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    Real-time agreement and fulfilment of SLAs in Cloud Computing environments

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    A Cloud Computing system must readjust its resources by taking into account the demand for its services. This raises the need for designing protocols that provide the individual components of the Cloud architecture with the ability to self-adapt and to reach agreements in order to deal with changes in the services demand. Furthermore, if the Cloud provider has signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the clients of the services that it offers, the appropriate agreement mechanism has to ensure the provision of the service contracted within a specified time. This paper introduces real-time mechanisms for the agreement and fulfilment of SLAs in Cloud Computing environments. On the one hand, it presents a negotiation protocol inspired by the standard WSAgreement used in web services to manage the interactions between the client and the Cloud provider to agree the terms of the SLA of a service. On the other hand, it proposes the application of a real-time argumentation framework for redistributing resources and ensuring the fulfilment of these SLAs during peaks in the service demand.This work is supported by the Spanish government Grants CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00022, TIN2011-27652-C03-01, TIN2012-36586-C03-01 and TIN2012-36586-C03-03.De La Prieta, F.; Heras Barberá, SM.; Palanca Cámara, J.; Rodríguez, S.; Bajo, J.; Julian Inglada, VJ. (2014). Real-time agreement and fulfilment of SLAs in Cloud Computing environments. 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    Efficient Resource Matching in Heterogeneous Grid Using Resource Vector

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    In this paper, a method for efficient scheduling to obtain optimum job throughput in a distributed campus grid environment is presented; Traditional job schedulers determine job scheduling using user and job resource attributes. User attributes are related to current usage, historical usage, user priority and project access. Job resource attributes mainly comprise of soft requirements (compilers, libraries) and hard requirements like memory, storage and interconnect. A job scheduler dispatches jobs to a resource if a job's hard and soft requirements are met by a resource. In current scenario during execution of a job, if a resource becomes unavailable, schedulers are presented with limited options, namely re-queuing job or migrating job to a different resource. Both options are expensive in terms of data and compute time. These situations can be avoided, if the often ignored factor, availability time of a resource in a grid environment is considered. We propose resource rank approach, in which jobs are dispatched to a resource which has the highest rank among all resources that match the job's requirement. The results show that our approach can increase throughput of many serial / monolithic jobs.Comment: 10 page

    The Impact of Data Replicatino on Job Scheduling Performance in Hierarchical data Grid

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    In data-intensive applications data transfer is a primary cause of job execution delay. Data access time depends on bandwidth. The major bottleneck to supporting fast data access in Grids is the high latencies of Wide Area Networks and Internet. Effective scheduling can reduce the amount of data transferred across the internet by dispatching a job to where the needed data are present. Another solution is to use a data replication mechanism. Objective of dynamic replica strategies is reducing file access time which leads to reducing job runtime. In this paper we develop a job scheduling policy and a dynamic data replication strategy, called HRS (Hierarchical Replication Strategy), to improve the data access efficiencies. We study our approach and evaluate it through simulation. The results show that our algorithm has improved 12% over the current strategies.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia Content in Wireless Grids

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    A grid computing system is designed for solving complicated scientific and commercial problems effectively,whereas mobile computing is a traditional distributed system having computing capability with mobility and adopting wireless communications. Media and Entertainment fields can take advantage from both paradigms by applying its usage in gaming applications and multimedia data management. Multimedia data has to be stored and retrieved in an efficient and effective manner to put it in use. In this paper, we proposed an application layer protocol for delivery of multimedia data in wireless girds i.e. multimedia grid protocol (MMGP). To make streaming efficient a new video compression algorithm called dWave is designed and embedded in the proposed protocol. This protocol will provide faster, reliable access and render an imperceptible QoS in delivering multimedia in wireless grid environment and tackles the challenging issues such as i) intermittent connectivity, ii) device heterogeneity, iii) weak security and iv) device mobility.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, Peer Reviewed Journa