181 research outputs found

    Compiler and Runtime Optimization Techniques for Implementation Scalable Parallel Applications

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    The compiler is able to detect the data dependencies in an application and is able to analyze the specific sections of code for parallelization potential. However, all of these techniques provided by a compiler are usually applied at compile time, so they rely on static analysis, which is insufficient for achieving maximum parallelism and desired application scalability. These compiler techniques should consider both the static information gathered at compile time and dynamic analysis captured at runtime about the system to generate a safe parallel application. On the other hand, runtime information is often speculative. Solely relying on it doesn\u27t guarantee maximal parallel performance. So collecting information at compile time could significantly improve the runtime techniques performance. The goal is achieved in this research by introducing new techniques proposed for both compiler and runtime system that enable them to contribute with each other and utilize both static and dynamic analysis information to maximize application parallel performance. In the proposed framework, a compiler can implement dynamic runtime methods in its parallelization optimizations and a runtime system can apply static information in its parallelization methods implementation. The proposed techniques are able to use high-level programming abstractions and machine learning to relieve the programmer of difficult and tedious decisions that can significantly affect program behavior and performance

    Optimisation of computational fluid dynamics applications on multicore and manycore architectures

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    This thesis presents a number of optimisations used for mapping the underlying computational patterns of finite volume CFD applications onto the architectural features of modern multicore and manycore processors. Their effectiveness and impact is demonstrated in a block-structured and an unstructured code of representative size to industrial applications and across a variety of processor architectures that make up contemporary high-performance computing systems. The importance of vectorization and the ways through which this can be achieved is demonstrated in both structured and unstructured solvers together with the impact that the underlying data layout can have on performance. The utility of auto-tuning for ensuring performance portability across multiple architectures is demonstrated and used for selecting optimal parameters such as prefetch distances for software prefetching or tile sizes for strip mining/loop tiling. On the manycore architectures, running more than one thread per physical core is found to be crucial for good performance on processors with in-order core designs but not required on out-of-order architectures. For architectures with high-bandwidth memory packages, their exploitation, whether explicitly or implicitly, is shown to be imperative for best performance. The implementation of all of these optimisations led to application speed-ups ranging between 2.7X and 3X on the multicore CPUs and 5.7X to 24X on the manycore processors.Open Acces

    PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output

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    We are developing a software system called PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output which provides software support for high performance parallel I/O. PASSION provides support at the language, compiler, runtime as well as file system level. PASSION provides runtime procedures for parallel access to files (read/write), as well as for out-of-core computations. These routines can either be used together with a compiler to translate out-of-core data parallel programs written in a language like HPF, or used directly by application programmers. A number of optimizations such as Two-Phase Access, Data Sieving, Data Prefetching and Data Reuse have been incorporated in the PASSION Runtime Library for improved performance. PASSION also provides an initial framework for runtime support for out-of-core irregular problems. The goal of the PASSION compiler is to automatically translate out- of-core data parallel programs to node programs for distributed memory machines, with calls to the PASSION Runtime Library. At the language level, PASSION suggests extensions to HPF for out-of-core programs. At the file system level, PASSION provides support for buffering and prefetching data from disks. A portable parallel file system is also being developed as part of this project, which can be used across homogeneous or heterogeneous networks of workstations. PASSION also provides support for integrating data and task parallelism using parallel I/O techniques. We have used PASSION to implement a number of out-of-core applications such as a Laplace\u27s equation solver, 2D FFT, Matrix Multiplication, LU Decomposition, image processing applications as well as unstructured mesh kernels in molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. We are currently in the process of using PASSION in applications in CFD (3D turbulent flows), molecular structure calculations, seismic computations, and earth and space science applications such as Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation. PASSION is currently available on the Intel Paragon, Touchstone Delta and iPSC/860. Efforts are underway to port it to the IBM SP-1 and SP-2 using the Vesta Parallel File System

    GPGPU microbenchmarking for irregular application optimization

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    Irregular applications, such as unstructured mesh operations, do not easily map onto the typical GPU programming paradigms endorsed by GPU manufacturers, which mostly focus on maximizing concurrency for latency hiding. In this work, we show how alternative techniques focused on latency amortization can be used to control overall latency while requiring less concurrency. We used a custom-built microbenchmarking framework to test several GPU kernels and show how the GPU behaves under relevant workloads. We demonstrate that coalescing is not required for efficacious performance; an uncoalesced access pattern can achieve high bandwidth - even over 80% of the theoretical global memory bandwidth in certain circumstances. We also make other further observations on specific relevant behaviors of GPUs. We hope that this study opens the door for further investigation into techniques that can exploit latency amortization when latency hiding does not achieve sufficient performance


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    Numerous advancements made in the field of computational sciences have made CFD a viable solution to the modern day fluid dynamics problems. Progress in computer performance allows us to solve a complex flow field in practical CPU time. Commodity clusters are also gaining popularity as computational research platform for various CFD communities. This research focuses on evaluating and enhancing the performance of an in-house, unstructured, 3D CFD code on modern commodity clusters. The fundamental idea is to tune the codes to optimize the cache behavior of the node on commodity clusters to achieve enhanced code performance. Accordingly, this work presents discussion of various available techniques for data access optimization and detailed description of those which yielded improved code performance. These techniques were tested on various steady, unsteady, laminar, and turbulent test cases and the results are presented. The critical hardware parameters which influenced the code performance were identified. A detailed study investigating the effect of these parameters on the code performance was conducted and the results are presented. The successful single node improvements were also efficiently tested on parallel platform. The modified version of the code was also ported to different hardware architectures with successful results. Loop blocking is established as a predictor of code performance

    Granite: A scientific database model and implementation

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    The principal goal of this research was to develop a formal comprehensive model for representing highly complex scientific data. An effective model should provide a conceptually uniform way to represent data and it should serve as a framework for the implementation of an efficient and easy-to-use software environment that implements the model. The dissertation work presented here describes such a model and its contributions to the field of scientific databases. In particular, the Granite model encompasses a wide variety of datatypes used across many disciplines of science and engineering today. It is unique in that it defines dataset geometry and topology as separate conceptual components of a scientific dataset. We provide a novel classification of geometries and topologies that has important practical implications for a scientific database implementation. The Granite model also offers integrated support for multiresolution and adaptive resolution data. Many of these ideas have been addressed by others, but no one has tried to bring them all together in a single comprehensive model. The datasource portion of the Granite model offers several further contributions. In addition to providing a convenient conceptual view of rectilinear data, it also supports multisource data. Data can be taken from various sources and combined into a unified view. The rod storage model is an abstraction for file storage that has proven an effective platform upon which to develop efficient access to storage. Our spatial prefetching technique is built upon the rod storage model, and demonstrates very significant improvement in access to scientific datasets, and also allows machines to access data that is far too large to fit in main memory. These improvements bring the extremely large datasets now being generated in many scientific fields into the realm of tractability for the ordinary researcher. We validated the feasibility and viability of the model by implementing a significant portion of it in the Granite system. Extensive performance evaluations of the implementation indicate that the features of the model can be provided in a user-friendly manner with an efficiency that is competitive with more ad hoc systems and more specialized application specific solutions

    Matrix-free GPU implementation of a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for anisotropic elliptic PDEs

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    Many problems in geophysical and atmospheric modelling require the fast solution of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) in "flat" three dimensional geometries. In particular, an anisotropic elliptic PDE for the pressure correction has to be solved at every time step in the dynamical core of many numerical weather prediction models, and equations of a very similar structure arise in global ocean models, subsurface flow simulations and gas and oil reservoir modelling. The elliptic solve is often the bottleneck of the forecast, and an algorithmically optimal method has to be used and implemented efficiently. Graphics Processing Units have been shown to be highly efficient for a wide range of applications in scientific computing, and recently iterative solvers have been parallelised on these architectures. We describe the GPU implementation and optimisation of a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) algorithm for the solution of a three dimensional anisotropic elliptic PDE for the pressure correction in NWP. Our implementation exploits the strong vertical anisotropy of the elliptic operator in the construction of a suitable preconditioner. As the algorithm is memory bound, performance can be improved significantly by reducing the amount of global memory access. We achieve this by using a matrix-free implementation which does not require explicit storage of the matrix and instead recalculates the local stencil. Global memory access can also be reduced by rewriting the algorithm using loop fusion and we show that this further reduces the runtime on the GPU. We demonstrate the performance of our matrix-free GPU code by comparing it to a sequential CPU implementation and to a matrix-explicit GPU code which uses existing libraries. The absolute performance of the algorithm for different problem sizes is quantified in terms of floating point throughput and global memory bandwidth.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure