797 research outputs found

    Next-generation optical access seamless Evolution: concluding results of the European FP7 project OASE

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    Increasing bandwidth demand drives the need for next-generation optical access (NGOA) networks that can meet future end-user service requirements. This paper gives an overview of NGOA solutions, the enabling optical access network technologies, architecture principles, and related economics and business models. NGOA requirements (including peak and sustainable data rate, reach, cost, node consolidation, and open access) are proposed, and the different solutions are compared against such requirements in different scenarios (in terms of population density and system migration). Unsurprisingly, it is found that different solutions are best suited for different scenarios. The conclusions drawn from such findings allow us to formulate recommendations in terms of technology, strategy, and policy. The paper is based on the main results of the European FP7 OASE Integrated Project that ran between January 1, 2010 and February 28, 2013

    Design and Service Provisioning Methods for Optical Networks in 5G and Beyond Scenarios

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    Network operators are deploying 5G while also considering the evolution towards 6G. They consider different enablers and address various challenges. One trend in the 5G deployment is network densification, i.e., deploying many small cell sites close to the users, which need a well-designed transport network (TN). The choice of the TN technology and the location for processing the 5G protocol stack functions are critical to contain capital and operational expenditures. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure the resiliency of the TN infrastructure in case of a failure in nodes and/or links while the resource efficiency is maximized.Operators are also interested in 5G networks with flexibility and scalability features. In this context, one main question is where to deploy network functions so that the connectivity and compute resources are utilized efficiently while meeting strict service latency and availability requirements. Off-loading compute resources to large and central data centers (DCs) has some advantages, i.e., better utilization of compute resources at a lower cost. A backup path can be added to address service availability requirements when using compute off-loading strategies. This might impact the service blocking ratio and limit operators’ profit. The importance of this trade-off becomes more critical with the emergence of new 6G verticals.This thesis proposes novel methods to address the issues outlined above. To address the challenge of cost-efficient TN deployment, the thesis introduces a framework to study the total cost of ownership (TCO), latency, and reliability performance of a set of TN architectures for high-layer and low-layer functional split options. The architectural options are fiber- or microwave-based. To address the strict availability requirement, the thesis proposes a resource-efficient protection strategy against single node/link failure of the midhaul segment. The method selects primary and backup DCs for each aggregation node (i.e., nodes to which cell sites are connected) while maximizing the sharing of backup resources. Finally, to address the challenge of resource efficiency while provisioning services, the thesis proposes a backup-enhanced compute off-loading strategy (i.e., resource-efficient provisioning (REP)). REP selects a DC, a connectivity path, and (optionally) a backup path for each service request with the aim of minimizing resource usage while the service latency and availability requirements are met.Our results of the techno-economic assessment of the TN options reveal that, in some cases, microwave can be a good substitute for fiber technology. Several factors, including the geo-type, functional split option, and the cost of fiber trenching and microwave equipment, influence the effectiveness of the microwave. The considered architectures show similar latency and reliability performance and meet the 5G service requirements. The thesis also shows that a protection strategy based on shared connectivity and compute resources can lead to significant cost savings compared to benchmarks based on dedicated backup resources. Finally, the thesis shows that the proposed backup-enhanced compute off-loading strategy offers advantages in service blocking ratio and profit gain compared to a conventional off-loading approach that does not add a backup path. Benefits are even more evident considering next-generation services, e.g., expected on the market in 3 to 5 years, as the demand for services with stringent latency and availability will increase

    Network virtualization in next generation cellular networks

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    The complexity of operation and management of emerging cellular networks significantly increases, as they evolve to correspond to increasing QoS needs, data rates and diversity of offered services. Thus critical challenges appear regarding their performance. At the same time, network sustainability pushes toward the utilization of haring Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure between Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). This requires advanced network management techniques which have to be developed based on characteristics of these networks and traffic demands. Therefore it is necessary to provide solutions enabling the creation of logically isolated network partitions over shared physical network infrastructure. Multiple heterogeneous virtual networks should simultaneously coexist and support resource aggregation so as to appear as a single resource to serve different traffic types on demand. Hence in this thesis, we study RAN virtualization and slicing solutions destined to tackle these challenges. In the first part, we present our approach to map virtual network elements onto radio resources of the substrate physical network, in a dense multi-tier LTE-A scenario owned by a MNO. We propose a virtualization solution at BS level, where baseband modules of distributed BSs, interconnected via logical point-to-point X2 interface, cooperate to reallocate radio resources on a traffic need basis. Our proposal enhances system performance by achieving 53% throughput gain compared with benchmark schemes without substantial signaling overhead. In the second part of the thesis, we concentrate on facilitating resource provisioning between multiple Virtual MNOs (MVNOs), by integrating the capacity broker in the 3GPP network management architecture with minimum set of enhancements. A MNO owns the network and provides RAN access on demand to several MVNOs. Furthermore we propose an algorithm for on-demand resource allocation considering two types of traffic. Our proposal achieves 50% more admitted requests without Service Level Agreement (SLA) violation compared with benchmark schemes. In the third part, we devise and study a solution for BS agnostic network slicing leveraging BS virtualization in a multi-tenant scenario. This scenario is composed of different traffic types (e.g., tight latency requirements and high data rate demands) along with BSs characterized by different access and transport capabilities (i.e., Remote Radio Heads, RRHs, Small Cells, SCs and future 5G NodeBs, gNBs with various functional splits having ideal and non-ideal transport network). Our solution achieves 67% average spectrum usage gain and 16.6% Baseband Unit processing load reduction compared with baseline scenarios. Finally, we conclude the thesis by providing insightful research challenges for future works.La complejidad de la operación y la gestión de las emergentes redes celulares aumenta a medida que evolucionan para hacer frente a las crecientes necesidades de calidad de servicio (QoS), las tasas de datos y la diversidad de los servicios ofrecidos. De esta forma aparecen desafíos críticos con respecto a su rendimiento. Al mismo tiempo, la sostenibilidad de la red empuja hacia la utilización de la infraestructura de red de acceso radio (RAN) compartida entre operadores de redes móviles (MNO). Esto requiere técnicas avanzadas de gestión de redes que deben desarrollarse en función de las características especiales de estas redes y las demandas de tráfico. Por lo tanto, es necesario proporcionar soluciones que permitan la creación de particiones de red aisladas lógicamente sobre la infraestructura de red física compartida. Para ello, en esta tesis, estudiamos las soluciones de virtualización de la RAN destinadas a abordar estos desafíos. En la primera parte de la tesis, nos centramos en mapear elementos de red virtual en recursos de radio de la red física, en un escenario LTE-A de múltiples niveles que es propiedad de un solo MNO. Proponemos una solución de virtualización a nivel de estación base (BS), donde los módulos de banda base de BSs distribuidas, interconectadas a través de la interfaz lógica X2, cooperan para reasignar los recursos radio en función de las necesidades de tráfico. Nuestra propuesta mejora el rendimiento del sistema al obtener un rendimiento 53% en comparación con esquemas de referencia. En la segunda parte de la tesis, nos concentramos en facilitar el aprovisionamiento de recursos entre muchos operadores de redes virtuales móviles (MVNO), al integrar el capacity broker en la arquitectura de administración de red 3GPP con un conjunto míinimo de mejoras. En este escenario, un MNO es el propietario de la red y proporciona acceso bajo demanda (en inglés on-demand) a varios MVNOs. Además, para aprovechar al máximo las capacidades del capacity broker, proponemos un algoritmo para la asignación de recursos bajo demanda, considerando dos tipos de tráfico con distintas características. Nuestra propuesta alcanza 50% más de solicitudes admitidas sin violación del Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio (SLA) en comparación con otros esquemas. En la tercera parte de la tesis, estudiamos una solución para el slicing de red independiente del tipo de BS, considerando la virtualización de BS en un escenario de múltiples MVNOs (multi-tenants). Este escenario se compone de diferentes tipos de tráfico (por ejemplo, usuarios con requisitos de latencia estrictos y usuarios con altas demandas de velocidad de datos) junto con BSs caracterizadas por diferentes capacidades de acceso y transporte (por ejemplo, Remote Radio Heads, RRHs, Small cells, SC y 5G NodeBs, gNBs con varias divisiones funcionales que tienen una red de transporte ideal y no ideal). Nuestra solución logra una ganancia promedio de uso de espectro de 67% y una reducción de la carga de procesamiento de la banda base de 16.6% en comparación con escenarios de referencia. Finalmente, concluimos la tesis al proporcionando los desafíos y retos de investigación para trabajos futuros.Postprint (published version

    Towards high bandwidth communication systems: from Multi-Gbit/s over SI-POF in home scenarios to 5G cellular networks over SMF

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    The main objective of the thesis is to study high bandwidth communication systems for different network architectures from the end user at the in-home scenario to the service provider through the mobile cellular front-haul network. This is in parallel with the integration of power over fiber (PoF) technology in these systems.The present work received funds from the following Spanish and international projects: - Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, “Tecnologías avanzadas inteligentes basadas en fibras ópticas/Advanced SMART technologies based on Optical Fibers (SMART-OF)”, grant no. RTI2018-094669-B-C32, within the coordinated project “Polymer Optical Fiber Disruptive Technologies (POFTECH)”. - Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades “LAboratorio de montaje, medida y CAracterización de antenas y dispositivos integrados fotónicos para comunicaciones 5G y de espacio en milimétricas, submilimétricas y THz (hasta 320 GHz) (LACA5G))”, grant no. EQC2018-005152-P. - Comunidad de Madrid “TElealimentación FotovoLtaica por fibra Óptica para medida y coNtrol en entornos extremos (TEFLON-CM)”, grant no. Y2018/EMT-4892. - Comunidad de Madrid “Sensores e Instrumentación en Tecnologías Fotónicas 2 (SINFOTON-2)”, grant no. P2018/NMT-4326, coordinated project with UC3MUPM- UAH-URCJ-CSIC. - H2020 European Union programme Bluespace project “Building the Use of Spatial Multiplexing 5G Networks Infrastructures and Showcasing Advanced Technologies and Networking Capabilities” grant nº.762055.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Beatriz Ortega Tamarit.- Secretario: Guillermo Carpintero del Barrio.- Vocal: Óscar Esteban Martíne

    Optimization of emerging extended FTTH WDM/TDM PONs and financial overall assessment

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    Optical access technology has experienced a boost in the last years, thanks to the continuously migrating multimedia services that are offered over the internet. Though the technologies used for deploying Fiber-To-The-x (FTTx) and Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) are mostly based on either Active solutions or as far as Passsive Optical Networks (PONs) is concerned, in Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), an evolution towards Hybrid solutions such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing/Time Division Multiplexing (WDM/TDM) can be foreseen. What needs to be researched and finally established are the exact designs for this important step of integration, which should be optimized in terms of transmission performance and cost, to address all requirements of next-generation passive optical networks. As the most critical elements in optical access network, the design and its cost are the main topics of this discussion. The covered topics span over a wide range and include cost estimation of several optical network technologies - architectures and their comparison and furthermore, subjects of design optimization. In this last category, in-line remote amplification, use of an alternative and an extended frequency band, dispersion compensation and equalization techniques have been examined as well as a combination of the aforementioned means of network optimization. Next to the principal proof of the proposed techniques, the benefits are highlighted in different case studies, while the most representative designs are further discussed

    Análise tecno-económica em redes de acesso óptico

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaEsta dissertação tem como objectivo analisar os principais problemas que os fornecedores de serviços têm que considerar ao implementar e ao migrar as redes de acesso ópticas existentes e futuras. Iremos considerar a migração da rede GPON, como rede de acesso actual, para as Redes Óticas de Acesso de Próxima Geração (NG-OANs), como a WDM-PON e a OFDM-PON. O trabalho foca-se nos Custos de Capital (CapEx) por utilizador, e em três factores que condicionam este custo: densidade populacional, topologia da rede e custo dos componentes. Uma visão geral e avaliação das redes óticas passivas existentes e futuras é apresentada. Um modelo tecno-económico para o cálculo do custo das redes de acesso é proposto, tendo em conta o efeito da taxa de subscrição. O custo total de cada tecnologia de rede é calculado. O CapEx por utilizador para esquemas divisores simples e em cascata é também calculado, para diferentes taxas de subscrição. O custo dos componentes é considerado quando o preço é extrapolado em função do tempo e do volume.This dissertation aims to analyse the main issues to be faced by the service providers in implementation and migration of existing and future optical access networks. We are going to consider the migration of the networks from GPON, as the current access network technology, to Next Generation Optical Access Networks (NG-OANs), such as WDM-PON and OFDM-PON. The work focuses on the Capital Expenditures (CapEx) per user and three factors that drive this cost: population density, network topology and components cost. An overview and assessment of existing and future passive optical networks is provided. A techno-economic model for calculating of deployment cost of access networks is presented, accounting for the effect of take rate. The total cost of each network technology is calculated. The CapEx per user for both single and cascaded splitter schemes for different take rates is also calculated. Furthermore the components cost is considered, when the price is extrapolated considering time and volume

    Communication Technologies Support to Railway Infrastructure and Operations

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