18 research outputs found


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    Digital media creates a gap in the definition of the communication context created by West Turner (2010). Situational boundaries are increasingly unclear when in the whole process the number of participants, distance, space, feedback, media functions, and variety of channels are integrated. This study aims to analyze the implications of digital media functions in elaborating interpersonal communication to successfully mobilize groups. The study was conducted by reviewing the literature on new digital media theories. As a result, connectedness occurs as a character of interpersonal communication in digital new media. When these context is elaborated by digital media so that integrating more participants, interaction is not just merely connection anymore, but focuses on shared meaning. At this point the context is shifted into group communication. Keywords : new digital media, communication context, interpersonal communication, group communicatio

    Does Product Type Affect Electronic Word-of-Mouth Richness Effectiveness? Influences of Message Valence and Consumer Knowledge

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    Drawing on the information richness theory, this study attempts to address how valence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), product type and consumer knowledge will yield different levels of eWOM richness. The results based on an experimental study suggest that negative eWOM has a stronger effect in producing eWOM information richness than does positive eWOM, and such effect is more pronounced for a leisure farm tour (experience goods) than for digital camera (search goods). The tendency that negative eWOM will provide richer information for the leisure farm tour is more evident for high-knowledge consumers than for low-knowledge consumers. The study’s results caution against the aggravated harm of negative eWOM incurred from the dissatisfactory experience of a leisure farm tour

    Kakva je naša onlajn interakcija? Jedan pristup za proučavanje multidimenzionalnosti onlajn komunikacije

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    If different dimensions of online interaction are neglected and/or unknowingly combined in a research study there is a risk of misleading results due to compensatory effect. With respect to the multidimensionality of online interaction, two substantially different types of online communication are defined - procreative and transmissional. The procreative online communication is understood as a person's tendency to use the internet as a space for social interaction, which essentially differs from using the internet transmissionally, as a peer-to-peer communication channel between people who are familiar with one another. The aim of this paper is to explore more deeply the procreative dimensions of online communication. Based on our conceptual framework, we defined three procreativity dimensions and developed an Online Procreativity Scale (OPS) to measure them. The OPS has been validated through EFA and CFA and the three-dimensional structure has been confirmed. Using the OLS regression analyses we found that gender and psychological characteristics and social network sites (SNS) use have diverse influence depending on the procreativity dimension under observation. Gender, city size, share of unfamiliar SNS friends and loneliness predicted willingness to interact with strangers, while the time spent on SNS predicted only the tendency to participate in public online interaction.Ukoliko se ne vodi računa o različitim dimenzijama onlajn interakcije lako se može desiti da zbog njihovog međusobnog preklapanja i maskiranja dođemo do sasvim pogrešnih istraživačkih nalaza. U skladu sa razumevanjem onlajn interakcije kao multidimenzionalnog procesa izdvojili smo dva suštinski različita tipa on-lajn komunikacije - prokreativni i transmisioni. Onlajn komunikaciju prokreativnog tipa razumemo kao tendenciju pojedinca ka upotrebi interneta kao prostora za društvenu interakciju nasuprot suštinski različitog transmisionog tipa onlajn interakcije koja se zasniva na kanalskoj, jedan na jedan komunikaciji, međusobno poznatih subjekata. Cilj ovog rada je da se bolje istraže različite dimenzije on-lajn prokreativnosti. Na osnovu našeg teorijskog polazišta identifikovali smo tri dimenzije prokreativnosti i razvili skalu onlajn prokreativnosti (OPS-Online Pro-creativity Scale) za njihovo merenje. Validnost OPS je verifikovana posredstvom EFA i CFA čime je potvrđena trodimenzionalna struktura skale. Koristeći OLS regresionu analizu utvrdili smo da pol, psihološke karakteristike i upotreba platformi za društveno umrežavanje, imaju različit uticaj na tri dimenzije prokreativnosti. Utvrdili smo da su pol, veličina mesta boravka, udeo nepoznatih ljudi među prijateljima na onlajn mrežama i usamljenost prediktori spremnosti da se uđe u interakciju sa nepoznatim ljudima na internetu, dok je vreme koje se provodi na onlajn mrežama jedino bilo prediktor tendencije da se učestvuje u javnoj onlajn interakciji

    Teoreettinen kehys viestintäteknologioiden käytön hallinnasta: toimijuus ja osaaminen tietotyössä

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    Erilaisten viestintäteknologioiden käytöllä on keskeinen rooli tietotyöntekijöiden arjessa. Erityisesti etätyössä, kun yhteydenpito tapahtuu pääosin teknologia­ välitteisesti, yksittäiset työntekijät ovat enenevässä määrin vastuussa siitä, missä, miten ja milloin työtä tehdään. Viestintäteknologioiden käyttö tuo muka­naan monia mahdollisuuksia, mutta myös haasteita, sillä esimerkiksi keskeytyk­set, jatkuva tavoitettavuus ja monisuorittaminen voivat olla yhteydessä lisäänty­neeseen stressiin ja heijastua näin ollen hyvinvointiin. Onkin perusteltua kysyä, kuinka tietotyöntekijät hallitsevat viestintäteknologioiden käyttöään tehdäkseen siitä mahdollisimman tuloksellista ja tarkoituksenmukaista. Tässä integroivassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan viestintäteknologioiden käytön hallintaa toimijuuden näkökulmasta. Viestintäteknologioiden käytön hallinnalle muodos­ tetaan teoreettinen kehys yhdistämällä jäsennykset teknologiavälitteisestä viestintäkompetenssista, digitaalisesta osaamisesta ja medioiden hallinnasta sekä tarkastelemalla niihin liittyviä itsesäätelyn prosesseja. Katsauksessa kootaan tuo­retta viestintäteknologioiden käyttöä tarkastelevaa tutkimusta ja tarjotaan uusia käsitteellisiä työkaluja viestintäteknologioiden käytön hallinnan jäsentämiselle

    Competencias digitales para las nuevas formas de trabajo: nociones, términos y aplicaciones

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    This research focuses on the study of the digital skills necessary in new forms of work. To do this, the technological changes that have affected the nature of work are presented, especially the digitalization resulting from Industry 4.0. The new working conditions are defined and described and the notions, terms and applications associated with these changes in the work environment are presented, to later show the digital skills necessary for employability. The research is documentary in nature, with the central objective being the description of digital skills in new forms of work.Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de las competencias digitales necesarias en las nuevas formas de trabajo. Para ello, se presentan los cambios tecnológicos que han afectado la naturaleza del trabajo, especialmente la digitalización resultado de la Industria 4.0. Se definen y describen las nuevas condiciones de trabajo y se presentan las nociones, términos y aplicaciones asociadas a estos cambios en el entorno laboral, para posteriormente mostrar las competencias digitales necesarias para la empleabilidad. La investigación es de tipo documental, siendo el objetivo central la descripción de las competencias digitales en las nuevas formas de trabajo

    The Relationship Between Ambiversion and Communication Adaptability

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Communication is a skill humans are constantly utilizing, and their personality can have a strong effect on the way they utilize their communication skills. Understanding the adaptability of our ever-present communication and the influence personality type can have provides vital knowledge to all communicating individuals. This study focused on the potential connection between communication adaptability and the personality types of introversion, ambiversion, and extraversion. Many studies have explored communication adaptability and personality type independently; however, the relationship between the two has had very little study. The connection between the variables of communication adaptability and personality type was determined via a cross-sectional survey utilizing the Introversion Scale (McCroskey, 2007) and the Communication Adaptability Scale (Duran, 1983). The relationship between introversion, ambiversion, and extraversion was analyzed using Pearson’s bivariate correlation and ANOVA, which indicated that extraverted participants tended to have statistically significant higher levels of communication adaptability. There was also a moderate correlation between ambiversion and social composure, a low correlation with social confirmation, and a high positive correlation to social experience. Introversion had a moderate positive correlation with social composure and social experience. Finally, there were moderate positive correlations between extraversion and social composure as well as social experience. These results indicate that the more extraverted one is, the more likely they will be to have higher communication adaptability. Thus, there are communication adaptability strengths for all three personality types, but extraverts have the highest tendency to have high scores of communication adaptability. Individuals should consider determining what their personality type is to allow them to take advantage of their areas of strength and ascertain weaknesses they could potentially work on when it comes to their communication adaptability

    Digital Competencies at Work

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    The digitalized work environment poses challenges to the workforce, such as the meaningful use of ever-new technological advances, dealing with increasingly complex tasks, or effective collaboration in dispersed work groups. The individual worker needs to adapt to rapidly increasing demands due to far-reaching changes in the workplace, to complete their everyday work tasks. However, there is an increasing discrepancy between the existing and required digital competencies in the workforce. Due to the urgent need to expand the scientific knowledge on this important topic, the main focus of this dissertation is on the development and measurement of the construct of digital competencies at work. In the scientific literature, a comprehensive framework that integrates the perspectives of prior research and practitioners in a work context has not been developed yet. Additionally, a common definition of digital competencies at work was still lacking although many wordings have been used for the concept. Modern work practices, such as the ubiquity of remote work for office workers emphasize the importance of digital communication and collaboration competencies at work. Yet, to date, there was no measurement tool for individual digital communication and collaboration competencies at work that is needed to conduct more scientific research on the construct. Another research gap derived from the results of the prior studies in this dissertation measuring digital competencies: The high mean values in all collected data sets led to the assumption that office workers might over-estimate their digital competencies. However, the research question of how the self-assessment of workers’ digital communication and collaboration competencies can be influenced by varying instructions has not yet been explored in an experimental study. Moreover, to further explore the nomological net of the construct, the relationship between digital communication and collaboration competencies and the motivation to train those were investigated. In my dissertation, I realized the collection of quantitative and qualitative data in nine samples and conducted a literature review to address the outlined research gaps. By integrating perspectives from research and practice and combining diverse methods, a coherent and detailed framework of digital competencies at work was created and a definition of the concept was provided in Paper 1. As depicted in Paper 2, building on the theoretical framework and prior research, digital communication and collaboration competencies were identified as dimensions with particular relevance to the challenges of today’s work environments. By using mixed methods, a measurement tool for digital communication and collaboration competencies was developed. The role of those competencies as potential resources in a gain spiral with social support, ultimately boosting work engagement in the unique setting of a pandemic that fundamentally altered the way of work worldwide based on the Job Demands-Resource model (Demerouti et al., 2001) and the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 2011) was explored. Although results did not support the assumption of a gain spiral, we found that digital competencies, social support, and work engagement were stable and high during the crisis. The findings add knowledge about the motivational processes of workers in times of crisis. Subsequently, in Paper 3 the initial measurement tool was refined into a reliable and valid short-scale of digital communication and collaboration competencies at work. In several studies, the short-scale was validated and the nomological net of the constructs was explored. The last part of my dissertation is dedicated to the systematic examination of the effect that varying instructions have on workers’ self-assessment of digital communication and collaboration competencies and the motivation to train those. The results imply that the self-assessment of competencies and the motivation to train those cannot be influenced easily by varying instructions. Nevertheless, workers with high levels of digital communication and collaboration competencies also showed high motivation to train those. The findings of this dissertation provide a solid base for further theory building and extension in research on digital competencies at work. The insights gained from the studies of this dissertation comprise theoretical and practical implications for training development and human resource management. Overall, the results of this dissertation imply that digital competencies at work could be an important benefit in meeting the challenges of today’s digital work environments. The concept of digital competencies at work deserves more attention in future research

    Developing Positive Working Relationships in a Large Urban School District

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    This applied dissertation provides an overview of the working relationships among key leaders within a large urban school district in the Southeastern part of the United States. This study examined the communication methods and responsibilities of each key player within the decision-making process for the district at various levels of leadership. Results called for the exploration of (a) effective communication, (b) verbal and nonverbal techniques, (c) electronic means of communication, (d) informal styles of communication, (e) interpersonal communication, (f) communication styles, (g) leadership styles, and (h) conflict management, which delineated the theoretical framework and research questions for this study. This study presents verbatim quotes that supported the data findings. Twenty-three stakeholders (school board members, school leaders, parents, business leaders, and community leaders) from the district were interviewed. The results revealed 10 themes related to the need for a transparent, honest, and collaborative working relationship. The findings revealed the need for an addendum to the Critical Communication theory, which analyzed the interworkings among individuals within organizations. The addendum supports the premise that positive working relationships are due to effective forms or modes of communication. Stakeholders preferred in-person communication to combat conflict within the organization among members within the district. Stakeholders also noted a need for leaders of the organization who are democratic, transformational, and nonbiased. Stakeholders continuously addressed the need for immediate and accessible forms of communication within the district to build positive working relationships

    Tulkitseva fenomenologinen analyysi älypuhelimen merkityksestä suomalaisten nuorten ja aikuisten sosiaalisessa elämässä

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    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisten nuorten ja aikuisten kokemuksia siitä, millainen merkitys kännykällä on heidän sosiaalisen elämänsä yhteydessä. Tähän yhteyteen on määritelty yksilön arkinen sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaalinen toimijuus ja sosiaalisuus muita kohtaan sekä yksilön ihmissuhteiden laatu. Merkitysten arvioinnissa on hyödynnetty puolestaan Ervin Goffmanin sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen teorioita, yksilön toimijuutta määritteleviä teorioita, Leon Festingerin sosiaalisen vertailun teoriaa sekä Bowlbyn kiintymyssuhdeteoriaa. Aihetta on tutkittu paljon viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana erityisesti kvantitatiivisista lähtökohdista, mutta kvantitatiivinen tutkimustieto ei varsinaisesti selitä sitä, miten tai miksi yksilöt ajattelevat kännykän käytön olevan yhteydessä sosiaaliseen elämäänsä. Siksi tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on antaa lisää selittävää ja yksityiskohtaista kvalitatiivista tutkimustietoa aiheesta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu litteroidusta haastattelupuheesta, joka on kerätty kvalitatiivisen yksilö- ja ryhmähaastattelun metodeilla. Tutkimusaineiston analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty tulkitsevaa fenomenologista analyysia, jonka keskeisenä tavoitteena on yksilöllisten elämänkokemusten ja merkitysten psykologisen sisällön tunnistaminen ja tulkitseminen tutkimusaineistosta. Analyysin näkökulmaan on yhdistetty myös retorisen diskurssianalyysiin liittyvää kielenkäytön funktioiden tarkastelua, jolloin analyysissa huomioidaan myös yksilöiden kielenkäyttö eri merkitysten yhteydessä. Tällöin tarkastelu keskittyy siihen, miten haastateltavat asemoivat itsensä ja muut eri merkitysten yhteydessä ja millaisen vaikutelman he antavat itsestään ja toimijuudestaan kielenkäytön välityksellä. Aineiston avulla päädytään tulokseen, että haastateltavien kokemukset jakautuvat viiteen psykologiseen teemaan, joiden näkökulmasta kännykän käytölle määrittyy hyvin erilainen merkitys yksilön sosiaalisessa elämässä. Ensimmäisessä teemassa haastateltavat ilmaisevat selkeästi kielteisiä henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia kännykän käytöstä ja kokevat sen ensisijaisesti häiritseväksi välineeksi. Toisessa teemassa he puolestaan ilmaisevat myönteisiä henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia kännykän käytöstä ja kokevat sen ensisijaisesti tärkeäksi ja välttämättömäksi välineeksi. Kolmannessa teemassa haastateltavat kokevat kännykän käytön erityisesti jonkun tietyn kohderyhmän toimintana, jolloin sitä ei koeta merkitykselliseksi oman sosiaalisen elämän yhteydessä. Neljännen ja viidennen teeman yhteydessä haastateltavat kokevat kännykän käytön sekä omaan että kaikkien ihmisten sosiaaliseen elämään vaikuttavana toimintana, jolloin se määritellään joko yleisesti normaaliksi tai poikkeavaksi toiminnaksi. Analyysin avulla päädytään sellaiseen johtopäätökseen, että kännykällä voi olla nykyään samaan aikaan sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia merkityksiä yksilön sosiaalisessa elämässä. Positiiviseksi merkitykseksi voidaan tulkita se, että kännykän käyttö voi helpottaa yksilön sosiaalista toimijuutta ja oman kasvotyön hallintaa, jolloin se voi helpottaa yksilöä hallitsemaan omaa sosiaalista elämää. Negatiiviseksi merkitykseksi voidaan tulkita puolestaan se, että kännykän käyttö voi toisaalta myös liikaa määritellä ja hallita yksilön sosiaalista toimijuutta, jolloin se voi lisätä yksilön ahdistusta, epävarmuutta ja toiseuden tunnetta sosiaalista elämäänsä kohtaan

    Contemporaneidade, convergência e jovens universitários: um estudo sobre o WhatsApp e as interações face a face

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    A sociedade contemporânea está sendo palco de ávidas mudanças sociais e econômicas que regem novos modos de ser. Essas alterações conjunturais estão relacionadas à era da convergência das mídias, que concebe uma nova identidade cultural moldada pela cibercultura, a qual é proveniente das relações presentes no ciberespaço, que constroem laços sociais cada vez mais frágeis. Nesse cenário de comunicação em rede que o WhatsApp – objeto deste estudo – surgiu. Sendo assim, este trabalho buscou investigar se houve implicações nas interações face a face dos universitários contemporâneos, após o uso do aplicativo. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a contemporaneidade e a era da convergência, a fim de fundamentar o estudo e orientar a formulação, bem como análise dos resultados das pesquisas qualitativa e quantitativa. As amostras utilizadas foram jovens universitários do Rio de Janeiro, inseridos na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos. Os dados demonstraram que o WhatsApp tem cada vez mais penetração nesse segmento e tem transmutado suas interações face a face, uma vez que ele facilita o dia a dia vertiginoso vivido por esses sujeitos, possibilita o contato entre pessoas que não estão disponíveis para encontros presenciais frequentes e oportuniza relacionamentos concebidos na interação mediada