14 research outputs found

    Features of Programming Languages and Algorithm for Calculating the Effectiveness

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    The article provides information on the basics of software engineering, programming and programming languages. Software engineering is also defined as a systematic approach to the analysis, scheduling, design, evaluation, implementation, testing, service and software upgrading. Thinking and the peculiarities of the algorithmic peculiarities are clarified, and the mechanism of their use in programming is explained. Programming theory incorporates the formal methods based on software specifications and the method based on the mathematical subjects and provides program development using mathematical symbols and ensures the accuracy to obtain the required results on the computer. The principles of using graphs in programming and dynamic programming are analyzed. The concepts of programming technology and programming languages ​​are described. The criteria for evaluating the programming languages ​​are identified and an algorithm is developed for calculating the effectiveness

    Fast Local Binary Patterns for Efficient Face Recognition

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    LBP, Local Binary Patterns, is an accepted technique for efficient face recognition. The local features improve the recognition process. However, high memory and computational resources are needed for LBP required approaches to improve the performance. Many people used LBP for extracting features and Support Vector Machine (SVM), histogram matching, neural networks as recognition tools. These approaches consume considerable computational resources. We have proposed a fast LBP which uses Two-level Correlation for the classification & recognition. The exhaustive experiments on FERET database 8750 images substantiate the performance compared to others. [Keywords— Face Recognition, LBP, Histogram Matching, Two-level Correlation, FERET data set

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Permainan Edukasi “Simulasi Pramuka” Dengan Unity 3D

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    Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang diberikan pada 30 responden, gerakan pramuka kurang diminati dikalangan remaja karena mereka belum banyak memahami kegiatan pramuka yang asyik dan menyenangkan. Permainan Simulasi Pramuka dibuat untuk mengenalkan beberapa kegiatan pramuka pada masyarakat. Permainan ini bertipe adventure game. Aplikasi permainan edukasi Simulasi Pramuka ini menggunakan metodologi prototyping yang memiliki beberapa tahap. Tahap pertama merupakan hari pertama dalam game yang didalamnya berisi misi mengumpulkan barang-barang untuk mendirikan tenda. Tahap kedua merupakan hari kedua dalam game yang didalamnya berisi misi mengumpulkan makanan, dan tahap terakhir yaitu tahap ketiga merupakan hari ketiga dalam game yang didalamnya berisi misi untuk berkumpul kembali ke tempat anggota pramuka lainnya. Pengerjaan misi didalam game berbeda tergantung dari misi yang diberikan, ada yang berupa soal dan ada juga yang berupa pencarian barang. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa permainan Simulasi Pramuka dapat mengenalkan beberapa kegiatan yang ada di pramuka dan dapat menarik pengguna untuk mengikuti kegiatan pramuk

    Klasifikasi Status NEET pada Penduduk Usia Muda di Indonesia dengan SVM dan Random Forest

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    Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) adalah suatu indikator untuk mengetahui tingkat kerentanan penduduk usia muda dalam pengangguran, putus sekolah, serta keputusasaan terhadap pasar tenaga kerja.  Menurut ILO, Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat NEET tertinggi di Asia sehingga merupakan suatu masalah yang perlu untuk segera diatasi. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi fenomena tersebut adalah dengan deteksi dini terhadap penduduk yang berisiko menjadi NEET yang dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan indikator-indikator yang telah melekat dalam individu seperti jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, dan disabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap status NEET pada penduduk usia muda agar dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi apakah seorang individu termasuk ke dalam NEET dengan menggunakan metode klasifikasi yang meliputi Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan random forest. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari raw data SAKERNAS periode Agustus 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode random forest memberikan hasil akurasi yang lebih tinggi sehingga memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik dalam mengklasifikasikan penduduk muda menurut status NEET yaitu dengan akurasi sebesar 82,94 persen. Oleh karena itu, metode ini dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi status NEET dalam rangka menunjang pengurangan persentase NEET di Indonesia


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    Pada umumnya didalam dunia pengolahan citra untuk mengenali sebuah pola dapat diberikan beberapa pelatihan terlebih dahulu. Didalam penelitian ini pendeteksian pola tajwid pada citra Al-Qur’an menggunakan empat pola tajwid iqlab, dengan algoritma Bidirectional Associative Memory yang kemudian akan diukur unjuk kerjanya berdasarkan delapan nilai sensitif yang berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil komplesitas algoritma, sistem pendeteksian pola tajwid pada citra Al-Qur’an menggunakan algoritma Bidirectional Associative Memory memiliki kompleksitas sebesar T(n) =  (n). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendeteksian pola tajwid pada citra Al-Qur’an menggunakan algoritma Bidirectional Associative Memory memiliki kisaran true detection sebesar 72 % hingga 84 %.

    PSO-FL Controller of Separately Excited DC Motor

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    This paper presents an application of highbrid controller of a Separately Exited DC Motor (SEDM) using PSO-FL techniques. The controller is designed depending on fuzzy logic rules are such that the systems are fundamentally robust. These rules have capability learning, can learn and tune rapidly, even if the motor parameters are varied. But, adapting fuzzy controller parameters is very complex and depends on operator experience. Therefore a Particle Swarm Optimization technique was adapted for obtaining the centers and the width of triangle inputs membership functions. The FL method is represented too. The complete mathematical model and simulation of a separately excited dc motor is represented using MATLAB10a/SIMULINK. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed PSO-FL speed controller realizes a good dynamic behavior of the SEDM with very good speed tracking

    Hover flight control of helicopter using optimal control theory

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    This paper represents the optimal control theory and its application to the full scale helicopters. Generally the control of a helicopter is a hard task, because its system is very nonlinear, coupled and sensitive to the control inputs and external disturbances which might destabilize the system. As a result of these instabilities, it is essential to use a control process that helps to improve the systems performance, confirming stability and robustness. The main objective of this part is to develop a control system design technique using Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to stabilize the helicopter near hover flight. In order to achieve this objective, firstly, the nonlinear model of the helicopter is linearized using small disturbance theory. The linear optimal control theory is applied to the linearized state space model of the helicopter to design the LQR controller. To clarify robustness of the controller, the effects of external wind gusts and mass change are taken into concern. Wind gusts are taken as disturbances in all directions which are simulated as a sine wave. Many simulations were made to validate and verify the response of the linear controller of the helicopter. The results show that the use of an optimal control process as LQR is a good solution for MIMO helicopter system, achieving a good stabilization and refining the final behavior of the helicopter and handling the external wind gusts disturbances as shown in the different simulations


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    It is only through an extreme concern for accuracy and the understanding of typographical errors that authors can turn specialised dictionaries into high quality reference works. This paper describes patterns of typographical error reproduction in three specialised English-Spanish dictionaries. We approach intratextual error reproduction (within a particular dictionary), either through related subentries or through non-related subentries. In addition, we compare the frequency of errors between dictionaries written by institutional lexicographers and works written by freelance professionals. The purpose is to provide a model for typographical error detection and analysis that may contribute to formal correctness in reference works. The reason is twofold: a) dictionaries are expected to be high-standard primary tools for language professionals; b) data quality is essential for a wide variety of utilities, ranging from dictionary writing systems and writing assistants to corpus tools.Los diccionarios especializados no pueden ser considerados obras de referencia de calidad si sus autores no prestan una especial atención a la corrección y si no entienden el fenómeno de la reproducción de las erratas. Este artículo describe patrones de reproducción de erratas en tres diccionarios especializados inglés-español. Abordamos la reproducción intratextual de erratas (en un diccionario en particular), tanto en subentradas relacionadas como no relacionadas. Además, comparamos la frecuencia de erratas en diccionarios elaborados por lexicógrafos institucionales con la de obras realizadas por profesionales independientes. El objetivo es ofrecer un modelo de detección y análisis de erratas que contribuya a la corrección formal en obras de referencia, por dos motivos: a) se supone que los diccionarios deben ser herramientas esenciales de alto nivel para los profesionales del lenguaje; b) la calidad de los datos es fundamental para una amplia gama de herramientas, desde programas de elaboración de diccionarios (dictionary writing systems) hasta asistentes de escritura y herramientas relacionadas con córpora.It is only through an extreme concern for accuracy and the understanding of typographical errors that authors can turn specialised dictionaries into high quality reference works. This paper describes patterns of typographical error reproduction in three specialised English-Spanish dictionaries. We approach intratextual error reproduction (within a particular dictionary), either through related subentries or through non-related subentries. In addition, we compare the frequency of errors between dictionaries written by institutional lexicographers and works written by freelance professionals. The purpose is to provide a model for typographical error detection and analysis that may contribute to formal correctness in reference works. The reason is twofold: a) dictionaries are expected to be high-standard primary tools for language professionals; b) data quality is essential for a wide variety of utilities, ranging from dictionary writing systems and writing assistants to corpus tools