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    Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-114Los cambios medioambientales globales hacen pensar en un aumento futuro de la aridez, por ello es necesario buscar alternativas que permitan un uso más eficiente del agua y reducir su consumo, teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso limitado. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 59,7% del total de agua planificada para todos los usos en Cuba se utiliza en la agricultura, pero no más del 50% de esa agua se convierte directamente en productos agrícolas. El estudio de las funciones agua-rendimiento y su uso dentro de la planificación del agua para riego es una vía importante para trazar estrategias de manejo que contribuyan al incremento en la producción agrícola. Utilizando los datos de agua aplicada por riego y los rendimientos obtenidos en más de 100 experimentos de campo realizados fundamentalmente en suelo Ferralítico Rojo de la zona sur de La Habana y con ayuda de herramientas de análisis de regresión en este trabajo se estiman las funciones agua aplicada-rendimientos para algunos cultivos agrícolas y se analizan las posibles estrategias de optimización del riego a seguir en función de la disponibilidad de agua. Seleccionar una estrategia de máxima eficiencia del riego puede conducir a reducciones de agua a aplicar entre un 21,6 y 46,8%, incrementos de la productividad del agua entre 17 y 32% y de la relación beneficios/costo estimada de hasta un 3,4%. Lo anterior indica la importancia desde el punto de vista económico que puede llegar a alcanzar el uso de esta estrategia en condiciones de déficit hídrico. El conocimiento de las funciones agua aplicada por riego-rendimiento y el uso de la productividad del agua, resultan parámetros factibles de introducir como indicadores de eficiencia en el planeamiento del uso del agua en la agricultura, con lo cual es posible reducir los volúmenes de agua a aplicar y elevar la relación beneficio-costo actual.Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-11

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    Application of general semi-infinite Programming to Lapidary Cutting Problems

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    We consider a volume maximization problem arising in gemstone cutting industry. The problem is formulated as a general semi-infinite program (GSIP) and solved using an interiorpoint method developed by Stein. It is shown, that the convexity assumption needed for the convergence of the algorithm can be satisfied by appropriate modelling. Clustering techniques are used to reduce the number of container constraints, which is necessary to make the subproblems practically tractable. An iterative process consisting of GSIP optimization and adaptive refinement steps is then employed to obtain an optimal solution which is also feasible for the original problem. Some numerical results based on realworld data are also presented

    An Iterative Method for Solving the Dispersive Partial Differential Equations

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    The Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari method (DJM) was utilized in a recent study to propose a novel numerical solution for dispersive partial differential equations. The study showcased the remarkable effectiveness of DJM by analyzing a diverse set of test cases. In addition, the study conducted a thorough comparison between DJM and the exact solution, which was presented to illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method. This research breakthrough highlights the significance of DJM in advancing the field of numerical analysis and its potential to be applied to a wide range of complex problems

    Master index to volumes 1–10

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    New Challenges Arising in Engineering Problems with Fractional and Integer Order

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    Mathematical models have been frequently studied in recent decades, in order to obtain the deeper properties of real-world problems. In particular, if these problems, such as finance, soliton theory and health problems, as well as problems arising in applied science and so on, affect humans from all over the world, studying such problems is inevitable. In this sense, the first step in understanding such problems is the mathematical forms. This comes from modeling events observed in various fields of science, such as physics, chemistry, mechanics, electricity, biology, economy, mathematical applications, and control theory. Moreover, research done involving fractional ordinary or partial differential equations and other relevant topics relating to integer order have attracted the attention of experts from all over the world. Various methods have been presented and developed to solve such models numerically and analytically. Extracted results are generally in the form of numerical solutions, analytical solutions, approximate solutions and periodic properties. With the help of newly developed computational systems, experts have investigated and modeled such problems. Moreover, their graphical simulations have also been presented in the literature. Their graphical simulations, such as 2D, 3D and contour figures, have also been investigated to obtain more and deeper properties of the real world problem

    International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – Book of Extended Abstracts

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    The present volume on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - Book of Extended Abstracts of the ICMASC’2022 collects the extended abstracts of the talks presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMA2SC'22 that took place at the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal, in June 27th-June 29th 2022 (3 days). Its aim was to bring together researchers in every discipline of applied mathematics, science, engineering, industry, and technology, to discuss the development of new mathematical models, theories, and applications that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice. Authors proposed research in topics including partial and ordinary differential equations, integer and fractional order equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, operations research, discrete mathematics, optimization, control, probability, computational mathematics, amongst others. The conference was designed to maximize the involvement of all participants and will present the state-of- the-art research and the latest achievements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Invariance transformations for processing NDE signals

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    The ultimate objective in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) is the characterization of materials, on the basis of information in the response from energy/material interactions. This is commonly referred to as the inverse problem. Inverse problems are in general ill-posed and full analytical solutions to these problems are seldom tractable. Pragmatic approaches for solving them employ a constrained search technique by limiting the space of all possible solutions. A more modest goal is therefore to use the received signal for characterizing defects in objects in terms of the location, size and shape. However, the NDE signal received by the sensors is influenced not only by the defect, but also by the operational parameters associated with the experiment. This dissertation deals with the subject of invariant pattern recognition techniques that render NDE signals insensitive to operational variables, while at the same time, preserve or enhance defect related information. Such techniques are comprised of invariance transformations that operate on the raw signals prior to interpretation using subsequent defect characterization schemes. Invariance transformations are studied in the context of the magnetostatic flux leakage (MFL) inspection technique, which is the method of choice for inspecting natural gas transmission pipelines buried underground;The magnetic flux leakage signal received by the scanning device is very sensitive to a number of operational parameters. Factors that have a major impact on the signal include those caused by variations in the permeability of the pipe-wall material and the velocity of the inspection tool. This study describes novel approaches to compensate for the effects of these variables;Two types of invariance schemes, feature selection and signal compensation, are studied. In the feature selection approach, the invariance transformation is recast as a problem in interpolation of scattered, multi-dimensional data. A variety of interpolation techniques are explored, the most powerful among them being feed-forward neural networks. The second parametric variation is compensated by using restoration filters. The filter kernels are derived using a constrained, stochastic least square optimization technique or by adaptive methods. Both linear and non-linear filters are studied as tools for signal compensation;Results showing the successful application of these invariance transformations to real and simulated MFL data are presented
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