387 research outputs found

    Computing the everyday: social media as data platforms

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    We conceive social media platforms as sociotechnical entities that variously shape user platform involvement and participation. Such shaping develops along three fundamental data operations that we subsume under the terms of encoding, aggregation, and computation. Encoding entails the engineering of user platform participation along narrow and standardized activity types (e.g., tagging, liking, sharing, following). This heavily scripted platform participation serves as the basis for the procurement of discrete and calculable data tokens that are possible to aggregate and, subsequently, compute in a variety of ways. We expose these operations by investigating a social media platform for shopping. We contribute to the current debate on social media and digital platforms by describing social media as posttransactional spaces that are predominantly concerned with charting and profiling the online predispositions, habits, and opinions of their user base. Such an orientation sets social media platforms apart from other forms of mediating online interaction. In social media, we claim, platform participation is driven toward an endless online conversation that delivers the data footprint through which a computed sociality is made the source of value creation and monetization

    Social Net-working: Exploring the Political Economy of the Online Social Network Industry

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    This study explores the nascent political economy of the online social network industry. Exemplars of online social networking, Facebook and Twitter have often been understood as revolutionary New Media tools. My findings show that these social networks are taking on a logic of capitalist production and accumulation, calling into question their revolutionary character. Evidence suggests that user-generated content are now being commodified and exchanged for profit. A critical discourse analysis of Facebook and Twitter’s privacy policy and terms-of-use reveals that these texts primarily function as work contracts rather than treatises on privacy protection. Drawing on the work of Karl Marx, this study revisits his theory of value and develops an expanded form of variable capital model to demonstrate how social networkers fit into this new capitalist circuit of accumulation. This extension of the working day is problematic. Policy recommendations are offered in order to negate the commodification of user data

    The Information Economy and the Labor Theory of Value

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    This article discusses aspects of the labor theory of value in the context of the information industries. First, taking the Temporal Single-System Interpretation (TSSI) of Marx’s labor theory of value as methodology, the paper calculates economic demographics at the level of socially necessary labor time and prices of an example case. Second, the paper questions the assumption that the labor theory of value cannot be applied to the information industries. This paper tests this hypothesis with an analysis of the development of labor productivity in six countries. The paper concludes that the labor theory of value is an important tool for understanding the information economy and the peculiarities of the information commodity

    Dagstuhl Reports : Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2011

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    Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061) : Simone Fischer-Hübner, Chris Hoofnagle, Kai Rannenberg, Michael Waidner, Ioannis Krontiris and Michael Marhöfer Self-Repairing Programs (Dagstuhl Seminar 11062) : Mauro Pezzé, Martin C. Rinard, Westley Weimer and Andreas Zeller Theory and Applications of Graph Searching Problems (Dagstuhl Seminar 11071) : Fedor V. Fomin, Pierre Fraigniaud, Stephan Kreutzer and Dimitrios M. Thilikos Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Dagstuhl Seminar 11081) : Maxime Crochemore, Lila Kari, Mehryar Mohri and Dirk Nowotka Packing and Scheduling Algorithms for Information and Communication Services (Dagstuhl Seminar 11091) Klaus Jansen, Claire Mathieu, Hadas Shachnai and Neal E. Youn

    Innovation through Cross-Fertilization: Serious games and gamification in the EU-funded research projects

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    [eng] In recent years, ecosystems of innovation have gained substantial momentum in academic research. As a response to recent calls in open innovation literature for novel research, this doctoral thesis extends the study of the process and ecosystems of innovation in projects that include serious games and gamification by considering the cross-fertilization of knowledge and technologies. Organizations’ orchestration of activities within their activity systems and transformation of their business models through innovation to realize opportunities with the objective to increase value creation are part of the topic of this dissertation. It has endeavoured to improve the understanding of how cross-fertilized alliances are formed, what their outcomes are, what causes them to generate value (or not) and what capabilities organizations need in order to successfully manage and reap value from the innovation process. For this purpose, two approaches that support innovation have been complementarily taken into account: the knowledge-technological perspective and the management perspective. These perspectives are analysed with the information retrieved from a database of 87 H2020 projects including serious games and/or gamification, 519 organizations and 597 observations. Later, in order to get more insights into the Innovation Management Strategies, a project coordinators survey was conducted. The Knowledge-Technology perspective presents how creating adequate multidisciplinary knowledge and technology is fundamental to ensuring the long-term success of an emerging technology including serious games and/or gamification, and how important is the research and innovation that takes place in the practitioners’ communities. The Management perspective presents the analysis of the innovation management strategies that boost the cross-fertilization of technologies that include serious games and/or gamification. These strategies were analysed by considering literature on innovation and network theories, absorptive capacity and dynamic capabilities. Some personal interviews were conducted with independent experts to understand and have elements for the analysis and discussion of the previous results. Findings suggest that the multidisciplinarity of a project is highly influenced by the creation of knowledge and technology. Furthermore, the management strategies boosting high levels of cross-fertilization of knowledge and technologies -including serious games and/or gamification- are principally market and customer-oriented strategies. Practical and methodological contributions from this study could enrich innovation literature from the point of view of technological and management approaches. The thesis concludes with fruitful avenues for future research.[nor] I de senere årene har økosystemer for innovasjon fått vesentlig fart i akademisk forskning. Nylig har det oppstått et større behov for mer forskning i området åpen innovasjon. Som et respons til dette, utvider denne avhandlingen seg på studier om prosesser og økosystemer av innovasjon i prosjekter. Prosjektene inkluderer seriøse spill og det som kalles for gamification. Målet er å vurdere kryss-befruktning av kunnskap og teknologi. En del av tema for denne avhandling er hvordan organisasjoner, gjennom innovasjon, virkeliggjør mulighetene for å øke verdiskapning. Dette vurderes ut ifra organisasjoners orkestrering av aktiviteter innenfor deres aktivitetssystemer og transformasjon av forretningsmodellene. Det har lenge vært forsøkt på å forbedre forståelsen av hvordan kryss-befruktet allianser dannes, hva er resultatene, hva skal til for å generere verdi (eller ikke), og hvilke evner organisasjoner trenger for å kunne forvalte og innhente verdier. På bakgrunn av dette, har to tilnærminger som støtter innovasjon, blitt komplementært tatt med i betraktningen. Disse er, den kunnskaps-teknologiske perspektiv og ledelses perspektivet. Perspektivene blir analysert med informasjon hentet fra en database med 87 H2020 prosjekter, inkludert seriøse spill og eller gamification. Det er totalt 519 organisasjoner og 597 observasjoner. I senere tid, for å få et større innblikk i strategier for innovasjonsledelse, ble det gjennomført en prosjekt koordinator undersøkelse. Det kunnskaps-teknologiske perspektivet innebærer hvordan en kan skape tilstrekkelig tverrfaglig kunnskap. Her er teknologi grunnleggende for å sikre langsiktig suksess til en fremtredende teknologi, som inkluderer seriøse spill og eller gamification, og viktigheten av forskningen og innovasjonen som fremkommer i utøvernes samfunn. På den andre siden, ledelses perspektivet inkluderer analysen av innovasjonsstrategier som har som mål å øke kryss-befruktning av teknologier som inkluderer seriøse spill og eller gamification. Strategiene ble analysert ved å vurdere innovasjon- og nettverks teorier, evnen til å absorbere, og dynamisk kapasitet litteratur. For å forstå og samle elementer for analysen og diskusjonen av tidligere resultater, bestemte personlige intervjuer ble gjennomført med uavhengige eksperter. Funnene viser at flerfaglighet av et prosjekt er sterkt påvirket av etablering av kunnskap og teknologi. Videre, ledelses strategier er med på å øke nivåer av kryss-befruktning av kunnskap og teknologi. Dette inkluderer seriøse spill og eller gamification, men hovedsakelig markeds- og kundeorienterte strategier. De praktiske og metodologiske bidrag fra denne studien er med på å berike innovasjons litteratur fra det teknologiske og det ledelsesmessig synspunkt. Avhandlingen avsluttes med fruktbare veier for fremtidig forskning.[cat] Al llarg dels darrers anys, els ecosistemes d’innovació han pres un impuls substancial en la recerca acadèmica. Com a resposta a les darreres crides a noves recerques en la literatura sobre innovació oberta, aquesta tesi doctoral amplia l’estudi del procés i els ecosistemes d’innovació en projectes que inclouen jocs seriosos i gamificació al considerar la fertilització creuada de coneixement i tecnologies. L’orquestració d’activitats per part de les organitzacions dins dels seus sistemes d’activitats i la transformació dels seus models comercials a través de la innovació per generar oportunitats amb l’objectiu d’augmentar la creació de valor són part dels temes d’aquesta tesi. Hi ha hagut un esforç per millorar la comprensió de com es formen aliances amb la fertilització creuada, quins són els seus resultats, què fa que generin valor (o no) i quines capacitats necessiten les organitzacions per gestionar i assolir valor a través del procés d’innovació. Amb aquest propòsit, dos enfocaments que recolzen la innovació s’han tingut en compte de manera complementària: la perspectiva coneixement-tecnologia i la perspectiva de gestió. Aquestes perspectives s’analitzen amb la informació obtinguda d’una base de dades de 87 projectes H2020 que inclouen jocs seriosos i/o gamificació, 519 organitzacions i 597 observacions. Posteriorment, amb l’objectiu d’obtenir informació addicional sobre les Estratègies de Gestió de la Innovació, es va realitzar una enquesta adreçada als coordinadors dels projectes. La perspectiva de Coneixement i Tecnologia mostra com la creació adequada de coneixement i tecnologia multidisciplinaris és fonamental per garantir l’èxit a llarg termini d’una tecnologia emergent, que inclogui els jocs seriosos i la gamificació, i com d’important és la recerca i la innovació que té lloc en les comunitats de professionals. La perspectiva de Gestió mostra l’anàlisi de les estratègies de gestió de la innovació que fomenten la fertilització creuada de tecnologies que inclouen jocs seriosos i/o gamificació. Aquestes estratègies es van analitzar a partir de la literatura en innovació i teories de xarxes, capacitat d’absorció i capacitats dinàmiques. També, es van dur a terme entrevistes personals amb experts independents per comprendre i tenir elements per a l’anàlisi i la discussió dels resultats anteriors. Els resultats suggereixen que la multidisciplinarietat d’un projecte està molt influenciada per la creació de coneixement i tecnologia. A més, les estratègies de gestió que impulsen els alts nivells de fertilització creuada de coneixement i tecnologies –inclosos els jocs seriosos i/o la gamificació- són principalment estratègies orientades al mercat i al client. Les contribucions pràctiques i metodològiques d’aquest estudi podrien enriquir la literatura sobre innovació des del punt de vista dels enfocaments tecnològics i de gestió. La tesi conclou amb suggeriments de línies de recerca futures.[spa] Durante los últimos años, los ecosistemas de innovación han tomado un impulso sustancial en la investigación académica. Como respuesta a las recientes llamadas a nuevas investigaciones en la literatura sobre innovación abierta, esta tesis doctoral amplía el estudio del proceso y los ecosistemas de innovación en proyectos que incluyen juegos serios y gamificación al considerar la fertilización cruzada de conocimiento y tecnologías. La orquestación de actividades por parte de las organizaciones dentro de sus sistemas de actividades y la transformación de sus modelos comerciales a través de la innovación para generar oportunidades con el objetivo de aumentar la creación de valor son parte de los temas de esta tesis. Ha habido un esfuerzo por mejorar la comprensión de cómo se forman alianzas con fertilización cruzada, cuáles son sus resultados, qué hace que generen valor (o no) y qué capacidades necesitan las organizaciones para gestionar y cosechar valor a través del proceso de innovación. Con este propósito, dos enfoques que apoyan la innovación se han tenido en cuenta de manera complementaria: la perspectiva conocimiento-tecnología y la perspectiva de gestión. Estas perspectivas se analizan con la información obtenida de una base de datos de 87 proyectos H2020 que incluyen juegos serios y/o gamificación, 519 organizaciones y 597 observaciones. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de obtener información adicional sobre las Estrategias de Gestión de la Innovación, se realizó una encuesta a los coordinadores de los proyectos. La perspectiva de Conocimiento y Tecnología muestra cómo la creación adecuada de conocimiento y tecnología multidisciplinarios es fundamental para garantizar el éxito a largo plazo de una tecnología emergente, que incluya los juegos serios y la gamificación, y cómo de importante es la investigación y la innovación en las comunidades de profesionales. La perspectiva de Gestión muestra el análisis de las estrategias de gestión de la innovación que fomentan la fertilización cruzada de tecnologías que incluyen juegos serios y/o gamificación. Estas estrategias se analizaron a partir de la literatura en innovación y teorías de redes, la capacidad de absorción y las capacidades dinámicas. También, se realizaron entrevistas personales con expertos independientes para comprender y tener elementos para el análisis y la discusión de los resultados anteriores. Los hallazgos sugieren que la multidisciplinariedad de un proyecto está muy influenciada por la creación de conocimiento y tecnología. Además, las estrategias de gestión que impulsan los altos niveles de fertilización cruzada de conocimientos y tecnologías -incluidos los juegos serios y/o la gamificación- son principalmente estrategias orientadas al mercado y al cliente. Las contribuciones prácticas y metodológicas de este estudio podrían enriquecer la literatura sobre innovación desde el punto de vista de los enfoques tecnológicos y de gestión. La tesis concluye con sugerencias de líneas de investigación futuras

    Creativity Without IP? Vindication and Challenges in the Video Game Industry

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    This Article intervenes in the longstanding debate over whether creative production is possible without exhaustive copyright protection. Intellectual property (IP) scholars have identified “negative spaces” like comedy and tattoo art where creativity thrives without IP, but critics dismiss these examples as niche. The video game industry allows for fresh headway. It is now the largest sector in entertainment—with revenues greater than Hollywood, streaming, and music combined—yet IP does not protect key game elements from duplication. Participants navigate this absence using non-IP strategies like those identified in negative-space industries: AAA developers invest in copy-resistant features while indie game developers rely on community norms. The answer to whether creative production is possible within IP’s negative space even in a capital-intensive industry is thus a decisive yes. Studying this industry also compels us to go beyond surface-level questions of whether creative production is possible and to grapple with how the configuration of IP and non-IP protections shapes what is produced and how this configuration favors some creators over others. The industry likewise pushes us to recognize that the stability of these regimes is contingent on broader features of technology, the economy, and society at large. In fact, the industry has come full circle from a sector where copying plagued the industry, to one where it became a non-issue, to one where it has reemerged as a problem in mobile gaming. The video game industry is also crucial for study because it embodies the state of creative production in the information age. Scholarship has long treated legacy industries like Hollywood and music as paradigmatic without attending to the complex realities of modern creative production and the importance of going beyond IP to understand how these industries work. It is time we moved past the conceptual divide between “full IP” and negative spaces to interrogate the overlapping but partial legal protections across both sides of the line

    Code the Code: Surveillance Capitalism, Education, and the Critical Theory of Technology

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    Abstract This study is a theoretical examination of surveillance capitalism’s influence on educational technology. While the neoliberal era saw increased teacher accountability measures result in the encouraged expansion of for-profit educational technologies competing with traditional public education, surveillance capitalism’s educational technologies are distinctive. Theory has the power to reveal the existence of values embedded in the designs of these new technologies as well as the ways certain interests act through them. The researcher argues that Andrew Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Technology presents a framework for critique, intervention, and transformation of these technologies, but it must first be updated with David M. Berry’s (2014) Critical Theory and the Digital. Following this update, a new potential for critique and transformation emerges by introducing conceptual foundations (gestalt switch and choice of a past) and potentials (platform cooperativism and technography and social analytics). The author concludes by presenting new configurations of existing surveillance capitalist educational technologies as well as a concept for a curriculum intended to establish a balance of power between students and these technologies

    Law and the “Sharing Economy”

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    The rapid expansion of sharing economy platforms such as Airbnb and Uber has generated enormous controversy. This book brings legal and interdisciplinary perspectives to the labour, market and technology and other regulatory challenges that arise from this phenomenon that has taken the world by storm

    Cooperation, Contest, and Co-optation : Freedom of Expression and Positive Obligations in EU Social Media Content Regulation

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    The thesis analyzes how the EU regulates freedom of expression on social media and how the regulation transfers power. It interrogates EU’s positive fundamental right obligation to put in place a legislative and administrative framework to prevent and redress different online harms. By taking up a critical method that analyzes the contradiction between efficiency and democracy, the thesis focuses on the changes that are happening to positive obligations as part of the fundamental rights structure. The thesis links the structural changes to the advancement of neoliberal governmentality that favors managerial techniques such as cost-benefit analysis and privatization in government. After laying out the foundations, the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part departs from the observation that the EU has pressure to shift positive obligations regarding the protection of people’s freedom of expression and related rights to social media companies. It develops the general analytical framework of cooperation and contest which is informed by power struggles. In cooperation, the interests of the EU and the companies in rights protection are considered aligned. In contest, the focus is on situations where the interests diverge and where the EU and the companies deploy their respective strategies to assert their power unilaterally. The second part contextualizes the framework of cooperation and contest in three case studies. The case studies analyze three different initiatives to regulate social media introduced by the EU between 2016 and 2019. The initiatives are EU Code of conduct on hate speech, the revised Directive on audiovisual media services, and the Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online. The case studies locate cooperation and contest in regulation through the analysis of relevant policy documents and other preparatory materials of the legislative processes. The thesis concludes that the emerging regulatory framework for rights protection exhibits hybridity that results from the interconnectedness of public and private power. While the framework can provide more effectiveness for the EU in protecting rights and public interest on social media, by deploying managerial techniques it also tends to sideline the considerations for people’s democratic self-determination, and reinforce the power of the executive and large social media companies. It is argued that new ways to enhance the horizontality of rights are needed for people to assert their rights against emerging hybrid power