26 research outputs found

    USOS E GRATIFICAÇÕES DA VIOLÊNCIA NA MÍDIA: o que sabemos sobre os motivos para a exposição e seus efeitos no receptor

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    Estudos constatam o crescimento quantitativo e “qualitativo” da violĂŞncia nas mĂ­dias, como o que aponta que 80% dos conteĂşdos sĂŁo violentos[1]. Mas mensagens violentas tornam sua audiĂŞncia tambĂ©m violenta? Essa indagação tem sido objeto de investigação de tradições que privilegiam os “efeitos” sobre o comportamento do indivĂ­duo. Para o possĂ­vel efeito, entretanto, as motivações do receptor, bem como suas caracterĂ­sticas particulares ao selecionar conteĂşdos violentos devem ser examinadas. Nesse sentido, realizamos uma revisĂŁo de literatura  dos estudos de Usos e Gratificações que exploram o desenvolvimento do comportamento violento. Para alĂ©m das caracterĂ­sticas fundamentais para desenvolver tais comportamentos, categorizamos os fatores para a exposição Ă  violĂŞncia: 1. Hábito; 2.Gerenciamento do Humor; 3.Integração Pessoal e 4.Interação Social. Muito embora os motivos e a exposição Ă  violĂŞncia das mĂ­dias sejam consistentes com o desenvolvimento de comportamentos agressivos, esses nĂŁo sĂŁo os predecessores mais significativos associados a tal comportamento.   [1] Ver WEAVER (2011)

    Ethical Perceptions and Actions in Gaming

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    The present study explored how individuals perceive actions in gaming that contain ethical components, whether they have ever engaged in those behaviors and how judgments of ethical actions in gaming relate to participant personality. Participants completed a 16-item survey, which measured their perception of the ethics of gaming behaviors, such as buying a hack or lying to another player. Participants were also asked to indicate for each item whether or not they had ever engaged in that behavior. Results indicated that participants were able to judge the ethical level of different gaming behaviors with lying to other players and unauthorized access to servers being rated as most unethical. Furthermore, self-reports of engagement in unethical activities were fairly low. When ethical rating and action scores were correlated with personality characteristics using the Cattell 16PF1, the only correlation to reach significance showed that participants higher in rule consciousness rated the ethical gaming questions as more unethical overall than their less rule-conscious peers. Given the extent and popularity of gaming in today’s world, it is important to understand how individuals perceive the gaming culture. One aspect of this culture that merits further examination is ethical behavior in gaming

    Mediational role of gaming motives in the associations of the Five Factor Model of personality with weekly and disordered gaming in adolescents

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    Five Factor Model (FFM) personality dimensions are relevant distal factors for explaining videogaming behaviors that may act through more proximal variables such as motives. However, this mediational role of gaming motives in the relationships between FFM domains and gaming behaviors has not been examined yet. The present study explored direct and indirect effects of the FFM personality traits on weekly and disordered gaming via gaming motives among 364 adolescent players. Structural equation modeling revealed that disordered gaming was directly predicted by conscientiousness and directly and indirectly, via coping motives, by neuroticism. Low agreeableness was associated with disordered gaming through social interaction. On the other hand, low agreeableness presented significant total effects on weekly gaming. The findings suggest risky personality pathways observed in drug use and abuse are also found in regular and disordered gaming such as the negative affect regulation pathway and a possible deviance proneness pathway.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Blaming Halo: The Effects of Violent Video Games and What Should Be Done about Them

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    In the wake of such incidents as the Newtown, Connecticut and Aurora, Colorado, shootings, much scrutiny has been applied to the topic of violent video games, because there appears to be a link between school shooters and video games that contain gratuitous violence. This paper examines the alleged link between video game violence and real-world violence. Copious amounts of research have been dedicated to this topic. Although many researchers conclude that violent video games lead to increases in aggression, a causal link between violent video games and real-life acts of violence remains unseen. This paper explores the origins of this controversy and then seeks to find a solution to the problem of children playing video games that they should not. Additionally, this paper strives to dispel certain erroneous beliefs that many people have about violent video games

    Factors underlying male and female use of violent video games

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    Research has consistently shown that males play violent video games more frequently than females, but factors underlying this gender gap have not been examined to date. This approach examines the assumption that males play violent video games more because they anticipate more enjoyment and less guilt from engaging in virtual violence than females. This may be because males are less empathetic, tend to morally justify physical violence more and have a greater need for sensation and aggression in video game play than females. Results of a path model based on survey data of 444 respondents and using multi-step multiple mediation analyses confirm these assumptions. Taken together, the findings of this study shed further light on the gender gap in violent video game use

    Nutzungsdauer und Präferenzen für Videospiele und ihre Zusammenhänge mit dem Ärgerempfinden bei Fehlern in der Schule

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    Der vorliegende Artikel geht der Frage nach, wie sich die Nutzungsdauer von und die Präferenzen für Videospiele auf die Ärgerdisposition und das Ärgerempfinden von 16- bis 25-Jährigen auswirken, wenn sie in der Schule Fehler begehen. Hierzu beantworteten 313 Probanden aus der Schweiz einen Online-Fragebogen. Dieser umfasste Fragen zu Videospielen, eine Vor- und Nachhermessung des Ärgerzustands sowie eine ärgerinduzierende Intervention dazwischen. Zusätzlich wurden soziodemographische Angaben und dispositionelle Ärgerdimensionen erhoben. Es zeigte sich, dass das Begehen von Fehlern in der Schule nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Ärgerzunahme führte. Etwa die Hälfte der Probanden zeigte danach sogar eine Ärgerreduktion. Jugendliche, welche Rollenspiele präferierten, zeigten eine höhere Ärgerkontrolle und drückten ihren Ärger weniger offen nach aussen aus als Jugendliche, welche Rollenspiele nicht präferierten. Jugendliche, welche Ego-Shooter oder Sport Games präferierten, richteten den Ärger weniger nach innen oder unterdrückten ihn weniger als Jugendliche, welche Ego-Shooter oder Sport Games nicht präferierten. Ausserdem zeigten Jugendliche, welche Sport Games präferierten, eine geringere Ärgerkontrolle als Jugendliche, welche Sport Games nicht präferierten. Weiter zeigte sich, dass männliche Jugendliche signifikant häufiger Videospiele spielen als weibliche. Die Nutzungsdauer von Videospielen korrelierte nicht signifikant mit der Ärgerzunahme. Somit kann nicht davon ausgegangen werden, dass Videospiele zu einer fehlerfreundlicheren Haltung führen. Es kann aber auch festgehalten werden, dass Videospiele keine verstärkende Wirkung auf das Ärgerempfinden haben. Medienkritische Haltungen konnten diesbezüglich nicht bestätigt werden

    Nutzungsdauer und Präferenzen für Videospiele und ihre Zusammenhänge mit dem Ärgerempfinden bei Fehlern in der Schule

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    Der vorliegende Artikel geht der Frage nach, wie sich die Nutzungsdauer von und die Präferenzen für Videospiele auf die Ärgerdisposition und das Ärgerempfinden von 16- bis 25-Jährigen auswirken, wenn sie in der Schule Fehler begehen. Hierzu beantworteten 313 Probanden aus der Schweiz einen Online-Fragebogen. Dieser umfasste Fragen zu Videospielen, eine Vor- und Nachhermessung des Ärgerzustands sowie eine ärgerinduzierende Intervention dazwischen. Zusätzlich wurden soziodemographische Angaben und dispositionelle Ärgerdimensionen erhoben. Es zeigte sich, dass das Begehen von Fehlern in der Schule nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Ärgerzunahme führte. Etwa die Hälfte der Probanden zeigte danach sogar eine Ärgerreduktion. Jugendliche, welche Rollenspiele präferierten, zeigten eine höhere Ärgerkontrolle und drückten ihren Ärger weniger offen nach aussen aus als Jugendliche, welche Rollenspiele nicht präferierten. Jugendliche, welche Ego-Shooter oder Sport Games präferierten, richteten den Ärger weniger nach innen oder unterdrückten ihn weniger als Jugendliche, welche Ego-Shooter oder Sport Games nicht präferierten. Ausserdem zeigten Jugendliche, welche Sport Games präferierten, eine geringere Ärgerkontrolle als Jugendliche, welche Sport Games nicht präferierten. Weiter zeigte sich, dass männliche Jugendliche signifikant häufiger Videospiele spielen als weibliche. Die Nutzungsdauer von Videospielen korrelierte nicht signifikant mit der Ärgerzunahme. Somit kann nicht davon ausgegangen werden, dass Videospiele zu einer fehlerfreundlicheren Haltung führen. Es kann aber auch festgehalten werden, dass Videospiele keine verstärkende Wirkung auf das Ärgerempfinden haben. Medienkritische Haltungen konnten diesbezüglich nicht bestätigt werden.This article examines how the usage time of and preferences for video games affect the disposition and sense of annoyance of 16- to 25-year-old adolescents when they make mistakes at school. For this purpose, 313 volunteers from Switzerland answered an online questionnaire. This included questions about video games, a pre- and post-measurement of the state of anger, and an anger-inducing intervention in between. In addition, sociodemographic data and dispositional anger dimensions were collected. It turned out that making mistakes at school did not necessarily lead to an increase in anger. Approximately half of the participants even showed a reduction in annoyance. Adolescents who preferred role-playing games showed a higher level of anger control and expressed their anger less openly than adolescents who did not prefer role-playing games. Adolescents who preferred first-person shooter or sports games turned their anger inwards less or suppressed it less than adolescents who did not prefer first-person shooter or sports games. In addition, adolescents who preferred sports games showed less anger control than adolescents who did not. It was also found that male adolescents play video games significantly more often than female adolescents. The usage time of video games did not correlate significantly with the increase in anger. Thus, it cannot be assumed that playing video games leads to a more error-friendly attitude. However, it can also be stated that playing video games has no amplifying effect on the feeling of anger. Media-critical attitudes could not be confirmed in this respect

    The role of violent video game exposure, personality, and deviant peers in aggressive behaviors among adolescents: a two-wave longitudinal study

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    The impact of violent video game exposure (VVGE) on aggressive behaviors has been extensively explored, but still remains controversial. Although some studies have shown slight detrimental short-term effects of VVGE, other studies have failed to find any consequence. In addition, the existence of long-lasting effects on aggressiveness, or their impact on adolescents, are still not well established. One limitation of most of these studies is that they do not control for other important risk variables for aggressive behaviors, such as personality and deviant peers, nor have they investigated the possible moderation role of these risk factors in the link between VVGE and aggression. Therefore, the main aim was to examine the additive and interactive role of VVGE, personality, and deviant peers in adolescent aggressive behaviors cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Many regression analyses and a cross-lagged autoregressive model were carried out. At both waves, aggressive behavior was predicted by having deviant peers and specific personality traits, especially low agreeableness. VVGE also presented a slight but significant effect at both waves, but it became nonsignificant when controlling for other variables. No long-term effects on the relation between VVGE and aggressive behaviors were found. Some moderation effects were consistently found at both waves: when participants reported having more deviant peers, the effects of VVGE and low agreeableness on aggressive behaviors significantly increased. These findings suggest that multiple biopsychosocial variables and their complex interplay need to be examined to gain a better understanding of the origin and expression of aggressive behavior

    Medical Students' Perceptions of Play and Learning:Qualitative Study With Focus Groups and Thematic Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In times where distance learning is becoming the norm, game-based learning (GBL) is increasingly applied to health profession education. Yet, decisions for if, when, how, and for whom GBL should be designed cannot be made on a solid empirical basis. Though the act of play seems to be intertwined with GBL, it is generally ignored in the current scientific literature. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to explore students’ perceptions of play in leisure time and of GBL as part of a mechanistic, bottom-up approach towards evidence-informed design and implementation of GBL in health profession education. METHODS: We conducted 6 focus group discussions with medical and dentistry students, which were analyzed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: A total of 58 students participated. We identified 4 major themes based on the students’ perception of play in leisure time and on the combination of play and learning. Our results indicate that, while play preferences were highly various in our health profession student cohort, pleasure was the common ground reported for playing. Crucially, play and the serious act of learning seemed paradoxical, indicating that the value and meaning of play are strongly context-dependent for students. CONCLUSIONS: Four key points can be constructed from our study. First, students play for pleasure. Perceptions of pleasure vary considerably among students. Second, students consider play as inefficient. Inefficiency will only be justified when it increases learning. Third, play should be balanced with the serious and only be used for difficult or tedious courses. Fourth, GBL activities should not be made compulsory for students. We provide practical implications and directions for future research