39 research outputs found

    A Closed Form Selected Mapping Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Multicarrier Transmission

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    Nowadays, the demand for communication multi-carriers' channels, where the sub-channels are made mutually independent by using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), is widespread both for wireless and wired communication systems. Even if OFDM is a spectrally efficient modulation scheme, due to the allowed number of subcarriers, high data rate, and good coverage, the transmitted signal can present high peak values in the time domain, due to inverse fast Fourier transform operations. This gives rise to high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) with respect to single carrier systems. These peaks can saturate the transmitting amplifiers, modifying the shape of the OFDM symbol and affecting its information content, and they give rise to electromagnetic compatibility issues for the surrounding electric devices. In this paper, a closed form PAPR reduction algorithm is proposed, which belongs to selected mapping (SLM) methods. These methods consist in shifting the phases of the components to minimize the amplitude of the peaks. The determination of the optimal set of phase shifts is a very complex problem; therefore, the SLM approaches proposed in literature all resort to iterative algorithms. Moreover, as this calculation must be performed online, both the computational cost and the effect on the bit rate (BR) cannot be established a priori. The proposed analytic algorithm finds the optimal phase shifts of an approximated formulation of the PAPR. Simulation results outperform unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by several dBs. Moreover, the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) shows that, in most of the packets, the proposed algorithm reduces the PAPR if compared with randomly selected phase shifts. For example, with a number of shifted phases U=8, the CCFD curves corresponding to the analytical and random methods intersect at a probability value equal to 10(-2), which means that in 99% of cases the former method reduces the PAPR more than the latter one. This is also confirmed by the value of the gain, which, at the same number of shifted phases and at the probability value equal to 10(-1), changes from 2.09 dB for the analytical to 1.68 dB for the random SLM

    Boosted PTS Method with Mu-Law Companding Techniques for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    This paper proposes an enhanced PAPR reduction technique which combines an enhanced PTS method with Mu-Law companding. The enhanced PTS method improves performances in both the partitioning and phase rotation steps. Enhancement in partitioning is achieved through a judicious incorporation of AP-PTS scheme into the IP-PTS. As for phase rotation, an optimal set of rotation vectors is derived based on the correlation properties of candidate signals. The PAPR reduction of this enhanced PTS method is further improved by annexing Mu-Law companding at the end of the enhanced PTS. This application of Mu-Law characteristic in the time domain of OFDM signal significantly improves the PAPR reduction capability of the approach. Simulation results show that the PAPR performance of the enhanced PTS method with Mu-Law companding technique on various scenarios with different modulation schemes is better than that of the PRP-PTS. This approach can be considered as a very attractive candidate for achieving a significant reduction of PAPR, while maintaining a low computational complexity

    A CCM-Based OFDM System with Low PAPR for Sparse Source

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    New Hybrid Schemes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    الـ 3GPP قدمت مشروع LTE لتلبية الطلبات المتزايدة لخدمات الاتصالات ذات السرعة العالية والجودة العالية. يستخدم نظام الـ LTE تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم التردد المتعامد (OFDM) في شكل (OFDMA) في الوصلة الهابطة (Downlink) وشكل الـ (SCFDMA) في الوصلة الصاعدة (Uplink) مجتمعة مع تقنية الـ MIMO لتقديم معدل بيانات عالي، قدرة عالية، وحصانة ضد القنوات متعددة المسارات. ومع ذلك لا يزال ارتفاع نسبة القدرة العظمة إلى المتوسط (PAPR) لإشارة الـ LTE المرسلة هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعمل على تدهور كفاءة النظام بشك عام وإمكانية استهلاك الطاقة. لذلك كرست الكثير من البحوث للحد من تدهور الأداء بسبب مشكلة الـ PAPR في أنظمة LTE-OFDM. تعتبر طرق ضغط الإشارة (Companding Methods) جزءاً من الطرق المعروفة والتي تعتبر سهلة ومنخفضة التعقيد، وبلا قيود على شكل التضمين وحجم عدد الحوامل (Subcarrier Size)، ولها خصائص طيفية جيدة، ومع ذلك فإن هذه الطرق تقلل الـ PAPR بمقدار ضئيل. وقد اقترح هذا البحث سبعة طرق هجينة جديدة على أساس مزيج من Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع ست أساليب مختلفة من طرق ضغط الإشارة وهي Rooting Companding (RCT)، New Error Function Companding (NERF)، Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP)، Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR)، Cosine Companding (COS)، وTangent Rooting Companding (TanhR). بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تطوير الطريقة الهجينة السابعة وتجمع الـ Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع طريقة جديدة مقترحة تسمى Advanced AEXP (AAEXP). أظهرت النتائج أن هذه الطرق المتطورة تجمع بين خصائص طريقة الـ ZCT مع خصائص طرق ضغط الإشارة، وتحقق أداء أمثل وانخفاضاً أفضل من حيث PAPR وBER. كما حققت طريقة الـ ZCT+AAEXP أفضل النتائج مقارنة بالطرق الأخرى.The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) introduced LTE to meet increasingly demands for communication services with high speed and quality. LTE uses OFDM in the form of OFDMA in the downlink and SCFDMA in the uplink combined with MIMO offering high data rate, high capacity and immunity against multipath channels. However, still the high PAPR of the LTE transmitted signal is the major problem affecting overall system performance degradation and power efficiency. A plenty of research has been devoted to reduce the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to LTE OFDM systems. A portion of the current techniques such companding methods have low-complexity, no constraint on modulation format and subcarrier size, good distortion and spectral properties; however, they have limited PAPR reduction capabilities. This paper proposes seven new hybrid schemes including Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) precoding and six modern companding methods; Rooting Companding (RCT), New Error Function Companding (NERF), Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP), Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR), Cosine Companding (COS) and Tangent Rooting Companding (TanhR) companding. Furthermore, the seventh proposed hybrid scheme has been added incorporating ZCT precoding with new proposed companding called Advanced AEXP (AAEXP) companding. The developed methods are combining properties of both ZCT & Compandings, and achieving superior PAPR performance and optimal BER. Simulations results illustrate that the new seven proposed hybrid schemes can achieve better PAPR reduction, and BER performance and the best achievement has been achieved by ZCT+AAEXP scheme

    저밀도 부호의 응용: 묶음 지그재그 파운틴 부호와 WOM 부호

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 노종선.This dissertation contains the following two contributions on the applications of sparse codes. Fountain codes Batched zigzag (BZ) fountain codes – Two-phase batched zigzag (TBZ) fountain codes Write-once memory (WOM) codes – WOM codes implemented by rate-compatible low-density generator matrix (RC-LDGM) codes First, two classes of fountain codes, called batched zigzag fountain codes and two-phase batched zigzag fountain codes, are proposed for the symbol erasure channel. At a cost of slightly lengthened code symbols, the involved message symbols in each batch of the proposed codes can be recovered by low complexity zigzag decoding algorithm. Thus, the proposed codes have low buffer occupancy during decoding process. These features are suitable for receivers with limited hardware resources in the broadcasting channel. A method to obtain degree distributions of code symbols for the proposed codes via ripple size evolution is also proposed by taking into account the released code symbols from the batches. It is shown that the proposed codes outperform Luby transform codes and zigzag decodable fountain codes with respect to intermediate recovery rate and coding overhead when message length is short, symbol erasure rate is low, and available buffer size is limited. In the second part of this dissertation, WOM codes constructed by sparse codes are presented. Recently, WOM codes are adopted to NAND flash-based solid-state drive (SSD) in order to extend the lifetime by reducing the number of erasure operations. Here, a new rewriting scheme for the SSD is proposed, which is implemented by multiple binary erasure quantization (BEQ) codes. The corresponding BEQ codes are constructed by RC-LDGM codes. Moreover, by putting RC-LDGM codes together with a page selection method, writing efficiency can be improved. It is verified via simulation that the SSD with proposed rewriting scheme outperforms the SSD without and with the conventional WOM codes for single level cell (SLC) and multi-level cell (MLC) flash memories.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Overview of Dissertation 5 2 Sparse Codes 7 2.1 Linear Block Codes 7 2.2 LDPC Codes 9 2.3 Message Passing Decoder 11 3 New Fountain Codes with Improved Intermediate Recovery Based on Batched Zigzag Coding 13 3.1 Preliminaries 17 3.1.1 Definitions and Notation 17 3.1.2 LT Codes 18 3.1.3 Zigzag Decodable Codes 20 3.1.4 Bit-Level Overhead 22 3.2 New Fountain Codes Based on Batched Zigzag Coding 23 3.2.1 Construction of Shift Matrix 24 3.2.2 Encoding and Decoding of the Proposed BZ Fountain Codes 25 3.2.3 Storage and Computational Complexity 28 3.3 Degree Distribution of BZ Fountain Codes 31 3.3.1 Relation Between Ψ(x)\Psi(x) and Ω(x)\Omega(x) 31 3.3.2 Derivation of Ω(x)\Omega(x) via Ripple Size Evolution 32 3.4 Two-Phase Batched Zigzag Fountain Codes with Additional Memory 40 3.4.1 Code Construction 41 3.4.2 Bit-Level Overhead 46 3.5 Numerical Analysis 49 4 Write-Once Memory Codes Using Rate-Compatible LDGM Codes 60 4.1 Preliminaries 62 4.1.1 NAND Flash Memory 62 4.1.2 Rewriting Schemes for Flash Memory 62 4.1.3 Construction of Rewriting Codes by BEQ Codes 65 4.2 Proposed Rewriting Codes 67 4.2.1 System Model 67 4.2.2 Multi-rate Rewriting Codes 68 4.2.3 Page Selection for Rewriting 70 4.3 RC-LDGM Codes 74 4.4 Numerical Analysis 76 5 Conclusions 80 Bibliography 82 초록 94Docto

    Analysis and Implementation of PAPR reduction algorithms for C-OFDM signals

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    Nowadays multicarrier modulation has become a key technology for communication systems; for example C-OFDM schemes are used in wireless LAN (802.11a/g/n), terrestrial digital television (DVB-T) and audio broadcaster (DAB) in Europe, and discrete multitone (DMT) in x.DSL systems. The principal difficulty with OFDM is the occurrence of the coherent alignment of the time domain parallel signals at the transmitted side which forces system designer to introduce either additional hard computationally device or a suitable power back-off at the high power amplifier in order to cope with the large magnitude signal fluctuation. This leads to a significant increment in computational cost in the former case whereas in a worse allowable power utilization in the latter case with respect to the original system. However since both allowable power and computational cost are subject to a design as well as regulatory limit others solution must be accomplished. Peak reduction techniques reduce maximum-to-mean amplitude fluctuations nominating as a feasible solution. Peak-to-average power ratio is the key metric to measure this amplitude fluctuations at transmitter and to give a clear figure of merit for comparison among different techniques

    Advanced receivers and waveforms for UAV/Aircraft aeronautical communications

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    Nowadays, several studies are launched for the design of reliable and safe communications systems that introduce Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), this paves the way for UAV communication systems to play an important role in a lot of applications for non-segregated military and civil airspaces. Until today, rules for integrating commercial UAVs in airspace still need to be defined, the design of secure, highly reliable and cost effective communications systems still a challenging task. This thesis is part of this communication context. Motivated by the rapid growth of UAV quantities and by the new generations of UAVs controlled by satellite, the thesis aims to study the various possible UAV links which connect UAV/aircraft to other communication system components (satellite, terrestrial networks, etc.). Three main links are considered: the Forward link, the Return link and the Mission link. Due to spectrum scarcity and higher concentration in aircraft density, spectral efficiency becomes a crucial parameter for largescale deployment of UAVs. In order to set up a spectrally efficient UAV communication system, a good understanding of transmission channel for each link is indispensable, as well as a judicious choice of the waveform. This thesis begins to study propagation channels for each link: a mutipath channels through radio Line-of-Sight (LOS) links, in a context of using Meduim Altitude Long drones Endurance (MALE) UAVs. The objective of this thesis is to maximize the solutions and the algorithms used for signal reception such as channel estimation and channel equalization. These algorithms will be used to estimate and to equalize the existing muti-path propagation channels. Furthermore, the proposed methods depend on the choosen waveform. Because of the presence of satellite link, in this thesis, we consider two low-papr linear waveforms: classical Single-Carrier (SC) waveform and Extented Weighted Single-Carrier Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (EW-SC-OFDM) waveform. channel estimation and channel equalization are performed in the time-domain (SC) or in the frequency-domain (EW-SC-OFDM). UAV architecture envisages the implantation of two antennas placed at wings. These two antennas can be used to increase diversity gain (channel matrix gain). In order to reduce channel equalization complexity, the EWSC- OFDM waveform is proposed and studied in a muti-antennas context, also for the purpose of enhancing UAV endurance and also increasing spectral efficiency, a new modulation technique is considered: Spatial Modulation (SM). In SM, transmit antennas are activated in an alternating manner. The use of EW-SC-OFDM waveform combined to SM technique allows us to propose new modified structures which exploit exces bandwidth to improve antenna bit protection and thus enhancing system performances

    An Enhanced Nonlinear Companding Scheme for Reducing PAPR of OFDM Systems

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    A new companding scheme for reducing the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed in this study. It proceeds from speech signal processing similar to the earliest μ -law companding (MC) model. The proposed scheme compands (compresses and expands) the amplitudes of OFDM signals to a maximum of 1 V. Besides significantly reducing the PAPR, the proposed technique is also able to function as a limiter, thus reducing the system complexity and limiting the amplitudes of OFDM symbols to a unity maximum voltage, which does not exist in other companding PAPR techniques. Over frequency-selective fading channels with frequency domain equalization and using minimum mean square error (MMSE) to minimize the noise overhead, the proposed technique outperforms four other companding schemes over light and severe fading conditions. Finally, we demonstrate that PAPR reduction using companding can dispense with corresponding decompanding scheme at the receiver as it amplifies the distortion noise, thereby reducing the bit error ratio performance and increasing the receiver complexity. We investigate the out-of-band interference of the proposed scheme and also show that it outperforms the other existing techniques by up to 5 dB

    Detection and decoding algorithms of multi-antenna diversity techniques for terrestrial DVB systems

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the behavior of multi-antenna diversity techniques in broadcasting scenarios of TDT (terrestrial digital television) systems and proposes a low-complexity detection and decoding design for their practical implementation. For that purpose, the transmission-reception chains of the European DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) and DVB-T2 standards have been implemented over which diversity and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) techniques have been assessed through Monte Carlo simulations. On one hand, the most important multi-antenna diversity techniques such as CDD (cyclic delay diversity), Alamouti code-based SFBC (space-frequency block coding) and MRC (maximum ratio combining), have been evaluated in a DVB-T system over both fixed and mobile Rayleigh and Ricean channels. With the DVB-T2 standard release, multi-antenna processing has actually been introduced in digital television systems. The distributed SFBC configuration proposed in DVB-T2 is analyzed from a performance point of view considering different propagation conditions in an SFN (single frequency network). On the other hand, error-performance and detection complexity analyses of 2x2 FRFD (full-rate full-diversity) SFBCs are carried out for last-generation DTV (digital television) systems. The use of channel coding based on LDPC (low-density parity check) codes in new standards such as DVB-T2, involves a soft-output MAP (maximum a posteriori ) detection which results in an increase of the detection complexity. In order to study the FRFD codes behavior in such a BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation) scheme, the Golden code, which achieves the maximum coding gain, and the Sezginer-Sari code, which has a lower inherent detection complexity as an expense of sacrificing performance gain, have been chosen. Using LSD (list sphere decoder) detection, BER (bit error rate) performance and computational cost results are provided for TDT scenarios. In order to overcome the variable complexity of the LSD, LFSD (list fixed-complexity sphere decoder) detection is proposed for practical implementations. A redesign of the previously proposed LFSD algorithm for spatial multiplexing MIMO systems has been performed for FRFD SFBCs with close-to-LSD performance. Furthermore, an analysis of the number of candidates is carried out in order to maximize the eficiency of the algorithm. Due to its fixed complexity, the novel algorithm can be fully pipelined making feasible a realistic implementation in chip.Esta tesis analiza el comportamiento de las técnicas de diversidad multiantena en escenarios de radiodifusión TDT (televisión digital terrestre) y propone un diseño de baja complejidad para la detección de códigos SFBC (space-frequency block coding ) que facilita una posible implementación práctica. Para ello, se ha implementado la cadena de transmisión-recepción de los estándares europeos DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial ) y DVB-T2 como entorno de trabajo donde se han incluido y simulado diferentes técnicas de diversidad MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output ). Por un lado, se evalúan las técnicas de diversidad multiantena CDD ( cyclic delay diversity), SFBC con codi cación Alamouti y MRC (maximum ratio combining ) en escenarios fijos y móviles de canales tanto Rayleigh como Ricean para el sistema DVB-T. En DVB-T2, se analiza la tecnología multiantena propuesta por el estándar para diferentes escenarios de propagación dentro de redes SFN (single frequency network ). Por otro lado, se realiza un estudio sobre códigos FRFD (full-rate full-diversity ) SFBC para su posible inclusión en futuros estándares de televisión digital. El uso de codificaciones de canal más potentes, como los códigos LDPC (low-density parity check ), implica la utilización de una detección MAP (maximum a posteriori ) con salida soft, incrementando considerablemente la complejidad de la detección. Para realizar el correspondiente análisis de complejidad y rendimiento, se han escogidos dos códigos FRFD. Por un lado, el código Golden, que ofrece la máxima ganancia de código y, por otro, el código propuesto por Sezginer y Sari, que consigue reducir la complejidad de detección a costa de perder cierta ganancia de código. Se presentan resultados basados en curvas de BER (bit error rate) y número de operaciones sobre un sistema BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation ) equivalente a DVB-T2 en escenarios TDT utilizando una detección LSD (list sphere decoder ). Para resolver el problema de la complejidad variable del algoritmo LSD, se realiza un rediseño del ya propuesto LFSD (list fixed-complexity sphere decoder ) para técnicas de multiplexación espacial considerando la estructura de los códigos FRFD SFBC. Asimismo, se evalúa el número de candidatos que ofrece un funcionamiento más eficiente con menor coste computacional. Los resultados de simulación basados en curvas de BER muestran rendimientos cercanos al detector LSD manteniendo el número de operaciones constante. Por lo tanto, este nuevo diseño permite su eficiente y práctica implementación en dispositivos reales.Doktoretza-tesi honen gai nagusia Lurreko Telebista Digitalerako antena anitzeko dibertsitate tekniken portaera ikertzea da, hartzailerako konplexutasun baxuko algoritmoen diseinua oinarri hartuta. Horretarako, Europako DVB-T eta DVB-T2 telebista digitaleko estandarren igorle-hartzaile kateen simulagailua inplementatzeaz gain, dibertsitate eta MIMO ( multipleinput multiple-output ) algoritmoak garatu eta aztertu dira. Lehenengo helburu gisa, CDD (cyclic delay diversity ), Alamouti kodean oinarritutako SFBC (space-frequency block coding ) eta MRC (maximum ratio combining ) teknikak ebaluatu dira Rayleigh eta Ricean ingurunetan, bai komunikazio nko zein mugikorretarako. Argitaratu berri den DVB-T2 estandarrak antena anitzeko prozesaketa telebista sistema digitalean sartu duenez, teknologia honen analisia egin da maiztasun bakarreko telebista sareetarako SFN (single frequency network ). Tesiaren helburu nagusia FRFD (full-rate full-diversity ) SFBC kodigoen ikerketa eta hauek telebista digitalaren estandar berrietan sartzea ahalbidetuko dituzten detekzio sistemen diseinua izan da. Kanalen kodi kazio indartsuagoak erabiltzeak, LDPC ( low-density parity check ) kodeak esaterako, MAP (maximum a posteriori ) algoritmoan oinarritutako soft irteeradun detektoreen erabilera dakar berekin, detekzioaren konplexutasuna areagotuz. Bi FRFD kode aukeratu dira errendimendu eta konplexutasun analisiak DVB-T2 bezalako BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation ) sistemetan egiteko. Alde batetik, irabazi maximoa lortzen duen Golden kodea eta, bestetik, konplexutasun txikiagoa duen Sezginer eta Sarik proposatutako kodea erabili dira. Bit errore edo BER (bit error rate) tasan eta konputazio kostuan oinarrituta, emaitzak aurkeztu dira zerrenda dekodeatzaile esferikoa ( list sphere decoder, LSD) erabiliz. LSD-aren konplexutasun aldakorraren arazoa konpontzeko, ezpazio-multiplexazioko teknikarako LFSD (list xed-complexity sphere decoder ) algoritmoaren berdiseinua garatu da, FRFD SFBC kodeen egitura berezia kontuan hartuta. Algoritmoaren eraginkortasuna maximizatzeko kandidatuen zenbakia ebaluatzen da baita ere. LSD-en antzeko errendimendua duten BER gra ketan oinarritutako simulazio emaitzak aurkezten dira, eragiketa kopurua konstante eta LSD-arenaren baino murritzagoa mantenduz. Beraz, proposatutako diseinu eraginkorrak, FRFD SFBC antena anitzeko dibertsitatean oinarritutako eskemen inplementazioa ahalbidetu dezakete telebista digitalaren estandar berrietarako