220,681 research outputs found

    Teaching Enterprise Integration and Architecture – Tools, Patterns, and Model Problems

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    This paper describes the design and delivery of a new course introducing the joint topics of enterprise integration andenterprise architecture. Planned for an Information Technology curriculum, the course sits at the crossroads of ComputerScience and Information Systems and is intended for upper level undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees inany of these three disciplines. The course builds from an introduction to business operating models into a study of enterprisearchitecture and finishes with a design project in enterprise integration. The ArchiMate enterprise architecture modelingstandard is applied using an open source tool. Model problems are developed in the tool to motivate class lectures and studentdesign assignments. Design patterns form the basis of learning recurring solutions of integration problems. A final projectchallenges students to respond to a Request for Proposal to provide integration consulting services to a recently mergedenterprise business

    Assessments of Information Systems at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Agri-food Sector

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    Integrated information systems under large-scale company conditions have become widespread over the past decades. Information, data management and systematic information produced from these data and arranged according to needs, however, are required by not only large-scale companies but small- and medium-sized enterprises as well in the agri-food sector. The improvement of information and communication technologies continuously influence the development of information systems, the introduction of different solutions in architecture and the application of new business models. Our research goals was to analyse the evolution of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), functional analysing of SME’s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) information systems and developing decision support tools for selection, comparison of ERPs and economical evaluation of ERP investment. This tools are partly developed and usable for SMEs in the agri-food sector

    Segment Routing: a Comprehensive Survey of Research Activities, Standardization Efforts and Implementation Results

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    Fixed and mobile telecom operators, enterprise network operators and cloud providers strive to face the challenging demands coming from the evolution of IP networks (e.g. huge bandwidth requirements, integration of billions of devices and millions of services in the cloud). Proposed in the early 2010s, Segment Routing (SR) architecture helps face these challenging demands, and it is currently being adopted and deployed. SR architecture is based on the concept of source routing and has interesting scalability properties, as it dramatically reduces the amount of state information to be configured in the core nodes to support complex services. SR architecture was first implemented with the MPLS dataplane and then, quite recently, with the IPv6 dataplane (SRv6). IPv6 SR architecture (SRv6) has been extended from the simple steering of packets across nodes to a general network programming approach, making it very suitable for use cases such as Service Function Chaining and Network Function Virtualization. In this paper we present a tutorial and a comprehensive survey on SR technology, analyzing standardization efforts, patents, research activities and implementation results. We start with an introduction on the motivations for Segment Routing and an overview of its evolution and standardization. Then, we provide a tutorial on Segment Routing technology, with a focus on the novel SRv6 solution. We discuss the standardization efforts and the patents providing details on the most important documents and mentioning other ongoing activities. We then thoroughly analyze research activities according to a taxonomy. We have identified 8 main categories during our analysis of the current state of play: Monitoring, Traffic Engineering, Failure Recovery, Centrally Controlled Architectures, Path Encoding, Network Programming, Performance Evaluation and Miscellaneous...Comment: SUBMITTED TO IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIAL

    Towards interoperability through inter-enterprise collaboration architectures

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    Most enterprise architectures published so far are capable of generating reasonably good descriptive models for individual enterprises to enable integration, organization and synchronization of enterprise elements: organizational structure, business processes, information systems and technology infrastructure, among others. However, research in this field applied to the extended enterprise or inter-enterprise architectures that takes into account the growing trend towards complex collaborative environments is very scarce. In this sense, this article seeks to analyze, link and synthesize the researches that has addressed the disciplines of enterprise architecture and business collaboration, in order to identify possible future research needs from the conceptualization made.Vargas, A.; Boza Garcia, A.; Cuenca, L. (2011). Towards interoperability through inter-enterprise collaboration architectures. En On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7046:102-111. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_18S1021117046Adam, O., Hofer, A., Zang, S., Hammer, C., Jerrentrup, M., Leinenbach, S.: A Collaboration Framework for Cross-enterprise Business Process Management. In: First International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Application, Geneva (2005)Chalmeta, R., Grangel, R.: ARDIN extension for virtual enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 67, 141–152 (2003)Choi, Y., Kang, D., Chae, H., Kim, K.: An enterprise architecture framework for collaboration of virtual enterprise chains. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 35, 1065–1078 (2008)Schekkerman, J.: Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework Essentials Guide. Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, IFEAD (2006), http://www.enterprise-architecture.info/index.htmISO 15704. Industrial automation systems - Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies.: International Organization for Standardization (2000)Kosanke, K., Vernadat, F., Zelm, M.: CIMOSA: Enterprise engineering and integration. Computers in Industry 40, 83–97 (1999)Cuenca, L.: Marco arquitectónico para la propuesta IE-GIP. Extensión de la arquitectura CIMOSA. Aplicación a una empresa del sector cerámico. PhD thesis. Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaMolina, A., Panetto, H., Chen, D., Whitman, L.: Enterprise Integration and Networking: challenges and trends. Studies in Informatics and Control 16(4), 353–368 (2007)Ortiz, A., Lario, F., Ros, L.: Enterprise Integration—Business Processes Integrated Management: a proposal for a methodology to develop Enterprise Integration Programs. Computers in Industry 40, 155–171 (1999)Chalmeta, R., Campos, C., Grangel, R.: References architectures for enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 57, 175–191 (2001)Vernadat, F.: Enterprise modeling and integration (EMI): Current status and research perspectives. Annual Reviews in Control 26, 15–25 (2002)Williams, T., Li, H.: PERA and GERAM enterprise reference architectures in enterprise integration. Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, 1–27 (1998)Lankhorst, M.: Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Arango, M., Londoño, J., Zapata, J.: Arquitectura empresarial- Una visión general. Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín 9(16), 101–111 (2010)Bernard, S.: An introduction to enterprise architecture. AuthorHouse, Bloomington (2005)Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., Boza, A.: Arquitectura de Empresa. Visión General. In: IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Gijón (2005)Maya, E.: Arquitectura empresarial: un nuevo reto para las empresas de hoy. Centro de Investigación de las Telecomunicaciones. INTERACTIC: Interacción con la información (2010), http://www.interactic.org.co/THE OPEN GROUP.: ARCHIMATE, The Power of Enterprise Architecture (2009), http://www.archimate.org/en/home/Stelzer, D.: Enterprise Architecture Principles: Literature Review and Research Directions. In: Dan, A., Gittler, F., Toumani, F. (eds.) ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009. LNCS, vol. 6275, pp. 12–21. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)Schekkerman, J.: Enterprise architecture validation. Achieving business-aligned and validated enterprise architectures. Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments, IFEAD (2004), http://www.enterprise-architecture.info/index.htmKosanke, K.: CIMOSA Primer on key concepts, purpose and business value (1996), http://cimosa.cnt.pl/Chen, D., Vallespir, B., Doumeingts, G.: GRAI integrated methodology and its mapping onto generic enterprise reference architecture and methodology. Computers in Industry 33, 387–394 (1997)Rathwell, G.: PERA Enterprise Integration Web Site (2005), http://www.pera.net/Williams, T., Rathwell, G., Li, H.: A handbook on master planning and implementation for enterprise integration programs. PERA Enterprise Integration Web Site (2001), http://www.pera.net/IFIP.: GERAM: Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology. International Federation for Information Processing (1999), http://dl.ifip.org/index.php/index/indexOrtiz, A.: Propuesta para el Desarrollo de Programas de Integración Empresarial en Empresas Industriales. Aplicación a una Empresa del Sector Cerámico. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1998)Cuenca, L., Boza, A., Ortiz, A.: Architecting business and IS/IT strategic alignment for extend enterprises. Studies in Informatics and Control 20(1), 7–18 (2011)The Open Group (2011), https://www.opengroup.org/index.htmGrangel, R.: Propuesta para el Modelado del Conocimiento Empresarial. PhD thesis Universidad Jaume I de Castello (2007)Scheer, A., Schneider, K.: ARIS – Architecture of Integrated Information. Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems. International Handbooks on Information Systems 3, 605–623 (2006)ISO/CEN 19439. Enterprise integration - Framework for enterprise modelling.: International Organization for Standardization (2006)Stadtler, H., Kilger, C.: Supply Chain Management and advance planning. Concepts, Models, Sofware and Cases Studies. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)Alarcón, F., Ortiz, A., Alemany, M., Lario, F.: Planificación Colaborativa en un contexto de varias Cadenas de Suministro: ventajas y desventajas. In: VIII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Leganés, pp. 857–866 (2004)Alarcón, F.: Desarrollo de una Arquitectura para la definición del proceso de Comprometer Pedidos en contextos de Redes de Suministro Colaborativas. Aplicación a una Red compuesta por Cadenas de Suministro en los Sectores Cerámico y del Mueble. PhD thesis Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2005)Petersen, K., Ragatz, G., Monczka, R.: An Examination of Collaborative Planning Effectiveness and Supply Chain Performance. The Journal of Supply Chain Management 41(2), 14–25 (2005)Ribas, I., Companys, R.: Estado del arte de la planificación colaborativa en la cadena de suministro: Contexto determinista e incierto. Intangible Capital, 91–121 (2007)Ribas, I., Lario, F., Companys, R.: Modelos para la planificación colaborativa en la cadena de suministro: contexto determinista e incierto. In: Congreso de ingeniería de organización, Valencia, pp. 1–10 (2006)Dudek, G.: Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Planning. Springer, Heidelberg (2009)Stadtler, H.: A framework for collaborative planning and state-of-the-art. OR Spectrum 31, 5–30 (2009)Kilger, C., Reuter, B., Stadtler, H.: Collaborative Planning. In: Stadtler, H., Kilger, C. (eds.) Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning-—Concepts, Models Software and Case Studies, pp. 263–284. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Audy, J., Lehoux, N., D’Amours, S.: A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 1–25 (2010)Zachman, J.: A Framework for Information Systems Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 26(3), 454–470 (1987

    Inter-Enterprise architecture and Internet of the future

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-37291-9_3This paper proposes the concept of Inter-Enterprise Architecture (IEA), which seeks the application of tools and methodologies developed in the Enterprise Architecture (EA) field for the individual firm, adapting to an environment of collaboration between several companies that make networks or supply chains, in order to facilitate the integration and interoperability of their collaborative processes in line with its IS/IT (Information Systems/ Information Technology) to harmonize the joint processes, reduce risk and duplication, increase service and customer responsiveness, reduce technology costs and align the joint business to IS/IT.Vargas, A.; Boza García, A.; Cuenca, L.; Sacala, I. (2013). Inter-Enterprise architecture and Internet of the future. En Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things: 4th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2013, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, April 15-17, 2013. Proceedings. Springer. 25-32. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37291-9_3S2532Information Society and Media European Commission: FInES Cluster Position Paper. Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster (September 2009)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L.: Lograr la alineación estratégica de negocio y las tecnologías de la información a través de Arquitecturas Empresariales: Revisión de la Literatura. In: Cartagena, XV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, pp. 1061–1070 (2011a)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L.: Towards Interoperability through Inter-enterprise Collaboration Architectures. In: Meersman, R., Dillon, T., Herrero, P. (eds.) OTM 2011 Workshops. LNCS, vol. 7046, pp. 102–111. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A.: The importance of strategic alignment in enterprise collaboration. In: 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Vigo (2012)Henderson, J., Venkatraman, N.: Strategic alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM Systems Journal 32(1), 472–484 (1993)Luftman, J.: Assessing Business-IT alignment maturity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 4 (2000)Cuenca, L., Boza, A., Ortiz, A.: An enterprise engineering approach for the alignment of business and information technology strategy. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 24(11) (2011)Kilger, C., Reuter, B., Stadtler, H.: Collaborative Planning. In: Stadtler, H., Kilger, C. (eds.) Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning-—Concepts, Models Software and Case Studies, pp. 263–284. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Audy, J., Lehoux, N., D’Amours, S.: A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 1–25 (2010)Stadtler, H.: A framework for collaborative planning and state-of-the-art. OR Spectrum 31, 5–30 (2010)CIMOSA Association: CIMOSA Primer on key concepts, purpose and business value, http://cimosa.cnt.pl/Chen, D., Vallespir, B., Doumeingts, G.: GRAI integrated methodology and its mapping onto generic enterprise reference architecture and methodology. Computers in Industry 33, 387–394 (1997)Williams, T., Li, H.: PERA and GERAM enterprise reference architectures in enterprise integration. Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing, 1–27 (1998)Ortiz, A.: Propuesta para el Desarrollo de Programas de Integración Empresarial en Empresas Industriales. Aplicación a una Empresa del Sector Cerámico. Ph.D Dissertation. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (1998)The Open Group, https://www.opengroup.org/index.htmChalmeta, R., Grangel, R.: ARDIN extension for virtual enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software 67 (2003)Scheer, A., Schneider, K.: ARIS – Architecture of Integrated Information. In: Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems. International Handbooks on Information Systems, s.l., vol. 3, pp. 605–623 (2006)Bernard, S.: An introduction to enterprise architecture. Author House, Bloomington (2005)Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., Boza, A.: Arquitectura de Empresa. Visión General. In: IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Gijón, pp. 1–8 (2005)Burlacu, G., Stanescu, A., Sacala, I., Cojocaru, L.: Development of a Modeling Framework for Future Internet Enterprise Systems. In: IEEE 16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, October 12-14 (2012

    The success factors affecting the introduction of enterprise architecture in an organization

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    Tässä diplomityössä on tarkasteltu kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön käynnistämistä organisaatiossa. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muotoutui: mitkä ovat keskeisiä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat kokonaisarkkitehtuurin käyttöönottoon ja siinä onnistumiseen. Tutkimuskysymykseen pyrittiin löytämään vastaus tutustumalla aiheen aiempaan kirjallisuuteen sekä haastattelemalla kokonaisarkkitehtuurin asiantuntijoita. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä kymmenen ja he edustivat julkisen hallinnon organisaatioita, yksityisiä yrityksiä sekä aiheen yliopistotutkimusta. Lisäksi tutkittiin näin löydettyjen onnistumistekijöiden roolia ja vaikutusta oikeassa kokonaisarkkitehtuurin käyttöönottoprojektissa tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Tutkimuksen perusteella kirjallisuudessa ja asiantuntijoiden haastatteluissa esitetyt kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön käynnistämisen onnistumistekijät ovat lähes toisiaan vastaavia, joskin painotuksissa on hieman eroja. Molempien lähteiden perusteella tehdyn yhteenvedon mukaan onnistumistekijöitä ovat: (1) ymmärrys organisaation lähtötilanteesta (organisaatiokulttuuri, johtamiskäytännöt, kehittämisenhallinta, arkkitehtuuriajattelu); (2) johdon tuki ja sitoutuminen kokonaisarkkitehtuurityöhön; (3) kokonaisarkkitehtuuriosaamisen taso; (4) KA-työskentelyn hallinta; (5) menetelmät ja tavat (miten tehdään) sekä (6) kohde ja erityisesti sen rajaus; (7) KA-työn käytännön organisoiminen ja resursoiminen (ketkä tekevät, miten sidotaan olemassa oleviin toimintoihin); (8) soveltuvien työvälineiden valinta ja tehokas käyttö; (9) viestintä sekä (10) KA-työn mittaaminen. Tapaustutkimuksen tapauksena toimi Kuopion kaupungin Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallintamalli -projekti, joka toteutettiin vuoden 2013 aikana. Projektissa huomioitiin suurin osa onnistumistekijöistä, mutta vain osittain eikä kokonaisarkkitehtuurimenetelmää saatu otettua kaupunkiorganisaatiossa käyttöön. Tämän johdosta tapaustutkimuksen voidaan katsoa tukevan tutkimuksessa esitettyjen onnistumistekijöiden merkitystä kokonaisarkkitehtuurimenetelmän käyttöönotossa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen, haastattelujen ja tapaustutkimuksen tulosten perusteella on tutkimuksen lopuksi esitetty suositus, jossa linjataan millaisilla vaiheilla ja mitä huomioiden kokonaisarkkitehtuurityö kannattaa organisaatiossa käynnistää.This Master’s Thesis focuses on the introduction of enterprise architecture (EA) in an organization the research question being: what are the essential factors affecting the introduction and appliance of enterprise architecture and its success in an organization. The research question was addressed through literature review and by interviewing Finnish enterprise architecture professionals. There were altogether ten interviewees representing public and private sector as well as academic research. In addition, case study method was utilized in order to research the role and the effect of the found success factors in a real-life project, which aimed at starting the appliance of enterprise architecture in aid of operation development. The results of the literature review and the interviews indicate only minor differences concerning the emphasis of various identified issues. Based on both the literature review and the interviews the success factors are: (1) an understanding of the baseline situation of the organization (organization culture, leadership practices, development management and architecture way of thinking); (2) leadership support and commitment; (3) the level of enterprise architecture know-how; (4) the management of enterprise architecture work; (5) methods and practices of doing enterprise architecture (how to do EA); (6) the target and especially the limits of EA work, as well as (7) the practical organization and resourcing of EA work (who will do the work and how it is to be connected to the existing functions); (8) choosing of appropriate tools and their effective use; (9) communication; and (10) EA measuring. The example case in the case study was an EA governance model project that took place in the city of Kuopio, in Eastern Finland during the year 2013. Most of the success factors presented in this study were taken into consideration in the project but only partially and the introduction of EA was not successful. Hence, it can be proposed that the case study result supported the significance of the discovered success factors in the introduction of EA. Based on the results of the literature review, interviews, and the case study, a general recommendation is presented in the end of the study on how to proceed with the introduction of enterprise architecture: what factors should be taken into consideration and in which order

    An Introduction to Human Mars Mission Equipment and Operations

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    The exploration of Mars by human crews will be a complex endeavor as illustrated by this description of NASA's current architecture for the human exploration of the surface of Mars. The surface environment, in particular the ubiquitous dust, will be an important factor in designing the systems and operations needed for a safe and effective campaign of missions to achieve this objective. This introduction describes the exploration architecture with some indication of where and how dust could affect it. The remainder of this volume describes details of these dust effects on the crews, the systems, and the operations that make up this exciting and challenging enterprise

    The missing link between product data management and organisational strategies

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    This article explores interrelationships between the concepts of Product Data Management (PDM), Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA), and enterprise IT strategy in process industries. The initial purpose of the study was to evaluate the capabilities of PDM development, as well as the existence of PDM strategy, to support the development and introduction of EIA in practice. However, the outcome of the study revealed an iterative relation between the concepts forming a hierarchically shaped value chain, here referred to as the PDM/EIA/strategy continuum, that helps in introducing organisational strategic objectives to operational levels as well as in communicating business needs to the top management level. Information drawn from the related literature, combined with reflections from the practitioners, can provide a number of meaningful insights in the use of the PDM/EIA/strategy continuum as a driving force for total information management through organised and real time vertical information sharing