14 research outputs found

    A new method for constructing metamorphic relations

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    A fundamental problem for software testing is the oracle problem, which means that in many practical situations, it is extremely expensive, if not impossible, to verify the test result given any possible program input. Metamorphic testing is an approach to alleviating the oracle problem. The key part of metamorphic testing is a set of necessary properties of the software under test, namely metamorphic relations. Metamorphic relations not only help generate test cases, but also provide a mechanism to partially verify the test results without the need of oracle. In most previous studies, metamorphic relations were identified manually by testers in an ad hoc way. There is no systematic methodology that helps us identify metamorphic relations. In this paper, we propose a simple method, namely, the composition of metamorphic relations, for systematically constructing new metamorphic relations based on the already identified metamorphic relations. We conduct a case study and show that new metamorphic relations can be easily constructed by compositing some existing metamorphic relations. It is also observed that the new metamorphic relations are very likely to deliver a higher cost-effectiveness of metamorphic testing than the original metamorphic relations

    Metamorphic fault tolerance: an automated and systematic methodology for fault tolerance in the absence of test oracle

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    A system may fail due to an internal bug or a fault in its exe- cution environment. Incorporating fault tolerance strategies enables such system to complete its function despite the fail- ure of some of its parts. Prior to the execution of some fault tolerance strategies, failure detection is needed. Detecting incorrect output, for instance, assumes the existence of an oracle to check the correctness of program outputs given an input. However, in many practical situations, oracle does not exist or is extremely dicult to apply. Such an ora- cle problem is a major challenge in the context of software testing. In this paper, we propose to apply metamorphic testing, a software testing method that alleviates the ora- cle problem, into fault tolerance. The proposed technique supports failure detection without the need of oracles

    A Survey on Metamorphic Testing

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    A Survey on Metamorphic Testing

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    A test oracle determines whether a test execution reveals a fault, often by comparing the observed program output to the expected output. This is not always practical, for example when a program's input-output relation is complex and difficult to capture formally. Metamorphic testing provides an alternative, where correctness is not determined by checking an individual concrete output, but by applying a transformation to a test input and observing how the program output “morphs” into a different one as a result. Since the introduction of such metamorphic relations in 1998, many contributions on metamorphic testing have been made, and the technique has seen successful applications in a variety of domains, ranging from web services to computer graphics. This article provides a comprehensive survey on metamorphic testing: It summarises the research results and application areas, and analyses common practice in empirical studies of metamorphic testing as well as the main open challenges

    A Survey on Metamorphic Testing

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    A test oracle determines whether a test execution reveals a fault, often by comparing the observed program output to the expected output. This is not always practical, for example when a program’s input-output relation is complex and difficult to capture formally. Metamorphic testing provides an alternative, where correctness is not determined by checking an individual concrete output, but by applying a transformation to a test input and observing how the program output “morphs” into a different one as a result. Since the introduction of such metamorphic relations in 1998, many contributions on metamorphic testing have been made, and the technique has seen successful applications in a variety of domains, ranging from web services to computer graphics. This article provides a comprehensive survey on metamorphic testing: It summarises the research results and application areas, and analyses common practice in empirical studies of metamorphic testing as well as the main open challenges.European Commission (FEDER)Spanish Govermen

    On automatic testing of web search engines

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    Web search engines are very important because they are the means by which people retrieve information from the World Wide Web. However, testing these web search engines is difficult because there are no test oracles, so this research proposes seven new metrics based on the idea of metamorphic relations to alleviate the oracle problem in search engine testing. Using these metrics, our method can test search engines automatically in the absence of an ideal oracle. Using this method, we further conduct large-scale empirical studies to investigate and compare the qualities of four major search engines, namely, Google (www.google.com), Baidu (www.baidu.com), Bing (www.bing.com), and Chinese Bing (www.bing.com.cn). Our empirical studies involve more than 50 million queries sent to the search engines across 9 months, and about 300 GB data collected from the search engine responses. It is found that different search engines have significantly different performance and that the nature of the query terms can have a significant impact on the performance of the search engines. These empirical study results demonstrate that our method can effectively alleviate the oracle problem in search engine testing, and can help both developers and users to obtain a better understanding of the search engine behaviour under different operational profiles

    Dynamic random testing of web services: a methodology and evaluation

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    In recent years, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been increasingly adopted to develop distributed applications in the context of the Internet. To develop reliable SOA-based applications, an important issue is how to ensure the quality of web services. In this paper, we propose a dynamic random testing (DRT) technique for web services, which is an improvement over the widely-practiced random testing (RT) and partition testing (PT). We examine key issues when adapting DRT to the context of SOA, including a framework, guidelines for parameter settings, and a prototype for such an adaptation. Empirical studies are reported where DRT is used to test three real-life web services, and mutation analysis is employed to measure the effectiveness. Our experimental results show that, compared with the three baseline techniques, RT, Adaptive Testing (AT) and Random Partition Testing (RPT), DRT demonstrates higher fault-detection effectiveness with a lower test case selection overhead. Furthermore, the theoretical guidelines of parameter setting for DRT are confirmed to be effective. The proposed DRT and the prototype provide an effective and efficient approach for testing web services. IEE

    Big Data Testing Techniques: Taxonomy, Challenges and Future Trends

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    Big Data is reforming many industrial domains by providing decision support through analyzing large data volumes. Big Data testing aims to ensure that Big Data systems run smoothly and error-free while maintaining the performance and quality of data. However, because of the diversity and complexity of data, testing Big Data is challenging. Though numerous research efforts deal with Big Data testing, a comprehensive review to address testing techniques and challenges of Big Data is not available as yet. Therefore, we have systematically reviewed the Big Data testing techniques evidence occurring in the period 2010-2021. This paper discusses testing data processing by highlighting the techniques used in every processing phase. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges and future directions. Our findings show that diverse functional, non-functional and combined (functional and non-functional) testing techniques have been used to solve specific problems related to Big Data. At the same time, most of the testing challenges have been faced during the MapReduce validation phase. In addition, the combinatorial testing technique is one of the most applied techniques in combination with other techniques (i.e., random testing, mutation testing, input space partitioning and equivalence testing) to find various functional faults through Big Data testing.Comment: 32 page

    Automated metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools

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    Variability determines the capability of software applications to be configured and customized. A common need during the development of variability–intensive systems is the automated analysis of their underlying variability models, e.g. detecting contradictory configuration options. The analysis operations that are performed on variability models are often very complex, which hinders the testing of the corresponding analysis tools and makes difficult, often infeasible, to determine the correctness of their outputs, i.e. the well–known oracle problem in software testing. In this article, we present a generic approach for the automated detection of faults in variability analysis tools overcoming the oracle problem. Our work enables the generation of random variability models together with the exact set of valid configurations represented by these models. These test data are generated from scratch using step–wise transformations and assuring that certain constraints (a.k.a. metamorphic relations) hold at each step. To show the feasibility and generalizability of our approach, it has been used to automatically test several analysis tools in three variability domains: feature models, CUDF documents and Boolean formulas. Among other results, we detected 19 real bugs in 7 out of the 15 tools under test.CICYT TIN2012-32273CICYT IPT-2012- 0890-390000Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC- 186

    Search-based inference of polynomial metamorphic relations

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    Metamorphic testing (MT) is an effective methodology for testing those so-called 'non-testable' programs (e.g., scientific programs), where it is sometimes very difficult for testers to know whether the outputs are correct. In metamorphic testing, metamorphic relations (MRs) (which specify how particular changes to the input of the program under test would change the output) play an essential role. However, testers may typically have to obtain MRs manually. In this paper, we propose a search-based approach to automatic inference of polynomial MRs for a program under test. In particular, we use a set of parameters to represent a particular class of MRs, which we refer to as polynomial MRs, and turn the problem of inferring MRs into a problem of searching for suitable values of the parameters. We then dynamically analyze multiple executions of the program, and use particle swarm optimization to solve the search problem. To improve the quality of inferred MRs, we further use MR filtering to remove some inferred MRs. We also conducted three empirical studies to evaluate our approach using four scientific libraries (including 189 scientific functions). From our empirical results, our approach is able to infer many high-quality MRs in acceptable time (i.e., from 9.87 seconds to 1231.16 seconds), which are effective in detecting faults with no false detection. ? 2014 ACM.EI