9 research outputs found

    A Survey of Iris Recognition System

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    The uniqueness of iris texture makes it one of the reliable physiological biometric traits compare to the other biometric traits. In this paper, we investigate a different level of fusion approach in iris image. Although, a number of iris recognition methods has been proposed in recent years, however most of them focus on the feature extraction and classification method. Less number of method focuses on the information fusion of iris images. Fusion is believed to produce a better discrimination power in the feature space, thus we conduct an analysis to investigate which fusion level is able to produce the best result for iris recognition system. Experimental analysis using CASIA dataset shows feature level fusion produce 99% recognition accuracy. The verification analysis shows the best result is GAR = 95% at the FRR = 0.1

    The Removal of Specular Reflection in Noisy Iris Image

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    Iris recognition is a biometric system that uses human iris features to determine and verify the identity of human. Other biometric systems are fingerprint, face, ear, voice, gait, blood vessels and many more. A complete iris recognition system includes: iris acquisition, iris segmentation, feature extraction and matching. The main factor to obtain high segmentation and recognition accuracy is the quality of iris pattern. The quality of iris pattern can be affected because of specular reflection. Specular reflection happens during iris acquisition and it can reduce the features of iris pattern. This work is significant since the improved iris pattern can enhance the performance of iris localization, iris segmentation and feature extraction in the iris recognition system. In this paper, the iris image enhancement methods are proposed to remove the specular reflection. UBIRIS v1 and CASIA v4 databases are used for testing. Based on the results, the proposed methods managed to remove the specular reflection without affecting the iris image quality. The proposed methods also obtained fast execution time and low memor

    A local structural descriptor for image matching via normalized graph laplacian embedding

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    This paper investigates graph spectral approaches to the problem of point pattern matching. Specifically, we concentrate on the issue of how to effectively use graph spectral properties to characterize point patterns in the presence of positional jitter and outliers. A novel local spectral descriptor is proposed to represent the attribute domain of feature points. For a point in a given point-set, weight graphs are constructed on its neighboring points and then their normalized Laplacian matrices are computed. According to the known spectral radius of the normalized Laplacian matrix, the distribution of the eigenvalues of these normalized Laplacian matrices is summarized as a histogram to form a descriptor. The proposed spectral descriptor is finally combined with the approximate distance order for recovering correspondences between point-sets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach and its superiority to the existing methods

    Efficient Iris Recognition Based on Optimal Subfeature Selection and Weighted Subregion Fusion

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    In this paper, we propose three discriminative feature selection strategies and weighted subregion matching method to improve the performance of iris recognition system. Firstly, we introduce the process of feature extraction and representation based on scale invariant feature transformation (SIFT) in detail. Secondly, three strategies are described, which are orientation probability distribution function (OPDF) based strategy to delete some redundant feature keypoints, magnitude probability distribution function (MPDF) based strategy to reduce dimensionality of feature element, and compounded strategy combined OPDF and MPDF to further select optimal subfeature. Thirdly, to make matching more effective, this paper proposes a novel matching method based on weighted sub-region matching fusion. Particle swarm optimization is utilized to accelerate achieve different sub-region’s weights and then weighted different subregions’ matching scores to generate the final decision. The experimental results, on three public and renowned iris databases (CASIA-V3 Interval, Lamp, andMMU-V1), demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform some of the existing methods in terms of correct recognition rate, equal error rate, and computation complexity

    Iris Recognition Using Possibilistic Fuzzy Matching on Local Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel possibilistic fuzzy matching strategy with invariant properties, which can provide a robust and effective matching scheme for two sets of iris feature points. In addition, the nonlinear normalization model is adopted to provide more accurate position before matching. Moreover, an effective iris segmentation method is proposed to refine the detected inner and outer boundaries to smooth curves. For feature extraction, the Gabor filters are adopted to detect the local feature points from the segmented iris image in the Cartesian coordinate system and to generate a rotation-invariant descriptor for each detected point. After that, the proposed matching algorithm is used to compute a similarity score for two sets of feature points from a pair of iris images. The experimental results show that the performance of our system is better than those of the systems based on the local features and is comparable to those of the typical systems

    Identification de personnes par fusion de différentes modalités biométriques

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    This thesis contributes to the resolution of the problems which are related to the analysis of the biometric data outcome from the iris, the fingerprint and the fusion of these two modalities, for person identification. Thus, after the evaluation of those proposed biometric systems, we have shown that the multimodal biometric system based on iris and fingerprint outperforms both monomodal biometric systems based whatsoever on the iris or on the fingerprint.Cette thèse contribue essentiellement à la résolution des problèmes liés à l'analyse des données biométriques issues de l'iris, de l'empreinte digitale et de la fusion de ces deux modalités pour l'identification de personne. Ainsi, après l'évaluation des trois systèmes biométriques proposés, nous avons prouvé que le système biométrique multimodal basé sur l'iris et l'empreinte digitale est plus performant que les deux systèmes biométriques monomodaux basés que se soit sur l'iris ou sur l'empreinte digitale