34,987 research outputs found

    Evaluating the effectiveness of an intrusion prevention / honeypot hybrid

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    An intrusion prevention system is a variation of an intrusion detection system that drops packets that are anomalous based on a chosen criteria. An intrusion prevention system is typically placed on the outer perimeter of a network to prevent intruders from reaching vulnerable machines inside the network, though it can also be placed inside the network in front of systems requiring extra security measures. Unfortunately, intrusion prevention systems, even when properly configured, are susceptible to both false positives and false-negatives. The risk of false positives typically leads organizations to deploy these systems with the prevention capability disabled and only focus on detection. In this paper I propose an expansion to current intrusion prevention systems that combines them with the principles behind honeypots to reduce false positives while capturing attack traffic to improve prevention rules. In an experiment using the Snort-inline intrusion prevention system, I was able to reduce the rate of false positives to zero without negatively impacting the rate of false-negatives. I was further able to capture a successful attack in a way that minimized disruption to legitimate users but allowed the compromised system to be later analyzed to find weaknesses, improve prevention rules, and prevent future attacks

    A Taxonomy of Intrusion Response Systems

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    Recent advances in intrusion detection field brought new requirements to intrusion prevention and response. Traditionally, the response to an attack was manually triggered by an administrator. However, increased complexity and speed of the attack-spread during recent years showed acute necessity for complex dynamic response mechanisms. Although intrusion detection systems are being actively developed, research efforts in intrusion response are still isolated. In this work we present taxonomy of intrusion response systems, together with a review of current trends in intrusion response research. We also provide a set of essential fetures as a requirement for an ideal intrusion response system

    Prevention in Healthcare: An Explainable AI Approach

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    Intrusion prevention is a critical aspect of maintaining the security of healthcare systems, especially in the context of sensitive patient data. Explainable AI can provide a way to improve the effectiveness of intrusion prevention by using machine learning algorithms to detect and prevent security breaches in healthcare systems. This approach not only helps ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data but also supports regulatory compliance. By providing clear and interpretable explanations for its decisions, explainable AI can enable healthcare professionals to understand the reasoning behind the intrusion detection system's alerts and take appropriate action. This paper explores the application of explainable AI for intrusion prevention in healthcare and its potential benefits for maintaining the security of healthcare systems

    Analyze the Delay Time by Data Mining for Network Intrusion Prevention System Using Bro

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    The important for using the network are increased day by day, and the important for the security for these networks are more important. To implement secure network, the network administrator use several type of security systems and software tools, the most focus systems used in this area are the firewalls and the intrusion detection and prevention systems. There are many features developed every year for these systems and there are many studies done to evaluate and develop these systems, this thesis focus on evaluate the performance for one of famous open free source intrusion detection and prevention system, which is Bro IDS, the thesis will test the performance for Bro in different situations to determine which conditions make Bro work with the minimum delay time for the packets, the thesis will use the data mining tool which it SPSS, to analyse the effects for the main policies on the delay time for the packets when the Bro work as intrusion prevention system

    Performance Comparison of Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Extreme Learning Machine for Intrusion Detection

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    Intrusion detection is a fundamental part of security tools, such as adaptive security appliances, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, and firewalls. Various intrusion detection techniques are used, but their performance is an issue. Intrusion detection performance depends on accuracy, which needs to improve to decrease false alarms and to increase the detection rate. To resolve concerns on performance, multilayer perceptron, support vector machine (SVM), and other techniques have been used in recent work. Such techniques indicate limitations and are not efficient for use in large data sets, such as system and network data. The intrusion detection system is used in analyzing huge traffic data; thus, an efficient classification technique is necessary to overcome the issue. This problem is considered in this paper. Well-known machine learning techniques, namely, SVM, random forest, and extreme learning machine (ELM) are applied. These techniques are well-known because of their capability in classification. The NSL–knowledge discovery and data mining data set is used, which is considered a benchmark in the evaluation of intrusion detection mechanisms. The results indicate that ELM outperforms other approaches