5 research outputs found


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    Augmented Reality (AR) merupakan objek virtual dalam bentuk 3D yang berada di integrasi kedalam lingkungan nyata 3D secara real time (Bhpuri, 2009). Augmented Reality juga merupakan suatu konsep perpaduan virtual reality dengan word reality yang dapat dipadukan dengan media pembelajaran (Mustika, Rampengan, Sanjaya, & Sofyan, 2015). Penelitian ini membahas mengenai “Penilaian User Experience Aplikasi Augmented Reality Makanan Tradisional Sunda (Ar-Ngeuna) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan” difokuskan pada aspek usability dan user experience yang merupakan payung penelitian. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross-sectionaldengan metode penelitian yaitu kuantitatif deskriptif. Kegiatan utama dalam pengambilan data selain melakukan pengarahan mengenai aplikasi AR-Ngeuna yaitu dengan cara memberikan kuisioner yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi AR-Ngeuna. Adapun media elektronik yang digunakan yaitu berupa handphone yang dimiliki oleh para siswa SMK. Aplikasi AR-Ngeuna dinilai mudah digunakan dan recommended untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Adapun penilaian dari responden berdasarkan user experience pada aspek perceived ease of use, aspek perceived usefullness, aspek atitude toward using, aspek perceived behavioral dan aspek actual system usage yang menunjukkan penilaian baik terhadap Aplikasi AR-Ngeuna untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di SMK Augmented Reality (AR) is a virtual object in 3D that is integrated into a real 3D environment in real time (Bhpuri, 2009). Augmented Reality is also a concept of combining virtual reality with word reality that can be combined with learning media (Mustika, Rampengan, Sanjaya, & Sofyan, 2015). This study discusses "User Experience Assessment of Traditional Sundanese Food Augmented Reality (Ar-Ngeuna) as a Learning Media for Vocational High School Students" focused on usability and user experience aspects which are the umbrella of the research. The research design used a cross-sectional research method, namely descriptive quantitative. The main activity in data retrieval in addition to conducting briefing on the AR-Ngeuna application is by providing questionnaires related to the AR-Ngeuna application. The electronic media used is in the form of cellphones owned by SMK students. The AR-Ngeuna application is considered easy to use and recommended for use as a learning medium. The assessment of respondents based on user experience on aspects of perceived ease of use, aspects of perceived usefullness, aspects of attitude toward using, aspects of perceived behavioral and aspects of actual system usage which shows a good assessment of the AR-Ngeuna application to be used as a learning medium in SMK

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and User Experience (UX) design: A systematic literature review and future research agenda

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    PurposeThe aim of this article is to map the use of AI in the user experience (UX) design process. Disrupting the UX process by introducing novel digital tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve efficiency and accuracy, while creating more innovative and creative solutions. Thus, understanding how AI can be leveraged for UX has important research and practical implications.Design/Methodology/ApproachThis article builds on a systematic literature review approach and aims to understand how AI is used in UX design today, as well as uncover some prominent themes for future research. Through a process of selection and filtering, 46 research articles are analysed, with findings synthesized based on a user-centred design and development process.FindingsOur analysis shows how AI is leveraged in the UX design process at different key areas. Namely, these include understanding the context of use, uncovering user requirements, aiding solution design, and evaluating design, and for assisting development of solutions. We also highlight the ways in which AI is changing the UX design process through illustrative examples.Originality/valueWhile there is increased interest in the use of AI in organizations, there is still limited work on how AI can be introduced into processes that depend heavily on human creativity and input. Thus, we show the ways in which AI can enhance such activities and assume tasks that have been typically performed by humans

    To download or not to download the Covid-19 Track and Trace App? What is more influential in users’ minds?

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    Objectives: to investigate the role of values in technology acceptance in general and in the context of the UK Covid Track and Trace App. Methods: A survey and interview study was conducted to elicit users’ perceptions of values in general, values in relation to choice of IT products and values which were influenced the decision to download (or not) the NHS Covid-19 Track and Trace App. Other non-value issues such as utility, price and recommendations were considered. Results: Users’ value in life differ slightly from those considered important for selecting IT products. For general IT product decisions, functionality, trust and price with values equality, security and sustainability were important. For the Covid-19 App decision two values, helpfulness and equality, with recommendations/trust and operating system compatibility, were the main influences. Interview data indicated that downloader users were motivated by social responsibility and utility – being able to access workplaces and leisure venues – while non-downloaders had little perceived need for the App, combined with mistrust of the App's provenance (NHS and the Government) linked to security and privacy concerns. The implications for values in technology acceptance decisions are discussed

    Strategies for Integrating the Internet of Things in Educational Institutions

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    The introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) into educational institutions has necessitated the integration of IoT devices in the information technology (IT) infrastructural environment of educational institutions. Many IT leaders at educational institutions, however, lack strategies for integrating and deploying IoT devices in their institutions, which has resulted in numerous security breaches. The purpose of this study was to explore security strategies adopted by IT administrators to prevent data breaches resulting from the integration of IoT devices in their educational institutions. The diffusion of innovations theory served as the conceptual framework for this qualitative multiple case study. Eleven IT leaders in 11 public K–12 educational institutions, who had successfully integrated IoT in their educational institutions in the United States Midwest region, were interviewed. Thematic analysis was the data analysis strategy. The 3 major themes that emerged were (a) organizational breach prevention, (b) infrastructure management—external to IT, and (c) policy management—internal to IT. A key recommendation is for IT leaders to develop strategies to harness the efficiencies and stabilities that exist during the integration of IoT devices in their educational institutions. The implications for social change include the potential for securely transforming the delivery of education to students and ensuring the safety of academic personnel by identifying strategies that IT leaders can use to securely integrate IoT devices in educational settings