543 research outputs found

    dynamic design and management of reconfigurable manufacturing systems

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    Abstract This research proposes an approach to design and to manage Cellular Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (CRMSs) from a multi-product and multi-period perspective. The production environment consists of multiple cells of machines equipped with Reconfigurable Machine Tools (RMTs) made of basic and auxiliary custom modules to perform specific tasks. The approach acts into two steps; the former is the machine cell design phase, assigning machines to cells, the latter is the cell loading phase, assigning modules to each machine and cell. The goal is to guarantee the economic sustainability of the manufacturing system by exploring how to best balance the part flow among machines already equipped with the required modules and the effort to install the necessary modules on the machine on which the part is located

    Cell Production System Design: A Literature Review

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    Purpose In a cell production system, a number of machines that differ in function are housed in the same cell. The task of these cells is to complete operations on similar parts that are in the same group. Determining the family of machine parts and cells is one of the major design problems of production cells. Cell production system design methods include clustering, graph theory, artificial intelligence, meta-heuristic, simulation, mathematical programming. This article discusses the operation of methods and research in the field of cell production system design. Methodology: To examine these methods, from 187 articles published in this field by authoritative scientific sources, based on the year of publication and the number of restrictions considered and close to reality, which are searched using the keywords of these restrictions and among them articles Various aspects of production and design problems, such as considering machine costs and cell size and process routing, have been selected simultaneously. Findings: Finally, the distribution diagram of the use of these methods and the limitations considered by their researchers, shows the use and efficiency of each of these methods. By examining them, more efficient and efficient design fields of this type of production system can be identified. Originality/Value: In this article, the literature on cell production system from 1972 to 2021 has been reviewed

    SIMAID: a rapid development methodology for the design of acyclic, bufferless, multi-process and mixed model agile production facilities for spaceframe vehicles

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    The facility layout problem (FL) is a non-linear, NP-complete problem whose complexity is derived from the vast solution space generated by multiple variables and interdependent factors. For reconfigurable, agile facilities the problem is compounded by parallelism (simultaneity of operations) and scheduling issues. Previous work has either concentrated on conventional (linear or branched) facility layout design, or has not considered the issues of agile, reconfigurable facilities and scheduling. This work is the first comprehensive methodology incorporating the design and scheduling of parallel cellular facilities for the purpose of easy and rapid reconfiguration in the increasingly demanding world of agile manufacturing. A novel three-stage algorithm is described for the design of acyclic (asynchronous), bufferless, parallel, multi-process and mixed-model production facilities for spaceframe-based vehicles. Data input begins with vehicle part processing and volume requirements from multiple models and includes time, budget and space constraints. The algorithm consists of a powerful combination of a guided cell formation stage, iterative solution improvement searches and design stage scheduling. The improvement iterations utilise a modified (rules-based) Tabu search applied to a constant-flow group technology, while the design stage scheduling is done by the use of genetic algorithms. The objective-based solution optimisation direction is not random but guided, based on measurement criteria from simulation. The end product is the selection and graphic presentation of the best solution out of a database of feasible ones. The case is presented in the form of an executable program and three real world industrial examples are included. The results provide evidence that good solutions can be found to this new type and size of heavily constrained problem within a reasonable amount of time

    Design and construction of a novel reconfigurable micro manufacturing cell

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Demands for producing small components are increasing. Such components are usually produced using large-size conventional machining tools. This results in the inadequate usage of resources, including energy, space and time. In the 1990s, the concept of a microfactory was introduced in order to achieve better usage of these resources by scaling down the size of the machine tool itself. Several industries can benefit from implementing such a concept, such as the medical, automotive and electronics industries. A novel architecture for a reconfigurable micro-manufacturing cell (RMC) is presented in this research, aiming at delivering certain manufacturing strategies such as point of use (POU) and cellular manufacturing (CM) as well as several capabilities, including modularity, reconfigurability, mobility and upgradability. Unlike conventional machine tools, the proposed design is capable of providing several machining processes within a small footprint (500 mm2), yet processing parts within a volume up to 100 mm3. In addition, it delivers a rapid structure and process reconfiguration while achieving a micromachining level of accuracy. The approach followed in developing the system is highly iterative with several feedback loops. It was deemed necessary to adopt such an approach to ensure that not only was the design relevant, but also that it progresses the state-of-the-art and takes into account the many considerations in machine design. Following this approach, several design iterations have been developed before reaching a final design that is capable of delivering the required manufacturing qualities and operational performance. A prototype has been built based on the specifications of the selected design iteration, followed by providing a detailed material and components selection process and assembly method before running a performance assessment analysis of the prototype. At this stage, a correlation between the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model and prototype has been considered, aiming at studying the level of performance of the RMC when optimising the design in the future. Then, based on the data collected during each stage of the design process, an optimisation process was suggested to improve the overall performance of the system, using computer aided design and modelling (CAD/CAM) tools to generate, analyse and optimise the design

    Dynamic Facility Layout for Cellular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing using Dynamic Programming and Multi-Objective Metaheuristics

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    The facility layout problem is one of the most classical yet influential problems in the planning of production systems. A well-designed layout minimizes the material handling costs (MHC), personnel flow distances, work in process, and improves the performance of these systems in terms of operating costs and time. Because of this importance, facility layout has a rich literature in industrial engineering and operations research. Facility layout problems (FLPs) are generally concerned with positioning a set of facilities to satisfy some criteria or objectives under certain constraints. Traditional FLPs try to put facilities with the high material flow as close as possible to minimize the MHC. In static facility layout problems (SFLP), the product demands and mixes are considered deterministic parameters with constant values. The material flow between facilities is fixed over the planning horizon. However, in today’s market, manufacturing systems are constantly facing changes in product demands and mixes. These changes make it necessary to change the layout from one period to the other to be adapted to the changes. Consequently, there is a need for dynamic approaches of FLP that aim to generate layouts with high adaptation concerning changes in product demand and mix. This thesis focuses on studying the layout problems, with an emphasis on the changing environment of manufacturing systems. Despite the fact that designing layouts within the dynamic environment context is more realistic, the SFLP is observed to have been remained worthy to be analyzed. Hence, a math-heuristic approach is developed to solve an SFLP. To this aim, first, the facilities are grouped into many possible vertical clusters, second, the best combination of the generated clusters to be in the final layout are selected by solving a linear programming model, and finally, the selected clusters are sequenced within the shop floor. Although the presented math-heuristic approach is effective in solving SFLP, applying approaches to cope with the changing manufacturing environment is required. One of the most well-known approaches to deal with the changing manufacturing environment is the dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP). DFLP suits reconfigurable manufacturing systems since their machinery and material handling devices are reconfigurable to encounter the new necessities for the variations of product mix and demand. In DFLP, the planning horizon is divided into some periods. The goal is to find a layout for each period to minimize the total MHC for all periods and the total rearrangement costs between the periods. Dynamic programming (DP) has been known as one of the effective methods to optimize DFLP. In the DP method, all the possible layouts for every single period are generated and given to DP as its state-space. However, by increasing the number of facilities, it is impossible to give all the possible layouts to DP and only a restricted number of layouts should be fed to DP. This leads to ignoring some layouts and losing the optimality; to deal with this difficulty, an improved DP approach is proposed. It uses a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm to select the initial layouts for DP that lead to the best solution of DP for DFLP. The proposed approach includes two phases. In the first phase, a large set of layouts are generated through a heuristic method. In the second phase, a genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to search for the best subset of layouts to be given to DP. DP, improved by starting with the most promising initial layouts, is applied to find the multi-period layout. Finally, a tabu search algorithm is utilized for further improvement of the solution obtained by improved DP. Computational experiments show that improved DP provides more efficient solutions than DP approaches in the literature. The improved DP can efficiently solve DFLP and find the best layout for each period considering both material handling and layout rearrangement costs. However, rearrangement costs may include some unpredictable costs concerning interruption in production or moving of facilities. Therefore, in some cases, managerial decisions tend to avoid any rearrangements. To this aim, a semi-robust approach is developed to optimize an FLP in a cellular manufacturing system (CMS). In this approach, the pick-up/drop-off (P/D) points of the cells are changed to adapt the layout with changes in product demand and mix. This approach suits more a cellular flexible manufacturing system or a conventional system. A multi-objective nonlinear mixed-integer programming model is proposed to simultaneously search for the optimum number of cells, optimum allocation of facilities to cells, optimum intra- and inter-cellular layout design, and the optimum locations of the P/D points of the cells in each period. A modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (MNSGA-II) enhanced by an improved non-dominated sorting strategy and a modified dynamic crowding distance procedure is used to find Pareto-optimal solutions. The computational experiments are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed MNSGA-II against other popular metaheuristic algorithms

    Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems

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    Although the design and management of manufacturing systems have been explored in the literature for many years now, they still remain topical problems in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, the constant pressure to reduce production costs, and technical and technological progress make it necessary to search for new manufacturing methods and ways of organizing them, and to modify manufacturing system design paradigms. This book presents current research in different areas connected with the design and management of manufacturing systems and covers such subject areas as: methods supporting the design of manufacturing systems, methods of improving maintenance processes in companies, the design and improvement of manufacturing processes, the control of production processes in modern manufacturing systems production methods and techniques used in modern manufacturing systems and environmental aspects of production and their impact on the design and management of manufacturing systems. The wide range of research findings reported in this book confirms that the design of manufacturing systems is a complex problem and that the achievement of goals set for modern manufacturing systems requires interdisciplinary knowledge and the simultaneous design of the product, process and system, as well as the knowledge of modern manufacturing and organizational methods and techniques

    Evolution of NOMA Toward Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for 6G

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    Due to the explosive growth in the number of wireless devices and diverse wireless services, such as virtual/augmented reality and Internet-of-Everything, next generation wireless networks face unprecedented challenges caused by heterogeneous data traffic, massive connectivity, and ultra-high bandwidth efficiency and ultra-low latency requirements. To address these challenges, advanced multiple access schemes are expected to be developed, namely next generation multiple access (NGMA), which are capable of supporting massive numbers of users in a more resource- and complexity-efficient manner than existing multiple access schemes. As the research on NGMA is in a very early stage, in this paper, we explore the evolution of NGMA with a particular focus on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), i.e., the transition from NOMA to NGMA. In particular, we first review the fundamental capacity limits of NOMA, elaborate on the new requirements for NGMA, and discuss several possible candidate techniques. Moreover, given the high compatibility and flexibility of NOMA, we provide an overview of current research efforts on multi-antenna techniques for NOMA, promising future application scenarios of NOMA, and the interplay between NOMA and other emerging physical layer techniques. Furthermore, we discuss advanced mathematical tools for facilitating the design of NOMA communication systems, including conventional optimization approaches and new machine learning techniques. Next, we propose a unified framework for NGMA based on multiple antennas and NOMA, where both downlink and uplink transmissions are considered, thus setting the foundation for this emerging research area. Finally, several practical implementation challenges for NGMA are highlighted as motivation for future work.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, a survey paper accepted by the IEEE JSAC special issue on Next Generation Multiple Acces
