9,163 research outputs found

    Constructing interval-valued fuzzy material implication functions derived from general interval-valued grouping functions

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    Grouping functions and their dual counterpart, overlap functions, have drawn the attention of many authors, mainly because they constitute a richer class of operators compared to other types of aggregation functions. Grouping functions are a useful theoretical tool to be applied in various problems, like decision making based on fuzzy preference relations. In pairwise comparisons, for instance, those functions allow one to convey the measure of the amount of evidence in favor of either of two given alternatives. Recently, some generalizations of grouping functions were proposed, such as (i) the n-dimensional grouping functions and the more flexible general grouping functions, which allowed their application in n-dimensional problems, and (ii) n-dimensional and general interval-valued grouping functions, in order to handle uncertainty on the definition of the membership functions in real-life problems. Taking into account the importance of interval-valued fuzzy implication functions in several application problems under uncertainty, such as fuzzy inference mechanisms, this paper aims at introducing a new class of interval-valued fuzzy material implication functions. We study their properties, characterizations, construction methods and provide examples.upported by CNPq (301618/2019-4, 311429/2020-3), FAPERGS (19/2551-0001660-3), UFERSA, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2016-77356-P, PID2019-108392GB I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)) and Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías, S.A. (NASERTIC)

    A kernel-based framework for learning graded relations from data

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    Driven by a large number of potential applications in areas like bioinformatics, information retrieval and social network analysis, the problem setting of inferring relations between pairs of data objects has recently been investigated quite intensively in the machine learning community. To this end, current approaches typically consider datasets containing crisp relations, so that standard classification methods can be adopted. However, relations between objects like similarities and preferences are often expressed in a graded manner in real-world applications. A general kernel-based framework for learning relations from data is introduced here. It extends existing approaches because both crisp and graded relations are considered, and it unifies existing approaches because different types of graded relations can be modeled, including symmetric and reciprocal relations. This framework establishes important links between recent developments in fuzzy set theory and machine learning. Its usefulness is demonstrated through various experiments on synthetic and real-world data.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Lattice-valued intuitionistic preference structures and applications

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    Intuicionistički rasplinuti skupovi su već proučavani i definisani u kontekstu mrežnovrednosnih struktura, ali svaka od postojećih definicija imala je odgovarajuće nedostatke. U ovom radu razvijena je definicija intuicionističkog poset-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa, kojom se poset predstavlja kao podskup distributivne mreže. Na ovaj način možemo ispitivati funkcije pripadanja i nepripadanja i njihove odnose bez upotrebe komplementiranja na posetu. Takođe, u ovako postavljenim okvirima, svaki poset (a samim tim i mreža) može biti kodomen intuicionističkog rasplinutog skupa (čime se isključuje uslov ograničenosti poseta). Primenom uvedene definicije razmatrane su IP-vrednosne rasplinute relacije, x-blokovi ovih relacija i familije njihovih nivoa.Razvijene su jake poset vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje  predstavljaju uopštenje relacija reciprociteta sa intervala [0,1]. Pokazano je da ovakve relacije imaju svojstva slična poset-vrednosnim relacijama preferencije. Međutim, postoje velika ograničenja za primenu ovakvih relacija jer su zahtevi dosta jaki. Uvedene su IP-vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje se mogu definisati za veliku klasu poseta.Ovakve relacije pogodne su za opisivanje preferencija. Posmatrana je intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije, koja je refleksivna rasplinuta relacija, nad skupom alternativa. U samom procesu višekriterijumskog odlučivanja može se pojaviti situacija kada alternative nisu međusobno uporedive u odnosu na relaciju preferencije, kao i nedovoljna određenost samih alternativa. Da bi se prevazišli ovakvi problemi uvodi se intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije kao intuicionistička rasplinuta relacija na skupu alternativa sa vrednostima u uređenom skupu. Analizirana su neka njena svojstva. Ovakav model pogodan je za upoređivanje alternativa koje nisu, nužno, u linearnom poretku. Dato je nekoliko opravdanja za uvodjenje oba tipa definisanih relacija. Jedna od mogućnosti jeste preko mreže intervala elemenata iz konačnog lanca S, a koji predstavljaju ocene određene alternative. Relacije preferencije mogu uzimati vrednosti sa ove mreže i time se može prevazići nedostatak informacija ili neodlučnost donosioca odluke.Intuitionistic fuzzy sets have already been explored in depth and defined in the context of lattice-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, however, every existing definition has certain drawbacks. In this thesis, a definition of poset-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is developed, which introduces a poset as a subset of a distributive lattice. In this manner, functions of membership and non-membership can be examined as well as  their relations without using complement in the poset. Also, in such framework, each poset (and the lattice) can be a co-domain of an intuitionistic fuzzy set (which excludes the condition of the bounded poset). Introduced definition defines IP-valued fuzzy relations, x-blocks of these relations andfamilies of their levels. Strong IP-valued  reciprocialy relations have been developed as a generalization of reciprocal relations from interval [0,1]. It has been shown that these relations have properties similar to the P-valued preferences relations. However, there are great constraints on the application of these relations because the requirements are quite strong.IP- valued reciprocial relations have been introduced, which can be defined for a large class of posets. Such relations are suitable for describing preferences.An intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation, which is a reflexive fuzzy relation, over the set of  alternatives, has been examined. In the process of a multi-criteria decision making, a situation can occur that the alternatives cannot be compared by the preference relation, as well as insufficient determination of the mentioned alternatives. In order to overcome similar problems, we have introduced an intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation as an intuitionistic fuzzy set over the set of alternatives with values in a certain poset. We have analyzed some its performances. This model is suitable for comparing alternatives which are not necessarily linearly ordered. There are several justifications for the introduction of  both types of defined relations. One of the possibilities is via the lattice of the intervals  of elements from the finite chain S, which represent the preference of a particular alternative. Preferences relations can take values from this lattice and this can overcome the lack of informations or the decisiveness of the decision maker

    Lattice-valued intuitionistic preference structures and applications

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    Intuicionistički rasplinuti skupovi su već proučavani i definisani u kontekstu mrežnovrednosnih struktura, ali svaka od postojećih definicija imala je odgovarajuće nedostatke. U ovom radu razvijena je definicija intuicionističkog poset-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa, kojom se poset predstavlja kao podskup distributivne mreže. Na ovaj način možemo ispitivati funkcije pripadanja i nepripadanja i njihove odnose bez upotrebe komplementiranja na posetu. Takođe, u ovako postavljenim okvirima, svaki poset (a samim tim i mreža) može biti kodomen intuicionističkog rasplinutog skupa (čime se isključuje uslov ograničenosti poseta). Primenom uvedene definicije razmatrane su IP-vrednosne rasplinute relacije, x-blokovi ovih relacija i familije njihovih nivoa.Razvijene su jake poset vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje  predstavljaju uopštenje relacija reciprociteta sa intervala [0,1]. Pokazano je da ovakve relacije imaju svojstva slična poset-vrednosnim relacijama preferencije. Međutim, postoje velika ograničenja za primenu ovakvih relacija jer su zahtevi dosta jaki. Uvedene su IP-vrednosne relacije reciprociteta koje se mogu definisati za veliku klasu poseta.Ovakve relacije pogodne su za opisivanje preferencija. Posmatrana je intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije, koja je refleksivna rasplinuta relacija, nad skupom alternativa. U samom procesu višekriterijumskog odlučivanja može se pojaviti situacija kada alternative nisu međusobno uporedive u odnosu na relaciju preferencije, kao i nedovoljna određenost samih alternativa. Da bi se prevazišli ovakvi problemi uvodi se intuicionistička poset-vrednosna relacija preferencije kao intuicionistička rasplinuta relacija na skupu alternativa sa vrednostima u uređenom skupu. Analizirana su neka njena svojstva. Ovakav model pogodan je za upoređivanje alternativa koje nisu, nužno, u linearnom poretku. Dato je nekoliko opravdanja za uvodjenje oba tipa definisanih relacija. Jedna od mogućnosti jeste preko mreže intervala elemenata iz konačnog lanca S, a koji predstavljaju ocene određene alternative. Relacije preferencije mogu uzimati vrednosti sa ove mreže i time se može prevazići nedostatak informacija ili neodlučnost donosioca odluke.Intuitionistic fuzzy sets have already been explored in depth and defined in the context of lattice-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, however, every existing definition has certain drawbacks. In this thesis, a definition of poset-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is developed, which introduces a poset as a subset of a distributive lattice. In this manner, functions of membership and non-membership can be examined as well as  their relations without using complement in the poset. Also, in such framework, each poset (and the lattice) can be a co-domain of an intuitionistic fuzzy set (which excludes the condition of the bounded poset). Introduced definition defines IP-valued fuzzy relations, x-blocks of these relations andfamilies of their levels. Strong IP-valued  reciprocialy relations have been developed as a generalization of reciprocal relations from interval [0,1]. It has been shown that these relations have properties similar to the P-valued preferences relations. However, there are great constraints on the application of these relations because the requirements are quite strong.IP- valued reciprocial relations have been introduced, which can be defined for a large class of posets. Such relations are suitable for describing preferences.An intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation, which is a reflexive fuzzy relation, over the set of  alternatives, has been examined. In the process of a multi-criteria decision making, a situation can occur that the alternatives cannot be compared by the preference relation, as well as insufficient determination of the mentioned alternatives. In order to overcome similar problems, we have introduced an intuitionistic poset-valued preference relation as an intuitionistic fuzzy set over the set of alternatives with values in a certain poset. We have analyzed some its performances. This model is suitable for comparing alternatives which are not necessarily linearly ordered. There are several justifications for the introduction of  both types of defined relations. One of the possibilities is via the lattice of the intervals  of elements from the finite chain S, which represent the preference of a particular alternative. Preferences relations can take values from this lattice and this can overcome the lack of informations or the decisiveness of the decision maker

    Arrow Index of Fuzzy Choice Function

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    The Arrow index of a fuzzy choice function C is a measure of the degree to which C satisfies the Fuzzy Arrow Axiom, a fuzzy version of the classical Arrow Axiom. The main result of this paper shows that A(C) characterizes the degree to which C is full rational. We also obtain a method for computing A(C). The Arrow index allows to rank the fuzzy choice functions with respect to their rationality. Thus, if for solving a decision problem several fuzzy choice functions are proposed, by the Arrow index the most rational one will be chosen.Fuzzy choice function, revealed preference indicator, congruence indicator, similarity

    Consensus theories: an oriented survey

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    This article surveys seven directions of consensus theories: Arrowian results, federation consensus rules, metric consensus rules, tournament solutions, restricted domains, abstract consensus theories, algorithmic and complexity issues. This survey is oriented in the sense that it is mainly – but not exclusively – concentrated on the most significant results obtained, sometimes with other searchers, by a team of French searchers who are or were full or associate members of the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS).Consensus theories ; Arrowian results ; aggregation rules ; metric consensus rules ; median ; tournament solutions ; restricted domains ; lower valuations ; median semilattice ; complexity

    Preference Modelling

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    This paper provides the reader with a presentation of preference modelling fundamental notions as well as some recent results in this field. Preference modelling is an inevitable step in a variety of fields: economy, sociology, psychology, mathematical programming, even medicine, archaeology, and obviously decision analysis. Our notation and some basic definitions, such as those of binary relation, properties and ordered sets, are presented at the beginning of the paper. We start by discussing different reasons for constructing a model or preference. We then go through a number of issues that influence the construction of preference models. Different formalisations besides classical logic such as fuzzy sets and non-classical logics become necessary. We then present different types of preference structures reflecting the behavior of a decision-maker: classical, extended and valued ones. It is relevant to have a numerical representation of preferences: functional representations, value functions. The concepts of thresholds and minimal representation are also introduced in this section. In section 7, we briefly explore the concept of deontic logic (logic of preference) and other formalisms associated with "compact representation of preferences" introduced for special purpoes. We end the paper with some concluding remarks