11 research outputs found

    Biologically-Inspired Translation, Scale, and rotation invariant object recognition models

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    The ventral stream of the human visual system is credited for processing object recognition tasks. There have been a plethora of models that are capable of doing some form of object recognition tasks. However, none are perfect. The complexity of our visual system is so great that models currently available are only able to recognize a small set of objects. This thesis revolves analyzing models that are inspired by biological processing. The biologically inspired models are usually hierarchical, formed after the division of the human visual system. In such a model, each level in the hierarchy performs certain tasks related to the human visual component that it is modeled after. The integration and the interconnectedness of all the levels in the hierarchy mimics a certain behavior of the ventral system that aid in object recognition. Several biologically-inspired models will be analyzed in this thesis. VisNet, a hierarchical model, will be implemented and analyzed in full. VisNet is a neural network model that closely resembles the increasing size of the receptive field in the ventral stream that aid in invariant object recognition. Each layer becomes tolerant to certain changes about the input thus gradually learning about the different transformation of the object. In addition, two other models will be analyzed. The two models are an extension of the “HMAX” model that uses the concept of alternating simple cells and complex cells in the visual cortex to build invariance about the target object

    Invariant visual object recognition : biologically plausible approaches

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    Key properties of inferior temporal cortex neurons are described, and then, the biological plausibility of two leading approaches to invariant visual object recognition in the ventral visual system is assessed to investigate whether they account for these properties. Experiment 1 shows that VisNet performs object classification with random exemplars comparably to HMAX, except that the final layer C neurons of HMAX have a very non-sparse representation (unlike that in the brain) that provides little information in the single-neuron responses about the object class. Experiment 2 shows that VisNet forms invariant representations when trained with different views of each object, whereas HMAX performs poorly when assessed with a biologically plausible pattern association network, as HMAX has no mechanism to learn view invariance. Experiment 3 shows that VisNet neurons do not respond to scrambled images of faces, and thus encode shape information. HMAX neurons responded with similarly high rates to the unscrambled and scrambled faces, indicating that low-level features including texture may be relevant to HMAX performance. Experiment 4 shows that VisNet can learn to recognize objects even when the view provided by the object changes catastrophically as it transforms, whereas HMAX has no learning mechanism in its S-C hierarchy that provides for view-invariant learning. This highlights some requirements for the neurobiological mechanisms of high-level vision, and how some different approaches perform, in order to help understand the fundamental underlying principles of invariant visual object recognition in the ventral visual strea

    A Theory of Object Recognition: Computations and Circuits in the Feedforward Path of the Ventral Stream in Primate Visual Cortex

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    We describe a quantitative theory to account for the computations performed by the feedforward path of the ventral stream of visual cortex and the local circuits implementing them. We show that a model instantiating the theory is capable of performing recognition on datasets of complex images at the level of human observers in rapid categorization tasks. We also show that the theory is consistent with (and in some case has predicted) several properties of neurons in V1, V4, IT and PFC. The theory seems sufficiently comprehensive, detailed and satisfactory to represent an interesting challenge for physiologists and modelers: either disprove its basic features or propose alternative theories of equivalent scope. The theory suggests a number of open questions for visual physiology and psychophysics

    Learning a Dictionary of Shape-Components in Visual Cortex: Comparison with Neurons, Humans and Machines

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    PhD thesisIn this thesis, I describe a quantitative model that accounts for the circuits and computations of the feedforward path of the ventral stream of visual cortex. This model is consistent with a general theory of visual processing that extends the hierarchical model of (Hubel & Wiesel, 1959) from primary to extrastriate visual areas. It attempts to explain the first few hundred milliseconds of visual processing and Âimmediate recognitionÂ. One of the key elements in the approach is the learning of a generic dictionary of shape-components from V2 to IT, which provides an invariant representation to task-specific categorization circuits in higher brain areas. This vocabulary of shape-tuned units is learned in an unsupervised manner from natural images, and constitutes a large and redundant set of image features with different complexities and invariances. This theory significantly extends an earlier approach by (Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999) and builds upon several existing neurobiological models and conceptual proposals.First, I present evidence to show that the model can duplicate the tuning properties of neurons in various brain areas (e.g., V1, V4 and IT). In particular, the model agrees with data from V4 about the response of neurons to combinations of simple two-bar stimuli (Reynolds et al, 1999) (within the receptive field of the S2 units) and some of the C2 units in the model show a tuning for boundary conformations which is consistent with recordings from V4 (Pasupathy & Connor, 2001). Second, I show that not only can the model duplicate the tuning properties of neurons in various brain areas when probed with artificial stimuli, but it can also handle the recognition of objects in the real-world, to the extent of competing with the best computer vision systems. Third, I describe a comparison between the performance of the model and the performance of human observers in a rapid animal vs. non-animal recognition task for which recognition is fast and cortical back-projections are likely to be inactive. Results indicate that the model predicts human performance extremely well when the delay between the stimulus and the mask is about 50 ms. This suggests that cortical back-projections may not play a significant role when the time interval is in this range, and the model may therefore provide a satisfactory description of the feedforward path.Taken together, the evidences suggest that we may have the skeleton of a successful theory of visual cortex. In addition, this may be the first time that a neurobiological model, faithful to the physiology and the anatomy of visual cortex, not only competes with some of the best computer vision systems thus providing a realistic alternative to engineered artificial vision systems, but also achieves performance close to that of humans in a categorization task involving complex natural images

    Brain Computations and Connectivity [2nd edition]

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    This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. Brain Computations and Connectivity is about how the brain works. In order to understand this, it is essential to know what is computed by different brain systems; and how the computations are performed. The aim of this book is to elucidate what is computed in different brain systems; and to describe current biologically plausible computational approaches and models of how each of these brain systems computes. Understanding the brain in this way has enormous potential for understanding ourselves better in health and in disease. Potential applications of this understanding are to the treatment of the brain in disease; and to artificial intelligence which will benefit from knowledge of how the brain performs many of its extraordinarily impressive functions. This book is pioneering in taking this approach to brain function: to consider what is computed by many of our brain systems; and how it is computed, and updates by much new evidence including the connectivity of the human brain the earlier book: Rolls (2021) Brain Computations: What and How, Oxford University Press. Brain Computations and Connectivity will be of interest to all scientists interested in brain function and how the brain works, whether they are from neuroscience, or from medical sciences including neurology and psychiatry, or from the area of computational science including machine learning and artificial intelligence, or from areas such as theoretical physics

    Invariant recognition of feature combinations in the visual system.

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    The operation of a hierarchical competitive network model (VisNet) of invariance learning in the visual system is investigated to determine how this class of architecture can solve problems that require the spatial binding of features. First, we show that VisNet neurons can be trained to provide transform-invariant discriminative responses to stimuli which are composed of the same basic alphabet of features, where no single stimulus contains a unique feature not shared by any other stimulus. The investigation shows that the network can discriminate stimuli consisting of sets of features which are subsets or supersets of each other. Second, a key feature-binding issue we address is how invariant representations of low-order combinations of features in the early layers of the visual system are able to uniquely specify the correct spatial arrangement of features in the overall stimulus and ensure correct stimulus identification in the output layer. We show that output layer neurons can learn new stimuli if the lower layers are trained solely through exposure to simpler feature combinations from which the new stimuli are composed. Moreover, we show that after training on the low-order feature combinations which are common to many objects, this architecture can--after training with a whole stimulus in some locations--generalise correctly to the same stimulus when it is shown in a new location. We conclude that this type of hierarchical model can solve feature-binding problems to produce correct invariant identification of whole stimuli