162,747 research outputs found

    Visualisation as a Model. Overview on Communication Techniques in Transport and Urban Planning

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) changed the way planners present and operate with their projects. New visualisation tools have changed the ways projects and plans are presented and disseminated. However, the opportunities given by visualisation are not completely exploited in the professional practice. This is due to several bottlenecks which occur in the daily carrying out of activities. The paper is organised in three sections. The first one explains how visualisation can be an added value to the planning practice if it is organised and designed as a framework of information; conceiving the visualisation as a model, data can be managed and represented in order to provide information at different levels of expertise, allowing city plans to be analysed and understood before their realisation. The second section resumes the changes caused by the introduction of ICT within the daily practice; a comparison between pre-digital and digital approaches highlights current opportunities for implementing the communication values of plans and projects. The third part illustrates some examples of innovative visualisations in the urban and transport planning practice, showing a number of uses of visualisation to fit different purposes. The paper concludes this insight formulating the necessity for integrating the studies on visualisation coming from different disciplines into a scientific method that can be proposed as a guideline in building the images of urban and transport plans. This would be particularly useful for obtaining a more scientific approach in the choices of representation and visualisation of urban aspects

    Inverse tone mapping

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    The introduction of High Dynamic Range Imaging in computer graphics has produced a novelty in Imaging that can be compared to the introduction of colour photography or even more. Light can now be captured, stored, processed, and finally visualised without losing information. Moreover, new applications that can exploit physical values of the light have been introduced such as re-lighting of synthetic/real objects, or enhanced visualisation of scenes. However, these new processing and visualisation techniques cannot be applied to movies and pictures that have been produced by photography and cinematography in more than one hundred years. This thesis introduces a general framework for expanding legacy content into High Dynamic Range content. The expansion is achieved avoiding artefacts, producing images suitable for visualisation and re-lighting of synthetic/real objects. Moreover, it is presented a methodology based on psychophysical experiments and computational metrics to measure performances of expansion algorithms. Finally, a compression scheme, inspired by the framework, for High Dynamic Range Textures, is proposed and evaluated

    Using access information in the dynamic visualisation of web sites

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    Includes bibliographical references.Log file analysis provides a cost-effective means to detennine web site usage. However, current methods of displaying log analysis results tend to be limited in that they either contain no reference to a web site's structure, or else they portray this structure as a standard graph or tree. This dissertation presents a visual representation of web server log information, which addresses these limitations by incorporating log file data into a visualisation of a web site's layout. The devised visualisation utilizes properties unique to web sites in order to create a compromise between the clutter-prone network graph and the infonnation incomplete tree representations that have traditionally been used to depict web sites. As such, the visualisation emphasises typical web site features such as the home page, sub-sites and navigation bars. This approach pennitted the introduction of the concept of implying the presence of links without explicitly rendering them. This notion has many implications, not least of which is the reduction of cluttering. The visualisation combined several other techniques to address the issues of structure and data representation, data exploration, scalability and context maintenance. Assessment of the visualisation consisted of a heuristic evaluation by an expert from the web site usage industry, a test to detelmine the intuitiveness of the representation, and a series of user experiments. Results of the assessment were generally promising although a few areas of concern, such as the difficulty experienced by users in navigating the visualisation with a trackball, were identified. These issues should not prove to be too difficult to overcome however. The visualisation could thus be said to have successfully met the aim of developing a representation of web site usage infonnation that incorporates site structure and treats web sites as unique entities, thereby taking advantage of their particular characteristics. It is hoped such a visualisation will be of benefit to web site designers and administrators in analysing and ultimately improving their web sites

    Evaluation of a portable image overlay projector for the visualisation of surgical navigation data: phantom studies

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    Introduction: Presenting visual feedback for image-guided surgery on a monitor requires the surgeon to perform time-consuming comparisons and diversion of sight and attention away from the patient. Deficiencies in previously developed augmented reality systems for image-guided surgery have, however, prevented the general acceptance of any one technique as a viable alternative to monitor displays. This work presents an evaluation of the feasibility and versatility of a novel augmented reality approach for the visualisation of surgical planning and navigation data. The approach, which utilises a portable image overlay device, was evaluated during integration into existing surgical navigation systems and during application within simulated navigated surgery scenarios. Methods: A range of anatomical models, surgical planning data and guidance information taken from liver surgery, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, orthopaedic surgery and biopsy were displayed on patient-specific phantoms, directly on to the patient's skin and on to cadaver tissue. The feasibility of employing the proposed augmented reality visualisation approach in each of the four tested clinical applications was qualitatively assessed for usability, visibility, workspace, line of sight and obtrusiveness. Results: The visualisation approach was found to assist in spatial understanding and reduced the need for sight diversion throughout the simulated surgical procedures. The approach enabled structures to be identified and targeted quickly and intuitively. All validated augmented reality scenes were easily visible and were implemented with minimal overhead. The device showed sufficient workspace for each of the presented applications, and the approach was minimally intrusiveness to the surgical scene. Conclusion: The presented visualisation approach proved to be versatile and applicable to a range of image-guided surgery applications, overcoming many of the deficiencies of previously described AR approaches. The approach presents an initial step towards a widely accepted alternative to monitor displays for the visualisation of surgical navigation dat

    Digital participation and collaboration in architectural design.

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    The emergence of new digital and visualisation technologies in recent years has led to rapid changes in the field of architecture. Current drives to incorporate building information modelling as a part of architectural design are giving way to the increased use of IT and visualisation in architectural design, user participation and group collaboration. As digital methods become more mainstream, Digital Participation and Collaboration in Architectural Design provides an accessible and engaging introduction to this emerging subject. Supported by selected examples from research and practice, the book offers an overview of theories, techniques and approaches which readers can apply in their own work. In doing so, it shows how these techniques can influence communication, debate and understanding and encourages readers to see familiar buildings from original and unusual perspectives. An ideal starting point for anyone interested in the application of digital techniques, the book will help students and professionals in architectural design and digital architecture to understand and embrace new technologies

    Development of a pathogenicity testing system for Dothistroma pini infection of Pinus radiata : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Microbiology at Massey University

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    Dothistroma pini is a fungal pathogen of pine species around the world and can be found in most parts of New Zealand. Infection by D. pini causes a disease commonly known as Dothistroma needle blight. Dothistroma needle blight has a significant financial impact on New Zealand's forestry industry. Although control of infection by D. pini is currently very successful there is a possibility that a new strain introduced from another country could be a lot more damaging and overcome current control measures. In recent years both the incidence and severity of the disease have increased in the northern hemisphere and other parts of the world. A distinctive characteristic of Dothistroma needle blight is the production in the infected needle of a toxic red pigment called dothistromin. Dothistromin is produced as a secondary metabolite by D. pini and has known phytotoxic properties as well as clastogenic and mutagenic properties towards human cells. Purified dothistromin toxin injected into pine needles has been shown to reproduce symptoms similar to those observed during D. pini infection. Because of this production, dothistromin is thought to play an important role in the infection process. Mutants of D. pini that are deficient in dothistromin production have been made recently that will allow this role to be investigated. The aim of this study was to develop a pathogenicity testing system under PC2 containment (required for dothistromin deficient mutant) and to develop microscopy methods required to monitor both epiphytic and endophytic growth of the fungus on the needle D. pini requires high light intensity, continuous leaf moisture and a specific temperature range in order to infect pine needles. Progress was made towards developing a robust pathogenicity testing system. This study has also developed several microscopy techniques for the visualisation of epiphytic growth including a fluorescent microscopy technique. Other bright field and fluorescent staining techniques were investigated with some success. Staining techniques were not successful for the visualisation of endophytic D. pini growth but a green fluorescent protein (sgfp) reporter construct was obtained and two gfp plasmid contracts were developed for the transformation of D. pini for use as biomarkers. Successful introduction of the gfp constructs into D. pini will allow in situ visualisation of endophytic and epiphytic D. pini growth. The work done in this study will be useful for the further investigation into the role of dothistromin toxin, which may lead to new or more efficient methods of controlling D. pini as well as possibly providing information about other polyketide molecules of economic or medical significance

    Applying blended conceptual spaces to variable choice and aesthetics in data visualisation

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    Computational creativity is an active area of research within the artificial intelligence domain that investigates what aspects of computing can be considered as an analogue to the human creative process. Computers can be programmed to emulate the type of things that the human mind can. Artificial creativity is worthy of study for two reasons. Firstly, it can help in understanding human creativity and secondly it can help with the design of computer programs that appear to be creative. Although the implementation of creativity in computer algorithms is an active field, much of the research fails to specify which of the known theories of creativity it is aligning with. The combination of computational creativity with computer generated visualisations has the potential to produce visualisations that are context sensitive with respect to the data and could solve some of the current automation problems that computers experience. In addition theories of creativity could theoretically compute unusual data combinations, or introducing graphical elements that draw attention to the patterns in the data. More could be learned about the creativity involved as humans go about the task of generating a visualisation. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a computer program that can automate the generation of a visualisation, for a suitably chosen visualisation type over a small domain of knowledge, using a subset of the computational creativity criteria, in order to try and explore the effects of the introduction of conceptual blending techniques. The problem is that existing computer programs that generate visualisations are lacking the creativity, intuition, background information, and visual perception that enable a human to decide what aspects of the visualisation will expose patterns that are useful to the consumer of the visualisation. The main research question that guided this dissertation was, “How can criteria derived from theories of creativity be used in the generation of visualisations?”. In order to answer this question an analysis was done to determine which creativity theories and artificial intelligence techniques could potentially be used to implement the theories in the context of those relevant to computer generated visualisations. Measurable attributes and criteria that were sufficient for an algorithm that claims to model creativity were explored. The parts of the visualisation pipeline were identified and the aspects of visualisation generation that humans are better at than computers was explored. Themes that emerged in both the computational creativity and the visualisation literature were highlighted. Finally a prototype was built that started to investigate the use of computational creativity methods in the ‘variable choice’, and ‘aesthetics’ stages of the data visualisation pipeline.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Communicating content: development and evaluation of icons for academic document triage through visualisation and perception

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    This work seeks to identify key features and characteristics for the design of icons that can support the tasks of information seekers in academic document triage interfaces. Such icons are meant to act as visual links to the specific elements or sections in an academic document. We suggest that icons in triage interfaces are better able to communicate information, provide feedback and enable faster user interactions than text, particularly in mobile-based interfaces. Through investigation of visualisation and perception processes, we are able to propose five primary icon categories, the two most dominant being iconic and symbolic: iconic representations mostly apply to graphically and spatially distinct document elements (i.e. Title, Abstract, Tables and Figures), externalising the elements’ surface propositions. Symbolic representations are largely associated with elements of greater semantic value (Introduction, Conclusion, Full text and Author), drawing upon the elements’ deep propositions

    Interactive Visual Analysis of Networked Systems: Workflows for Two Industrial Domains

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    We report on a first study of interactive visual analysis of networked systems. Working with ABB Corporate Research and Ericsson Research, we have created workflows which demonstrate the potential of visualization in the domains of industrial automation and telecommunications. By a workflow in this context, we mean a sequence of visualizations and the actions for generating them. Visualizations can be any images that represent properties of the data sets analyzed, and actions typically either change the selection of data visualized or change the visualization by choice of technique or change of parameters

    Insight:an application of information visualisation techniques to digital forensics investigations

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    As digital devices are becoming ever more ubiquitous in our day to day lives, more of our personal information and behavioural patterns are recorded on these devices. The volume of data held on these devices is substantial, and people investigating these datasets are facing growing backlog as a result. This is worsened by the fact that many software tools used in this area are text based and do not lend themselves to rapid processing by humans.This body of work looks at several case studies in which these datasets were visualised in attempt to expedite processing by humans. A number of different 2D and 3D visualisation methods were trialled, and the results from these case studies fed into the design of a final tool which was tested with the assistance of a group of individuals studying Digital Forensics.The results of this research show some encouraging results which indicate visualisation may assist analysis in some aspects, and indicates useful paths for future work