3,563 research outputs found

    Fast algorithms for computing isogenies between ordinary elliptic curves in small characteristic

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    The problem of computing an explicit isogeny between two given elliptic curves over F_q, originally motivated by point counting, has recently awaken new interest in the cryptology community thanks to the works of Teske and Rostovstev & Stolbunov. While the large characteristic case is well understood, only suboptimal algorithms are known in small characteristic; they are due to Couveignes, Lercier, Lercier & Joux and Lercier & Sirvent. In this paper we discuss the differences between them and run some comparative experiments. We also present the first complete implementation of Couveignes' second algorithm and present improvements that make it the algorithm having the best asymptotic complexity in the degree of the isogeny.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Submitted to J. Number Theor

    Modular Las Vegas Algorithms for Polynomial Absolute Factorization

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    Let f(X,Y) \in \ZZ[X,Y] be an irreducible polynomial over \QQ. We give a Las Vegas absolute irreducibility test based on a property of the Newton polytope of ff, or more precisely, of ff modulo some prime integer pp. The same idea of choosing a pp satisfying some prescribed properties together with LLLLLL is used to provide a new strategy for absolute factorization of f(X,Y)f(X,Y). We present our approach in the bivariate case but the techniques extend to the multivariate case. Maple computations show that it is efficient and promising as we are able to factorize some polynomials of degree up to 400

    Fast Computation of Common Left Multiples of Linear Ordinary Differential Operators

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    We study tight bounds and fast algorithms for LCLMs of several linear differential operators with polynomial coefficients. We analyze the arithmetic complexity of existing algorithms for LCLMs, as well as the size of their outputs. We propose a new algorithm that recasts the LCLM computation in a linear algebra problem on a polynomial matrix. This algorithm yields sharp bounds on the coefficient degrees of the LCLM, improving by one order of magnitude the best bounds obtained using previous algorithms. The complexity of the new algorithm is almost optimal, in the sense that it nearly matches the arithmetic size of the output.Comment: The final version will appear in Proceedings of ISSAC 201

    Métodos matemáticos e computacionais para modelagem e edição de deformações

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    Orientador: Jorge StolfiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta tese, descrevemos primeiramente o algoritmo ECLES (Editing by Constrained LEast Squares), um método geral para edição interativa de objetos definidos por parâmetros sujeitos a restrições lineares ou afins. Neste método, as restrições e as ações de edição do usuário são combinadas usando mínimos quadrados restritos, ao invés da abordagem mais comum de elementos finitos. Usamos aritmética exata para detectar e eliminar redundâncias no conjunto de restrições e evitar falhas devido a erros de arredondamento. O algoritmo ECLES tem diversas aplicações. Entre elas, podemos citar a edição de deformações spline com continuidade C¹. Nesta tese, descrevemos um método interativo de edição de deformações do plano, o algoritmo 2DSD (2D Spline Deformation). As deformações são definidas por splines de grau 5 sobre uma malha triangular arbitrária. Estas deformações são editadas alterando-se as posições dos pontos de controle da malha. O algoritmo ECLES é usado em cada ação de edição do usuário para detectar, de forma robusta e eficiente, o conjunto de restrições de continuidade C¹ que são relevantes, garantindo que não existam redundâncias. Em seguida, como os parâmetros são modificados pelo usuário, o ECLES é chamado para calcular as novas posições dos pontos de controle satisfazendo as restrições e as posições especificadas pelo usuário. A fim de validar nosso método 2DSD, ele foi utilizado como parte de um editor interativo para deformações do espaço 2.5D, o editor PrisMystic. Este editor foi utilizado, principalmente, para deformar modelos tridimensionais de organismos microscópicos não-rígidos de modo a coincidir com imagens reais de microscopia ótica. Também utilizamos o editor para editar modelos de terrenosAbstract: In this thesis, we present the ECLES algorithm (Editing by Constrained LEast Squares), a general method for interactive editing of objects that are defined by parameters subject to linear or affine constraints. In this method, the constraints and the user editing actions are combined using constrained least squares instead of the usual finite element approach. We use exact integer arithmetic in order to detect and eliminate redundancies in the set of constraints and to avoid failures due to rounding errors. The ECLES algorithm has various applications. Among them, we can cite the editing of C¹-continuous spline deformations. In this thesis, we describe an interactive editing method for deformations of the plane, the 2DSD algorithm (2D Spline Deformation). The deformations are defined by splines of degree 5 on an arbitrary triangular mesh. The deformations are edited by changing the positions of its control points. The ECLES algorithm is first used in each user editing action in order to detect, in a robust and efficient way, the set of relevant constraints of C¹ continuity, ensuring that there are no redundancies. Then, as the parameters are changed by the user, ECLES is called to compute the new positions of the control points satisfying the constraints and the positions specified by the user. To validate our 2DSD algorithm, we used it as part of an interactive editor for 2.5D space deformations, the PrisMystic editor. This editor has been used, mainly, to deform 3D models of non-rigid living microscopic organisms as seen in actual optical microscope images. We also used the editor to edit terrain modelsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computação140780/2013-001-P-04554-2013CNPQCAPE

    Discovering the roots: Uniform closure results for algebraic classes under factoring

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    Newton iteration (NI) is an almost 350 years old recursive formula that approximates a simple root of a polynomial quite rapidly. We generalize it to a matrix recurrence (allRootsNI) that approximates all the roots simultaneously. In this form, the process yields a better circuit complexity in the case when the number of roots rr is small but the multiplicities are exponentially large. Our method sets up a linear system in rr unknowns and iteratively builds the roots as formal power series. For an algebraic circuit f(x1,,xn)f(x_1,\ldots,x_n) of size ss we prove that each factor has size at most a polynomial in: ss and the degree of the squarefree part of ff. Consequently, if f1f_1 is a 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)}-hard polynomial then any nonzero multiple ifiei\prod_{i} f_i^{e_i} is equally hard for arbitrary positive eie_i's, assuming that ideg(fi)\sum_i \text{deg}(f_i) is at most 2O(n)2^{O(n)}. It is an old open question whether the class of poly(nn)-sized formulas (resp. algebraic branching programs) is closed under factoring. We show that given a polynomial ff of degree nO(1)n^{O(1)} and formula (resp. ABP) size nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} we can find a similar size formula (resp. ABP) factor in randomized poly(nlognn^{\log n})-time. Consequently, if determinant requires nΩ(logn)n^{\Omega(\log n)} size formula, then the same can be said about any of its nonzero multiples. As part of our proofs, we identify a new property of multivariate polynomial factorization. We show that under a random linear transformation τ\tau, f(τx)f(\tau\overline{x}) completely factors via power series roots. Moreover, the factorization adapts well to circuit complexity analysis. This with allRootsNI are the techniques that help us make progress towards the old open problems, supplementing the large body of classical results and concepts in algebraic circuit factorization (eg. Zassenhaus, J.NT 1969, Kaltofen, STOC 1985-7 \& Burgisser, FOCS 2001).Comment: 33 Pages, No figure