84 research outputs found

    Applications of Mash-ups for a Digital Journal

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    The WWW is currently experiencing a revolutionary growth due to numerous emerging tools, techniques and concepts. Digital journals thus need to transform themselves to cope with this evolution of the web. With their growing information size and access, conventional techniques for managing a journal and supporting authors and readers are becoming insufficient. Journals of the future need to provide innovative administrative tools in helping its managers to ensure quality. They also need to provide better facilities for assisting authors and readers in making decisions regarding their submission of papers and in providing novel navigational features for finding relevant publications and collaborators in particular areas of interest. In this paper, we explore an innovative solution to address these problems by using an emerging Web 2.0 technology. We explore the application of mash-ups for J.UCS - the Journal of Universal Computer Science and encourage readers and authors to try out the applications (see section 11 Conclusions). J.UCS can then serve as a model for contemporary electronic journals

    Creating Links into the Future

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    We are approaching an era where research materials will be stored more and more as digital resources on the World Wide Web. This of course will enable easier access to online publications. As the number of electronic publications expands, it will, however, become a challenge for individuals to find related or relevant papers. Related papers could be papers written by the same team of authors or by one of the authors, or even papers that deal with the same topic but were written by other authors. This, of course, raises the issue of linking to papers forward in time, or as we call it “links into the future”. To be concrete, while reading a paper written in the year 1980, it would be nice to know if the same author has written another related paper in 1990’s or if the same author has written a paper earlier, all this without making an explicit search. Based on the ascertained interest of a person reading a particular paper from a digital repository, an auto-suggestion facility could be useful to indicate papers in the same area, category and subject that might potentially be of interest to the reader. One is typically interested in finding related papers by the same author or by one of the authors of a paper. This feature can be implemented in two ways. The first is by creating links from this paper to all the relevant papers and updating it periodically for new papers appearing on the World Wide Web. Another way is by going through the references of all papers appearing on the WWW. Based on the references, one can create mutual links to the papers that are referred to

    DEJA : A Year in Review

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    The MIT Libraries' proposed to the Mellon Foundation to plan a preservation archive for dynamic electronic journals (DEJA : a Dynamic E-Journal Archive) that would be reliable, secure, enduring, and sustainable over the long term. The Foundation's own request for proposals had previously laid out that it was interested in preserving the wealth of research electronic journals currently available to the scholarly community before it was too late

    Implementation of a Wiki-based Information and Communication System for Academia Europaea

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    In recent years, online collaboration tools such as wikis have experienced a tremendous expansion. Their success and popularity is due to their simple and efficient content creation facilities. Moreover, the formatting syntax is basically easy to learn allowing users to easily create and edit web content and thus share knowledge with each other.Despite these advantages, the content creation process is still obscure if authors belong to a computer inexperienced user group. In this paper we present our experiences, challenges, and problems with a specific application of a wiki-based system called the Academia Europaea Information and Communication System. Furthermore, key solutions for bypassing user interaction barriers are discussed throughout this paper

    Anchored Discussion: Development of a Tool for Creativity in Online Collaboration

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    Open innovation and crowdsourcing rely on online collaboration tools to enable dispersed people to collaborate on creative ideas. Research shows that creativity in online groups is significantly influenced by the interaction between group members. In this paper, we demonstrate how theory can be effectively used to design and evaluate a tool for creative online collaboration. Specifically, we use the body of knowledge on creativity support systems to inform the development of a tool to support anchored discussions. Anchored discussions represent a new mode for creative interaction. In anchored discussion every comment is tied to some aspect of an idea. We evaluated the anchored discussion tool in a laboratory experiment, which generated insights for additional and refined research. Our results indicate that anchored discussion leads to a more structured discussion amongst group members and consequently to more creative outcomes. In a post session survey, participants made several suggestions on how to improve anchored discussion. This paper concludes that anchored discussion is promising as a new tool to aid online groups in creative collaboration. This paper extends a previous version presented at CRIWG 2015 [Link, 2015]

    Success Canvas® in practice

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engineering and Management of Information SystemsIn the past few years, canvas has been proved to be a valuable tool. Canvas are management tools characterized by presenting a visual template, that can be customized and applied according to a specific target, creating, or documenting theoretical structures to serve as support for addressing design problems or identifying relevant aspects in the context of an area. These frameworks are often systematized into conceptual boxes with the intent of guiding the user to gather and analyze critical information to achieve their objective and improve performance with transparency. In the Information Systems project management field, there are scarce studies that focus on practical cases using canvas as management tools, specifically examining project success. The Success Canvas® or Project Management Success Map®, is an exception since it captures the definition of success in a project and what is meaningful to accomplish it, considering, for example, the criteria for evaluating success, expected benefits, and success factors. Due to the lack of literature surrounding canvas and the ambiguous concept of success, especially when followed by project management, there is an opportunity to explore this topic by studying on the current state of the art regarding existing canvas in the information systems field, as well as the results that they have been showing in practice, to characterize the contribution of the Success Canvas® to improve project management. To conduct this study, it was adopted a Multiple Case Study methodology. This study contributes with new insights on the benefits of the practical usage of the Success Canvas®, as well as expanding the current literature.Os canvas têm sido reconhecidos como instrumentos de grande utilidade no contexto da gestão. Sendo caracterizados como ferramentas de gestão visuais, permitem identificar aspetos relevantes numa determinada área de aplicação. Estes instrumentos são frequentemente estruturados em caixas temáticas, com a intenção de orientar o utilizador na recolha e análise de informações cruciais a fim de atingir um objetivo, assim como melhorar o desempenho com transparência. No âmbito da gestão de projetos de Sistemas de Informação, são escassos os estudos focados no uso de canvas como instrumentos de gestão, especificamente quando nos referimos ao sucesso de projetos. O Success Canvas® ou Project Management Success Map®, trata-se de uma exceção, dado que visa capturar a definição de sucesso dentro de um projeto, enfatizando os diversos aspetos relevantes como, por exemplo, os critérios de avaliação do sucesso, os benefícios esperados e os fatores de sucesso. Devido à falta de literatura e à ambiguidade envolvente no conceito de sucesso, especialmente referente à gestão de projetos, existe assim uma oportunidade para explorar este tópico, refletindo sobre o estado de arte atual em relação aos canvas existentes na área de Sistemas de Informação, e os resultados que estes têm apresentado na prática, de modo a caracterizar o contributo que o Success Canvas® pode representar no exercício de gestão de projetos. Para a realização do estudo, foi adotada a metodologia multiple case study. Este estudo contribuiu para a avaliação benefícios da utilização prática do Success Canvas®, expandindo a literatura e o corpo de conhecimento da área

    A Neutral Network Based Vehicle Classification System for Pervasive Smart Road Security

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    Pervasive smart computing environments make people get accustomed to convenient and secure services. The overall goal of this research is to classify vehicles along the I215 freeway in Salt Lake City, USA. This information will be used to predict future roadway needs and the expected life of a roadway. The classification of vehicles will be performed by a synthesis of multiple sets of features. All feature sets have not yet been determined; however, one such set will be the reduced wavelet transform of the image of a vehicle. In order to use such a feature, it is necessary that the image be normalized with respect to size, position, and so on. For example, a car in the right most lane in an image will appear smaller than one in the left most lane, because the right most lane is closest to the camera. Likewise, a vehicle’s size will vary depending on where in a lane its image is captured. In our case, the image capture area for each lane is approximately 100 feet of roadway. A goal of this paper is to normalize the image of a vehicle so that regardless of its lane or position in a lane, the features will be approximately the same. The wavelet transform itself will not be used directly for recognition. Instead, it will be input to a neural network and the output of the neural network will be one element of the feature set used for recognition

    An Efficient Secure Message Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Enhanced Homomorphic Encryption Scheme

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    In MANETs the nodes are capable of roaming independently. The node with inadequate physical protection can be easily captured, compromised and hijacked. Due to this huge dependency's on the nodes, there are more security problems. Therefore the nodes in the network must be prepared to work in a mode that trusts no peer. In this paper we look at the current scheme to transmit the data in MANETs. We then propose a new scheme for secure transmission of message in MANETs as Alternative scheme for DF2019;s new Ph and DF2019;s additive and multiplicative PH. Here we also provide the computational cost of the homomorphic encryption schemes. We also provide the implementation issues of our new scheme in MANETs. For the entire message to be recoverd by the attacker, the attacker needs to compromise atleast g nodes, one node from each group g and know the encryption keys to decrypt the message. The success rate of our proposed new scheme is 100% if there are more number of active paths in each group of the network

    Journaux électoniques et les trois acteurs : éditeur, bibliothèque et utilisateur final (Les)

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