12 research outputs found

    A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-based web APIs

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    JavaScript has been widely adopted for the development of Web applications, being used for both client and server-side code. Client-side JavaScript programs commonly interact with Web APIs, for instance, to capture the user interaction with the Web page via events. The use of such APIs increases the complexity of JavaScript programs. In fact, most errors in these programs are caused by the misuse of Web APIs. There are several approaches for detecting errors in client-side JavaScript programs, but they either assume the use of a single API or do not model APIs faithfully, giving rise to inconsistent behaviour and lack of trust. We address the problem by developing a trustworthy infrastructure for the static analysis of Web APIs. We focus on two aspects of JavaScript programs: event-driven and message-passing programming, as these paradigms are common sources of confusion among developers. We choose to target the DOM event model and the JavaScript Promises and JavaScript async/await, which facilitate event-driven programming. Additionally, we target the message-passing model of the WebMessaging and WebWorkers APIs. We design formal semantics for events and message-passing to capture fundamental operations required by those APIs, and API reference implementations which are trustworthy in that they follow the respective standards and have been thoroughly tested against their official test suites. Using our formal semantics and reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, the first static symbolic execution tool for JavaScript supporting both event-based and message-passing APIs. We evaluated both the reference implementations and the symbolic execution engine of JaVerT.Click. By testing the reference implementations against their official test suites, we found coverage gaps and issues in the test suites, most of which have been since fixed. By testing the symbolic execution engine against three open-source libraries, we established the bounded correctness of functional properties and found real bugs.Open Acces

    A Study on Formal Verification for JavaScript Software

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    Information security is still a major problem for users of websites and hybrid mobile applications. While many apps and websites come with terms of service agreements between the developer and end user, there is no rigorous mechanism in place to ensure that these agreements are being followed. Formal methods can offer greater confidence that these policies are being followed, but there is currently no widely adopted tool that makes formal methods available for average consumers. After studying the current state-of-the-art in JavaScript policy enforcement and verification, this research proposes several new techniques for applying model checking to JavaScript that strikes a balance of low runtime overhead and fine-grained policy enforcement that other techniques do not achieve

    A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-driven web applications

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    We introduce a trusted infrastructure for the symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applica-tions. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UIEvents, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScriptasync/awaitAPIs, all underpinned by a simpleCore Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying theseAPIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that three follow the appropriate standardsline-by-line and all are thoroughly tested against the official test-suites, passing all the applicabletests. Using the Core Event Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click,a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScriptprograms that use multiple event-related APIs. We demonstrate the viability of JaVerT.Click byproving both the presence and absence of bugs in real-world JavaScript code

    A Trusted Infrastructure for Symbolic Analysis of Event-Driven Web Applications

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    We introduce a trusted infrastructure for the symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applications. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UI Events, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScript async/await APIs, all underpinned by a simple Core Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying these APIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that three follow the appropriate standards line-by-line and all are thoroughly tested against the official test-suites, passing all the applicable tests. Using the Core Event Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScript programs that use multiple event-related APIs. We demonstrate the viability of JaVerT.Click by proving both the presence and absence of bugs in real-world JavaScript code

    Toward Tool-Independent Summaries for Symbolic Execution

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    We introduce a new symbolic reflection API for implementing tool-independent summaries for the symbolic execution of C programs. We formalise the proposed API as a symbolic semantics and extend two state-of-the-art symbolic execution tools with support for it. Using the proposed API, we implement 67 tool-independent symbolic summaries for a total of 26 libc functions. Furthermore, we present SumBoundVerify, a fully automatic summary validation tool for checking the bounded correctness of the symbolic summaries written using our symbolic reflection API. We use SumBoundVerify to validate 37 symbolic summaries taken from 3 state-of-the-art symbolic execution tools, angr, Binsec and Manticore, detecting a total of 24 buggy summaries

    Exact separation logic: towards bridging the gap between verification and bug-finding

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    Over-approximating (OX) program logics, such as separation logic (SL), are used for verifying properties of heap-manipulating programs: all terminating behaviour is characterised, but established results and errors need not be reachable. OX function specifications are thus incompatible with true bug-finding supported by symbolic execution tools such as Pulse and Pulse-X. In contrast, under-approximating (UX) program logics, such as incorrectness separation logic, are used to find true results and bugs: established results and errors are reachable, but there is no mechanism for understanding if all terminating behaviour has been characterised. We introduce exact separation logic (ESL), which provides fully-verified function specifications compatible with both OX verification and UX true bug-funding: all terminating behaviour is characterised and all established results and errors are reachable. We prove soundness for ESL with mutually recursive functions, demonstrating, for the first time, function compositionality for a UX logic. We show that UX program logics require subtle definitions of internal and external function specifications compared with the familiar definitions of OX logics. We investigate the expressivity of ESL and, for the first time, explore the role of abstraction in UX reasoning by verifying abstract ESL specifications of various data-structure algorithms. In doing so, we highlight the difference between abstraction (hiding information) and over-approximation (losing information). Our findings demonstrate that abstraction cannot be used as freely in UX logics as in OX logics, but also that it should be feasible to use ESL to provide tractable function specifications for self-contained, critical code, which would then be used for both verification and true bug-finding

    Concolic Testing Heap-Manipulating Programs

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    Concolic testing is a test generation technique which works effectively by integrating random testing generation and symbolic execution. Existing concolic testing engines focus on numeric programs. Heap-manipulating programs make extensive use of complex heap objects like trees and lists. Testing such programs is challenging due to multiple reasons. Firstly, test inputs for such program are required to satisfy non-trivial constraints which must be specified precisely. Secondly, precisely encoding and solving path conditions in such programs are challenging and often expensive. In this work, we propose the first concolic testing engine called CSF for heap-manipulating programs based on separation logic. CSF effectively combines specification-based testing and concolic execution for test input generation. It is evaluated on a set of challenging heap-manipulating programs. The results show that CSF generates valid test inputs with high coverage efficiently. Furthermore, we show that CSF can be potentially used in combination with precondition inference tools to reduce the user effort

    Exact Separation Logic

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    Over-approximating (OX) program logics, such as separation logic (SL), are used for verifying properties of heap-manipulating programs: all terminating behaviour is characterised, but established results and errors need not be reachable. OX function specifications are thus incompatible with true bug-finding supported by symbolic execution tools such as Pulse and Pulse-X. In contrast, under-approximating (UX) program logics, such as incorrectness separation logic, are used to find true results and bugs: established results and errors are reachable, but there is no mechanism for understanding if all terminating behaviour has been characterised. We introduce exact separation logic (ESL), which provides fully-verified function specifications compatible with both OX verification and UX true bug-funding: all terminating behaviour is characterised, and all established results and errors are reachable. We prove soundness for ESL with mutually recursive functions, demonstrating, for the first time, function compositionality for a UX logic. We show that UX program logics require subtle definitions of internal and external function specifications compared with the familiar definitions of OX logics. We investigate the expressivity of ESL and, for the first time, explore the role of abstraction in UX reasoning by verifying abstract ESL specifications of various data-structure algorithms. In doing so, we highlight the difference between abstraction (hiding information) and over-approximation (losing information). Our findings demonstrate that, expectedly, abstraction cannot be used as freely in UX logics as in OX logics, but also that it should be feasible to use ESL to provide tractable function specifications for self-contained, critical code, which would then be used for both verification and true bug-finding