5,533 research outputs found

    Investigating the Relationship Between Empowerment and Secondary Science Teachers’ Technology Integration Knowledge

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    Empowered teachers believe they can improve their work conditions and positively impact student outcomes. Likewise, teachers with technology integration knowledge can effectively use technology to enhance lessons and improve student learning. This quantitative correlational study investigated teachers’ empowerment, teachers’ technology integration knowledge, and associations between empowerment and technology integration knowledge. Two hundred fourteen randomly selected high school science teachers from across the United States responded to a survey intended to measure empowerment and technology integration knowledge. The teachers\u27 average responses indicate that teachers generally agree with statements surrounding empowerment (M = 3.93, SD = 0.54) and technology integration knowledge (M = 4.09, SD = 0.59). The Spearman\u27s rank correlation indicates a positive and moderate (r = .41) association between empowerment and technology integration knowledge. This study fills a gap in educational leadership and science education literature by providing insight into leadership practices that may be associated with teachers\u27 effective integration of technology in the classroom

    The Significance of Innovative Approches to Teaching in Primary School for the New Curriculum Implementation

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    Este artículo aborda el significado de los enfoques innovadores de enseñanza en la reforma educativa impulsada en Eslovenia. El desarrollo de enfoques innovadores de enseñanza requiere un conjunto de cambios como, p.e., la introducción de una educación primaria de 9 años, reforma de los componentes del curriculum, y consideración de los cambios que se producen por las diferentes necesidades y condiciones de vida en la sociedad moderna. Es posible implementar cambios solamente si aquellos que están comprometidos en el proceso educativo están dispuestos a cambiar. Prácticas rígidas de enseñanza pueden dar a los profesores un falso sentimiento de seguridad, pero hace imposible para ellos adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos que los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje nos traen en la sociedad actual._____________________________________ The implementation of innovative approaches to teaching requires a number of changes, i.e. systemic changes: introduction of nine-year primary education, reworking of the curriculum and syllabi, and the changes due to different needs and conditions of living in modern society. It is possible to implement changes only if those engaged in the educational process are willing to change. Rigid pursuing of old practices may give teachers a false feeling of safety, but in fact it makes it impossible for them to adapt to the new requirements for teaching and learning brought about by the changes in modern society

    A Multimedia Resource Manual to Facilitate English Language Instruction for Elementary Youth in Taiwan

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a multimedia resource manual to facilitate English language instmction for elementary youth in Taiwan. To accomplish this purpose, a review of current literature regarding multimedia technology in English language instmction for EFL/ESL learners was conducted. In addition, unit overviews, objectives oflesson plans, learning activities, teaching strategies, and instmctional materials were adapted and developed


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    This study explains the experience of Pre-service EFL teachers in integrating TPACK during teaching practice programs. This case study was to investigate twelve Pre-service EFL teachers in English education at the Universitas Islam Majapahit who has carried out a teaching practice program and applied technology. Data collected from their interviews, lesson plans, and teaching videos were analyzed using thematic analysis. The finding indicates that (1) Pre-service EFL teachers familiar with TPACK from its various classifications for teaching English; (2) Pre-service EFL teachers integrated TPACK for learning activities and doing assessment; (3) the contribution of TPACK for Pre-service EFL teachers during the teaching process has a positive impact on students and makes it easier Pre-service EFL teachers in administrative management.

    The Development of TPACK-Based Learning Media to Enhance the Skills of Written Communication

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    The research aims to develop a model of existing essay writing teaching materials. In this research, the authors used a research and development (R&D) approach to analyze and demonstrate technology as a solution to a crucial problem in teaching essay writing. Data were obtained through interviews, questionnaires, and observations. To find out the feasibility of the model to be developed, several assessment steps were carried out, namely expert/expert testing, one-on-one trials, small group trials and testing the effectiveness of teaching material models. Based on the test results, the findings of this research indicate that a new teaching material model that can stimulate lecturers and students to learn essay writing is needed. To sum up, to make an effective and enjoyable instructional process, it is necessary to be concerned with instructional methods that are varied and liked by students

    Professional development through the use of technology

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    The purpose of this study was to introduce the Gloucester County Special Services School District educators to the concept of using technology for the purpose of professional development. A descriptive research method was used in the study that included a Technology Survey of the Compensatory Education Teachers. Surveys were distributed prior to and following the inservice component of the study. The technology survey instrument utilized was developed by the Intern and pretested by administrators and educators in the district. The frequency of responses were recorded and calculated into percentages for purposes of data analysis. After experiencing exposure to the Internet through a Technology Inservice program, an overall improvement in attitude and comfort level regarding technology and accessing the Internet was reported by respondents. Individuals self-rating themselves within the ranges of very comfortable to somewhat comfortable increased substantially and the percentage of individuals rating themselves as uncomfortable prior to the inservice decreased. Following the inservice, 86% of the individuals surveyed reported utilizing the Internet as a resource for lesson planning and locating educational materials. This figure is significant in that it represents an increase of 64% as reported by respondents. The study supports establishing a relationship between professional development and technology and identifies the important role inservicing plays in this process

    Integrating game-based approach in students learning experiences in physical education: A phenomenological study

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    In the transition to the delivery of instruction, game-based learning in physical education is the key to filling the instructional gap by giving each student the freedom to develop their skills in the 21st century. This study employed a qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach to acquire an in-depth understanding of students' learning experiences through game-based learning in Physical Education. Participants were chosen through purposive sampling which was participated by 7 students from the Grade 10 level in one of the secondary public schools in the Philippines. Codes and themes were transcribed in the study.  Based on the research results, three themes emerged: innovative approach, the functionality of the application, and student engagement and authentic learning experience. Physical education teachers have become innovative and creative in how to deliver instruction, especially in the areas of cognitive and skills acquisition using a game-based approach. This is done to help all students to be creative and adapt to the modern learning environment. This application was practical, usable and accessible for every student both inside and outside of the classroom with offline and online features. This study will equip Physical Education teachers with clarity and a road map to the modern world. This will also provide the required support for students to shift away from traditional classroom learning and become more innovative by producing mobile apps that provide students with games and the freedom to absorb the lesson through a game-based approach

    Technology educational affordance: Bridging the gap between patterns of interaction and technology usage

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    This paper reports on an empirical and descriptive investigation into how teachers and learners use technology in three prototypical learning activities in a higher educational online learning environment. Additionally, the relationship between the educational uses of technology and the overall educational patterns of interaction between teachers and learners, and among learners themselves was analysed. Detailed teacher and learner self-reports about their teaching and learning activity; the asynchronous written messages teachers and learners sent as educational interaction in the online llearning environment; and documents produced by students were all obtained. The results from the three learning activities indicated six overall educational uses of technology in an online learning environment. Moreover, the results also indicated differences in technology usage in some different patterns of educational interaction in each learning activity. In conclusion, we argue that the notion of technology educational affordance is useful as an effective bridge between the real use of technology and instructional aims. Therefore the distribution of educational uses of technology is not only related to some attributes of both technology and instruction but also to its interaction

    Making 'waves' in physics class: a qualitative study of teacher-student dialogue in post-16 Chinese students' lessons on forces, mechanics, electricity and magnetism

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    Based on theoretical research, this research constructs a theoretical framework for the semantic waves and semantic contexts of physics classroom discourse between post-16 students and their teachers. According to the theoretical framework, this research depicts the semantic waves of seventeen physics open classes and analyses the relationship between semantic waves and semantic contexts. This study used qualitative data collection and analysis methods. It collected teachers’ open class video materials, textbooks, curriculum standards and corresponding teaching design text materials, and conducted multiple semi-structured interviews with related teachers. The scope of the sample is concentrated on three topics of electromagnetics (magnetic phenomena and magnetic field, force in the magnetic field and electric field) in the first grade of upper-secondary school in China. This study found that teachers consider many factors when designing teaching, including three major aspects: teaching materials, students and teaching techniques. The teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching sequence contained in the textbook and curriculum standard are what teachers would follow when designing teaching. Regarding the students, teachers pay more attention to their existing knowledge, designing the review and extension of knowledge on this basis. The samples are teaching videos. For preparing the videos, teachers pay attention to the design of teaching techniques, including activities, experiments and props. In addition, teachers rehearse repeatedly to achieve smooth teaching. This repeated deliberation illustrates the use of teaching language to connect and express the design. The classroom teaching finally presented by each teacher depicts its unique semantic waves. Differences occur in the teacher’s consideration of the students' status and the topic of teaching. However, these semantic waves also have similarities. From these seventeen lessons, four forms of semantic waves are found: small fluctuations, large fluctuations, flat lines and blanks. Furthermore, these waveforms have corresponding relationships with their semantic contexts. The semantic contexts have corresponding theoretical semantic waves and change with the actual situation of teaching. Interaction between the semantic contexts superimposed on each other to form the semantic waves of the teaching discourse of the whole class

    Implementation Of Quizizz-Based Learning Media In General English Lessons In The Stkip Al Maksum Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program

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    This study investigates the utilization or implementation of Quizizz, an internet-based questionnaire platform, as an instructional tool for general English courses in the STKIP AL Maksum Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. The objective of this study is to examine the media planning procedure, its execution, and the determinants that impact the utilization of Quizizz. This study employs a qualitative descriptive methodology and collects data through triangulation techniques, including documentation, interviews, and observation. Quizizz is a game-based learning platform that enhances student engagement and offers adaptable assessment alternatives, according to the literature review. The results of studies indicate that Quizizz has a beneficial impact on student motivation by enhancing the relevance and interest of the learning process. In spite of this, obstacles associated with technological infrastructure must be taken into account in order to achieve maximum efficacy. This study enhances comprehension regarding the incorporation of technology in English education, placing particular emphasis on the significance of cutting-edge learning tools like Quizizz in contemporary educational advancements. Key words:  Quizizz, Media, General English
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