5 research outputs found

    Analisis Sentimen Opini Publik Berita Kebakaran Hutan melalui Komparasi Algoritma Support Vector Machine dan K-nearest Neighbor Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Sentiment analysis is a process to determine the content of text-based datasets which are positive or negative. At present, public opinion be an important resource in the decision of a person in finding a solution. Classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) is proposed by many researchers to be used in sentiment analysis for review opinion. The problem in this research is the selection of feature selection to improve accuracy values Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and compare the highest accuracy for sentiment analysis review public opinion about the news of forest fires. The comparison algorithms, SVM produces an accuracy of 80.83% and AUC 0.947, then compared with SVM based on PSO with an accuracy of 87.11% and AUC 0.922. The test result data for K-NN algorithm accuracy was 85.00% and the AUC 0.918, then compared for accuracy by k-NN-based PSO amounted to 73.06% and the AUC 0.500. The results of the testing of the PSO algorithm can improve the accuracy of SVM, but are not able to improve the accuracy of the algorithm K-NN. SVM algorithm based on PSO proven to provide solutions to the problems of classification review news opinion forest fires in order to more accurately and optimally

    Analisis Sentimen Opini Publik Berita Kebakaran Hutan melalui Komparasi Algoritma Support Vector Machine dan K-nearest Neighbor Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Sentiment analysis is a process to determine the content of text-based datasets which are positive or negative. At present, public opinion be an important resource in the decision of a person in finding a solution. Classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) is proposed by many researchers to be used in sentiment analysis for review opinion. The problem in this research is the selection of feature selection to improve accuracy values Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and compare the highest accuracy for sentiment analysis review public opinion about the news of forest fires. The comparison algorithms, SVM produces an accuracy of 80.83% and AUC 0.947, then compared with SVM based on PSO with an accuracy of 87.11% and AUC 0.922. The test result data for K-NN algorithm accuracy was 85.00% and the AUC 0.918, then compared for accuracy by k-NN-based PSO amounted to 73.06% and the AUC 0.500. The results of the testing of the PSO algorithm can improve the accuracy of SVM, but are not able to improve the accuracy of the algorithm K-NN. SVM algorithm based on PSO proven to provide solutions to the problems of classification review news opinion forest fires in order to more accurately and optimally

    OpinAIS: An Artificial Immune System-based Framework for Opinion Mining

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    This paper proposes the design of an evolutionary algorithm for building classifiers specifically aimed towards performing classification and sentiment analysis over texts. Moreover, it has properties taken from Artificial Immune Systems, as it tries to resemble biological systems since they are able to discriminate harmful from innocuous bodies (in this case, the analogy could be established with negative and positive texts respectively). A framework, namely OpinAIS, is developed around the evolutionary algorithm, which makes it possible to distribute it as an open-source tool, which enables the scientific community both to extend it and improve it. The framework is evaluated with two different public datasets, the first involving voting records for the US Congress and the second consisting in a Twitter corpus with tweets about different technology brands, which can be polarized either towards positive or negative feelings; comparing the results with alternative machine learning techniques and concluding with encouraging results. Additionally, as the framework is publicly available for download, researchers can replicate the experiments from this paper or propose new ones

    An application of Malay short-form word conversion using Levenshtein distance / Azilawati Azizan ... [et al.]

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    Formerly, short-form word was widely used in the field of journalism. However, nowadays, short-form word has been widely used by many people, especially in online communication. These short-form words trigger problems in the field of data mining, especially those involving online text processing. It leads to inaccurate result of text mining activities. On the other hand, only few works have investigated on Malay short-form word identification and conversion. Therefore, this work aims to develop an application that can identify and convert Malay short-form words into its’ full word. In order to develop this application, the short-form rules need to be carefully examined. The formal rules from Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP) are used as the primary reference for generating the short form word identification algorithm. While for the conversion algorithm, Levenshtein Distance (LD) is used to measure the similarity. The rule-based technique is also used as a complement to LD technique. As a result, 70.27% of the Malay short-form words have been correctly converted into their full words. The conversion rate is quite promising, and this work can be further strengthened by incorporating more rules into the algorithm


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    Sentiment analysis is a process to determine the content of text-based datasets which are positive or negative. At present, public opinion be an important resource in the decision of a person in finding a solution. Classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) is proposed by many researchers to be used in sentiment analysis for review opinion. The problem in this research is the selection of feature selection to improve accuracy values Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and compare the highest accuracy for sentiment analysis review public opinion about the news of forest fires. The comparison algorithms, SVM produces an accuracy of 80.83% and AUC 0.947, then compared with SVM based on PSO with an accuracy of 87.11% and AUC 0.922. The test result data for K-NN algorithm accuracy was 85.00% and the AUC 0.918, then compared for accuracy by k-NN-based PSO amounted to 73.06% and the AUC 0.500. The results of the testing of the PSO algorithm can improve the accuracy of SVM, but are not able to improve the accuracy of the algorithm K-NN. SVM algorithm based on PSO proven to provide solutions to the problems of classification review news opinion forest fires in order to more accurately and optimally