21 research outputs found

    The Effect af Internet on English Learners’ Learning Behavior

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    Nowadays internet becomes the most popular information’s source that people use to find information needed. However, it is very crucial that it serves advantages and disadvantages as well.  In this study, the researcher focused on verifying internet disadvantages regarding to its negative effect on leraners’ behaviour. This study was conducted at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Parepare utilizing questionnaire, involving the second and fourth semester Learners as the population.  The  samples  were  determined  based  on  simple  random  sampling  in  which  every individual in the population had an equal chance to be chosen as a sample. Findings indicated that most of the learners less creativity, internet addict, violation and plagiarism. Most of the Learners revealed that they prefer to copy data from internet than paste it to fulfill their assignment without editing. However, internet also becomes their alternative learning source better than other learning media. On the contrary, they thought library is not effective to overcome their obstacles in learning.  Lack of idea, attention and brainstorming are considered as some of the causes. Role of lecturer and the used of plagiarism checker software are recommended, as well as the use of citation and reference software.

    Motivation of internet use: relation with pathological internet use, gender and internet activities

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    This study is aimed to examine the motivation of Internet use among university students in Malaysia. A total of 102 students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) answered the pencil-paper questionnaire. Result of descriptive analysis showed that 49.02% of students were identified as pathological Internet use (PIU). The predominant motivation of Internet use were information seeking and entertainment/escape. The inferential analysis using MANOVA indicated that students with PIU reported significantly higher scores of all motivation factors of Internet use than their non-PIU peers. Correlational test was used to examine the relationship between motivation of Internet use and Internet activities found that social recognition was significantly related to four Internet activities including social networking site (SNS), online game, shopping and browsing. Entertainment/escape was only related to SNS usage. The low coefficient of correlation between motivation and Internet activities implied the influence of potential variables

    The Impact of the Components of the Locus of Control in Internet Addiction, Case of Albania

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    Aim. This study aim to give an overview about the phenomenon of internet addiction in adolescents in Albania and also to study the impact of the components of the locus of control in internet addiction. Methods. The sample of the study consisted of 1156 adolescents, aged 15-18, in the city of Tirana. The data was collected through the application of the Internet Addiction Scale, Kimberly Young, which was composed of 20 items, and The Levenson locus of Control Scale, which is composed by 24 items. The obtained data are analyzed with SPSS software. Results. This study show us that a large number of adolescents in Albania have a high risk to develop internet addiction in the nearest future and adolescents with internal locus of control have 35% less probability to develop internet addition than those with external locus of control (powerful others, chance)

    Depression and Internet use in a Sample of Malaysian Undergraduate Students

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    This study used a set of questionnaire to investigate the Internet use and depression level in a sample of Malaysian undergraduate students, which identified 12 cases as pathological Internet use (PIU) in a total sample of 90 students using Beard and Wolf’s (2001) criterion. Students with PIU spent significantly longer time on Internet and experienced extremely higher level of depression (M=42.83, SD=11.86) than their non-PIU counterparts (M=26.26, SD=14.79), which is in the severe level. The gender difference on depression was also detected in this study but not for time spent online. Lastly, this study found that students with PIU would like to spent more time on SNS, browsing with no specific purpose, and online media viewing, while students with increasing level of depression would accelerate the time spent online, especially on SNS, browsing with no specific purpose, and instant messaging. The same Internet application (SNS and browsing with no specific purpose) chose by students with PIU and high level of depression implied that there may be close association on developing depression and PIU related to usage of SNS and browsing with no specific purpose

    Escala de Adición a Facebook: estudios exploratorios de validez

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    Este artigo apresenta os primeiros estudos de validade de uma versão portuguesa da Facebook Addiction Scale (AFS) de Koc e Gulyagci (2013). O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de conveniência (N=144), através de um questionário disponibilizado online. As análises estatísticas sobre os resultados obtidos sugerem que a escala apresenta excelentes propriedades psicométricas, semelhantes às da escala original: a análise das componentes principais, com rotação varimax, revela a existência de um só factor, capaz de explicar 63,7% da variância total, enquanto a análise da consistência interna é de .91 (Alpha de Cronbach).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship between Internet addictions and academic performance among Afghan universities students

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    This study evaluates the relationship between Internet addiction and academic performance among students of eight Afghan universities. The differences between internet addiction in terms of gender was also identified. The survey/research method adopted the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) based on Young’s survey applied with some modifications. From 1000 distributed questionnaires only 976 participants (358 females, and 618 males) were responded completely. The descriptive analysis was used to identify the demographic characteristics of student’s Internet usage profile. The independents sample t-test was performed to determine the differences in the level of Internet addiction in terms of gender. Statistical significance was set at a value of p <0.01. Likewise, the correlation test was implemented to identify the relationship between Internet addiction and academic performance, with referencing of sample. The results indicated that statistically there is a significant correlation among Internet addiction and academic performance. Results also indicated that statistically there were significant differences between Internet addictions in terms of demographic characteristics. This study suggests that future researchers need to work on large sample while conducting the related research. It emphasizes that students should concentrate more on their academic activities than spending time on unnecessary Internet surfing. Findings also revealed that, in Afghanistan the problem of Internet addiction is not a serious challenge, but this information should be disseminated among undergraduate university students to stop the indulgent in using the Internet

    Dependência de Internet e o desempenho ocupacional de estudantes/Internet addiction and the occupational performance of students

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    Com o crescente avanço tecnológico, há que se atentar para o uso negativo da internet, o que pode ocasionar prejuízos nas diversas ocupações do ser humano. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar, na literatura científica, as principais repercussões que a dependência de internet pode causar no desempenho ocupacional de estudantes. E, identificar quais as principais ocupações que são afetadas pela dependência de internet no desempenho ocupacional de estudantes. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, a qual adotou o protocolo PRISMA. Os descritores usados para a busca foram: dependência de internet/internet addiction; ocupações/occupation e estudantes/students, através das bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Medline e Scielo. A amostra foi composta por 13 estudos. Os resultados indicaram que as ocupações participação social, educação, descanso e sono e trabalho foram as mais afetadas pela dependência de internet. O desempenho de tais ocupações pode ocorrer de forma negligenciada com intuito de aumento do tempo de permanência online. Ressalta-se a ausência de publicações construídas a partir da ótica do Terapeuta Ocupacional e com ênfase no ser humano como sujeito em essência ocupacional, o qual interage com seu ambiente de inserção a partir de suas ocupações. Abstract To the increasing technological advance, it is necessary to watch for the excessive use of the internet, this can generate damages in the occupations of the human being. The objective of this study is to analyze, in the scientific literature, the main repercussions that the internet addiction can cause in the occupational performance of students. And, identify which major occupations are affected by internet dependence on student occupational performance. It is an integrative literature review, which used PRISMA protocol. The descriptors used in the research were: dependência de internet/internet addiction; ocupações/occupation e estudantes/student, through the electronic databases PubMed/Medline and Scielo. The sample consisted of 13 studies. The results indicated that occupations social participation, education, rest and sleep and work were most affected by internet addiction. The performance of occupations can occur in a neglected way to increase online time. The absence of publications of occupational therapist and of the human being as occupational being, which interacts with its environment, from its occupations.Keywords: Dependency; Students; Internet; Social Media; Occupational Therapy


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    The rapidly developing technology has affected our lives in many ways. The Internet has now directly affected our daily and business life, our education system and even our social life. For this reason, there is a need to develop some new skills required by our age in education. The concepts such as “Life and Career Skills”, “Learning and Innovation Skills”, “Information, Media and Technology Skills” have also entered our lives as the 21st century skills. This study aimed to investigate to what extent the 21st century skills were included in English language teacher training programs; to compare the perspectives of students and academics of the related programs with the program and to discuss the effectiveness of the program in terms of gaining the 21st century skills. For this purpose, the study adopted mixed methods research design based on both qualitative and quantitative data. The data were collected using triangulation method via document analysis, questionnaires for students and academics and face to face interviews. In addition, the ELT department programs of randomly selected Faculties of Education of 4 different universities were examined. The results have revealed that the curriculum provided by the Council of Higher Education are applied in all the participating ELT departments and it aims to develop the 21st century skills in prospective EFL teachers at some points.&nbsp; However, the course contents of the curricula in those departments are limited to some of the skills which may break the integrity of the 21st century skills in professional life reflections. The participant academics and students believe that some of the components of the 21st century skills are included in their course contents but not completely. The students do not feel utterly confident about handling the 21st century skills in a real-life implementation


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived usefulness of Internet in terms of whether it has direct or indirect effect on the attitudes of the students in using internet as learning tools, and their interest in learning Management Information System (MIS) course.&nbsp; Perceived usefulness of the Internet in this stuy viewed from three different point of view, namely: perceived usefulness of the Internet for course study, perceived usefulness for social activities and for entertainment. The influence of each of these variables on attitudes and interest in learning MIS course, measured using path analysis method to measure the direct and indirect effect of perceived usefulness and interest in learning MIS course, mediated by attitude. The results of this study found that perceived usefulness influence either directly or indirectly to the interest in learning MIS course, through the attitudes of students in using internet. Furthermore, this study found that the perceived usefulness of the Internet for course study have the most significant effect on the interest in learning MIS course

    Estudo transcultural Portugal-Brasil para a análise da relação entre a saúde mental, resiliência e dependência da Internet

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    Com o advento da Internet, efeitos negativos relacionados com o seu uso começaram a ser descritos, e a dependência da Internet despontou como um novo problema de saúde mental. As consequências do uso excessivo da Internet para a saúde física e mental dos indivíduos têm sido tema de diversos estudos. A resiliência, por sua vez, tem sido objeto de menor investigação, e a relação entre estas tês variáveis nunca foi testada. Em Portugal e no Brasil os dados empíricos e epistemológicos são escassos. Deste modo, o presente trabalho procurou desenvolver e aprofundar a informação científica acerca da dependência da Internet. Mais especificamente, pretendemos perceber a relação entre dependência da Internet, saúde mental e resiliência. O estudo baseou-se num design do tipo correlacional/descritivo. A amostra, por conveniência, foi constituída por um total de 1371 sujeitos, 602 de nacionalidade portuguesa e 730 de nacionalidade brasileira, dos quais 57.3% pertencem ao género feminino e 42.5% pertencem ao género masculino. As idades variaram entre os 14 e os 83 anos de idade (M = 39.7). A dependência da Internet foi medida utilizando o IAT. Para avaliação da saúde mental e da resiliência recorreu-se à utilização do SF-36 e da EBCR Os resultados demonstraram que 30.5% dos sujeitos são dependentes moderados e 2% dependentes severos. Sujeitos do género masculino, estudantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e 38 anos e brasileiros foram os mais afetados. Tanto a resiliência como a saúde mental relacionaram-se negativamente com a dependência da Internet. Sujeitos com maior dependência da Internet apresentaram níveis inferiores de saúde mental. A resiliência apresentou um efeito preditivo da dependência da Internet e um efeito mediador da relação entre a dependência da Internet e a saúde mental, absorvendo parcialmente o impacto da dependência da Internet na saúde mental do sujeito. Os resultados obtidos trazem importantes implicações para o panorama da saúde mental em Portugal e no Brasil. A elevada prevalência da dependência da Internet alerta para o impacto que esta ferramenta tem nas nossas vidas. As novas tecnologias continuam a desenvolver-se num grande ritmo, pelo que podemos apenas estar no início do desenvolvimento de um grave problema de saúde pública. A promoção da resiliência pode ser um importante contributo não só para prevenir a dependência da Internet, mas também para minimizar o seu impacto na saúde mental do sujeito.With the advent of the Internet, negative effects related to its usage came to be described, just as Internet dependency came to be recognized as a new mental health problem. Several studies have pondered on which the consequences may be of excessive Internet usage for individuals’ physical and mental health. On the other hand, investigation on resilience has been scanter, and the relation connecting these three variables has not been tested previously. In Portugal and Brazil, empirical and epistemological data is scarce. Thus, the present study proposes to develop and deepen the scientific information concerning Internet dependency, focussing specifically in the relation between Internet dependency, mental health and resilience. This study had its basis on a correlational/descriptive design. For convenience, the sample included 1371 subjects, 602 of Portuguese nationality and 730 of Brazilian nationality, of which 57.3% are females and 42.5% are males. Ages vary between 14 and 83 years old (M = 39.7). Internet dependency was measured using IAT. Mental health and resilience were evaluated through SF-36 and the BRCS The results demonstrate that 30.5% of the subjects were moderate dependents and that 2% were severe dependents. Subjects who are male, students, in the range of 14 to 38 years old and Brazilian were indicated as the most affected. Both resilience and mental health established negative relations to Internet dependency. Subjects with a greater Internet dependency presented lower levels of mental health. Resilience presented a predictive quality concerning Internet dependency and appeared to be a mediator in the relation between Internet dependency and mental health, partially absorbing the impact of Internet dependency on the subject’s mental health. The obtained results bring to light important implications for the Portuguese and Brazilian mental health panoramas. The high prevalence of Internet dependency raises awareness concerning the impact this tool has over our lives. The new technologies keep developing at fast speed, for which we may only be at the very beginning of a critical public health problem. Promoting resilience may contribute not only to prevent Internet dependency, but also to minimize its impact on the subject’s mental health