9 research outputs found

    Etiquetado social: un modelo de representación de la información en la blogosfera

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    Objective: The study addresses the theoretical and conceptual aspects related to social labeling. Has the advantages of labels on different platforms of Web 2.0. Exposes some of the major sites of social labeling system including Flickr, Delicious, Technorati is destcan, among others. Terminologically analyzed using the tags in the blogosphere as a model for representing information. Methods: The research took as methods of qualitative content analysis to identify the behavior of the international literature on this subject and the metric analysis to characterize the use of social labeling in the blogosphere. Results: The study led to qualitatively describe the use of labels on blogs and their terminological particularities associated with the following aspects: creating labels in these spaces is related to a number of social issues among which we can highlight: Politics, Culture, economy, Gender, History, Sexuality, Discrimination, Health, Environment, Technology. The labels on these platforms are defined from the general to the particular and there is no limit concurrency for its creation, usually the authors cite for each post 4-7 labels in order to spread their content as possible in the community. Conclusions: This study enables reflect the social impact of using labels on platforms like blogs.Objetivo: O estudo aborda os aspectos teóricos conceituais ligados ao etiquetagem social. Apresenta as vantagens das etiquetas em diferentes plataformas da Web 2.0. Expõe alguns dos principais sites com sistema de etiquetagem social entre os que se destacam Flickr, Delicious, Technorati, entre outros. Analisa terminológicamente o uso das etiquetas na blogosfera como modelo de representação da informação. Métodos: A pesquisa tomou como métodos a análise de conteúdo qualitativo para identificar o comportamento da bibliografia internacional sobre esta temática e a análise métrica com o objetivo de caracterizar o uso do etiquetagem social na blogosfera. Resultados: O estudo permitiu descrever qualitativamente o uso das etiquetas nos blogs e suas particularidades terminológicas sociais aos seguintes aspectos: a criação das etiquetas nestes espaços esta relacionada com uma série de temáticas sociais entre as que se podem destacar: Política, Cultura, Economia, Gênero, História, Sexualidade, Discriminação, Saúde, Médio Ambiente, Tecnologia. As etiquetas nestas plataformas se definem do geral ao particular e não existe um limite de participações para sua criação, geralmente os autores citam para cada post entre 4-7 etiquetas com o objetivo de difundir o mais possível seus conteúdos na comunidade. Conclusão: O presente estudo possibilita refletir o impacto social do uso das etiquetas em plataformas como os blogs.Objetivo: El estudio aborda los aspectos teóricos conceptuales asociados al etiquetado social. Presenta las ventajas del etiquetas en diferentes plataformas de la Web 2.0. Expone algunos de los principales sitios con sistema de etiquetado social entre los que se destacan Flickr, Delicious, Technorati, entre otros. Analiza terminológicamente el uso de las etiquetas en la blogosfera como modelo de representación de la información. Métodos: La investigación tomó como métodos el análisis de contenido cualitativo para identificar el comportamiento de la bibliografía internacional sobre esta temática y el análisis métrico con el objetivo de caracterizar el uso del etiquetado social en la blogosfera. Resultados: El estudio permitió describir cualitativamente el uso de las etiquetas en los blogs y sus particularidades terminológicas asociadas a los siguientes aspectos: la creación de las etiquetas en estos espacios esta relacionada con una serie de temáticas sociales entre las que se pueden destacar: Política, Cultura, Economía, Género, Historia, Sexualidad, Discriminación, Salud, Medio Ambiente, Tecnología. Las etiquetas en estas plataformas se definen de lo general a lo particular y no existe un límite de concurrencias para su creación, generalmente los autores citan para cada post entre 4-7 etiquetas con el objetivo de difundir lo más posible sus contenidos en la comunidad. Conclusión: El presente estudio posibilita reflejar el impacto social del uso de las etiquetas en plataformas como los blogs

    Italy’s “Five Stars” Movement and the role of a leader, or, How charismatic power can resurface through the Web

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    By focusing on the case of Italian political movement “Five Stars”, founded in 2009 by former comedian Beppe Grillo, this article will analyse the resurfacing of a particular kind of power – the charismatic authority – through a platform such as the Web 2.0 that was expected to promote more rational consensus strategies. Although the political action of the Five Stars movement pretends to be inspired by a participative culture, it is in fact directly ruled by the founder via his blog, with a little space allowed for discussions. In this sense, the rise of Grillo as a political leader seems to both retrieve and renew an old form of authority grounded in a very traditional legitimacy - the charismatic and undisputed leadership of the boss – while at the same time able to spread through the network. This article will offer an overview of the events and also provide a theoretical interpretation

    “RT, por favor”: considerações sobre a difusão de informações no Twitter

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    This paper focuses on identifying and discussing some of the information diffusion strategies used by Brazilian social actors in Twitter based on social capital perceptions apprehended in the tool. It is started discussing how Twitter can be perceived as a social network site (Boyd and Ellison, 2007) and how, based on this perception, it can be understood as a favorable environment for information diffusion between actors who belong to this network. In order to discuss these questions, this study is based on a survey ansered by 903 Brazilian twitters, as well as a content analysis of 622 random Brazilian tweets. The results point towards a possible relation between Twitter appropriation, information diffusion strategies and the perception actors have of the profits they will earn based on bridging social capital (Putnam, 2000; Ellison et al., 2007). Key words: social networks, Twitter, information diffusion, social capital.Este trabalho foca a identificação e discussão de algumas das estratégias utilizadas pelos usuários brasileiros no Twitter para a difusão de informações baseada da percepção dos valores (capital social) apreendidos na ferramenta. Parte-se da discussão do Twitter como site de rede social (Boyd e Ellison, 2007) que, enquanto tal, é compreendido como um ambiente propício para a difusão de informações entre os indivíduos pertencentes a essas redes. Para discutir essas questões, o estudo toma por base em dados de um questionário, respondido por 903 usuários brasileiros da ferramenta, bem como a análise de conteúdo de 622 tweets aleatórios publicados por usuários brasileiros no Twitter, coletados no primeiro semestre de 2009. Os resultados apontam para uma possível relação entre a apropriação da ferramenta, as estratégias de difusão de informações utilizadas pelos atores e a percepção do capital social conectivo (Putnam, 2000; Ellison et al., 2007).Palavras-chave: redes sociais, Twitter, difusão de informações, capital social

    Diário do Nordeste no Instagram : usos e apropriações das redes sociais pelo jornal como ferramenta de legitimação

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    Nas redes sociais on-line, tornou-se comum a presença de celebridades, personalidades e marcas famosas, além de veículos de comunicação. Facebook, Twitter e Instagram têm servido de plataforma para a divulgação e promoção desses atores sociais, que aproveitam o potencial interativo que tais ferramentas oferecem, estabelecendo interações com suas audiências - cada vez mais ativas -, trazendo assim novos padrões e/ou reafirmando processos comunicacionais já instituídos. Neste trabalho, vamos discutir a apropriação e uso do Instagram por parte do jornal Diário do Nordeste, sua performance e desempenho, assim como as ações desenvolvidas pelo periódico naquela rede social. Esta pesquisa também busca identificar as formas de participação dos usuários e seguidores do perfil @diariodonordeste, avaliando como os mesmos interagem com a marca e seu nível de engajamento.The presence of celebrities, famous personalities, as well as communication groups on social media platforms has become common. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have served as a path for the dissemination and promotion of these social actors, who take advantage of the interactive potential that such tools offer, establishing interactions with their increasingly active audiences, thus bringing new standards and / or reasserting communicational processes already instituted. This research will discuss the appropriation and use of Instagram by the newspaper Diário do Nordeste, its performance and accomplishments, as well as the actions developed by the newspaper in that social media. This research also aims to identify the ways of participation of users and followers of @diariodonordeste profile, evaluating how they interact with the brand and its level of engagement

    Cultural impacts on web: An empirical comparison of interactivity in websites of South Korea and the United Kingdom

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel UniversityThis thesis explores cultural differences on interactive design features used in websites of South Korea and the United Kingdom from the perspective of both: professional website designers and end-users. It also investigates how the use of interactive design features from different cultures change over time. Four interaction types on websites; User to Interface (U2I), User to Content (U2C), User to Provider (U2P), and User to User (U2U) interactivity, and three interaction types on blogs; Blogger to Interface (B2I), Blogger to Content (B2C) and Blogger to Blogger (B2B) interactivity have been identified. Four cultural dimensions were used for the theoretical base of this study based on which four hypotheses were proposed in relation to the interaction types identified above; (a) High versus Low Context cultures for U2I, (b) High versus Low Uncertainty Avoidance for U2C, (c) High versus Low Power Distance for U2P and (d) Individualism versus Collectivism for U2U interactivity, in order to discover the effects of national cultures on interactivity in websites. We derived our own interactivity dimensions and mapped them to the four interaction types for websites and three for blogs. Interactive design features were derived from interactivity dimensions and examined in our studies. The findings revealed that there have been some changes towards homogeneity in the use of interactive design features on charity websites between South Korea and United Kingdom although there is still evidence of some cultural differences. With regard to end-users’ perspective, the result show that the use of interactive design features of blogs may be influenced by culture but this is only within a certain context. The findings also provide a valuable indication that users interacting within the same blog service can be considered as being shared concerns rather than shared national location, thus create a particular type of community in which bloggers are affected by social influence so they adopt a shared set of value, preferences and style that would indicate almost a common social culture. As a result, the cultural differences derived from their country of origin do not have that much impact

    Against remediation

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    The Exposure Economy Model: Navigating Visibility on Instagram

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    To be seen on social media is a crucial concern for content creators, who have developed visibility practices to stand out in overcrowded online markets. ‘Exposure’, the state of being publicised to new audiences, has hence become increasingly valuable and is treated as a reward to be utilised as currency. This thesis shifts thinking around the social media landscape by offering a new model to view the participants and practices involved in the production, consumption, and trade of exposure. The Exposure Economy Model (EEM) compares the operations of the Instagram platform and its users, influencers, and agencies to respective economic stakeholders, namely retail institutions, consumers, brand manufacturers and distributors. This comparison is grounded in digital ethnography, consisting of participant observation, surveys, semi-structured interviews, and textual analysis. Through investigating the exposure-seeking practices within EEM, the research design examines algorithmic structures that lead to disproportionate visibility outcomes online. Subsequent research findings introduce new categories to segment social media users, namely engaged users, private participants, and need-centric consumers, and illustrate how variables such as aesthetics, aspiration and authenticity are crucial to the construction of influencer branding. By focusing on Instagram, this thesis explores the app’s specific use by key stakeholders, how they navigate capitalist systems and the social and cultural impacts of exposure inflation. Beyond the example of Instagram, however, these discussions build on existing research on influencers, micro-celebrity, and the creator economy by drawing attention to digital inequalities and providing suggestions for mitigating and adapting to social media change