61 research outputs found

    Foundation and methodologies in computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer detection

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer that affects women all over the world. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer could decline the mortality rate. Some issues such as technical reasons, which related to imaging quality and human error, increase misdiagnosis of breast cancer by radiologists. Computer-aided detection systems (CADs) are developed to overcome these restrictions and have been studied in many imaging modalities for breast cancer detection in recent years. The CAD systems improve radiologists’ performance in finding and discriminat- ing between the normal and abnormal tissues. These procedures are performed only as a double reader but the absolute decisions are still made by the radiologist. In this study, the recent CAD systems for breast cancer detec- tion on different modalities such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI, and biopsy histopathological images are introduced. The foundation of CAD systems generally consist of four stages: Pre-processing, Segmentation, Fea- ture extraction, and Classification. The approaches which applied to design different stages of CAD system are summarised. Advantages and disadvantages of different segmentation, feature extraction and classification tech- niques are listed. In addition, the impact of imbalanced datasets in classification outcomes and appropriate methods to solve these issues are discussed. As well as, performance evaluation metrics for various stages of breast cancer detection CAD systems are reviewed

    Enhanced algorithms for lesion detection and recognition in ultrasound breast images

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    Mammography is the gold standard for breast cancer detection. However, it has very high false positive rates and is based on ionizing radiation. This has led to interest in using multi-modal approaches. One modality is diagnostic ultrasound, which is based on non-ionizing radiation and picks up many of the cancers that are generally missed by mammography. However, the presence of speckle noise in ultrasound images has a negative effect on image interpretation. Noise reduction, inconsistencies in capture and segmentation of lesions still remain challenging open research problems in ultrasound images. The target of the proposed research is to enhance the state-of-art computer vision algorithms used in ultrasound imaging and to investigate the role of computer processed images in human diagnostic performance. [Continues.

    A Fully Automatic Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images

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    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death of women worldwide. Accurate lesion boundary detection is important for breast cancer diagnosis. Since many crucial features for discriminating benign and malignant lesions are based on the contour, shape, and texture of the lesion, an accurate segmentation method is essential for a successful diagnosis. Ultrasound is an effective screening tool and primarily useful for differentiating benign and malignant lesions. However, due to inherent speckle noise and low contrast of breast ultrasound imaging, automatic lesion segmentation is still a challenging task. This research focuses on developing a novel, effective, and fully automatic lesion segmentation method for breast ultrasound images. By incorporating empirical domain knowledge of breast structure, a region of interest is generated. Then, a novel enhancement algorithm (using a novel phase feature) and a newly developed neutrosophic clustering method are developed to detect the precise lesion boundary. Neutrosophy is a recently introduced branch of philosophy that deals with paradoxes, contradictions, antitheses, and antinomies. When neutrosophy is used to segment images with vague boundaries, its unique ability to deal with uncertainty is brought to bear. In this work, we apply neutrosophy to breast ultrasound image segmentation and propose a new clustering method named neutrosophic l-means. We compare the proposed method with traditional fuzzy c-means clustering and three other well-developed segmentation methods for breast ultrasound images, using the same database. Both accuracy and time complexity are analyzed. The proposed method achieves the best accuracy (TP rate is 94.36%, FP rate is 8.08%, and similarity rate is 87.39%) with a fairly rapid processing speed (about 20 seconds). Sensitivity analysis shows the robustness of the proposed method as well. Cases with multiple-lesions and severe shadowing effect (shadow areas having similar intensity values of the lesion and tightly connected with the lesion) are not included in this study

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.Comment: Revised survey includes expanded discussion section and reworked introductory section on common deep architectures. Added missed papers from before Feb 1st 201

    Deep learning in medical imaging and radiation therapy

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146980/1/mp13264_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146980/2/mp13264.pd

    Visual character N-grams for classification and retrieval of radiological images

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    Diagnostic radiology struggles to maintain high interpretation accuracy. Retrieval of past similar cases would help the inexperienced radiologist in the interpretation process. Character n-gram model has been effective in text retrieval context in languages such as Chinese where there are no clear word boundaries. We propose the use of visual character n-gram model for representation of image for classification and retrieval purposes. Regions of interests in mammographic images are represented with the character n-gram features. These features are then used as input to back-propagation neural network for classification of regions into normal and abnormal categories. Experiments on miniMIAS database show that character n-gram features are useful in classifying the regions into normal and abnormal categories. Promising classification accuracies are observed (83.33%) for fatty background tissue warranting further investigation. We argue that Classifying regions of interests would reduce the number of comparisons necessary for finding similar images from the database and hence would reduce the time required for retrieval of past similar cases

    Pixel N-grams for Mammographic Image Classification

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    X-ray screening for breast cancer is an important public health initiative in the management of a leading cause of death for women. However, screening is expensive if mammograms are required to be manually assessed by radiologists. Moreover, manual screening is subject to perception and interpretation errors. Computer aided detection/diagnosis (CAD) systems can help radiologists as computer algorithms are good at performing image analysis consistently and repetitively. However, image features that enhance CAD classification accuracies are necessary for CAD systems to be deployed. Many CAD systems have been developed but the specificity and sensitivity is not high; in part because of challenges inherent in identifying effective features to be initially extracted from raw images. Existing feature extraction techniques can be grouped under three main approaches; statistical, spectral and structural. Statistical and spectral techniques provide global image features but often fail to distinguish between local pattern variations within an image. On the other hand, structural approach have given rise to the Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW) model, which captures local variations in an image, but typically do not consider spatial relationships between the visual “words”. Moreover, statistical features and features based on BoVW models are computationally very expensive. Similarly, structural feature computation methods other than BoVW are also computationally expensive and strongly dependent upon algorithms that can segment an image to localize a region of interest likely to contain the tumour. Thus, classification algorithms using structural features require high resource computers. In order for a radiologist to classify the lesions on low resource computers such as Ipads, Tablets, and Mobile phones, in a remote location, it is necessary to develop computationally inexpensive classification algorithms. Therefore, the overarching aim of this research is to discover a feature extraction/image representation model which can be used to classify mammographic lesions with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity along with low computational cost. For this purpose a novel feature extraction technique called ‘Pixel N-grams’ is proposed. The Pixel N-grams approach is inspired from the character N-gram concept in text categorization. Here, N number of consecutive pixel intensities are considered in a particular direction. The image is then represented with the help of histogram of occurrences of the Pixel N-grams in an image. Shape and texture of mammographic lesions play an important role in determining the malignancy of the lesion. It was hypothesized that the Pixel N-grams would be able to distinguish between various textures and shapes. Experiments carried out on benchmark texture databases and binary basic shapes database have demonstrated that the hypothesis was correct. Moreover, the Pixel N-grams were able to distinguish between various shapes irrespective of size and location of shape in an image. The efficacy of the Pixel N-gram technique was tested on mammographic database of primary digital mammograms sourced from a radiological facility in Australia (LakeImaging Pty Ltd) and secondary digital mammograms (benchmark miniMIAS database). A senior radiologist from LakeImaging provided real time de-identified high resolution mammogram images with annotated regions of interests (which were used as groundtruth), and valuable radiological diagnostic knowledge. Two types of classifications were observed on these two datasets. Normal/abnormal classification useful for automated screening and circumscribed/speculation/normal classification useful for automated diagnosis of breast cancer. The classification results on both the mammography datasets using Pixel N-grams were promising. Classification performance (Fscore, sensitivity and specificity) using Pixel N-gram technique was observed to be significantly better than the existing techniques such as intensity histogram, co-occurrence matrix based features and comparable with the BoVW features. Further, Pixel N-gram features are found to be computationally less complex than the co-occurrence matrix based features as well as BoVW features paving the way for mammogram classification on low resource computers. Although, the Pixel N-gram technique was designed for mammographic classification, it could be applied to other image classification applications such as diabetic retinopathy, histopathological image classification, lung tumour detection using CT images, brain tumour detection using MRI images, wound image classification and tooth decay classification using dentistry x-ray images. Further, texture and shape classification is also useful for classification of real world images outside the medical domain. Therefore, the pixel N-gram technique could be extended for applications such as classification of satellite imagery and other object detection tasks.Doctor of Philosoph
