technologies (fMRI, EEG, and MEG) and graph theory. In this paper, we propose a methodology to get new insights into resting state connectivity and its variations with age, by combining advanced techniques of effective connectivity estimation, graph theoretical approach, and classification by SVM method. We analyzed high density EEG signal srecordedatrestfrom71healthysubjects(age:20–63years). Weighted and directed connectivity was computed by means of Partial Directed Coherence based on a General Linear Kalman filter approach. To keep the information collected by the estimator, weighted and directed graph indices were extracted from the resulting networks. A relation between brain network properties and age of the subject was found, indicating a tendency of the network to randomly organize increasing with age. This result is also confirmed dividing the whole population into two subgroups according to the age (young and middle-aged adults): significant differences exist in terms of network organization measures. Classification of the subjects by means of such indices returns an accuracy greater than 80

    A survey of statistical network models

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    Networks are ubiquitous in science and have become a focal point for discussion in everyday life. Formal statistical models for the analysis of network data have emerged as a major topic of interest in diverse areas of study, and most of these involve a form of graphical representation. Probability models on graphs date back to 1959. Along with empirical studies in social psychology and sociology from the 1960s, these early works generated an active network community and a substantial literature in the 1970s. This effort moved into the statistical literature in the late 1970s and 1980s, and the past decade has seen a burgeoning network literature in statistical physics and computer science. The growth of the World Wide Web and the emergence of online networking communities such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, and a host of more specialized professional network communities has intensified interest in the study of networks and network data. Our goal in this review is to provide the reader with an entry point to this burgeoning literature. We begin with an overview of the historical development of statistical network modeling and then we introduce a number of examples that have been studied in the network literature. Our subsequent discussion focuses on a number of prominent static and dynamic network models and their interconnections. We emphasize formal model descriptions, and pay special attention to the interpretation of parameters and their estimation. We end with a description of some open problems and challenges for machine learning and statistics.Comment: 96 pages, 14 figures, 333 reference

    On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence parameters of graphs

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    The definitions of four previously studied parameters related to total coverings and total matchings of graphs can be restricted, thereby obtaining eight parameters related to covering and independence, each of which has been studied previously in some form. Here we survey briefly results concerning total coverings and total matchings of graphs, and consider the aforementioned 12 covering and independence parameters with regard to algorithmic complexity. We survey briefly known results for several graph classes, and obtain new NP-completeness results for the minimum total cover and maximum minimal total cover problems in planar graphs, the minimum maximal total matching problem in bipartite and chordal graphs, and the minimum independent dominating set problem in planar cubic graphs

    Benchmarks for Parity Games (extended version)

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    We propose a benchmark suite for parity games that includes all benchmarks that have been used in the literature, and make it available online. We give an overview of the parity games, including a description of how they have been generated. We also describe structural properties of parity games, and using these properties we show that our benchmarks are representative. With this work we provide a starting point for further experimentation with parity games.Comment: The corresponding tool and benchmarks are available from https://github.com/jkeiren/paritygame-generator. This is an extended version of the paper that has been accepted for FSEN 201

    Graphs in machine learning: an introduction

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    Graphs are commonly used to characterise interactions between objects of interest. Because they are based on a straightforward formalism, they are used in many scientific fields from computer science to historical sciences. In this paper, we give an introduction to some methods relying on graphs for learning. This includes both unsupervised and supervised methods. Unsupervised learning algorithms usually aim at visualising graphs in latent spaces and/or clustering the nodes. Both focus on extracting knowledge from graph topologies. While most existing techniques are only applicable to static graphs, where edges do not evolve through time, recent developments have shown that they could be extended to deal with evolving networks. In a supervised context, one generally aims at inferring labels or numerical values attached to nodes using both the graph and, when they are available, node characteristics. Balancing the two sources of information can be challenging, especially as they can disagree locally or globally. In both contexts, supervised and un-supervised, data can be relational (augmented with one or several global graphs) as described above, or graph valued. In this latter case, each object of interest is given as a full graph (possibly completed by other characteristics). In this context, natural tasks include graph clustering (as in producing clusters of graphs rather than clusters of nodes in a single graph), graph classification, etc. 1 Real networks One of the first practical studies on graphs can be dated back to the original work of Moreno [51] in the 30s. Since then, there has been a growing interest in graph analysis associated with strong developments in the modelling and the processing of these data. Graphs are now used in many scientific fields. In Biology [54, 2, 7], for instance, metabolic networks can describe pathways of biochemical reactions [41], while in social sciences networks are used to represent relation ties between actors [66, 56, 36, 34]. Other examples include powergrids [71] and the web [75]. Recently, networks have also been considered in other areas such as geography [22] and history [59, 39]. In machine learning, networks are seen as powerful tools to model problems in order to extract information from data and for prediction purposes. This is the object of this paper. For more complete surveys, we refer to [28, 62, 49, 45]. In this section, we introduce notations and highlight properties shared by most real networks. In Section 2, we then consider methods aiming at extracting information from a unique network. We will particularly focus on clustering methods where the goal is to find clusters of vertices. Finally, in Section 3, techniques that take a series of networks into account, where each network i
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