4,160,074 research outputs found

    Implementation of a three-quantum-bit search algorithm

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    We report the experimental implementation of Grover's quantum search algorithm on a quantum computer with three quantum bits. The computer consists of molecules of 13^{13}C-labeled CHFBr2_2, in which the three weakly coupled spin-1/2 nuclei behave as the bits and are initialized, manipulated, and read out using magnetic resonance techniques. This quantum computation is made possible by the introduction of two techniques which significantly reduce the complexity of the experiment and by the surprising degree of cancellation of systematic errors which have previously limited the total possible number of quantum gates.Comment: Published in Applied Physics Letters, vol. 76, no. 5, 31 January 2000, p.646-648, after minor revisions. (revtex, mypsfig2.sty, 3 figures

    Topological distances and geometry over the symmetrized Omega algebra

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to study some topological distances properties, semidendrites and convexity on th symmetrized omega algebra. Furthermore, some properties and exponents on the symmetrized omega algebra are introduced.Alqahtani, M.; Özel, C.; Zekraoui, H. (2020). Topological distances and geometry over the symmetrized Omega algebra. Applied General Topology. 21(2):247-264. https://doi.org/10.4995/agt.2020.13049OJS247264212A. C. F. Bueno, On the exponential function of right circulant matrices, International Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing 3, no. 2 (2013).L. Hörmander, Notions of convexity, Progress in Mathematics 127, Birkh¨auser, Boston- Basel-Berlin (1994).S. Khalid Nauman, C. Ozel and H. Zekraoui, Abstract Omega algebra that subsumes min and max plus algebras, Turkish Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 11 (2019) 1-10.G. L. Litvinov, The Maslov dequantization, idempotent and tropical mathematics: a brief introduction, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 140, no. 3 (2007), 426-444. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-007-0450-5D. Maclagan and B. Sturmfels, Introduction to Tropical Geometry, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 161, American Mathematical Society, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1090/gsm/161C. Ozel, A. Piekosz, E. Wajch and H. Zekraoui, The minimizing vector theorem in symmetrized max-plus algebra, Journal of Convex Analysis 26, no. 2 (2019), 661-686.J.-E. Pin, Tropical semirings, Idempotency (Bristol, 1994), 50-69, Publ. Newton Inst., vol. 11, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1998. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511662508.004I. Simon, Recognizable sets with multiplicities in the tropical semiring, in: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Carlsbad, 1988), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 324, Springer, Berlin, 1988, pp. 107-120. https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb001713

    Analisis Pengaruh Endorser Credibility pada Brand Equity dan Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Kasus Produk TOP Coffee)

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    The appeal of an advertisement is measured by how much advertising can attract the attention of viewers. One way that a brand can be recognized quickly is using a credible endorser. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the credibility on brand equity and purchase intention. The object of this study is TOP instant coffee product. The study involved 162 respondents who are instant coffee lovers. The study found that the endorser credibility has positive effect on brand equity. Endorser credibility also showed a positive influence on purchase intention. That is, the higher endorser credibility, the higher purchase intention will enhance. In addition, brand equity is also has significant positive effect on buying interest. Keywords: Credibility Endorser, Brand Equity, Purchase Intention Aaker, D. 1991. Managing Brand Equity. New York: The Free Press. Aaker, D. dan Keller K. 1990. “Consumer evaluations of brand extensions”. J Mark, Vol. 54, pp. 27 - 41. Ahmed, Naveed, Omer Farooq and Junaid Iqbal (2014). Credibility of Celebrity Endorsement and Buying Intentions an Evidence from Students of Islamabad. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 20 pp 1-13. Amanda Spry Ravi Pappu T. Bettina Cornwell, (2011). "Celebrity endorsement, brand credibility and brand equity", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 45 Iss 6 pp. 882 – 909. Apejoye A, (2013). “Influence of Celebrity Endorsement of Advertisement on Students\u27 Purchase Intention”. J Mass Communication Journalism 3: 152. doi: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000152. Biswas, D., Biswas, A. and Das, N. (2006), “The differential effects of celebrity and expert endorsements on consumer risk perceptions”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 17-31. Blackwell, R., D\u27Souza, C., Taghian, M., Miniard, P. dan Engel, J. 2006. Consumer Behavior: An Asia Pacific Approach. Melbourne: Thomson. Dean, D.H. (1999), “Brand endorsement, popularity, and event sponsorship as advertising cues affecting consumer pre-purchase attitudes”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 1-12. Fandos, C., Flavian, C., (2006). Intrinsic and extrinsic quality attributes, loyalty and buying intention: ananalysis for a PDO product, British food journal, 108(8), pp 646-662. Fiske, S.T. and Taylor, S.E. 1991. Social Cognition, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill. Grossman, R.P. dan Till, B.D. (1998), “The persistence of classically conditioned brand attitudes”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 23-31. Hakimi, B.Y., and Zaeim, M.N. 2011. Investigate the Impact Celebrity Endorsement to Brand Image. European Journal of Scientific Research. 58(1), 116-132. Halim, W, Z, W., Hamed, A, B., (2005). Consumer purchase Intention at traditional restaurant and fastfood restaurant, Consumer Behavior, Hardjanti, A. dan Siswanto, H. (2014). “Pengaruh Dimensi Endorser Credibility dan Bran Credibility terhadap Dimensi Consumer-based Brand equity”. Jurnal Ilmiah WIDYA. Vol. 2 No: 3, pp. 43 – 50. Jalilvand, M. Reza, Neda Samiei dan Seyed Hessamaldin Mahdavinia. (2011). “The Effect of Brand Equity Components on Purchase Intention”. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 149 – 158. Jin, B., Kang, J, H., (2011). Purchase intention of Chinese consumers toward a US apparel brand: a test of acomposite behavior intention model, Journal of consumer marketing, 28(3), 187-199. Jiyoung Kim Sharron J. Lennon. 2013. Effects of reputation and website quality on online consumers\u27 emotion, perceived risk and purchase intention, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 7 Iss 1 pp. 33 – 56. Joseph, W.B. 1982. The credibility of physically attractive communicators: a review. Journal of Advertising, 11(3), 15-24. Junghwa Son Byoungho Jin Bobby George. 2013. Consumers\u27 purchase intention toward foreign brand goods, Management Decision Journal, Vol. 51 Iss 2 pp. 434 – 450. Keller, K. (1993) “Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity”, J Mark, Vol. 57, pp. 1 – 22. Keller, K.L. (2005), “Choosing the right brand elements and leveraging secondary associations will help marketers build brand equity”, Marketing Management, Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 19-23. Kotler, Philip dan Gary Armstrong. 1997. Marketing: An Introduction. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Malik, M. Ehsan. (2013). “Importance of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty in assessing Purchase Intentions of Consumer”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 4 No. 5, pp. 167-171. McCracken, G. (1989), “Who is the celebrity endorser? Cultural foundations of the endorsement process”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 310-21. McSweeney, F.K. and Bierley, C. (1984), “Recent developments in classical conditioning”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 619-31. Ohanian, R. (1990), “Construction and validation of a scale to measure celebrity endorsers\u27 perceived expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 39-52. Oliver, R. 1997. Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York: McGraw-Hill. Petty, R.D. (2006), “Hit or mislead”, Marketing Law, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 44-8. Roozy, Esmael, M. Ali Arastoo, dan Hossein Vazifahdust. (2014). “Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Purchase Intention”. Indian J.Sci.Res.6 (1), pp. 212 – 217. Rossiter JR, Percy L. 1987. Advertising and Promotion Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Sara Sabbe Wim Verbeke Patrick Van Damme. 2008. Familiarity and purchasing intention of Belgian consumers for fresh and processed tropical fruit products, British Food Journal, Vol. 110 Iss 8 pp. 805 – 818. Shimp, T. dan Brian A. Till. (1998). “Endorsers in Advertising: The Case of Negative Celebrity Information”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 67 – 82. Shimp, Terence. 2003. Advertising, Promotion & Supplemental Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. Mason: Thomson South-Western. Shwu-Ing Wu Chen-Lien Lo. 2009. The influence of core-brand attitude and consumer perception on purchase intention towards extended product, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 21 Iss 1 pp. 174 – 194. Sivesan, S. (2013). “Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Equity in Cosmetic Product”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 1 – 11. Svend Hollensen Christian Schimmelpfennig. (2013), "Selection of celebrity endorsers", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 31 Iss 1 pp. 88 – 102. Tanaka, A., Cathy Nguyen and Jenni Romaniuk. (2015). “The Strengths and Weaknesses of Celebrities as Branding and Creative Design Elements in Advertising”, Journal of Design, Business & Society, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 56 – 75. Tariq, M. Irfan, dkk (2013). Customer Perceptions about Branding and Purchase Intention:A Study of FMCG in an Emerging Market, Journal of Basic and AppliedScientific Research Vol. 3 pp 340-347. Yoo, B. dan Naveen Donthu. (2001). “Developing and validating a multidimensional consumer-based brand equity scale”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 52, pp. 1 – 14. Zeithaml, V. (1988). “Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence”. J Mark, Vol. 52, pp. 2 – 22

    Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple primate species

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MR techniques have delivered images of brains from a wide array of species, ranging from invertebrates to birds to elephants and whales. However, their potential to serve as a basis for comparative brain morphometric investigations has rarely been tapped so far (Christidis and Cox, 2006; Van Essen & Dierker, 2007), which also hampers a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind structural alterations in neurodevelopmental disorders (Kochunov et al., 2010). One of the reasons for this is the lack of computational tools suitable for morphometrci comparisons across multiple species. In this work, we aim to characterize this gap, taking primates as an example.


Using a legacy dataset comprising MR scans from eleven species of haplorhine primates acquired on the same scanner (Rilling & Insel, 1998), we tested different automated processing streams, focusing on denoising and brain segmentation. Newer multi-species datasets are not currently available, so our experiments with this decade-old dataset (which had a very low signal-to-noise ratio by contemporary standards) can serve to highlight the lower boundary of the current possibilities of automated processing pipelines. After manual orientation into Talairach space, an automated bias correction was performed using CARET (Van Essen et al., 2001) before the brains were extracted with FSL BET (Smith, 2002; Fig. 1) and either smoothed by an isotropic Gaussian Kernel, FSL SUSAN (Smith, 1996), an anisotropic diffusion filter (Perona & Malik, 1990), an optimized Rician non-local means filter (Gaser & Coupé, 2010), or not at all (Fig. 2 & 3). Segmentation of the brains (Fig. 2 & 4) was performed separately by either FSL FAST (Zhang, 2001) without atlas priors, or using an Adaptive Maximum A Posteriori Approach (Rajapakse et al., 1997). Finally, the white matter surface was extracted with CARET, and inspected for anatomical and topological correctness. 


Figure 3 shows that noise reduction was generally necessary but, at least for these noisy data, anisotropic filtering (SUSAN, diffusion filter, Rician filter) provided little improvement over simple isotropic filtering. While several segmentations worked well in individual species, our focus was on cross-species optimization of the processing pipeline, and none of the tested segmentations performed uniformly well in all 11 species. The performance could be improved by some of the denoising approaches and by deviating systematically from the default parameters recommended for processing human brains (cf. Fig. 4). Depending on the size of the brains and on the processing path, it took a double-core 2.4GHz iMac from about two minutes (squirrel monkeys) to half an hour (humans) to generate the white matter surface from the T1 image. Nonetheless, the resulting surfaces always necessitated topology correction and - often considerable - manual cleanup. 


Automated processing pipelines for surface-based morphometry still require considerable adaptations to reach optimal performance across brains of multiple species, even within primates (cf. Fig. 5). However, most contemporary datasets have a better signal-to-noise ratio than the ones used here, which provides for better segmentations and cortical surface reconstructions. Considering further that cross-scanner variability is well below within-species differences (Stonnington, 2008), the prospects look good for comparative evolutionary analyses of cortical parameters, and gyrification in particular. In order to succeed, however, computational efforts on comparative morphometry depend on high-quality imaging data from multiple species being more widely available.


D.M, R.D, & C.G are supported by the German BMBF grant 01EV0709.


Christidis, P & Cox, RW (2006), A Step-by-Step Guide to Cortical Surface Modeling of the Nonhuman Primate Brain Using FreeSurfer, Proc Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/posters/file.2006-06-01.4536526043 .
Gaser, C & Coupé, P (2010), Impact of Non-local Means filtering on Brain Tissue Segmentation, OHBM 2010, Abstract 1770.
Kochunov, P & al. (2010), Mapping primary gyrogenesis during fetal development in primate brains: high-resolution in utero structural MRI study of fetal brain development in pregnant baboons, Frontiers in Neurogenesis, in press, DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2010.00020.
Perona, P & Malik J (1990), Scale space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion, IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Machine Intell, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 629-639.
Rajapakse, JC & al. (1997), Statistical approach to segmentation of single-channel cerebral MR images, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 176-186.
Rilling, JK & Insel TR (1998), Evolution of the cerebellum in primates: differences in relative volume among monkeys, apes and humans. Brain Behav. Evol. 52, 308-314 doi:10.1159/000006575. Dataset available at http://www.fmridc.org/f/fmridc/77.html .
Smith, SM (1996), Flexible filter neighbourhood designation, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp. 206-212.
Smith, SM (2002), Fast robust automated brain extraction, Hum Brain Mapp, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 143-155.
Stonnington, CM & al. (2008), Interpreting scan data acquired from multiple scanners: a study with Alzheimers disease, Neuroimage, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1180-1185.
Van Essen, DC & al. (2001), An Integrated Software System for Surface-based Analyses of Cerebral Cortex, J Am Med Inform Assoc, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 443-459.
Van Essen, DC & Dierker DL (2007), Surface-based and probabilistic atlases of primate cerebral cortex, Neuron, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 209-225.
Zhang, Y & al. (2001), Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation maximization algorithm, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 45-57.

    Pathological Studies on Splenomegaly

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    Vol.1 Papers Published: 1. Persistent Thyrous Ind.dl Med. Res. 17, No.1 • 2..Post mortem Technique. Ibil 15, No.4 April 1928 • 3. Some Pathological aspects of Chronic appendicitis Pat 1. Ibid 16. No.3 Jan. 1929 • 4. Do. Part II. Ibid 16 No.3. Jan. l929. • 5. Do. Part III Ibid.. No. 4. April 1929 • 6. The Pathology of Chronic Colitis In the Tropics Ibid 18 No.1. July 1920. • 7 The Coexitence of Lymphadenoma and Tuberculosis. by T.K. Menon & T. B. Menon Br.Medl.Jl.June 8, ]929 page 1037 • 8. Studies on Inguinal Granuloma Part.1 Ind.Medl. Gaz..68. No.1. Jan. 1933. • 9. Do. Part II The Bacterial Flora of by T.B.Menon and Dr R. Annamalai Ibid 68. No..9 Septr. 1933. • 10. Do. Part. III The Donovan Body of T. B.Menon & T. Krishnagwami Ibid. No. 9 Septr. 1933. • 11. Hydatid Disease in South India by V . Mahaievan & T. B.Menon. Ind.Med. Gaz.69. No. 4 April 1933. • 12. Nephrosis in Malaria by T. B. Menon & D. R. Annamal Jl.of Tropical Med. and Hyg. 36 p.379 Dec. 15. 1933. • 13. Splenic enlargement in South India. Ind. Jl. Med. Res.21 No. 4 April 1934. • 14. A case of Glioma simulating pituitary tumour by K. G. Pandalai & T. B. Menon. Ind. Med. Gaz.63 p.579 • 15. A case of mycosis fungoides by P. N. Basu, T. B. Menon & K. G. Pandalai. Brit. Jl. Derm. Jan. 1929 • 16. A case of Intestinal Obstruction following a penetrating Abdominal Mound by P. N. Basu, T. B. Menon Ind.Med. Gaz. 63 Nov.1928 p.639, • 17. A case of General Epilepsy caused by a dural cyst by V. Mahadevan & T.B.Menon Ind.Med. Gaz. • 18. Haemangeioblastoma of the adrenal gland by T. B. Menon & D. R. Annamal Jl.Path. & Bact. 39 p. 591- 1933 • 19. The nature of the Donovan Body of Granuloma Inguinale by T. B.Menon & T. Krishnaswami. Transc. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg. Vol.29 No.1 p.65-72. • 20. Some Pathological changes in Filarial Orchites and their significance by T. B.Menon arid D. R. Annamalai. Jl. Trop, . Med. & Hyg. Jan. 15. 1935. • 21. The Venereal Original of Granuloma inguinale by T. B. Nieclon and P. Natesan Irid. Med. Gaz. Vol . 170 No .2 . Feb. 1935. • 22. The incidence of Hepatic Cirrhosis in South India by T.B.Menon & D. R. Annamalai Ind. Jl.Med. Res. 22.April 1935. • 23. A note on splenic enlargement in Malignant Hepatoma T. B.Menon & D. R. Annamalai . Ibid 22. 4. April 1935. • 24. Congenital Hydronephrosis due to an abnormal attachment to the renal facia by V .Mahadevan & T. B.Menon Ind. Medl. Gaz. Vol. 70 No.6 June 1935. • 25. The Reticulocyte behaviour in Malaria and Kala-azar by T.B.Menon, T. .Krishnaswami & D. R. Annamalai. Jl. Ind.Medl. Assoc. May 3.935. • 26. A Search for new types of Tropical splenomegaly.. Jl. South Ind. Med. • 27. The Gel and the Stiburea Test in the diagnosis of Kala-Azar by T. B. Menon, D. R. Annamalai and T. K. Krishnaswami. Trop. Med. & Hyg. April 15,1936. • • Vol.2 PROBLEMS IN FILARIASIS • • Vol.3 AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL PATHOLOGY • • Vol.4 Pathological Studies on Splenomegal

    Assessing publication bias in coordinate-based meta-analysis techniques?

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    Introduction While publications of fMRI studies have flourished, it is increasingly recognized that progress in understanding human brain function will require integration of data across studies using meta-analyses. In general, results that do not reach statistical significance are less likely to be published and included in a meta-analysis. Meta-analyses of fMRI studies are prone to this publication bias when studies are excluded because they fail to show activation in specific regions. Further, some studies only report a limited amount of peak voxels that survive a statistical threshold resulting in an enormous loss of data. Coordinate-based toolboxes have been specifically developed to combine the available information of such studies in a meta-analysis. Potential publication bias then stems from two sources: exclusion of studies and missing voxel information within studies. In this study, we focus on the assessment of the first source of bias in coordinate-based meta-analyses. A measure of publication bias indicates the degree to which the analysis might be distorted and helps to interpret results. We propose an adaptation of the Fail-Safe N (FSN; Rosenthal, 1979). The FSN reflects the number of null studies, i.e. studies without activation in a target region, that can be added to an existing meta-analysis without altering the result for the target region. A large FSN indicates robustness of the effect against publication bias. On the other hand, in this context, a FSN that is too large indicates that a small amount of studies might drive the entire analysis. Method We simulated 1000 simplistic meta-analyses, each consisting of 3 studies with real activation in a target area (quadrant 1 in Figure 1) and up to 100 null studies with activation in the remaining 3 quadrants. We calculated the FSN as the number of null studies (with a maximum of 100) that can be added to the original meta-analysis of 3 studies without altering the results for the target area. Meta-analyses were conducted with ALE (Eickhoff et al., 2009; 2012; Turkeltaub et al., 2012).  We computed the FSN using an uncorrected threshold (α = 0.001) and 2 versions of a False Discovery Rate (FDR) threshold (q = 0.05), FDR pID (which assumes independence or positive dependence between test statistics) and FDR pN (which makes no assumptions and is more conservative). We varied the average sample size n of the individual studies, from small (n≈10), to medium (n≈20) and large (n≈30). Results Results are summarised in Figure 2 and visually presented in Figure 3. We find a large difference in average FSN between the different thresholding methods. In case of uncorrected thresholding, the target region remains labeled as active while only 3% of the studies in the meta-analysis report activation at that location.  Further, if the sample size of the individual studies in the meta-analysis increases, the FSN decreases. Conclusions The FSN varies largely across thresholding methods and sample sizes. Uncorrected thresholding allows for the analysis to be driven by a small amount of studies and is therefore counter-indicated. While a decreasing FSN with increasing sample size might be counterintuitive in terms of robustness, it indicates that the analysis is less prone to be driven by a small number of studies. Publication bias assessment methods can be a valuable add-on to existing toolboxes for interpretation of meta-analytic results. In future work, we will extend our research to other methods for the assessment of publication bias, such as the Egger Test  (Egger et al., 1997) and test for excess of success (Francis, 2014). References Egger, M., Davey Smith, G., Schneider, M., and Minder, C. (1997), ‘Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test’, British Medical Journal, vol. 315, pp. 629-634. Eickhoff, S.B., Laird, A.R., Grefkes, C., Wang, L.E., Zilles, K., and Fox, P.T. (2009), ‘Coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of neuroimaging data: A random-effects approach based on empirical estimates of spatial uncertainty’, Human Brain Mapping, vol. 30, pp. 2907-2926. Eickhoff, S.B., Bzdok, D., Laird, A.R., Kurth, F., and Fox, P.T. (2012), ‘Activation likelihood estimation revisited’, Neuroimage, vol. 59, pp. 2349-2361. Francis, G. (2014), ‘The frequency of excess success for articles in Psychological Science’, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1180-1187. Rosenthal, R. (1979), ‘The file drawer problem and tolerance for null results’, Psychological Bulletin, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 638–641. Turkeltaub, P.E., Eickhoff, S.B., Laird, A.R., Fox, M., Wiener, M., and Fox, P. (2012), ‘Minimizing within-experiment and within-group effects in activation likelihood estimation meta-analyses’, Human Brain Mapping, vol. 33, pp. 1-13

    The First Ten Years: A Conversation Between Ann Fitzgerald and Joan Straumanis

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    Introduction to the Women\u27s Studies Newsletter, Vol. IX, No.3, May 17, 1984, p.2. It Outlines the topics to be covered in the newsletter. The topical focus is a feminist analysis of women\u27s health issues. , The first article of the Women\u27s Studies Newsletter, Vol. IX, No.3, May 17, 1984, pp. 3-11. A ten year celebration of the Women\u27s Studies Department at Denison University. A verbatim transcription, called an oral herstory, of a conversation between Ann Fitzgerald, the then- Director of Women\u27s Studies, and Joan Straumanis, then- Academic Dean at Kenyon College

    Influence of language and file type on the web visibility of top European universities

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to detect whether both file type (a set of rich and web files) and language (English, Spanish, German, French and Italian) influence the web visibility of European universities. Design/methodology/approach A webometrics analysis of the top 200 European universities (as ranked in the Ranking web of World Universities) was carried out by a manual query for each official URL identified by using the Google search engine (April 2012). A correlation analysis between visibility and file format page count is offered according to language. Finally, a prediction of visibility is shown by using the SMOreg function. Findings The results indicate that Spanish and English are the languages that correlate most highly with web visibility. This correlation becomes greater though moderate when considering only PDF files. Research limitations/implications The results are limited due to the low correlation between overall page count and visibility. The lack of an accurate search engine that would assist in link counting procedures makes this process difficult. Originality/value An observed increase in correlation although moderate while analysing PDF files (in English and Spanish) is considered to be meaningful. This may indirectly confirm that specific file formats and languages generate different web visibility behaviour on European university web sites.Orduña Malea, E.; Ortega, JL.; Aguillo, IF. (2014). Influence of language and file type on the web visibility of top European universities. Aslib Journal of Information Management. 66(1):96-116. doi:10.1108/AJIM-02-2013-0018S96116661Aguillo, I.F. and Granadino, B. (2006), “Indicadores web para medir la presencia de las universidades en la Red”, Revista de universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 68-75.Aguillo, I.F. , Granadino, B. , Ortega, J.L. and Prieto, J.A. 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    The Development of the Protagonist in Rudolfo Anaya’s Chicano Bildungsroman Bless Me, Ultima

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    he main aim of this article is to examine the psychological and emotional development of the protagonist of Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima, a book which is perceived as a prime example of Chicano Bildungsroman. First, I concentrate on providing brief theory about the sub-genre of Bildungsroman and on Chicano literature to situate Anaya’s novel within these contexts. A considerable part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the protagonist’s family background and school environment, which signify the influences of Mexican and American culture in his life. Finally, the motifs of war, violence and death are discussed as significant factors contributing to the protagonist’s coming of [email protected] Maria Mioduszewska is a graduate of the University of Białystok. The area of her interests involves predominantly Mexican culture and literature, as well as research involving minority populations.University of Białystok, PolandAnaya, Rudolfo A. 1972. Bless Me, Ultima. New York, Boston: Grand Central Publishing.Anaya, Rudolfo A. 1999. Introduction. In: Anaya R. Bless Me, Ultima. New York, Boston: Grand Central Publishing.Bennett, Kelsey L. 2014. Principle and Propensity: Experience and Religion in the Nineteenthcentury British and American Bildungsroman. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.Black, Debra B. 2000. Times of Conflict: Bless Me, Ultima as a Novel of Acculturation. Bilingual Review Vol. 25 Issue 2. 146-162.Boes, Tobias. 2008. Apprenticeship of the Novel: The Bildungsroman and the Invention of History. Comparative Literary Studies, Vol. 45 Issue 3. 269-288.Bolaki, Stella. 2011. Unsettling the Bildungsroman. Reading Contemporary Ethnic American Women’s Fiction. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.Burnett, Gary and Garry Walz. 1994. Gangs in the schools. New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education.Bright, William. 1976. Language and Culture. In: Bright William, Variation and Change in Language: Essays, 1-12. Stanford University Press.Cauce, A. M. and M. Domenech-RodrĂ­guez. 2002. Latino families: Myths and realities. In: J. M. Contreras, K. A. Kerns and A. M. Neal-Barnett (eds.), Latino children and families in the United States: Current research and future directions, 3-25. Westport, CT: Praeger.Edelstein, Sari. 2010. Food, Cuisine, and Cultural Competency for Culinary, Hospitality, and Nutrition Professionals. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Eysturoy Annie O. and JosĂŠ Antonio Gurpegui. 1990. Chicano Literature: Introduction and Bibliography. American Studies International Vol. 28, No. 1. 48-82.Finer, Neal. 1979. An Instructional Model on Mexican Culture. Washington. http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED191785.Garasym, Tetyana. 2012. Initiation Novel VS Bildungsroman: Common and Distinct Features. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА РУСЕНСКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ t. 51. 183-187.Kanoza, Theresa M. 1999. The Golden Carp and Moby Dick: Rudolfo Anaya’s Multi-Culturalism. MELUS Vol. 24, Issue 2. 159-171.Latinez, Alejandro. 2014. Developments. Encounters of Formation in the Latin American and Hispanic/Latino Bildungsroman. Peter Lang Publishing.Ortega, Carlos F. 2012. Folk Tales. In: Herrera-Sobek M. (ed.), Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions Volume 2, 548-557. ABC-ClioRedfield, M. 2006. The Bildungsroman. In: Kastan D. S. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature Vol. 1, 191-194. Oxford University Press.Rodriguez, Ralph E. 2010. Chicano Studies and the Need to Not Know. American Literary History Vol. 22 No. 1. 180-190.Saracho, O. N. and F. M. MartĂ­nez-Hancock. 2005. Mexican American families: Cultural and linguistic influences. In: Saracho O. N. and B. Spodek (eds.), Contemporary perspectives on families, communities and schools Vol. VI, 203-224. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.Schmidt, Margaret. 2011. The Limitations of Code Switching in Chicano/a Literature. Young Scholars in Writing Vol. 8. 40-51.Serrato, Philip. 2012. Ready or Not: Antonio MĂĄrez y Luna Is Thrown into the World of Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima. In: Baxter, Kent (ed.), Critical Insights: Coming of Age, 228-248. Salem Press.Sharma, Raja. 2013. Ready Reference Treatise: Bless Me, Ultima. Lulu.22-3610 (3/2015)223

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Dipo Star Finance (Head Office)

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    This study aim to examine the influence of transformational leadership and work motivation to employees performance PT Dipo Star Finance (Head Office). The research was involved 100 respondents. Primary data collection method in this study is questionnaire method. The data that collected was analyzed by simple linear regression with SPSS 20.The results of this study showed that transformational leadership is positively and significant effects on employees performance. On the other hand, work motivatioan also positively and significant effects on employees performance. Simultaneously transformational leadership and work motivation have significant effects on semployees performance.Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation, Employees PerformaceDaftar PustakaAnggraeni, N. (2011). Pengaruh Kemampuan dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Bandung. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Vol. 12 No. 2.GagnĂŠ, M., Forest, J., Gilbert, M. H., AubĂŠ, C., & Morin, E., & Malorni, A. (2008). The Motivation At Work Scale: Validation In Two Languages5. ASAC, 157-176.Ghozali, I. (2006). Aplikasi Analisis. Multivariate dengan Pogram SPSS. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.Greenberg, J., & Baron, R. A. (2008). Behavior In Organizations Ninth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.Hasan, MI. (2008). Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 1: Statistik Deskriptif. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.Hasibuan, M. S. P. (2005). Manajemen: Dasar, Pengertian, dan Masalah. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara.Loon, M., Lim, Y.M., Lee, T. H., & Tam, C. L. (2012). Transformational Leadership and Job-Related Learning. Management Research Review, Vol. 35 No. 3/4.McShane, S. L., & Glinow, M. A. (2010). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge and Practice for the Real World. Singapore: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.Murti, H., & Srimulyani, V. A. (2013). Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Variabel Pemediasi Kepuasan Kerja Pada PDAM Kota Madiun. Jurnal Riset Manajement dan Akuntansi. Vol. 1 No. 1.Nasution. (2003). Metode Research: Penelitian Ilmiah. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara.Nazir, Moh. (2005). Metode Penelitian. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.Pulgunanto, Y., Suparno., & Dwityanto, A. (2010). Kinerja Karyawan Ditinjau Dari Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional. Jurnal Ilmiah Berkala Psikologi, Vol, 12. No. 1, 66-73.Purnomo, A. J., & et al. (2006). Analisis Efektifitas Organisasi Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Batang. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Kebijakan, Vol, 3.No. 1.Rahadhini, M. D., Suweno. (2010). Efek Moderasi Budaya Organisasi Pada Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai. Jurnal Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia, Vol. 4 No. 1.Rivai, V., & Basri, A. F. Mohd. (2005). Performance Appraisal: Sistem yang Tepat untuk Menilai Kinerja Karyawan dan Meningkatkan Daya Saing Perusahaan. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2007). Management. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall.Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational Behavior Global Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.Rue, L. W., & Byars, L. L. (2007). Management Skill & Application Twelfth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.Ruyatnasih, H. M., Musadad, A., & Hasyim, B. (2013). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Bagian Operator SPBU PT Mitrabuana Jayalestari Karawang. Jurnal Manajemen, Vol. 10. No. 3.Schermerhorn Jr., J. R. (2010). Introduction to Management 10th Edition. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.Sekaran, U. (2003). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2010). Research Method for Business. East Lothian: Scotprint.Sugiyono. 2008. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta.Sumarsono, S. (2004). Metode Riset Sumber Daya Manusia (Edisi ke-1, cetakan ke1). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.Tobing, D. S. K. L. (2009). Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III di Sumatera Utara. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, Vol. 11. No. 1, 31-37.Wibowo. (2007). Manajemen Kinerja-Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.Wirda, F., Azra, T. (2007). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Politeknik Negeri Padang. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Vol. 2. No. 1.Yukl, G. (2009). Kepemimpinan Dalam Organisasi. Edisi Kelima. Jakarta: PT Indeks
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