12 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sumber Informasi dalam Membentuk Sikap Konsumen

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the characteristics of information sources in the form of the credibility of information sources and attraction information consumer attitudes to make purchases through the internet with the risk perceived by consumers as moderation. Sampling techniques which are used in this study is snowball sampling. The number of sample of 120 respondents in this study deemed to have met the criteria for determination of sample size which is suggested by Malhotra, Roscoe, and Kline. These results indicate that the higher the credibility and attraction information resources the perception of consumers the consumer attitude that will be established on the recommendation of the sources of information will be positive. High risk may weaken the relationship characteristics of information resources the attitude of consumers to make purchases via the internet

    Karakteristik Sumber Informasi dalam Membentuk Sikap Konsumen

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the characteristics of information sources in the form of the credibility of information sources and attraction information consumer attitudes to make purchases through the internet with the risk perceived by consumers as moderation. Sampling techniques which are used in this study is snowball sampling. The number of sample of 120 respondents in this study deemed to have met the criteria for determination of sample size which is suggested by Malhotra, Roscoe, and Kline. These results indicate that the higher the credibility and attraction information resources the perception of consumers the consumer attitude that will be established on the recommendation of the sources of information will be positive. High risk may weaken the relationship characteristics of information resources the attitude of consumers to make purchases via the internet


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    ABSTRAKBerbagai penelitian yang membahas perilaku mengirim dan berbagi foto digital di media sosial mulai banyak bermunculan dalam rentang sepuluh tahun terakhir. Beberapa diantaranya memfokuskan pada kepribadian pengguna media sosial. Sebagian peneliti membuktikan bahwa kepribadian individu dapat memengaruhi motivasi mengirim dan berbagi foto digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pengaruh faktor kepribadian pada komunikasi melalui foto digital di media sosial. Pendekatan penelitian yang dipilih adalah kualitatif dengan teknik conceputal review dan metode studi literatur. Total 14 literatur yang relevan dengan topik penelitian kemudian dianalisis dan disintaksis. Ditemukan bahwa faktor kepribadian dapat memengaruhi motif seseorang untuk mengirim dan berbagi foto digital di media sosial. Dua faktor kepribadian yang memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan adalah extraversion dan neuroticism. Penelitian terkait faktor kepribadian dan perilaku mengirim dan membagikan foto digital masih bisa diekspolarasi lebih dalam pada penelitian-penelitian yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Foto Digital, Media Sosial, Komunikasi Fotografi, Extraversion, Neuroticis

    Presencia del Estado y Plataforma de Servicios Digitales

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    This article consists of a qualitative analysis of different sources on the digitalisation of the Peruvian state and its services in the new digital society. The expansion of the internet has accelerated along with the advance of recent technological disruptions with a relevant impact on the interests and capabilities of the population. The essence of technology lies in optimisation, so its integration through the digitisation of society was logical as its efficiency increased. This process impacts relationships, social dynamics, as well as the horizons of state action. Taking advantage of and integrating these resources is necessary to boost the development of countries like Peru, but it must be done strategically. The first step is the digitalisation process of public services, which must include giving sufficient relevance to coordinating the design and implementation of regulations and new digital infrastructure. But in addition to creating new digital channels, seeking the correct articulation between digital services and resources is necessary. In this way, the State will be consolidated as a unified platform of services and become an efficient digital entity at the service of digital users. Finally, guaranteeing the integration of national cyber defence will be vital to ensuring the stability and protection of the new digital platform and its users. This transformation will ensure the successful adaptation of the public apparatus and its services to the trends and disruptive waves that will continue to develop in the near future.Este articulo consiste en un análisis cualitativo de distintas fuentes acerca de la digitalización del estado peruano y sus servicios en la nueva sociedad digital. La expansión de internet se ha acelerado junto al avance de disrupciones tecnológicas recientes con un impacto relevante en los intereses y capacidades de la población. La esencia de la tecnología está en la optimización, por lo que su integración mediante la digitalización de la sociedad era lógica a medida aumentara su eficiencia. Este proceso impacta en las relaciones, dinámicas sociales, así como los horizontes de acción del Estado. Aprovechar e integrar estos recursos es necesario para impulsar el desarrollo de países como Perú, pero debe hacerse de forma estratégica. Un primer paso es el proceso de digitalización de los servicios públicos que debe incluir dar suficiente relevancia a las coordinaciones de diseño e implementación de las normativas y nuevas infraestructuras digitales. Pero, además de la creación de nuevos canales digitales es necesario buscar la correcta articulación entre servicios y recursos digitales. De esta manera el Estado de consolidará como una plataforma unificada de servicios y pasará a ser un ente digital eficiente a servicio de los usuarios digitales. Finalmente, garantizar la integración de la ciberdefensa nacional será clave para asegurar la estabilidad y protección de la nueva plataforma digital junto a la de sus usuarios. Con esta transformación se logrará la adaptación exitosa del aparato público y sus servicios ante las tendencias y olas disruptivas que seguirán desarrollándose en el futuro próximo

    Hyperpartisanship, Disinformation and Political Conversations on Twitter: The Brazilian Presidential Election of 2018

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    This paper examines the role of hyperpartisanship and polarization on Twitter during the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Election. Based on a mixed-methods approach, we collected and analyzed a dataset of over 8 million tweets about Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right candidate from the Social Liberty Party. Our results show that there is a strong connection between polarization, hyperpartisanship and disinformation. As the centrality of hyperpartisan outlets on Twitter grew, more traditional media outlets became less central and conversations became more polarized. We also confirmed that hyperpartisan outlets often shared disinformation or biased information, presented as a “truth-telling” alternative to journalistic outlets. And while disinformation was more frequently observed in the far-right group, it was also present in the anti-Bolsonaro cluster, especially towards the runoff period

    Talvivaara ja kommenteissa keskustelevat julkisot: Keskustelunanalyyttinen menetelmäkokeilu verkkouutisten kommentoinnista

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    Verkkouutisten kommentoinnin tutkimus ja tätä kautta tuntemus on jäänyt mediatutkimuksen kentällä toistaiseksi vähäiseksi, ja verkkokeskusteluiden arvoa julkisen keskustelun muotona on systemaattisesti väheksytty. Tässä artikkelissa kommentointia tarkastellaan julkisen keskustelun ja ennen kaikkea julkison käsitteen viitekehyksessä. Teoreettinen ja analyyttinen perusta rakentuu ajatukselle julkiseen keskusteluun osallistuvasta julkisosta. Artikkelissani selvitän, onko kommentointi mahdollista käsittää julkisen keskustelun muodoksi ja julkisona toimimiseksi. Tähän kysymykseen kytkeytyy pyrkimys keskustelunanalyysin soveltamisesta kommentointiin: voiko kommentointia tutkia keskusteluna? Aineisto koostuu Talvivaaran kaivoksen kipsisakka­altaan vuotoa koskevasta verkkouutisoinnista ja kommentoinnista kolmessa lehdessä ja kontekstissa: paikallisessa, maakunnallisessa ja valtakunnallisessa. Menetelmällinen testaus osoittaa, että kommentointi pitää sisällään keskustelua, jossa puhutellaan sekä uutista, kommentoijia että laajempaa julkista kuulijakuntaa, ”muita”. Ratkaiseviksi tekijöiksi julkison kehittymisen kannalta nousevat myös muun muassa nimimerkkien vaikutus ja jaetun ongelman kontekstisidonnaisuus. Kokonaisuudessaan analyysi piirtää kuvaa varsin erilaisista julkisona keskustelemisen muodoista, joissa keskustelun laatua merkittävämmässä roolissa vaikuttavat toiminnan motiivit.Verkkouutisten kommentoinnin tutkimus ja tätä kautta tuntemus on jäänyt mediatutkimuksen kentällä toistaiseksi vähäiseksi, ja verkkokeskusteluiden arvoa julkisen keskustelun muotona on systemaattisesti väheksytty. Tässä artikkelissa kommentointia tarkastellaan julkisen keskustelun ja ennen kaikkea julkison käsitteen viitekehyksessä. Teoreettinen ja analyyttinen perusta rakentuu ajatukselle julkiseen keskusteluun osallistuvasta julkisosta. Artikkelissani selvitän, onko kommentointi mahdollista käsittää julkisen keskustelun muodoksi ja julkisona toimimiseksi. Tähän kysymykseen kytkeytyy pyrkimys keskustelunanalyysin soveltamisesta kommentointiin: voiko kommentointia tutkia keskusteluna? Aineisto koostuu Talvivaaran kaivoksen kipsisakka­altaan vuotoa koskevasta verkkouutisoinnista ja kommentoinnista kolmessa lehdessä ja kontekstissa: paikallisessa, maakunnallisessa ja valtakunnallisessa. Menetelmällinen testaus osoittaa, että kommentointi pitää sisällään keskustelua, jossa puhutellaan sekä uutista, kommentoijia että laajempaa julkista kuulijakuntaa, ”muita”. Ratkaiseviksi tekijöiksi julkison kehittymisen kannalta nousevat myös muun muassa nimimerkkien vaikutus ja jaetun ongelman kontekstisidonnaisuus. Kokonaisuudessaan analyysi piirtää kuvaa varsin erilaisista julkisona keskustelemisen muodoista, joissa keskustelun laatua merkittävämmässä roolissa vaikuttavat toiminnan motiivit

    The virtualization of the church: new media representations of Neo-Pentecostal performance(s) in South Africa

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    Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of Degree Master of Arts in Sociology In the Graduate School of Humanities School of Social Sciences Department of Sociology University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 2016.The advent of new media, more specifically social media, has galvanized and radically revolutionized how religion is experienced, lived and expressed in (South) Africa. Social media has transmogrified the orthodox and normative modes of religious engagement and interaction. Day-to-day religious practices have become highly reliant on the (new) media. It is only logical therefore to foreground and locate the (new) media within the deeper inquiries relating to social phenomenon and social life. Social media has become the benchmark for understanding the transitions with regards to conceptualizing social phenomenon like Neo-Pentecostalism, which in recent times has taken the African continent by storm. This study explores how church performances and practices of controversial South African Neo-Pentecostal church End Time Disciples Ministries, led by notoriously shady and delinquent Prophet Penuel are represented on Facebook. The study is interested in analysing the online representations of church performance of this particular church. Moreover, the study committed at understanding how audiences (those who engage and interact on Facebook page) decode and interpret the messages and representational exhibitions disseminated through the church’s Facebook page. Through the employment of a rigorous Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA), both visual and lexical semiotic choices on the Facebook page were analysed in order to demystify discursive, ideological and investments of power. It must be lamented that the intersections between religion and new/social media have been marginally ignored within qualitative epistemic inquiries. This study provides a breath of fresh air in that regard. The current status quo enlightens us that social relations have become vehemently digitized. It is therefore relevant and expedient for digital platforms to be taken seriously within sociological intellectual inquests. Church performances are receiving great impetus and potency on new/social media domains but minimal scholastic investment has been channelled in that direction. The End Time Disciple Ministries Facebook page is a platform where the most salient and non-salient representational projects of violence, power, exploitation, manipulation, hegemony, patriarchy are exhibited for public broadcast and consumption.MT201

    Cyber-activism and the Islamic Salafi movement in Indonesia

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    Prevailing studies of Islamic activism and the internet tend to evaluate the significance (or insignificance) of the internet for an Islamic movement as a unified whole, ignoring intra-movement heterogeneity and internal dynamics. By contrast, this study offers a pluralistic vision of Islamic activism, identifying separate streams or groups of a particular theological tradition within Islam. It therefore analyses the relevance of the internet for such Islamic groups in a more nuanced and variegated manner. To this end, drawing on resource mobilization theory, it analyses internet use by the Salafi movement with a specific focus of Salafists in Indonesia. It identifies resource inequality among different Salafi groups as accounting for intra-movement difference and the varied significance of the internet for groups within the Salafi movement. The study demonstrates that although each Salafi group adopted the internet as a new important resource for their social, religious, and organizational interests, groups did not actually mobilize it for this purpose in similar ways or degrees. The resource-poor Salafi groups tended to mobilize the internet more actively than the resource-rich ones. Different access to resources among Salafi groups contributed to these different levels of actual mobilization of the internet by the Salafi groups. Accordingly, the significance of the internet is not uniform across the Salafi movement in Indonesia. Rather, each Salafi group’s use of the internet was influenced by offline factors and particularly access to other organizational resources. Therefore, this study argues that the significance of the internet for Islamic movements is not uniform, but rather diverges due to intra-movement complexities and dynamics including internal fragmentation and the differential state of intra-movement organizational resources. The significance of the internet as a resource for an Islamic movement thus varies enormously across intra-movement factions or groups depending on access to other resources