416 research outputs found

    Surveys, Astrometric Follow-up & Population Statistics

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    Asteroid surveys are the backbone of asteroid science, and with this in mind we begin with a broad review of the impact of asteroid surveys on our field. We then provide a brief history of asteroid discoveries so as to place contemporary and future surveys in perspective. Surveys in the United States have discovered the vast majority of the asteroids and this dominance has been consolidated since the publication of Asteroids III. Our descriptions of the asteroid surveys that have been operational since that time are focussed upon those that have contributed the vast majority of asteroid observations and discoveries. We also provide some insight into upcoming next-generation surveys that are sure to alter our understanding of the small bodies in the inner solar system and provide evidence to untangle their complicated dynamical and physical histories. The Minor Planet Center, the nerve center of the asteroid discovery effort, has improved its operations significantly in the past decade so that it can manage the increasing discovery rate, and ensure that it is well-placed to handle the data rates expected in the next decade. We also consider the difficulties associated with astrometric follow-up of newly identified objects. It seems clear that both of these efforts must operate in new modes in order to keep pace with expected discovery rates of next-generation ground- and space-based surveys.Comment: Chapter to appear in the book ASTEROIDS IV, (University of Arizona Press) Space Science Series, edited by P. Michel, F. DeMeo and W. Bottk

    The burn severity and plant recovery relationship affect the biological and chemical soil properties of Pinus halepensis Mill. stands in the short and midterms after wildfire

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    In the Mediterranean Basin, changes in climate and fire regime (increased recurrence and severity) reduce ecosystem services after wildfires by increasing soil degradation and losses in plant diversity. Our study was a biological approach to relate soil properties to vegetation recovery and burn severity. We focused our study on the natural recovery of the soil-plant interphase in Pinus halepensis Mill. forests located in the SE of Iberian Peninsula, a semiarid climate. We included some chemical properties 3 years after fire (available phosphorus (P) and soil organic carbon (Corg), among others), and biological soil indicators 3 and 5 years after fire (i.e. basal soil respiration (BSR), microbial biomass carbon (Cmic), carbon mineralization coefficient (Cmineral), metabolic quotient (qCO2) and microbial quotient (Cmic:Corg)). We analyzed the activity of three different enzymes: urease (UR), phosphatase (PHP) and β-glucosidase (GLU). The changes in most chemical properties were ephemeral, but P and Corg showed higher values in burned areas, and the highest were found for low-moderate severity. Plant recovery was the triggering factor for the recovery of Corg and biological soil function. Burn severity and time after fire influenced Cmic and the Cmic:Corg, which were higher for moderate-high severity 3 years later, but were below the unburned values 5 years after fire. The microbial activities of GLU and UR were recovered in burned areas 5 years after fire. The PHP values lowered according to higher burn severity and time after fire. The soil ecological trends obtained by a principal component analysis revealed a relationship linking GLU, BSR and qCO2 that explained soil response to burn severity. PHP, Cmic and Cmic:Corg explained most of the variability related to time after fire. Our results provide insights into how burn severity, in Mediterranean fire-prone Aleppo pine stands, modulated the natural plant recovery linked to soil biochemical and microbiological response to fire. High burn severity limited natural vegetation recovery, and both reduced biological soil functionality. This knowledge can be implemented in post-fire planning to apply post-fire management (for mitigation and restoration) in which the “no intervention” tool should be contemplated. These findings provide information to be applied in adaptive forest management to improve the resilience of vulnerable ecosystems and to reduce burn severity in future fire events.This study was supported by a research award provided by the Instituto Estudios Albacetenses (IEA2016-Daniel Moya) and funds provided to the Forest Ecology Research Group by the University Castilla-La Mancha.The authors also thank the Spanish Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) for the funding awarded through National Research Projects GEPRIF (RTA2014-00011-C06), POSTFIRE_CARE (CGL2016-75178-C2-1-R) financed by the Spanish Research Agency (AIE), and the European Union for European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER)

    Quartzite procurement in conglomerates and deposits:Geoarchaeological characterization of potential catchmentareas in the central part of the Cantabrian Region, Spain

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    Raw material characterization in Paleolithic archaeology has widened our knowledge of Middle Paleolithic societies. Procurement of raw material, specifically flint, has allowed the tracing of the mobility of both stones and people, as well as selective processes to obtain specific types or even extraction activities. The analysis of quartzite has also developed in recent years, providing an opportunity to better understand prehistoric societies. This study characterizes the procurement strategies implemented by Middle Paleolithic people in the mountainous region of the Picos de Europa. To this end, we present a comprehensive characterization of potential catchment areas: massive outcrops, conglomerates, and river deposits. The exploitation of quartzite at the sites of El Habario and El Arteu allows us to understand the territorial management of this mountainous area through the combination of selective processes and mobility mechanisms in lower and middle altitudes. These perspectives enable us to view the mountainous region not as a barrier but as an environmental mosaic managed by Middle Paleolithic groups. This study shows strategies that bring together direct and embedded procurement based on both intensive and extensive searches. These discourses are more closely related to the daily life of people than those only considering the mobility of people and objects.Education Department of the Government of the Basque Country, Grant/Award Number: POS_2018_1_002; The Spanish Ministry of Science Project, Grant/Award Number: HAR2017-82493-C3-1-P; The Consolidated Research Group in Prehistory of the Basque Country University, Grant/Award Number: IT-1223-1

    Seafood festivals for local development in Italy and Sweden

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    none3siPurpose: The paper focusses on festivals taking place in coastal regions whose central element is seafood. The purpose is to analyse the role of seafood festivals as potential tourist attractions for local development. The decision to focus on coastal areas is based on a perceived knowledge gap regarding the interactions between different sectors of the sea economy. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative exploratory case studies of seafood festivals in Italy and Sweden have been performed using an analytical model. The participatory observation methodology contributed to a better understanding of the phenomenon. Findings: The analysis shows the close relationship between seafood and tourism, and although it takes variable forms, food is a fundamental lever for maritime and coastal tourism and local development. Findings suggest that local food events can help strengthening gastronomic identities, despite there is a different articulation between tradition and marketing in the two countries. Research limitations/implications: Since this paper represents an exploratory study of five seafood festivals, research needs to be extended and replicated before any findings can be generalized. However, the model is flexible enough to be tested in different food events. Practical implications: Food events represent a key instrument for the integration of territorial policies in which tourism and food products might be used as strategic instruments for the development of coastal areas. Originality/value: This paper is a first attempt to analyse and compare seafood events, contributing to filling the gap in event literature referring to coastal areas. The model introduced can be used to determine the articulation of tradition-marketing in different food events.openPizzichini L.; Andersson T.D.; Gregori G.L.Pizzichini, L.; Andersson, T. D.; Gregori, G. L

    Seafood festivals for local development in Italy and Sweden

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    PurposeThe paper focusses on festivals taking place in coastal regions whose central element is seafood. The purpose is to analyse the role of seafood festivals as potential tourist attractions for local development. The decision to focus on coastal areas is based on a perceived knowledge gap regarding the interactions between different sectors of the sea economy.Design/methodology/approachQualitative exploratory case studies of seafood festivals in Italy and Sweden have been performed using an analytical model. The participatory observation methodology contributed to a better understanding of the phenomenon.FindingsThe analysis shows the close relationship between seafood and tourism, and although it takes variable forms, food is a fundamental lever for maritime and coastal tourism and local development. Findings suggest that local food events can help strengthening gastronomic identities, despite there is a different articulation between tradition and marketing in the two countries.Research limitations/implicationsSince this paper represents an exploratory study of five seafood festivals, research needs to be extended and replicated before any findings can be generalized. However, the model is flexible enough to be tested in different food events.Practical implicationsFood events represent a key instrument for the integration of territorial policies in which tourism and food products might be used as strategic instruments for the development of coastal areas.Originality/valueThis paper is a first attempt to analyse and compare seafood events, contributing to filling the gap in event literature referring to coastal areas. The model introduced can be used to determine the articulation of tradition-marketing in different food events

    Towards quality-oriented architecture: Integration in a global context

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    This paper introduces an architectural framework for developing systems of systems, where the development plants are geographically distributed across different countries. The focus of our ongoing work is on architectural sustainability, in the sense of cost-effective longevity and endurance, and on quality assurance from the perspectives of integration in a global context. The core of our framework are different levels of abstraction, where state-of-the-art industrial development process is extended by the level of remote virtual system representation. Each abstraction level is associated with a different level of context-dependent architecture as well as the corresponding testing approaches


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    La co-creazione di valore in ottica di sviluppo turistico di una destinazione \ue8 oggi un hot topic della ricerca scientifica sul destination management. L\u2019obiettivo del presente lavoro \ue8, da un lato, quello di fornire a studiosi ed operatori di settore alcuni spunti critici di riflessione sulle relazioni, le interazioni tra stakeholder e la gestione delle risorse del territorio in un\u2019ottica di sviluppo turistico; dall\u2019altro lato \ue8 quello di mostrare il ruolo, in tale contesto, che la nascita di modelli innovativi di agribusiness basati su un approccio culturale e sul supporto delle nuove tecnologie possono giocare, in particolare nelle aree rurali delle Marche. Al fine di comprendere le dinamiche, le idee e le spinte motivazionali dei soggetti coinvolti nel processo di ricerca, si \ue8 scelto di optare per un approccio qualitativo, nel quale i metodi privilegiati sono stati il case study e l\u2019etnografia. Sono stati quindi analizzati dialoghi, interazioni, materiale informativo di vario genere, documenti ufficiali, field notes ed interviste semi-strutturate con soggetti chiave. La ricerca mette in evidenza come un cambio di paradigma culturale sia necessario per apportare reale innovazione e sviluppo sul territorio, sia in termini di relazioni ed interazioni tra stakeholder, sia in termini di gestione delle risorse. Questo cambiamento pu\uf2 favorire inoltre l\u2019affermazione di modelli di agribusiness innovativi, che in parte stanno gi\ue0 iniziando a diffondersi, che rispondono a nuovi principi economici ed istanze sociali e culturali diverse rispetto al passato. Una successiva ricerca quantitativa potrebbe essere utile per una generalizzazione delle evidenze emerse dal presente lavoro e misurare l\u2019effettiva ampiezza e diffusione dei vari argomenti qui descritti e discussi. La presente indagine contribuisce in particolare a sottolineare il valore di un approccio culturale e creativo anche in ambiti apparentemente distanti e guidati da logiche diverse

    Literary Planning and Development in Indonesia Through The Local Literature Community (LLC): A Challenge

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    Planning and fostering literature in Indonesia is very important as an effort to preserve it, especially regional literature and develop its existence. This is important because literature has a noble function, namely voicing the heart and phenomena that occur in society. We see that the development of literature in Indonesia such as "living reluctantly to death does not want", is in a situation and condition of concern. Attention from the government and the community is still very minimal. Even though literature in Indonesia still seems to exist, it is solely due to literary activists, both individuals and communities who still care and love literature. This presents a challenge. Challenges in planning and developing literature in Indonesia. It is time for literary issues in Indonesia to be seriously designed by involving people or people who have concerns. Does not always depend on the country. Therefore, independence is needed in discussing the planning and development of literature in Indonesia. In this case the direct involvement of activists / local literary communities is needed. This thinking originated from several existing communities and can survive and even flourish in producing writers and developing literary works in Indonesia. Thus, it is not impossible if the Local Literature Community will provide encouraging results on the development of literature in Indonesia