62,876 research outputs found

    Analisis Studi Kelayakan Usaha Bertani Jagung Manis dan Padi Ditinjau dari Aspek Keuangan di Desa Sanur Kaja Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan Tahun 2014

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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan usaha budidaya jagung manis dan bertani padi di Desa Sanur Kaja, masalah yang dihadapi petani jagung manis dan petani padi, serta solusi yang ditawarkan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah petani jagung manis dan petani padi yang memiliki catatan pembukuan. Data dikumpulkan dengan dokumentasi dan wawancara yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis kriteria penilaian investasi NPV, IRR, dan pehitungan laba rugi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) budidaya jagung manis dan padi masih layak dilaksanakan di Desa Sanur Kaja dengan perhitungan NPV jagung manis sebesar Rp 35.684.922 dan NPV Padi sebesar Rp 52.049.243 di mana keduanya bernilai lebih dari 0; (2) masalah yang dihadapi petani jagung manis dan petani padi di Desa Sanur Kaja yaitu pembagian saluran air dari bendungan dengan jangka waktu satu tahun sekali serta pendapatan petani ditentukan oleh harga jual yang ditentukan oleh pengepul dengan kesepakatan dalam hitungan are; (3) solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu agar petani jagung manis dan petani padi membuat penampungan air ketika mendapat aliran air dari bendungan dan menjual hasil panen berdasarkan jumlah tonase.Kata Kunci : kelayakan usaha, masalah, solusi, bertani This research is the research types of descriptive that is aimed to know the properness of sweet corn cultivation effort and rice plant farmer in Sanur Kaja village, the problems that faced by sweet corn farmer and rice plant farmer along with the solution which is offered. The population of this research is the sweet corn farmer and rice plant farmer who has accountancy note. The data was collected by documentation and interview that is analyzed by the analysis of net present value NPV, IRR, the account of profit and loss along with T-test. The data is processed by using SPSS 16.00 for windows. The research result shows that (1) sweet corn cultivation and rice plant are still proper to conducted in Sanur Kaja village with the NPV account of sweet corn as big as Rp 35.684.922 and rice NPV as big as Rp 52.049.243 in which both of them have values more than 0; (2) the problem that faced by sweet corn farmer and rice plant farmer in Sanur Kaja village is the division or water canal from dam with year range of once a yearhe income of farmer is determined by selling price which is determined by supplier with the agreement with are accounting; (3) the solution that offered is to make the sweet corn farmer and rice plant farmer make a saving water when getting water flow from dam and selling the result of harvest based on the amount of tonnage.keyword : the proper of effort, problem, solution, farmin

    Analisis Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Komoditas Anggur di Desa Banyupoh Kecamatan Gerokgak Tahun 2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014, (2) jumlah marjin dan farmer share dari masing-masing pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014, dan (3) pola saluran yang paling efisien dalam pemasaran anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan berupa data kualitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pola saluran pemasaran komoditas anggur di Desa Banyupoh tahun 2014 ada tiga pola saluran pemasaran yaitu: pola saluran I: petani pedagang pengecer konsumen, pola saluran II: petani pedagang pengumpul pedagang pengecer konsumen, dan pola saluran III: petani pedagang pengumpul pedagang besar (luar daerah). (2) Pola saluran pemasaran I jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 4.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 27,69%, pola saluran pemasaran II jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 7.500,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 26,53%, sedangkan pola saluran pemasaran III memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp. 7.000,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 21,96%. (3) Pola saluran I paling efisien karena memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 4,35%, dibandingkan saluran lainnya yaitu saluran II sebesar 11,33%, pada saluran III sebesar 11,72%.Kata Kunci : Farmer share, marjin pemasaran, saluran pemasaran. This study is conducted to know (1) the pattern of grape commoditys marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014, (2) the amount of margin and farmer share from each pattern of marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014, and (3) which pattern is more efficient for grape marketing access in Banyupoh Village in 2014. This study is a descriptive quantitative research. There are two kinds of data in this study, they are qualitative and quantitative data. Meanwhile, based on the sources of data, it is categorized into primary and secondary data. The data were taken through interview and documentation which are directly analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique with quantitative approach. The result shows that (1) there are four patterns of marketing access of grape commodity in Banyupoh Village in 2014, they are: Pattern I: Farmer Retail Seller Consumer, Pattern II: Farmer Whole Seller Retail Seller Consumer, Pattern III: Farmer Whole Seller wholesalers, (2) the amount of margin of the first pattern is Rp. 4.000,00/kg and the farmer share is 27,69%, the margin of the second pattern is Rp. 7.500,00/kg and the farmer share is 26,53%, the margin of the third pattern is Rp. 7.000,00/kg and the farmer share is 21,96%. (3) the first pattern is more efficient among the four patterns because its percentage is 4,35%, it is the smallest percentage if it is compared with the other pattern precentage they are Pattern II is 11,33%, Pattern III is 11,72%.keyword : Farmer share, Marketing Margin, Marketing Access


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    Pemanfaatan lahan yang baik dan ramah lingkungan yang bisa diterapkan adalah dengan agroforestry. Sehingga petani memperoleh pendapatan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, selain itu kegiatan penebangan pohon dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dapat dicegah. Penelitian ini di laksanakan di Desa Siti Luhur (kelompok tani hutan Wana Lestari) dan Desa Klakah Kasian (kelompok tani hutan Sidomakmur Mulia dan Harum Bangkit), Kecamatan Gembong, Kabupaten Pati. Kecamatan Gembong masuk dalam wilayah Sub DAS Sani yang merupakan kawasan Hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Juwana. Konversi lahan dari hutan menjadi bukan hutan juga terjadi di hulu DAS Juwana, sehingga terjadi erosi dan mengakibatkan lahan kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pola pemanfaatan lahan dengan Agroforestry menggunakan analisis SWOT dan mengevaluasi Kelayakan Ekonomi dari pemanfaatan lahan dengan Agroforestry. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan observasi. Agroforestry yang diterapkan oleh kelompok tani hutan Sidomakmur Mulia, Harum Bangkit di Desa Klakah Kasian dan kelompok tani hutan Wana Lestari di Desa Sitiluhur berturut-turut adalah sengon - kopi, sengon - ketela pohon dan sengon - cengkeh. Strategi yang bisa diterapkan agar masyarakat umum di Desa Siti Luhur dan Klakah Kasian memanfaatkan lahan dengan agroforestry adalah Penyuluh kehutanan harus aktif memberikan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan kepada KTH dan masyarakat untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan dengan agroforestry. Dari ketiga pola agroforestry yang diterapkan, komoditas sengon - kopi di kelompok tani hutan Sidomakmur Mulia memiliki nilai kelayakan yang paling tinggi yaitu NPV : 74,999,990, IRR : 27.74 dan BCR : 4.2, dan paling rendah adalah komoditas sengon - ketela pohon di kelompok tani hutan Harum Bangkit yaitu dengan nilai NPV : 13,467,393, IRR : 14.89 dan BCR : 2,68. Strategi yang diterapkan agar pendapatan kelompok tani hutan dan masyarakat meningkat yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan keberadaan penyuluh, peneliti dan pemerintah setempat agar memberikan dukungan dalam bentuk pelatihan dan penyuluhan terkait dengan pengolahan pasca panen, pasar, pemasaran, agroforestry, jasa lingkungan, kualitas hasil panen, kelestarian lingkungan dan juga dengan menjadikan kelompok tani hutan Sidomakmur Mulia Desa Klakah Kasian sebagai demplot percontohan, pelatihan serta pemagangan bagi kelompok tani hutan yang lain. Use of good and environmentally friendly land that can be applied is with agroforestry. So farmers get short-term and long-term income, in addition to logging activities in order to meet the needs of life can be prevented. This research was conducted in Siti Luhur Village (Wana Lestari forest farmer group) and Klakah Kasian Village (Sidomakmur Mulia forest farmer group and Harum Bangkit forest farmer group), Gembong sub-district, Pati regency. Gembong sub-district is included in the Sani Sub Basin area which is the Upper River Basin (DAS) Juwana area. Land conversion from forest to non-forested areas also occurs in the upper watershed of Juwana watershed, resulting in erosion and resulting degraded land. The objective of this research is to analyze land use pattern with Agroforestry using SWOT analysis and evaluate Economic Feasibility of land use with Agroforestry. This research is descriptive qualitative. Methods of data collection by interview and observation. Agroforestry applied by forest farmer group Sidomakmur Mulia, Harum Bangkit in Klakah Kasian Village and Wana Lestari forest farmer group in Sitiluhur Village are respectively sengon & kopi, sengon & cassava and sengon & cloves. Strategies that can be applied to the general public in the village of Siti Luhur and Klakah Kasian utilize the land with agroforestry is Forestry Extensionists should be active to provide socialization and counseling to forest farmer group and communities to optimize the use of land with agroforestry. Of the three agroforestry patterns applied, the sengon - coffee commodity in Sidomakmur Mulia forest farmer group have the highest feasibility value of NPV: 74,999,990, IRR: 27.74 and BCR: 4.2, and the lowest was sengon - cassava commodity in Harum Bangkit forest farmer group ie with NPV value: 13,467,393, IRR: 14.89 and BCR: 2,68. The strategies implemented to increase the income of forest farmer groups and communities by optimizing the existence of extension workers, researchers and local government to provide support in the form of training and counseling related to post-harvest processing, market, marketing, agroforestry, environmental services, crop quality, environmental sustainability and also by making the forest farmer group of Sidomakmur Mulia Desa Klakah Kasian as pilot demonstration plot, training and apprenticeship for other forest farmer groups. Keywords: Agroforestry, Forest Farmer Group, Sengon, Pati Regenc


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    Abstrak Di Indonesia terdapat petani berlahan luas dan petani berlahan sempit. Kategorisasi ini mempengaruhi petani dalam menjalankan proses produksinya. Petani berlahan luas tidak mengalami masalah permodalan produksi, sedangkan petani berlahan sempit mengalami permasalahan modal. Akibatnya petani berlahan sempit melakukan hutang kepada tengkulak atau petani-pedagang demi kelangsungan produksinya. Studi ini berupaya menjawab masalah bagaimana bargaining position petani paska panen dalam menghadapi para tengkulak. Untuk menjawab permasalahan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, data dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan indept interview dengan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori moral ekonomi yang dikemukakan oleh James Scott, teori pertukaran oleh Blau mengungkap hubungan pertukaran antara petani dengan tengkulak, dan teori eksploitasi Karl Marx untuk melihat kekuatan modal yang dimiliki tengkulak atau petani-pedagang untuk mengeksploitasi petani yang melakukan hutang modal. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa bargaining position petani ada tiga macam, yaitu lemah, kuat, dan sejajar. Kata Kunci: bargaining position, Petani, Tengkulak. Abstract   In Indonesia there were extensive landowners and smallholders. This categorization affected farmers in carrying out the production process. Extensive landowners did not experience the problem of capital production, while smallholders experienced capital problems. As consequence, smallholders did debt to middlemen or farmer-traders in the continuity of production. This study sought to answer problems how bargaining position of farmer in dealing with the middleman after harvesting. To answer this problem using a qualitative method, data were collected through observation and interviews by analyzed qualitatively. The theory was used was the economic moral theory put forward by James Scott, the exchange theory by Blau revealed the exchange relationship between farmers and middleman, and Karl Marx's theory of exploitation to see the power of capital owned by middleman or farmer-traders to exploit farmers who commit capital debt. The results found that Farmer’s bargaining position there were three kinds, namely weak, strong, and parallel.   Keywords: Bargaining Position, Farmer, Middleman

    Interviews with Walter Williams, Ira Leidig, Troy Thomas Dillinger, Troy Clyde Dillinger, Lelanc C. Rumford, Fred Riddle, Virgil Miller, and Cecil Miller

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    Interviews with Walter Williams, Ira Leidig, Troy Thomas Dillinger, Troy Clyde Dillinger, Lelanc C. Rumford, Ed Hirschler, Fred Riddle, Virgil Miller, and Cecil Miller regarding their early experiences in Kansas. 00:00:17 - Introduction to interview with Ira Leidig by Carol Jean Brown 00:00:35 - Brewster then and now 00:01:46 - First job sod busting in 1912 00:03:30 - Meeting the Okalhoma Kid at the Cimarron River Bottom, Oklahoma 00:07:06 - Hunting and preserving quail 00:09:47 - Introduction to interview with Ira Leidig by Bill Hayse 00:10:15 - 1878 raid by Indigenous Americans in Decator County, KS 00:19:18 - Introduction to interview with Troy T. Dillinger by Doris L. Quinzer 00:19:43 - Dust storms 00:21:02 - Poem, Excuse Me If I Shed a Tear. 00:23:26 - Introduction to interview with Arlita S. Dillinger by Doris L. Quinzer 00:23:54 - Poem, Widow Sprigin\u27s Daughter 00:25:24 - Introduction to interview with Troy C. Dillinger by Doris L. Quinzer 00:25:40 - Song, The Matinee 00:29:34 - Song, Old Farmer or Farmer\u27s Daughter 00:31:10 - Song, Katie Lee and Willie Gray 00:33:22 - Introduction to interview with Troy T. Dillinger by Doris L. Quinzer 00:33:36 - Hunting coyotes 00:35:16 - Introduction to interview with Leland Rumford by Clair Rumford 00:35:36 - Song, Old Joe Finley 00:37:16 - Introduction to interview of Ed Hirschler by Clair Rumford 00:37:36 - Sam Hertel murders and hanging 00:45:53 - A Boston millionaire\u27s son and his troubles with sheep 00:53:13 - Introduction to interview with Virgil and Cecil Miller by Clair Rumfortd 00:53:36 - Song Little Robbie 00:56:00 - Play party games 00:57:07 - Miller boy 00:58:58 - Pig in the parlor 01:00:53 - Skip to my Lou 01:03:54 - Old Dan Tucker 01:05:07 - Topsy Through The Window 01:06:03 - The Girl I Left Behind Me 01:08:41 - Buffalo Gal 01:10:44 - Farmer Boy or Oats, Beans, and Barley Grow 01:17:57 - Wabash Bottoms and Weevely Wheat 01:21:32 - Introduction to interview with Fred Riddle by Agnes Newbridge. This portion of the recording is muffled. 01:21:53 - Home remedies 01:26:32 - Recording of interview with unknown woman from Cimarron, KS 01:28:07 - Influenza epidemic of 1918 01:29:00 - Farming 01:32:20 - Song, Be Kind To One Anotherhttps://scholars.fhsu.edu/sackett/1053/thumbnail.jp


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    ABSTRAKTernak sapi di Pulo Nasi Kabupaten Aceh Besar umumnya dipelihara seadanya, dibiarkan lepas sepanjang hari sehingga dapat menggangu usaha pertanian, jalan umum, dan masalah sosial. Permasalahan utamanya disebabkan keterbatasan tersedianya hijauan pakan ternak (HPT) dan perkandangan yang tidak memadai. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peternak dalam penyediaan HPT berupa rumput unggul (odot dan lampung) dan manajemen pemeliharaan sapi. Metode pelaksanaan berupa: penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara (kuesioner). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian ini diukur kemampuan anggota kelompok peternak dalam menanam dan merawat HPT dan perbaikan tata laksana pemeliharaan sapi. Sasaran kegiatan adalah Kelompok Peternak Deudap Usaha Mandiri dan Beujaya Gampong di Desa Deudap Pulo Nasi Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan anggota peternak telah terampil melakukan penanaman dan pemeliharaan rumput odot dan lampung. Nilai ketercapaian materi adalah 86% dari 35 orang anggota kelompok peternak. Pemeliharaan rumput odot lebih mudah dan disukai ternak sapi. Dampak lainnya adalah kelompok peternak sepakat membuat kandang sapi komunal. Kendala yang ditemukan saat awal penanaman rumpot odot dan lampung berupa gangguan kepiting darat yang merusak tunas muda. Simpulan menunjukkan bahwa peternak telah berkomitmen untuk memelihara rumput dan mengandangkan sapinya. Kata kunci: pulo nasi aceh besar; sapi; rumpot odot; rumput lampung. ABSTRACTThe problem of cattle in Pulo Nasi, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, is generally maintained as it is without adequate management. Cows are left loose all day long so they can interfere with agricultural, pollute yard and public roads as well as social problems. This problem can occur due to the limited availability of forages and cow housing. The purpose of this service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of farmer regarding the provision of forage to introduction (planting) of superior grass (odot and lampung) and cow rearing management. The implementation method was: counseling, training, and mentoring. The method of collecting data by interview (questionnaire). Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The success of this service activity was measured by the ability of the farmer group members to plant and care for HPT and improve the management of cattle raising. The targets of the activity were two groups of farmers Deudap Usaha Mandiri and Beujaya Gampong in Deudap Village. The results showed that the members of the farmer were skilled at planting and maintaining odot and lampung grass. The value of material achievement was 86% of the 35 farmer group members. Maintenance of odot grass is easier and preferred by cattle. Another impact is that farmer groups agree to build a communal cow shed. The obstacle found at the beginning of planting odot and lampung clumps was disturbance of land crabs which damaged the young shoots. The conclusion shows that the farmer has committed to maintain the grass and house his cows. Keywords: pulo aceh; cattle; dwarf elephant grass; lampung grass; cattle farming management

    Analysis of Tumpang Sari Horticulture Farming in Pattappang Village, Gowa Regency

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    This research was prepared aiming to determine the amount of cost, income, and efficiency of vegetable farming in the Buluballea Environment, Pattappang Village, Tinggimoncong District, Gowa Regency. Besides this research is also to determine the effect of factors such as land area, labor, manure, urea fertilizer, KCl fertilizer, ZA fertilizer, and cropping patterns on costs and income. Tumpangsari Farming is planting in almost the same time for the same two types of crops. The basic method used in this research is descriptive study and is done by interview technique. The selection of sample farmers uses a stratified random sampling method with a total of 5 (five) people. The type of data used in the study is primary data and secondary data collected by interview, note-taking, and observation technique

    Development and Daily Management of an Explicit Strategy of Nonuse of Antimicrobial Drugs in Twelve Danish Organic Dairy Herds

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    Promotion of animal health and well-being at the individual animal and herd level is an important goal in organic farming. At the same time, chemical products affecting the natural balance among living organisms are prohibited in all areas of the organic farm. From an animal welfare point of view, however, no animal must suffer. Therefore, veterinary drugs are allowed under the European Union’s regulations for organic farming, despite the fact that they are powerful cell toxins affecting both pathogenic and necessary bacteria, and as such in organic terminology, are regarded as “chemical” or “artificial” products. In this article, we present and discuss interviews with 12 Danish organic dairy producers who claim that minimized use or nonuse of antimicrobial drugs is an explicit goal. The dairy producers were at different levels with regard to reduced antimicrobial treatment. An explicit strategy of no antimicrobial treatments is based primarily on a long-term effort to improve herd health, and secondarily, on finding alternative treatments for diseased animals. Improved hygiene, outdoor access, use of nursing cows, and blinding of chronic mastitis quarters were the main techniques in developing a strategy of not using antimicrobial treatments in the herd by dairy producers. Producers’ perception of disease changed from something unavoidable to a disturbing break in the daily rhythm that often could have been avoided. Change toward a nonantimicrobial strategy was gradual and stepwise. All dairy producers in this study desired to preserve the possibility of using antimicrobial drugs in emergencies


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    ABSTRAKMakalah ini menyampaikan uraian tentang proses  penumbuhan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang pengolahan eceng gondok  yang difermentasi untuk pakan unggaskepada Kelompok  tani  Maju Bersama yang merupakan satu satunya kelompok tani yang mengelola tanaman pangan dan unggas (ayam dan bebek) di TersidiLor  Kecamatan Pituruh Kabupaten Purworejo. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah pemberdayaan kelompok tani  dengan memberi pemahaman dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan, agar memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki dalam bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan sejak Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo di laksanakan selama 1 bulan yang  terdiri dari (1) orientasi lokasi, (2) persiapan dan perencanaan penyuluhan dan pelatihan , (3) kegiatan pelatihan, (4) pengamatan hasil pelatihan, dan (5) evaluasi terhadap pelatihan. Pengumpulan data dari kajian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara  terhadap  mitra yaitu anggota  kelompok tani maju bersama berjumlah 15 orang yang menjadi peserta kegiatan. Berdasarkan dari hasil evaluasi dan pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa anggota kelompok tani maju bersama di  desa tersidiLor diKecamatan Pituruh kabupaten Purworejo antusias dan menyadari bahwa eceng gondok dapat dimanfaatkan apabila diberi sentuhan teknologi fermentasi  khususnya untuk pakan ternak unggas seperti ayam dan bebek. Salah satu bagian penting dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta mengetahui bahwa eceng gondok dengan tambahan konsentrat, EM4/tetes tebu yang difermentasi dengan takaran sesuai dapat  menambah  pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari bidang pertanian dan peternakan.Disisi lain diharapkan bahwa dengan tambahan pakan eceng gondok yang difermentasi menjadi cadangan pakan unggas dan dapat menambah penampilan dan produksi telur pada unggas . Kata kunci : eceng gondok; fermentasi; pakan ungags; kelompok tani. ABSTRACTThis paper provides a description of the process of growing knowledge and skills to the Maju Bersama farmer group, which is the only farmer group that manages food crops and poultry (duck and chicken) in Tersidi Lor, Pituruh District, Purworejo Regency regarding the processing of fermented water hyacinth for poultry feed. The purpose of this service is to empower farmer groups by providing understanding and skills to the community through counseling and training, so that they have the ability to develop their potential in agriculture and animal husbandry. The series of activities carried out since the Purworejo Muhammadiyah University Thematic Real Work Lectures were carried out for 1 month consisting of (1) location orientation, (2) counseling and training preparation and planning, (3) training activities, (4) observation of training results, and (5) evaluation of training. Data collection from this study was carried out using observation and interview methods with partners, namely members of the Advanced Farmer Group, totaling 15 people who were participants in the activity. Based on the results of the evaluation and discussion, it can be concluded that the members of the farmer group in the tertiary village of Lor in the Pituruh District, Purworejo Regency, are enthusiastic and realize that water hyacinth can be used if given a touch of fermentation technology, especially for poultry feed such as chickens and ducks. An important part of this activity is that the participants know that water hyacinth with additional concentrate, fermented EM4/sugar molasses at appropriate doses can increase their knowledge and skills in agriculture and animal husbandry. poultry feed and can increase the appearance and egg production in poultry. Keywords : water hyacinth; fermentation; poultry feed; farmer group

    Value Chains of Carrot Commodity On Suthomadansih Agropolitan Area In Karanganyar Regency

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    In 2007, Central Java Government has been starting the implementation of agropolitanprogram in some regency that has the potential in the agriculture sector, Karanganyar Regency one of them. Through this program, SuthomadansihAgropolitan Area was established. One of the leading commodities from Suthomadansih is carrot commodity. Carrot commodity is then taken into consideration in the implementation of agropolitan program, in the form of provision of infrastructure and community development programs. The objectives of the research study are to investigate the value chain of carrot in Suthomadansih, as well as to analyze how the implementation of agropolitan program supports the value chain of carrot. Meanwhile, in order to investigate how the implementation of agropolitan program in suthomadansih supports to value chain of carrot, there are three indicators that will be identified; the development of supporting infrastructure, agribusiness system, and development of human resource (Iqbal and Iwan, 2009). Both of qualitative and quantitative analysis has been applied into the study with the performance table of the implementation of agropolitan program and value chain analysis as tool to conduct the analysis. Based on the value chain of carrot in Suthomadansih, some development programs from Local Government through the agropolitan program has been conducted from upstream to downstream of carrot commodity. However, some programs are failed to support the value chain of carrot so that the improvement of value chain of carrot could not be optimized. Those programs are Agribusiness Sub Terminal, Worta Cluster, Vitmaka, and Farm Road Improvement Program.The implementation of agropolitan program is not sustainable because of the absence of the budgets of local governments. The program is only implemented for 3 years (2007-2009) so that there are no significant effects of the program on the agricultural sector, especially for carrot commodity