148 research outputs found

    Interprocedural Type Specialization of JavaScript Programs Without Type Analysis

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    Dynamically typed programming languages such as Python and JavaScript defer type checking to run time. VM implementations can improve performance by eliminating redundant dynamic type checks. However, type inference analyses are often costly and involve tradeoffs between compilation time and resulting precision. This has lead to the creation of increasingly complex multi-tiered VM architectures. Lazy basic block versioning is a simple JIT compilation technique which effectively removes redundant type checks from critical code paths. This novel approach lazily generates type-specialized versions of basic blocks on-the-fly while propagating context-dependent type information. This approach does not require the use of costly program analyses, is not restricted by the precision limitations of traditional type analyses. This paper extends lazy basic block versioning to propagate type information interprocedurally, across function call boundaries. Our implementation in a JavaScript JIT compiler shows that across 26 benchmarks, interprocedural basic block versioning eliminates more type tag tests on average than what is achievable with static type analysis without resorting to code transformations. On average, 94.3% of type tag tests are eliminated, yielding speedups of up to 56%. We also show that our implementation is able to outperform Truffle/JS on several benchmarks, both in terms of execution time and compilation time.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to CGO 201

    Effective synchronization removal for Java

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    Efficient control flow quantification

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    Test generation for high coverage with abstraction refinement and coarsening (ARC)

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    Testing is the main approach used in the software industry to expose failures. Producing thorough test suites is an expensive and error prone task that can greatly benefit from automation. Two challenging problems in test automation are generating test input and evaluating the adequacy of test suites: the first amounts to producing a set of test cases that accurately represent the software behavior, the second requires defining appropriate metrics to evaluate the thoroughness of the testing activities. Structural testing addresses these problems by measuring the amount of code elements that are executed by a test suite. The code elements that are not covered by any execution are natural candidates for generating further test cases, and the measured coverage rate can be used to estimate the thoroughness of the test suite. Several empirical studies show that test suites achieving high coverage rates exhibit a high failure detection ability. However, producing highly covering test suites automatically is hard as certain code elements are executed only under complex conditions while other might be not reachable at all. In this thesis we propose Abstraction Refinement and Coarsening (ARC), a goal oriented technique that combines static and dynamic software analysis to automatically generate test suites with high code coverage. At the core of our approach there is an abstract program model that enables the synergistic application of the different analysis components. In ARC we integrate Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) and abstraction refinement to precisely direct test generation towards the coverage goals and detect infeasible elements. ARC includes a novel coarsening algorithm for improved scalability. We implemented ARC-B, a prototype tool that analyses C programs and produces test suites that achieve high branch coverage. Our experiments show that the approach effectively exploits the synergy between symbolic testing and reachability analysis outperforming state of the art test generation approaches. We evaluated ARC-B on industry relevant software, and exposed previously unknown failures in a safety-critical software component

    Automatic detection of safety and security vulnerabilities in open source software

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    Growing software quality requirements have raised the stakes on software safety and security. Building secure software focuses on techniques and methodologies of design and implementation in order to avoid exploitable vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, coding errors have become common with the inexorable growth tendency of software size and complexity. According to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), these coding errors lead to vulnerabilities that cost the US economy $60 billion each year. Therefore, tracking security and safety errors is considered as a fundamental cornerstone to deliver software that are free from severe vulnerabilities. The main objective of this thesis is the elaboration of efficient, rigorous, and practical techniques for the safety and security evaluation of source code. To tackle safety errors related to the misuse of type and memory operations, we present a novel type and effect discipline that extends the standard C type system with safety annotations and static safety checks. We define an inter-procedural, flow-sensitive, and alias-sensitive inference algorithm that automatically propagates type annotations and applies safety checks to programs without programmers' interaction. Moreover, we present a dynamic semantics of our C core language that is compliant with the ANSI C standard. We prove the consistency of the static semantics with respect to the dynamic semantics. We show the soundness of our static analysis in detecting our targeted set of safety errors. To tackle system-specific security properties, we present a security verification framework that combines static analysis and model-checking. We base our approach on the GCC compiler and its GIMPLE representation of source code to extract model-checkable abstractions of programs. For the verification process, we use an off-the-shelf pushdown system model-checker, and turn it into a fully-fledged security verification framework. We also allow programmers to define a wide range of security properties using an automata-based specification approach. To demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments and case studies on large scale open-source software to verify their compliance with a representative set of the CERT standard secure coding rules

    Efficient control flow quantification

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    Simple and Effective Type Check Removal through Lazy Basic Block Versioning

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    Dynamically typed programming languages such as JavaScript and Python defer type checking to run time. In order to maximize performance, dynamic language VM implementations must attempt to eliminate redundant dynamic type checks. However, type inference analyses are often costly and involve tradeoffs between compilation time and resulting precision. This has lead to the creation of increasingly complex multi-tiered VM architectures. This paper introduces lazy basic block versioning, a simple JIT compilation technique which effectively removes redundant type checks from critical code paths. This novel approach lazily generates type-specialized versions of basic blocks on-the-fly while propagating context-dependent type information. This does not require the use of costly program analyses, is not restricted by the precision limitations of traditional type analyses and avoids the implementation complexity of speculative optimization techniques. We have implemented intraprocedural lazy basic block versioning in a JavaScript JIT compiler. This approach is compared with a classical flow-based type analysis. Lazy basic block versioning performs as well or better on all benchmarks. On average, 71% of type tests are eliminated, yielding speedups of up to 50%. We also show that our implementation generates more efficient machine code than TraceMonkey, a tracing JIT compiler for JavaScript, on several benchmarks. The combination of implementation simplicity, low algorithmic complexity and good run time performance makes basic block versioning attractive for baseline JIT compilers

    Precise static analysis of untrusted driver binaries

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    Most closed source drivers installed on desktop systems today have never been exposed to formal analysis. Without vendor support, the only way to make these often hastily written, yet critical programs accessible to static analysis is to directly work at the binary level. In this paper, we describe a full architecture to perform static analysis on binaries that does not rely on unsound external components such as disassemblers. To precisely calculate data and function pointers without any type information, we introduce Bounded Address Tracking, an abstract domain that is tailored towards machine code and is path sensitive up to a tunable bound assuring termination. We implemented Bounded Address Tracking in our binary analysis platform Jakstab and used it to verify API specifications on several Windows device drivers. Even without assumptions about executable layout and procedures as made by state of the art approaches, we achieve more precise results on a set of drivers from the Windows DDK. Since our technique does not require us to compile drivers ourselves, we also present results from analyzing over 300 closed source drivers

    Transfer Function Synthesis without Quantifier Elimination

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    Traditionally, transfer functions have been designed manually for each operation in a program, instruction by instruction. In such a setting, a transfer function describes the semantics of a single instruction, detailing how a given abstract input state is mapped to an abstract output state. The net effect of a sequence of instructions, a basic block, can then be calculated by composing the transfer functions of the constituent instructions. However, precision can be improved by applying a single transfer function that captures the semantics of the block as a whole. Since blocks are program-dependent, this approach necessitates automation. There has thus been growing interest in computing transfer functions automatically, most notably using techniques based on quantifier elimination. Although conceptually elegant, quantifier elimination inevitably induces a computational bottleneck, which limits the applicability of these methods to small blocks. This paper contributes a method for calculating transfer functions that finesses quantifier elimination altogether, and can thus be seen as a response to this problem. The practicality of the method is demonstrated by generating transfer functions for input and output states that are described by linear template constraints, which include intervals and octagons.Comment: 37 pages, extended version of ESOP 2011 pape
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