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    Presentasi yang dilakukan oleh seorang guru harus mudah dimengerti, dipahami serta ilmu tersebut bisa digunakan oleh siswa/siswi dalam kehidupan sehari – hari maupun di dunia kerja atau juga di dunia wirausaha. Agar sebuah pembelajaran bisa dimengerti oleh siswa/siswi, maka diperlukan penguasaan materi yang baik serta media pembelajaran yang kreatif melalui teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Namun, berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) pada tahun 2021, menyebutkan bahwa 60 persen guru di Indonesia belum menguasai Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Terdapat kesenjangan kemampuan di antara para guru, siswa dan orang tua yang beragam serta jaringan internet yang belum merata di Indonesia, menjadi beberapa penyebab guru di Indonesia belum mampu menguasai Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Hal ini juga yang dirasakan oleh para guru di SMA Negeri 22 Palembang. Kurangnya pengetahuan para guru tentang media pembelajaran yang kreatif dengan bantuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, membuat siswa/siswi di SMA Negeri 22 kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh para guru. Untuk menambah pengetahuan para tenaga pengajar di SMA Negeri 22 Palembang, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Palcomtech akan memberikan workshop atau pelatihan pembuatan media pembelajaran kreatif dengan menggunakan aplikasi Canva. Agar para guru di SMA Negeri 22 bisa memberikan materi yang mudah dipahami oleh siswa/siswi

    The fine structure of volatility feedback II: overnight and intra-day effects

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    We decompose, within an ARCH framework, the daily volatility of stocks into overnight and intra-day contributions. We find, as perhaps expected, that the overnight and intra-day returns behave completely differently. For example, while past intra-day returns affect equally the future intra-day and overnight volatilities, past overnight returns have a weak effect on future intra-day volatilities (except for the very next one) but impact substantially future overnight volatilities. The exogenous component of overnight volatilities is found to be close to zero, which means that the lion's share of overnight volatility comes from feedback effects. The residual kurtosis of returns is small for intra-day returns but infinite for overnight returns. We provide a plausible interpretation for these findings, and show that our Intra-Day/Overnight model significantly outperforms the standard ARCH framework based on daily returns for Out-of-Sample predictions

    Safety evaluation of intra-arterial cell delivery in stroke patients—a framework for future trials

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    Effective treatments are not yet available for the majority of stroke patients despite the significant advances in acute stroke management and care evident since the advent of therapeutic recanalization in 2015. Unfortunately, even patients who are eligible for recanalization treatment often suffer from residual functional deficits. Hence, there is an unmet demand for additional stroke therapies promoting functional recovery, not only those that can be considered as complementary approaches to recanalization but also for treatments that can be provided beyond its narrow time window. Cell therapies are an emerging paradigm in translational neuroscience and have been widely investigated in experimental stroke models (1). Preclinical evidence collected over the past two decades has revealed that administration of cells can exert robust effects in improving functional outcome when delivered in subacute (2,3) and even in chronic stroke stages (4). These promising findings have promoted small, early phase clinical studies intended to assess the feasibility, safety and efficacy of cell therapy approaches (5)

    Phylogenetic analyses suggest multiple changes of substrate specificity within the Glycosyl hydrolase 20 family

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidases belonging to the glycosyl hydrolase 20 (GH20) family are involved in the removal of terminal β-glycosidacally linked N-acetylhexosamine residues. These enzymes, widely distributed in microorganisms, animals and plants, are involved in many important physiological and pathological processes, such as cell structural integrity, energy storage, pathogen defence, viral penetration, cellular signalling, fertilization, development of carcinomas, inflammatory events and lysosomal storage diseases. Nevertheless, only limited analyses of phylogenetic relationships between GH20 genes have been performed until now.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Careful phylogenetic analyses of 233 inferred protein sequences from eukaryotes and prokaryotes reveal a complex history for the GH20 family. In bacteria, multiple gene duplications and lineage specific gene loss (and/or horizontal gene transfer) are required to explain the observed taxonomic distribution. The last common ancestor of extant eukaryotes is likely to have possessed at least one GH20 family member. At least one gene duplication before the divergence of animals, plants and fungi as well as other lineage specific duplication events have given rise to multiple paralogous subfamilies in eukaryotes. Phylogenetic analyses also suggest that a second, divergent subfamily of GH20 family genes present in animals derive from an independent prokaryotic source. Our data suggest multiple convergent changes of functional roles of GH20 family members in eukaryotes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents the first detailed evolutionary analysis of the glycosyl hydrolase GH20 family. Mapping of data concerning physiological function of GH20 family members onto the phylogenetic tree reveals that apparently convergent and highly lineage specific changes in substrate specificity have occurred in multiple GH20 subfamilies.</p

    Asymmetric Fermion Superfluid with Inter- and Intra-Species Pairings

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    We investigate the phase structure of an asymmetric fermion superfluid with inter- and intra-species pairings. The introduction of the intra-species pairing mechanism in canonical ensemble changes significantly the phase diagram and brings in a new state with coexisting inter- and intra-species pairings. Different from the case with only inter-species pairing, all the fermion excitations are fully gapped in the region with intra-species pairing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The modern versus extended evolutionary synthesis : sketch of an intra-genomic gene's eye view for the evolutionary-genetic underpinning of epigenetic and developmental evolution

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    Studying the phenotypic evolution of organisms in terms of populations of genes and genotypes, the Modern Synthesis (MS) conceptualizes biological evolution in terms of 'inter-organismal' interactions among genes sitting in the different individual organisms that constitute a population. It 'black-boxes' the complex 'intra-organismic' molecular and developmental epigenetics mediating between genotypes and phenotypes. To conceptually integrate epigenetics and evo-devo into evolutionary theory, advocates of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) argue that the MS's reductive gene-centrism should be abandoned in favor of a more inclusive organism-centered approach. To push the debate to a new level of understanding, we introduce the evolutionary biology of 'intra-genomic conflict' (IGC) to the controversy. This strategy is based on a twofold rationale. First, the field of IGC is both ‘gene-centered’ and 'intra-organismic' and, as such, could build a bridge between the gene-centered MS and the intra-organismic fields of epigenetics and evo-devo. And second, it is increasingly revealed that IGC plays a significant causal role in epigenetic and developmental evolution and even in speciation. Hence, to deal with the ‘discrepancy’ between the ‘gene-centered’ MS and the ‘intra-organismic’ fields of epigenetics and evo-devo, we sketch a conceptual solution in terms of ‘intra-genomic conflict and compromise’ – an ‘intra-genomic gene’s eye view’ that thinks in terms of intra-genomic ‘evolutionarily stable strategies’ (ESSs) among numerous and various DNA regions and elements – to evolutionary-genetically underwrite both epigenetic and developmental evolution, as such questioning the ‘gene-de-centered’ stance put forward by EES-advocates
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