1,284 research outputs found

    Low-complexity Noncoherent Iterative CPM Demodulator for FH Communication

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    In this paper, we investigate the noncoherent iterative demodulation of coded continuous phase modulation (CPM) in frequency hopped (FH) systems. In this field, one important problem is that the complexity of the optimal demodulator is prohibitive unless the number of symbols per hop duration is very small. To solve this problem, we propose a novel demodulator, which reduces the complexity by applying phase quantization and exploiting the phase rotational invariance property of CPM signals. As shown by computational complexity analysis and numerical results, the proposed demodulator approaches the performance of the optimal demodulator, and provides considerable performance improvement over the existing solutions with the same computational complexity

    A Cooperative Network Coding Strategy for the Interference Relay Channel.

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    In this paper, we study an interference relay network with a satellite as relay. We propose a cooperative strategy based on physical layer network coding and superposition modulation decoding for uni-directional communications among users. The performance of our solution in terms of throughput is evaluated through capacity analysis and simulations that include practical constraints such as the lack of synchronization in time and frequency.We obtain a significant throughput gain compared to the classical time sharing case

    Multiple Satellites Collaboration for Joint Code-aided CFOs and CPOs Estimation

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are being extensively researched in the development of secure Internet of Remote Things (IoRT). In scenarios with miniaturized terminals, the limited transmission power and long transmission distance often lead to low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) at the satellite receiver, which degrades communication performance. A solution to address this issue is the utilization of cooperative satellites, which can combine signals received from multiple satellites, thereby significantly improve SNR. However, in order to maximize the combination gain, the signal coherent combining is necessary, which requires the carrier frequency and phase of each receiving signal to be aligned. Under low SNR circumstances, carrier parameter estimation can be a significant challenge, especially for short burst transmission with no training sequence. In order to tackle it, we propose an iterative code-aided estimation algorithm for joint Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) and Carrier Phase Offset (CPO). The Cram\'er-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) is suggested as the limit on the parameter estimation performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can approach Bit Error Rate (BER) performance bound within 0.4 dB with regards to four-satellite collaboration

    Cyclic redundancy check-based detection algorithms for automatic identification system signals received by satellite.

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    This paper addresses the problem of demodulating signals transmitted in the automatic identification system. The main characteristics of such signals consist of two points: (i) they are modulated using a trellis-coded modulation, more precisely a Gaussian minimum shift keying modulation; and (ii) they are submitted to a bit stuffing procedure, which makes more difficult the detection of the transmitted information bits. This paper presents several demodulation algorithms developed in different contexts: mono-user and multi-user transmissions, and known/unknown phase shift. The proposed receiver uses the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) present in the automatic identification system signals for error correction and not for error detection only. By using this CRC, a particular Viterbi algorithm, on the basis of a so-called extended trellis, is developed. This trellis is defined by extended states composed of a trellis code state and a CRC state. Moreover, specific conditional transitions are defined to take into account the possible presence of stuffing bits. The algorithms proposed in the multi-user scenario present a small increase of computation complexity with respect to the mono-user algorithms. Some performance results are presented for several scenarios in the context of the automatic identification system and compared with those of existing techniques developed in similar scenarios

    Active Terminal Identification, Channel Estimation, and Signal Detection for Grant-Free NOMA-OTFS in LEO Satellite Internet-of-Things

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    This paper investigates the massive connectivity of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite-based Internet-of-Things (IoT) for seamless global coverage. We propose to integrate the grant-free non-orthogonal multiple access (GF-NOMA) paradigm with the emerging orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation to accommodate the massive IoT access, and mitigate the long round-trip latency and severe Doppler effect of terrestrial-satellite links (TSLs). On this basis, we put forward a two-stage successive active terminal identification (ATI) and channel estimation (CE) scheme as well as a low-complexity multi-user signal detection (SD) method. Specifically, at the first stage, the proposed training sequence aided OTFS (TS-OTFS) data frame structure facilitates the joint ATI and coarse CE, whereby both the traffic sparsity of terrestrial IoT terminals and the sparse channel impulse response are leveraged for enhanced performance. Moreover, based on the single Doppler shift property for each TSL and sparsity of delay-Doppler domain channel, we develop a parametric approach to further refine the CE performance. Finally, a least square based parallel time domain SD method is developed to detect the OTFS signals with relatively low complexity. Simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods over the state-of-the-art solutions in terms of ATI, CE, and SD performance confronted with the long round-trip latency and severe Doppler effect.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Opportunistic channel estimation with LTE signals of limited bandwidth for positioning applications

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    The positioning problem is interesting in a variety of applications, especially in indoor environments or in urban canyons, where the position information obtainable with traditional Global Navigation Satellite Systems is limited. In this paper, we deal with the problem of estimating, for the purposes of positioning, the time of arrival (TOA) and the angle of arrival (AOA) by processing LTE 3GPP signals, with particular attention to the uplink signals. The main contribution of this paper is the definition of new opportunistic methods to estimate the TOA and the AOA using the upstream demodulation reference signal (DM-RS) instead of the Sounding Reference Signal. We will show that the use of DM-RS and of estimation algorithms such as the Space-Alternating Generalized Expectation-Maximization and the Iterative Adaptive Approach for Amplitude and Phase estimation (IAA-APES) allows an efficient estimate of the parameters, in spite of the small, occupied bandwidth

    Symbol level decoding of Reed-Solomon codes with improved reliability information over fading channels

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, 2016Reliable and e cient data transmission have been the subject of current research, most especially in realistic channels such as the Rayleigh fading channels. The focus of every new technique is to improve the transmission reliability and to increase the transmission capacity of the communication links for more information to be transmitted. Modulation schemes such as M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (M-QAM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) were developed to increase the transmission capacity of communication links without additional bandwidth expansion, and to reduce the design complexity of communication systems. On the contrary, due to the varying nature of communication channels, the message transmission reliability is subjected to a couple of factors. These factors include the channel estimation techniques and Forward Error Correction schemes (FEC) used in improving the message reliability. Innumerable channel estimation techniques have been proposed independently, and in combination with di erent FEC schemes in order to improve the message reliability. The emphasis have been to improve the channel estimation performance, bandwidth and power consumption, and the implementation time complexity of the estimation techniques. Of particular interest, FEC schemes such as Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, Turbo codes, Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, Hamming codes, and Permutation codes, are proposed to improve the message transmission reliability of communication links. Turbo and LDPC codes have been used extensively to combat the varying nature of communication channels, most especially in joint iterative channel estimation and decoding receiver structures. In this thesis, attention is focused on using RS codes to improve the message reliability of a communication link because RS codes have good capability of correcting random and burst errors, and are useful in di erent wireless applications. This study concentrates on symbol level soft decision decoding of RS codes. In this regards, a novel symbol level iterative soft decision decoder for RS codes based on parity-check equations is developed. This Parity-check matrix Transformation Algorithm (PTA) is based on the soft reliability information derived from the channel output in order to perform syndrome checks in an iterative process. Performance analysis verify that this developed PTA outperforms the conventional RS hard decision decoding algorithms and the symbol level Koetter and Vardy (KV ) RS soft decision decoding algorithm. In addition, this thesis develops an improved Distance Metric (DM) method of deriving reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels for combined demodulation with symbol level RS soft decision decoding algorithms. The newly proposed DM method incorporates the channel state information in deriving the soft reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels. Analysis verify that this developed metric enhances the performance of symbol level RS soft decision decoders in comparison with the conventional method. Although, in this thesis, the performance of the developed DM method of deriving soft reliability information over Rayleigh fading channels is only veri ed for symbol level RS soft decision decoders, it is applicable to any symbol level soft decision decoding FEC scheme. Besides, the performance of the all FEC decoding schemes plummet as a result of the Rayleigh fading channels. This engender the development of joint iterative channel estimation and decoding receiver structures in order to improve the message reliability, most especially with Turbo and LDPC codes as the FEC schemes. As such, this thesis develops the rst joint iterative channel estimation and Reed- Solomon decoding receiver structure. Essentially, the joint iterative channel estimation and RS decoding receiver is developed based on the existing symbol level soft decision KV algorithm. Consequently, the joint iterative channel estimation and RS decoding receiver is extended to the developed RS parity-check matrix transformation algorithm. The PTA provides design ease and exibility, and lesser computational time complexity in an iterative receiver structure in comparison with the KV algorithm. Generally, the ndings of this thesis are relevant in improving the message transmission reliability of a communication link with RS codes. For instance, it is pertinent to numerous data transmission technologies such as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), WiMAX, and long distance satellite communications. Equally, the developed, less computationally intensive, and performance e cient symbol level decoding algorithm for RS codes can be use in consumer technologies like compact disc and digital versatile disc.GS201

    Enabling Technology and Algorithm Design for Location-Aware Communications

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    Location-awareness is emerging as a promising technique for future-generation wire­ less network to adaptively enhance and optimize its overall performance through location-enabled technologies such as location-assisted transceiver reconfiguration and routing. The availability of accurate location information of mobile users becomes the essential prerequisite for the design of such location-aware networks. Motivated by the low locationing accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS) in dense multipath environments, which is commonly used for acquiring location information in most of the existing wireless networks, wireless communication system-based po­sitioning systems have been investigated as alternatives to fill the gap of the GPS in coverage. Distance-based location techniques using time-of-arrival (TOA) mea­surements are commonly preferred by broadband wireless communications where the arrival time of the signal component of the First Arriving Path (FAP) can be con­verted to the distance between the receiver and the transmitter with known location. With at least three transmitters, the location of the receiver can be determined via trilatération method. However, identification of the FAP’s signal component in dense multipath scenarios is quite challenging due to the significantly weaker power of the FAP as compared with the Later Arriving Paths (LAPs) from scattering, reflection and refraction, and the superposition of these random arrival LAPs’ signal compo­ nents will become large interference to detect the FAP. In this thesis, a robust FAP detection scheme based on multipath interference cancellation is proposed to im­ prove the accuracy of location estimation in dense multipath environments. In the proposed algorithm, the signal components of LAPs is reconstructed based on the estimated channel and data with the assist of the communication receiver, and sub­ sequently removed from the received signal. Accurate FAP detection results are then achieved with the cross-correlation between the interference-suppressed signal and an augmented preamble which is the combination of the original preamble for com­ munications and the demodulated data sequences. Therefore, more precise distance estimation (hence location estimation) can be obtained with the proposed algorithm for further reliable network optimization strategy design. On the other hand, multiceli cooperative communication is another emerging technique to substantially improve the coverage and throughput of traditional cellular networks. Location-awareness also plays an important role in the design and imple­mentation of multiceli cooperation technique. With accurate location information of mobile users, the complexity of multiceli cooperation algorithm design can be dra­matically reduced by location-assisted applications, e.g., automatic cooperative base station (BS) determination and signal synchronization. Therefore, potential latency aroused by cooperative processing will be minimized. Furthermore, the cooperative BSs require the sharing of certain information, e.g., channel state information (CSI), user data and transmission parameters to perform coordination in their signaling strategies. The BSs need to have the capabilities to exchange available information with each other to follow up with the time-varying communication environment. As most of broadband wireless communication systems are already orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based, a Multi-Layered OFDM System, which is spe­cially tailored for multiceli cooperation is investigated to provide parallel robust, efficient and flexible signaling links for BS coordination purposes. These layers are overlaid with data-carrying OFDM signals in both time and frequency domains and therefore, no dedicated radio resources are required for multiceli cooperative networks. In the final aspect of this thesis, an enhanced channel estimation through itera­ tive decision-directed method is investigated for OFDM system, which aims to provide more accurate estimation results with the aid of the demodulated OFDM data. The performance of traditional training sequence-based channel estimation is often lim­ ited by the length of the training. To achieve acceptable estimation performance, a long sequence has to be used which dramatically reduces the transmission efficiency of data communication. In this proposed method, the restriction of the training se­quence length can be removed and high channel estimation accuracy can be achieved with high transmission efficiency, and therefore it particular fits in multiceli coopera­tive networks. On the other hand, as the performance of the proposed FAP detection scheme also relies on the accuracy of channel estimation and data detection results, the proposed method can be combined with the FAP detection scheme to further optimize the accuracy of multipath interference cancellation and FAP detection
