206,915 research outputs found

    L'intelligenza artificiale per la traduzione: orizzonti, pratiche e percorsi formativi

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    The present paper functions as an introduction to this special issue of mediAzioni, which brings together selected papers presented at the Translating Europe Workshop entitled "L'intelligenza artificiale per la traduzione verso una nuova progettazione didattica?" (3 December 2021), focusing on the pedagogical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a particular emphasis on Neural Machine Translation (NMT). The article revolves around three main themes. First, it considers the impact of emerging neural technologies on language services, redefining the traditional role of the translator and creating new responsibilities and tasks. Despite the considerable progress that NMT has made compared to previous models, it still has shortcomings that are almost "invisible" because they often lack clear grammatical or morphosyntactic marking. Such errors require a certain cognitive effort to identify, since they involve problems that are less obvious to the untrained eye, such as textuality or inadequacies at the level of discourse. Secondly, the article looks more closely at professional practices, especially those related to pre-editing, post-editing and proofreading. Particular emphasis is placed on the indispensable role of the human in translation workflows that integrate NMT not only at the level of post-editing and text revision, but also at the level of translation project management. Finally, the paper moves on to the implications of NMT for the training of translators and beyond, discussing key insights from the workshop participants regarding future teaching practices at university level. The article concludes by outlining the structure of this special issue and providing a brief synopsis of the collected papers


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    In recent years, increasing attention has been devoted to the underrepresentation, exclusion or outright discrimination experienced by women and members of other visible minority groups in academic philosophy. Much of this debate has focused on the state of contemporary Anglophone philosophy, which is dominated by the tradition of analytic philosophy. Moreover, there is growing interest in academia and society more generally for issues revolving around linguistic justice and linguistic discrimination (sometimes called ‘linguicism’ or ‘languagism’) (see e.g. Van Parijs 2011). Globalization and the increasing adoption of English as global linguistic vehicle or lingua franca push these issues at the forefront of much of the world’s attention. The convergence of these two trends suggests the appropriateness of an analysis of the condition of non-native speakers of English in analytic philosophy

    Towards predicting post-editing productivity

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    Machine translation (MT) quality is generally measured via automatic metrics, producing scores that have no meaning for translators who are required to post-edit MT output or for project managers who have to plan and budget for transla- tion projects. This paper investigates correlations between two such automatic metrics (general text matcher and translation edit rate) and post-editing productivity. For the purposes of this paper, productivity is measured via processing speed and cognitive measures of effort using eye tracking as a tool. Processing speed, average fixation time and count are found to correlate well with the scores for groups of segments. Segments with high GTM and TER scores require substantially less time and cognitive effort than medium or low-scoring segments. Future research involving score thresholds and confidence estimation is suggested

    Skills and Profile of the New Role of the Translator as MT Post-editor

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    This paper explores the skills and profile of the new role of the translator as MT post-editor in view of the rising interest and use of MT in the translation industry. After a brief review of the relevant literature declaring post-editing (PE) as a profession on its own, the paper goes on to identify the different tasks involved in PE processes, following the work of Krings (Krings, 2001). Then, a series of competences are defined and grouped into three main categories: core competences, linguistic skills and instrumental competences. Finally, a description of the controlled translation scenario of MT PE is advanced taking into account the overall scenario of any translation project, including client description, text domain, text description, use of glossaries, MT engine, MT output quality and purpose of the translated text.Aquest article aborda les habilitats i les característiques del perfil del nou rol del traductor com a posteditor de traducció automàtica, tot i tenint en compte l'augment de l'interès en i l'ús de la traducció automàtica per part de la industria de la traducció. Després d'una breu revisió de la literatura més rellevant sobre postedició (PE) en tant que professió per ella mateixa, l'article identifica les diferents tasques implicades en els processos de PE, segons la proposta de Krings (2001). A continuació es defineix una sèrie de competències que s'agrupen en tres categories principals: competències nuclears, habilitats lingüístiques i competències instrumentals. Finalment el artículo proposa una descripció de l'escenari de traducció controlada propi de la PE de traducció automàtica, sense perdre de vista l'escenari general de qualsevol projecte de traducció, que inclou la descripció del client, el domini del text, la descripció del text, l'ús de glossaris, el motor de traducció automàtica, la qualitat de la traducció automàtica resultant i el propòsit del text traduït.Este artículo aborda las habilidades y las características del perfil del nuevo rol del traductor como poseditor de traducción automática, a la luz del aumento del interés en y del uso de la traducción automática por parte de la industria de la traducción. Después de una breve revisión de la literatura más relevante sobre posedición (PE) en tanto que profesión por sí misma, en el artículo se identifican las diferentes tareas implicadas en los procesos de PE, según la propuesta de Krings (2001). A continuación se define una serie de competencias que se agrupan en tres categorías principales: competencias nucleares, habilidades lingüísticas y competencias instrumentales. Finalmente el artículo propone una descripción del escenario de traducción controlada propio de la PE de traducción automática, sin perder de vista el marco general de cualquier proyecto de traducción, que incluye la descripción del cliente, el dominio del texto, la descripción del texto, el uso de glosarios, el motor de traducción automática, la calidad de la traducción automática resultante y el propósito del texto traducido

    Examination of Eco-Behavioral Assessments Designed for Understanding Complex Behaviors and Environments.

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    Second-generation intervention research requires methods for overcoming challenges to understanding complex learning ecologies and interactions of students. Eco-behavioral assessments (EBAs) are one solution to past intervention research challenges. EBAs record the effects of ecological variables in students’ behavior and daily interactions. The utility of EBAs in second-generation research has increased substantially. Numerous EBAs now exist for use with all ages of learners and provide a valid, reliable, and cost effective method for intervention research. This paper examines 18 EBAs as well as software systems designed to support and enhance the use of EBAs. The examination serves as a comprehensive resource to better understand how EBAs can be used in answering complex questions about students’ learning and for advancing second-generation research

    Specification and implementation of mapping rule visualization and editing : MapVOWL and the RMLEditor

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    Visual tools are implemented to help users in defining how to generate Linked Data from raw data. This is possible thanks to mapping languages which enable detaching mapping rules from the implementation that executes them. However, no thorough research has been conducted so far on how to visualize such mapping rules, especially if they become large and require considering multiple heterogeneous raw data sources and transformed data values. In the past, we proposed the RMLEditor, a visual graph-based user interface, which allows users to easily create mapping rules for generating Linked Data from raw data. In this paper, we build on top of our existing work: we (i) specify a visual notation for graph visualizations used to represent mapping rules, (ii) introduce an approach for manipulating rules when large visualizations emerge, and (iii) propose an approach to uniformly visualize data fraction of raw data sources combined with an interactive interface for uniform data fraction transformations. We perform two additional comparative user studies. The first one compares the use of the visual notation to present mapping rules to the use of a mapping language directly, which reveals that the visual notation is preferred. The second one compares the use of the graph-based RMLEditor for creating mapping rules to the form-based RMLx Visual Editor, which reveals that graph-based visualizations are preferred to create mapping rules through the use of our proposed visual notation and uniform representation of heterogeneous data sources and data values. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The ethics of machine translation

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    In this paper I first describe the two main branches in machine translation research. I then go to discuss why the second of these, statistical machine translation, can cause some malaise among translation scholars. As some of the issues that arise are ethical in nature, I stop to ponder what an ethics of machine translation might involve, before considering the ethical stance adopted by some of the main protagonists in the development and popularisation of statistical machine translation, and in the teaching of translation