17 research outputs found


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    This work describes a solution of gathering questionnaire information by using information technologies. To be precise, it is suggested that distributive information service-the Internet, and possibilities of dynamic hypermedia interface of World Wide Web should be used. The use of those services ensures a number of advantages, although there are some disadvantages. This work describes one system for creating Web-questionnaire by using a script language similar to a common, natural language. The procedure of designing a questionnaire for a Web-survey was clarified by an example that was made. Exploring the possibilities of applying the system like that has the goal to simplify survey interviewing by a questionnaire in determined conditions, and the goal of this work is to clarify possibilities of proposed script language and the way it works

    Rethinking the shadow economy in terms of happiness. Evidence for the European Union Member States

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    This paper’s goal is to highlight how happiness affects the level of shadow economy, by using many control variables within different types of potentially determining factors of shadow economy. Another main contribution consists in the systematic comparison between old and new European Union member states in terms of determinants of shadow economy, including happiness. Our findings consist in the fact that happier people are more likely to act honestly, thus causing a decrease in the size of shadow economy and this result is valid both for old and new European Union countries. In addition, we found that the quality of public governance and the richness of a country are associated with a lower propensity towards shadow economy for all the member states. However, the relationship between public governance and shadow economy are never sig-nificant when the happiness and richness variables vary simultaneously. Our research reveals that the shadow economy in European Union countries is explained in percent of about 62% by richness and happiness of the people. Contrary to our expectations, the fiscal pressure seems not to be a determinant for shadow economy in the European Union space. First published online 4 December 2016

    Towards a modern role for liability in multimodal transport law.

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    It is now accepted that multimodal transport plays a key role in international trade and commerce, yet its' liability regime is uncertain and unpredictable. A sound liability regime is essential to bring certainty and enhance the development of this mode of transport. In international trade, goods may be carried in a variety of ways by sea, road, and rail or by air. These are not the only ways that goods are carried. Increasingly, goods are being carried by a combination of modes, which has come to be known as multimodal transport. As long as international transport continues, damage and loss to goods carried will occur such incidences are usually followed by a variety of claims and compensations. When such loss or damage occurs during carriage by a single mode, the liability of the carrier is regulated by one of the international transport conventions. However, when such loss or damage occurs during multimodal carriage, there is no such regulation available. What might apply is one of the international conventions applicable in unimodal transport, if the loss or damage can be localised to a particular mode. This stems from the fact that these conventions are mandatory and multimodal transport is regarded as a combination of modes. When it is not possible to predict when loss or damage occurred, the problem it creates is uncertainty and unpredictability as to the liability regime applicable. Following the attempts made over the past decades, in which attention has been focused on seeking a predictable liability regime in multimodal transport through existing mandatory law and model contracts, a consensus has emerged that unimodal solutions cannot be used to solve multimodal problems. In the light of these discussions, this thesis argues that multimodal transport is different and deserves a liability regime that will reflect its nature and bring about predictability. And the conclusion favoured in this work is a leadership role for multimodal transport, to lead rather than be led by unimodal transport


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    The present article and the forthcoming second part on Trusted Compiler Implementation\ud address correct construction and functioning of large computer based systems. In view\ud of so many annoying and dangerous system misbehaviors we ask: Can informaticians\ud righteously be accounted for incorrectness of systems, will they be able to justify systems\ud to work correctly as intended? We understand the word justification in the sense: design\ud of computer based systems, formulation of mathematical models of information flows, and\ud construction of controlling software are to be such that the expected system effects, the\ud absence of internal failures, and the robustness towards misuses and malicious external attacks\ud are foreseeable as logical consequences of the models.\ud Since more than 40 years, theoretical informatics, software engineering and compiler\ud construction have made important contributions to correct specification and also to correct\ud high-level implementation of compilers. But the third step, translation - bootstrapping - of\ud high level compiler programs to host machine code by existing host compilers, is as important.\ud So far there are no realistic recipes to close this correctness gap, although it is known\ud for some years that trust in executable code can dangerously be compromised by Trojan\ud Horses in compiler executables, even if they pass strongest tests.\ud In the present first article we will give a comprehensive motivation and develop\ud a mathematical theory in order to conscientiously prove the correctness of an initial fully\ud trusted compiler executable. The task will be modularized in three steps. The third step of\ud machine level compiler implementation verification is the topic of the forthcoming second\ud part on Trusted Compiler Implementation. It closes the implementation gap, not only for\ud compilers but also for correct software-based systems in general. Thus, the two articles together\ud give a rather confident answer to the question raised in the title

    Realistic correct systems implementation

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    Подана перша частина статті і наступна її друга частина присвячені методам коректної побудови і функціонування великих комп'ютерних систем. У центрі уваги – проблема обґрунтування, що подається в сенсі формулювання математичної моделі інформаційних потоків у комп'ютерній системі і побудови керуючого програмного забезпечення, що контролює слушність поводження, відсутність внутрішніх помилок і усталеність стосовно зовнішніх атак як логічні наслідки, що одержуються з моделі. У першій частині статті викладена математична теорія доказової побудови компіляторівПредставленная первая часть статьи и последующая ее вторая часть посвящены методам корректного построения и функционирования больших компьютерных систем. В центре внимания – проблема обоснования, понимаемая в смысле формулирования математической модели информационных потоков в компьютерной системе и построения управляющего программного обеспечения, контролирующего правильность поведения, отсутствие внутренних ошибок и устойчивость по отношению к внешним атакам как логические следствия, получаемые из модели. В первой части статьи изложена математическая теория доказательного построения компиляторов

    A reflective architecture to support dynamic software evolution

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    This thesis presents work which is concerned with the run-time evolution of component-based software systems. In particular, the main result of the research presented here is a framework which is used to model and control the architecture of a software system. This framework allows the run-time manipulation of the components which make up a software system. The framework makes the architecture of software systems visible, and allows interaction with it, using a reflective meta-object protocol. The motivating objectives of this work are providing a framework to support architectural flexibility, higher-level intervention, safe changes, and architectural visibility in software systems. The framework's behaviour and structure was motivated by a set of case-studies which have been used to guide its development and enhancement. The framework was developed iteratively, using each case-study in turn to evaluate its capabilities and to prompt the direction of development. A detailed set of evaluation criteria are developed, and the framework is evaluated with respect to these. The framework was found to meet each of the four objectives fully, with the exception of the aim to allow only safe changes which is only partly satisfied. Ways in which the framework can be improved in order to more fully satisfy its objectives are suggested, as are other extensions to its behaviour

    SAVCBS 2003: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems

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    These are the proceedings for the SAVCBS 2003 workshop. This workshop was held at ESEC/FSE 2003 in Helsinki Finland in September 2003

    Integration of Generative Programming and Scripting Languages

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    Doktorska disertacija bavi se integracijom dviju danas aktualnih tehnologija na području programiranja, generativnog programiranja i jezika skripata na način da je izrađen koncept generativnog programiranja temeljen na jezicima skripata. Za razliku od sličnih projekata u svijetu, ovdje je naglasak stavljen na izradu grafičkog modela koji omogućuje modeliranje generatora aplikacija, te na generativnom razvoju, kao postupku paralelnog razvoja aplikacija i generatora. Time se postiže skraćenje razvojnog ciklusa aplikacija, optimizacija performansi, te pojednostavljenje održavanja. Razvijeni generatori mogu se upotrijebiti u okviru novih projekata.The doctoral dissertation examines the integration of two actual technologies in programming, generative programming and scripting languages in a way that the concept of generative programming based on scripting languages has been made. In a difference to the similar projects wide, the accent was put on building graphic model for application generators modelling, and also on generative development, as a process of parallel application and generator development. The benefits are shortening of application development circle, optimization of performances and simplifying of maintenance. The developed generators can be used in new projects

    Integration of Generative Programming and Scripting Languages

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    Doktorska disertacija bavi se integracijom dviju danas aktualnih tehnologija na području programiranja, generativnog programiranja i jezika skripata na način da je izrađen koncept generativnog programiranja temeljen na jezicima skripata. Za razliku od sličnih projekata u svijetu, ovdje je naglasak stavljen na izradu grafičkog modela koji omogućuje modeliranje generatora aplikacija, te na generativnom razvoju, kao postupku paralelnog razvoja aplikacija i generatora. Time se postiže skraćenje razvojnog ciklusa aplikacija, optimizacija performansi, te pojednostavljenje održavanja. Razvijeni generatori mogu se upotrijebiti u okviru novih projekata.The doctoral dissertation examines the integration of two actual technologies in programming, generative programming and scripting languages in a way that the concept of generative programming based on scripting languages has been made. In a difference to the similar projects wide, the accent was put on building graphic model for application generators modelling, and also on generative development, as a process of parallel application and generator development. The benefits are shortening of application development circle, optimization of performances and simplifying of maintenance. The developed generators can be used in new projects