87 research outputs found

    Invisible Seams

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    International audienceSurface materials are commonly described by attributes stored in textures (for instance, color, normal, or displacement). Interpolation during texture lookup provides a continuous value field everywhere on the surface, except at the chart boundaries where visible discontinuities appear. We propose a solution to make these seams invisible, while still outputting a standard texture atlas. Our method relies on recent advances in quad remeshing using global parameterization to produce a set of texture coordinates aligning texel grids across chart boundaries. This property makes it possible to ensure that the interpolated value fields on both sides of a chart boundary precisely match, making all seams invisible. However, this requirement on the uv coordinates needs to be complemented by a set of constraints on the colors stored in the texels. We propose an algorithm solving for all the necessary constraints between texel values, including through different magnification modes (nearest, bilinear, biquadratic and bicubic), and across facets using different texture resolutions. In the typical case of bilinear magnification and uniform resolution, none of the texels appearing on the surface are constrained. Our approach also ensures perfect continuity across several MIP-mapping levels

    Cross-Border Trade On The Island Of Ireland In The Wake Of Brexit

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    Cross-border trade is the cornerstone of the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland economic relationship and a primary driver of Brexit discussions, which threaten the integrated and currently invisible seams of the border. The UK has simultaneously committed to maintaining frictionless trade and to no hard border post-Brexit. This article analyzes the UK’s proposed solutions for the Irish border as well as the potential impact of these new systems on the economics of cross-border trade on the island of Ireland

    Enhancement of Underwater Video Mosaics for Post-Processing

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    Mosaics of seafloor created from still images or video acquired underwater have proved to be useful for construction of maps of forensic and archeological sites, species\u27 abundance estimates, habitat characterization, etc. Images taken by a camera mounted on a stable platform are registered (at first pair-wise and then globally) and assembled in a high resolution visual map of the surveyed area. While this map is usually sufficient for a human orientation and even quantitative measurements, it often contains artifacts that complicate an automatic post-processing (for example, extraction of shapes for organism counting, or segmentation for habitat characterization). The most prominent artifacts are inter-frame seams caused by inhomogeneous artificial illumination, and local feature misalignments due to parallax effects - result of an attempt to represent a 3D world on a 2D map. In this paper we propose two image processing techniques for mosaic quality enhancement - median mosaic-based illumination correction suppressing appearance of inter-frame seams, and micro warping decreasing influence of parallax effects

    Invisible seams: notes for (another) history of Design in Argentina

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    El presente trabajo recupera algunos hilos que atraviesan la investigación previa de los autores denominada Los orígenes del Diseño en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, destinada a poner de relieve los hechos y personajes determinantes en la institucionalización de la disciplina dentro de esta casa de estudios. Siguiendo las trayectorias y la trama de vínculos personales entre los profesores Rodolfo Castagna, Daniel Almeida Curth y Héctor Cartier surgen nuevos datos en referencia a su relación con César Jannello y a sus aportes dentro de las instituciones educativas de arte porteñas en los años cuarenta. Hechos que, a la luz de la participación de estos mismos docentes en la creación de las carreras de Diseño de La Plata y Cuyo tres lustros después, no solo demuestran que ambos centros educativos se hallan hermanados en su origen, sino que permiten visibilizar el devenir de las Artes Aplicadas al Diseño dentro de la enseñanza artística nacional, abriendo nuevos caminos en la historia del Diseño en la Argentina.The present work recovers some threads covered on a previous investigation of the authors called The Origins of Design at the National University of La Plata, aimed at highlighting the facts and determining characters in the institutionalization of the discipline within this house of studies. Following the trajectories and the plot of personal links between professors Rodolfo Castagna, Daniel Almeida Curth and Héctor Cartier, new data emerges in reference to their relationship with César Jannello and his contributions within the art educational institutions of Buenos Aires in the 1940s. Facts that, in light of the participation of these same teachers in the creation of the La Plata and Cuyo Design careers three decades later, not only show that both educational centers are twinned in their origin, but also make it possible to uncover the future of Arts Applied to Design within the national art education, opening new paths in the history of Design in Argentina.Facultad de Arte

    Guest Recital, October 4, 2015

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    Harper Hal


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    Field trip guide to Oligocene Limestones and Caves in the Waitomo District

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    The field guide runs from Hamilton to Waitomo to Te Anga and return in limestone-dominated country developed in transgressive sedimentary deposits of the Oligocene Te Kuiti Group – a world class example of a temperate shelf carbonate depositional system. Attention focuses on the nature, distribution and paleoenvironmental controls of the main limestone facies and some of the mixed terrigenous-carbonate facies in the Group. Along the way features of the Waitomo karst landscape are noted and the trip concludes by going underground in the Ruakuri Cave to discuss cave origins and the evidence for paleoenvironmental changes locked up in speleothems

    Blindstitch sewing machines in the world sewing equipment market

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    The blindstitch sewing machine are used for different sewing operations: hemming and felling operations, beltloop manufacturing, padding, spot tacking, blind stitching of double side/face seams. The web-sites of sewing equipment producers were analyzed to see the availability of blindstitch sewing machines in the world's market. 68 manufacturers from 143 researched companies produce one or more types of blindstitch sewing machines. The blindstitch machines of stitch 103 are manufactured the most often. The machines of stitch class 300 are developed for specific applications manufacturing men suits. The companies Strobel and Maier are most well known blindstitch machine manufacturers. The company Strobel has widest offer of class 300 blindstith machines. The company Maier produces sewing machines for industrially manufactured and tailored clothing, as well as, for manufacturing home and technical textile goods

    The Soft Bathroom Potential

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    Towards a Socio-Cultural Turn in Translation Teaching: A Canadian Perspective

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    While current translation theory is beginning to reconcile cultural and linguistic approaches to translation, this is far from the case in translation pedagogy and curriculum. This paper will argue in favour of a socio-cultural turn in translation pedagogy and curriculum design with specific reference to the Canadian/QuĂ©bec context where the social, political and economic dimensions of the practice of translation, and its place within the broader area of inter-cultural communication in Canada differ depending on whether one is working into English or into French. Issues examined include redesigning curriculum to highlight the socio-cultural functions of translation, integrating culture and pedagogy, and identifying the theoretical implications of a cultural turn in translation teaching.Si, au sein des thĂ©ories contemporaines de la traduction, on constate une certaine rĂ©conciliation des perspectives culturelles et linguistiques, cela est loin d’ĂȘtre le cas dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Partant du contexte quĂ©bĂ©cois/canadien oĂč les dimensions sociales, politiques et Ă©conomiques de la traduction ainsi que son rĂŽle dans la communication interculturelle en gĂ©nĂ©ral diffĂšrent beaucoup selon que l’on traduit vers l’anglais ou vers le français, cet article dĂ©montre l’urgence d’un « virage socio-culturel » en pĂ©dagogie de la traduction. Sont examinĂ©es, entre autres, les implications d’un tel virage pour la conception des programmes d’études et des stratĂ©gies pĂ©dagogiques, ainsi que sa contribution Ă  une rĂ©flection thĂ©orique plus gĂ©nĂ©rale sur la traduction
