12 research outputs found

    True Concurrency Can Be Easy

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    Net bisimilarity is a behavioral equivalence for finite Petri nets, which is equivalent to structure-preserving bisimilarity and causal-net bisimilarity, but with a much simpler definition, which is a smooth generalization of the definition of standard bisimilarity on Labeled Transition Systems. We show that it can be characterized logically by means of a suitable modal logic, called NML (acronym of net modal logic): two markings are net bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same NML formulae

    Unique Solutions of Contractions, CCS, and their HOL Formalisation

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    The unique solution of contractions is a proof technique for bisimilarity that overcomes certain syntactic constraints of Milner's "unique solution of equations" technique. The paper presents an overview of a rather comprehensive formalisation of the core of the theory of CCS in the HOL theorem prover (HOL4), with a focus towards the theory of unique solutions of contractions. (The formalisation consists of about 20,000 lines of proof scripts in Standard ML.) Some refinements of the theory itself are obtained. In particular we remove the constraints on summation, which must be weakly-guarded, by moving to rooted contraction, that is, the coarsest precongruence contained in the contraction preorder.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2018, arXiv:1808.0807

    Distributed Non-Interference

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    Information flow security properties were defined some years ago (see, e.g., the surveys \cite{FG01,Ry01}) in terms of suitable equivalence checking problems. These definitions were provided by using sequential models of computations (e.g., labeled transition systems \cite{GV15}), and interleaving behavioral equivalences (e.g., bisimulation equivalence \cite{Mil89}). More recently, the distributed model of Petri nets has been used to study non-interference in \cite{BG03,BG09,BC15}, but also in these papers an interleaving semantics was used. We argue that in order to capture all the relevant information flows, truly-concurrent behavioral equivalences must be used. In particular, we propose for Petri nets the distributed non-interference property, called DNI, based on {\em branching place bisimilarity} \cite{Gor21b}, which is a sensible, decidable equivalence for finite Petri nets with silent moves. Then we focus our attention on the subclass of Petri nets called {\em finite-state machines}, which can be represented (up to isomorphism) by the simple process algebra CFM \cite{Gor17}. DNI is very easily checkable on CFM processes, as it is compositional, so that it does does not suffer from the state-space explosion problem. Moreover, we show that DNI can be characterized syntactically on CFM by means of a type system

    A Constraint-based Language for Multiparty Interactions.

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    Abstract Multiparty interactions are common place in today's distributed systems. An agent usually communicates, in a single session, with other agents to accomplish a given task. Take for instance an online transaction including the vendor, the client, the credit card system and the bank. When specifying this kind of system, we probably observe a single transaction including several (binary) communications leading to changes in the state of all the involved agents. Multiway synchronization process calculi, that move from a binary to a multiparty synchronization discipline, have been proposed to formally study the behavior of those systems. However, adopting models such as Bodei, Brodo, and Bruni's Core Network Algebra (CNA), where the number of participants in an interaction is not fixed a priori, leads to an exponential blow-up in the number of states/behaviors that can be observed from the system. In this paper we explore mechanisms to tackle this problem. We extend CNA with constraints that declaratively allow the modeler to restrict the interaction that should actually happen. Our extended process algebra, called CCNA, finds application in balancing the interactions in a concurrent system, leading to a simple, deadlock-free and fair solution for the Dinning Philosopher problem. Our definition of constraints is general enough and it offers the possibility of accumulating costs in a multiparty negotiation. Hence, only computations respecting the thresholds imposed by the modeler are observed. We use this machinery to neatly model a Service Level Agreement protocol. We develop the theory of CCNA including its operational semantics and a behavioral equivalence that we prove to be a congruence. We also propose a prototypical implementation that allows us to verify, automatically, some of the systems explored in the paper

    Branching Place Bisimilarity

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    Place bisimilarity is a behavioral equivalence for finite Petri nets, proposed in \cite{ABS91} and proved decidable in \cite{Gor21}. In this paper we propose an extension to finite Petri nets with silent moves of the place bisimulation idea, yielding {\em branching} place bisimilarity ≈p\approx_p, following the intuition of branching bisimilarity \cite{vGW96} on labeled transition systems. We also propose a slightly coarser variant, called branching {\em d-place} bisimilarity ≈d\approx_d, following the intuition of d-place bisimilarity in \cite{Gor21}. We prove that ≈p\approx_p and ≈d\approx_d are decidable equivalence relations. Moreover, we prove that ≈d\approx_d is strictly finer than branching fully-concurrent bisimilarity \cite{Pin93,Gor20c}, essentially because ≈d\approx_d does not consider as unobservable those τ\tau-labeled net transitions with pre-set size larger than one, i.e., those resulting from (multi-party) interaction.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.01392, arXiv:2104.1485

    Compositional Semantics of Finite Petri Nets

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    Structure-preserving bisimilarity is a truly concurrent behavioral equivalence for finite Petri nets, which relates markings (of the same size only) generating the same causal nets, hence also the same partial orders of events. The process algebra FNM truly represents all (and only) the finite Petri nets, up to isomorphism. We prove that structure-preserving bisimilarity is a congruence w.r.t. the FMN operators, In this way, we have defined a compositional semantics, fully respecting causality and the branching structure of systems, for the class of all the finite Petri nets. Moreover, we study some algebraic properties of structure-preserving bisimilarity, that are at the base of a sound (but incomplete) axiomatization over FNM process terms.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0448

    Monotone Precision and Recall Measures for Comparing Executions and Specifications of Dynamic Systems

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    The behavioural comparison of systems is an important concern of software engineering research. For example, the areas of specification discovery and specification mining are concerned with measuring the consistency between a collection of execution traces and a program specification. This problem is also tackled in process mining with the help of measures that describe the quality of a process specification automatically discovered from execution logs. Though various measures have been proposed, it was recently demonstrated that they neither fulfil essential properties, such as monotonicity, nor can they handle infinite behaviour. In this paper, we address this research problem by introducing a new framework for the definition of behavioural quotients. We proof that corresponding quotients guarantee desired properties that existing measures have failed to support. We demonstrate the application of the quotients for capturing precision and recall measures between a collection of recorded executions and a system specification. We use a prototypical implementation of these measures to contrast their monotonic assessment with measures that have been defined in prior research