58 research outputs found

    What is User Experience Really: towards a UX Conceptual Framework

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    For more then a decade the term User Experience (UX) has been highly debated and defined in many ways. However, often UX remains as a vague concept and it may be hard to understand the very nature of it. In this paper we aimed at providing a better understanding of this concept. We explored the multi-faceted UX literature, reviewing the current state-of- the-art knowledge and emphasizing the multi-dimensional nature of the concept. Based on the literature review we built a conceptual framework of UX using the elements that are linked to it and reported in different studies. To show the potential use of the framework, we examined the UX delivered by different phone applications on different mobile devices using the elements in the framework. Several interesting insights have been obtained in terms of how the phone applications deliver different UX. Our study opens up a promising line of investigating the contemporary meaning of UX.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1503.0173

    Can Touch Interaction Predict Product-Related Emotion? A Study on Mobile Augmented Reality

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    The advancement in immersive technologies provides online retailers the opportunity to integrate augmented reality (AR) experience for their customers. Using AR, the online product presentation is transformed from the pictorial representation to virtual interaction with the products. The virtual product interaction facilitates online retailers to detect product-related emotion through affective computing. For mobile AR, customers use touch gestures for virtual interaction. Using the theories related to immersive media and affective computing, we hypothesize that the touch movements and touch pressure in AR-based mobile applications are related to positive emotion during product interaction. Moreover, we describe a methodology to establish our hypotheses and to show that these variables can predict the product-related emotion. We expect our research findings to have both theoretical and practical implications. It will explain why touch behavior can predict product-related emotion, and it will also demonstrate online retailers how to implement emotion analytics in AR shopping applications

    Metric for Designing Inclusive User Interfaces: Action Research on the Implementation of the Care Act 2014

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    This action research is aimed at creating metric for inclusive user interfaces that provide are intuitive and mimic the natural conversation to bridge the skill gap between skilled users and novice users. This metric will help user interface designer to measure the ‘inclusivity’ of their design, thus producing services that as easy as an IKEA manual. This action research is conducted in Nottinghamshire County Council who invested resources to create online channel that enables customers to apply online for social care services, while recognising that their customer base is very diverse. The council adopted an inclusive design strategy to cater to all users with different needs and computer literacy levels

    User experienca measure for news websites : evidence of validity of a questionnaire

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    Blucher Design Proceedings, v. 2, n. 2, set. 2015.O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever parte do processo de construção e validação da MEUWN –Medida de Experiência do Usuário para Websites de Notícias. Com base no modelo teórico a sermensurado, foi elaborado um questionário de 22 afirmativas a serem avaliadas pelo usuário em uma escala Likert de 7 pontos. Para avaliar a qualidade deste questionário, foi realizada uma pesquisa com 8 especialistas em UX e formulação de questionários das áreas de design, psicologia e ciência da informação. Nesta pesquisa os especialistas respondiam a um questionário que avaliava cada item quanto a clareza da linguagem, pertinência do item e relevância teórica. A pesquisa ainda perguntava o fator percebido pelo especialista e oferecia um campo aberto para que pudessem escrever suas observações. O estudo aponta o alto grau de aprovação dos itens por parte dos especialistas, sendo possível estabelecer a evidência da validade do MEUWN pelo alto Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo. Utilizando o comentário dos especialistas, foi revisada a redação de 10 itens e o fator de 2 itens para que seja alcançada uma ainda maior qualidade do instrumento.This article aims to describe part of the construction process and validation of MEUWN - User Experience Measurement for News Websites. Based on the theoretical model to be measured, we designed a questionnaire of 22 questions to be evaluated by the user on a Likert scale of 7 points. To evaluate the quality of this questionnaire, a survey was performed with 8 experts in UX and questionnaires from design, psychology and information science fields. In this research experts completed a questionnaire regarding each item as clarity of language, relevance of the item and theoretical relevance. The survey also asked the factor perceived by the expert and offered an open field so they could write their comments. The study shows the high degree of approval of the items by experts, making it possible to establish the evidence of validity of MEUWN by the high Content Validity Coefficient. Using the experts comments, the wording of 10 items and the factor of 2 items were reviewed to reach an even higher quality of the instrument

    A New Method to Evaluate Good Design for Brand Recognition in the Digital World

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    Visual aesthetics has become a crucial element in strengthening brand experience. In the digital era, however, designers need to approach aesthetics from a holistic standpoint where both traditional and more modern factors are taken into consideration. In this paper we present digital BrandUX, a new method to improve brand consistency through the evaluation of aesthetic features. It builds on the Design Format Analysis (DFA) of Warell(2001) with the addition of a structured step-by-step approach.To test the method we analysed twoweb sites using both DFA and digital BrandUX. The results showed that digital BrandUX is a promising advance in aesthetic evaluation, assisting designers in identifying a greater number of visual aesthetic features. Moreover, the method ensured that the designers exploredand identified all types of factors,with the exception of language. Future lines include the development of a handbook to improve ease of use of the method

    Usability Perceptions of Culturally Adapted Web Pages

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    The internationalization of websites should lead to highly usable web pages with excellent user experience. As a result, the understanding and implementation of users’ preferences for functionality, look, feel and aesthetics in website design has become a fundamental issue that needs to be adequately addressed. This research empirically demonstrates the interaction of user culture with user perceptions of perceived navigability, perceived aesthetics, and satisfaction, using a set of translated Australian and Chinese websites. The results show that by implementing culturally specific design elements it is possible to have a positive influence on these perceptions, but the relationships are more complex than originally hypothesized. This work highlights the importance of accommodating the different information presentation and interaction styles of culturally diverse users to improve their user experience when using websites

    What Causes the Dependency between Perceived Aesthetics and Perceived Usability?

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    Several studies reported a dependency between perceived beauty and perceived usability of a user interface. But it is still not fully clear which psychological mechanism is responsible for this dependency. We suggest a new explanation based on the concept of visual clarity. This concept describes the perception of order, alignment and visual complexity. A high visual clarity supports a fast orientation on an interface and creates an impression of simplicity. Thus, visual clarity will impact usability dimensions, like efficiency and learnability. Visual clarity is also related to classical aesthetics and the fluency effect, thus an impact on the perception of aesthetics is plausible. We present two large studies that show a strong mediator effect of visual clarity on the dependency between perceived aesthetics and perceived usability. These results support the proposed explanation. In addition, we show how visual clarity of a user interface can be evaluated by a new scale embedded in the UEQ+ framework. Construction and first evaluation results of this new scale are described

    IGV short scale to assess implicit value of visualizations through explicit interaction

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    This paper reports the assessment of the infographics-value (IGV) short scale, designed to measure the value in the use of infographics. The scale was made to assess the implicit quality dimensions of infographics. These dimensions were experienced during the execution of tasks in a contextualized scenario. Users were asked to retrieve a piece of information by explicitly interacting with the infographics. After usage, they were asked to rate quality dimensions of infographics, namely, usefulness, intuitiveness, clarity, informativity, and beauty; the overall value perceived from interacting with infographics was also included in the survey. Each quality dimension was coded as a six-point rating scale item, with overall value included. The proposed IGV short scale model was validated with 650 people. Our analysis confirmed that all considered dimensions in our scale were independently significant and contributed to assessing the implicit value of infographics. The IGV short scale is a lightweight but exhaustive tool to rapidly assess the implicit value of an explicit interaction with infographics in daily tasks, where value in use is crucial to measuring the situated effectiveness of visual tools

    IGV Short Scale to Assess Implicit Value of Visualizations through Explicit Interaction

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    This paper reports the assessment of the infographics-value (IGV) short scale, designed to measure the value in the use of infographics. The scale was made to assess the implicit quality dimensions of infographics. These dimensions were experienced during the execution of tasks in a contextualized scenario. Users were asked to retrieve a piece of information by explicitly interacting with the infographics. After usage, they were asked to rate quality dimensions of infographics, namely, usefulness, intuitiveness, clarity, informativity, and beauty; the overall value perceived from interacting with infographics was also included in the survey. Each quality dimension was coded as a six-point rating scale item, with overall value included. The proposed IGV short scale model was validated with 650 people. Our analysis confirmed that all considered dimensions in our scale were independently significant and contributed to assessing the implicit value of infographics. The IGV short scale is a lightweight but exhaustive tool to rapidly assess the implicit value of an explicit interaction with infographics in daily tasks, where value in use is crucial to measuring the situated effectiveness of visual tools. View Full-Tex

    Cognitive Analysis of Intrusion Detection System

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    Usability evaluation methods have gained a substantial attention in networks particularly in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) as these evaluation methods are envisioned to achieve usability and define usability defects for a large number of practical software’s. Despite a good number of available survey and methods on usability evaluation, we feel that there is a gap in existing literature in terms of usability evaluation methods, IDS interfaces and following usability guidelines in IDS development. This paper reviews the state of the art for improving usability of networks that illustrates the issues and challenges in the context of design matters. Further, we propose the taxonomy of key issues in evaluation methods and usability problems. We also define design heuristics for IDS users and interfaces that improves detection of usability defects and interface usability compared to conventional evaluation heuristics. The similarities and differences of usability evaluation methods and usability problems are summarized on the basis of usability factors, current evaluation methods and interfaces loopholes
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