20 research outputs found

    Graph Masked Autoencoder for Sequential Recommendation

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    While some powerful neural network architectures (e.g., Transformer, Graph Neural Networks) have achieved improved performance in sequential recommendation with high-order item dependency modeling, they may suffer from poor representation capability in label scarcity scenarios. To address the issue of insufficient labels, Contrastive Learning (CL) has attracted much attention in recent methods to perform data augmentation through embedding contrasting for self-supervision. However, due to the hand-crafted property of their contrastive view generation strategies, existing CL-enhanced models i) can hardly yield consistent performance on diverse sequential recommendation tasks; ii) may not be immune to user behavior data noise. In light of this, we propose a simple yet effective Graph Masked AutoEncoder-enhanced sequential Recommender system (MAERec) that adaptively and dynamically distills global item transitional information for self-supervised augmentation. It naturally avoids the above issue of heavy reliance on constructing high-quality embedding contrastive views. Instead, an adaptive data reconstruction paradigm is designed to be integrated with the long-range item dependency modeling, for informative augmentation in sequential recommendation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models and can learn more accurate representations against data noise and sparsity. Our implemented model code is available at https://github.com/HKUDS/MAERec.Comment: This paper has been published as a full paper at SIGIR 202

    Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have recently emerged as an effective collaborative filtering (CF) approaches for recommender systems. The key idea of GNN-based recommender systems is to recursively perform message passing along user-item interaction edges to refine encoded embeddings, relying on sufficient and high-quality training data. However, user behavior data in practical recommendation scenarios is often noisy and exhibits skewed distribution. To address these issues, some recommendation approaches, such as SGL, leverage self-supervised learning to improve user representations. These approaches conduct self-supervised learning through creating contrastive views, but they depend on the tedious trial-and-error selection of augmentation methods. In this paper, we propose a novel Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning (AdaGCL) framework that conducts data augmentation with two adaptive contrastive view generators to better empower the CF paradigm. Specifically, we use two trainable view generators - a graph generative model and a graph denoising model - to create adaptive contrastive views. With two adaptive contrastive views, AdaGCL introduces additional high-quality training signals into the CF paradigm, helping to alleviate data sparsity and noise issues. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model over various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. Our model implementation codes are available at the link https://github.com/HKUDS/AdaGCL

    Disentangled Graph Social Recommendation

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    Social recommender systems have drawn a lot of attention in many online web services, because of the incorporation of social information between users in improving recommendation results. Despite the significant progress made by existing solutions, we argue that current methods fall short in two limitations: (1) Existing social-aware recommendation models only consider collaborative similarity between items, how to incorporate item-wise semantic relatedness is less explored in current recommendation paradigms. (2) Current social recommender systems neglect the entanglement of the latent factors over heterogeneous relations (e.g., social connections, user-item interactions). Learning the disentangled representations with relation heterogeneity poses great challenge for social recommendation. In this work, we design a Disentangled Graph Neural Network (DGNN) with the integration of latent memory units, which empowers DGNN to maintain factorized representations for heterogeneous types of user and item connections. Additionally, we devise new memory-augmented message propagation and aggregation schemes under the graph neural architecture, allowing us to recursively distill semantic relatedness into the representations of users and items in a fully automatic manner. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our model by achieving great improvement over state-of-the-art recommendation techniques. The source code is publicly available at: https://github.com/HKUDS/DGNN.Comment: Accepted by IEEE ICDE 202

    Leveraging Sequential Episode Mining for Session-Based News Recommendation

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    News recommender systems aim to help users find interesting and relevant news stories while mitigating information overload. Over the past few decades, various challenges have emerged in developing effective algorithms for real-world scenarios. These challenges include capturing evolving user preferences and addressing concept drift during reading sessions. Additionally, ensuring the freshness and timeliness of news content poses significant obstacles. To address these issues, we utilize an innovative sequential pattern mining approach known as Marbles to capture user behavior. Marbles leverages frequent episodes to generate a collection of association rules, where a frequent episode is a partially ordered pattern that occurs frequently in the input sequence. The recommendation process involves identifying relevant rules extracted from these patterns and weighting them. Subsequently, a heuristic procedure assesses candidate rules and generates a list of recommendations for users based on their most recent reading session. Notably, we conduct our evaluation in a streaming scenario, simulating real-world usage, where both our algorithm and baselines dynamically improve their models with each user click. Through our empirical evaluation in this streaming-based scenario, which closely models real-world usage, we demonstrate the applicability of the Marbles algorithm in session-based recommendation. Our proposed approach outperforms baseline algorithms on two real-world data sets, effectively addressing the challenges specific to the news domain.</p

    Graph Transformer for Recommendation

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    This paper presents a novel approach to representation learning in recommender systems by integrating generative self-supervised learning with graph transformer architecture. We highlight the importance of high-quality data augmentation with relevant self-supervised pretext tasks for improving performance. Towards this end, we propose a new approach that automates the self-supervision augmentation process through a rationale-aware generative SSL that distills informative user-item interaction patterns. The proposed recommender with Graph TransFormer (GFormer) that offers parameterized collaborative rationale discovery for selective augmentation while preserving global-aware user-item relationships. In GFormer, we allow the rationale-aware SSL to inspire graph collaborative filtering with task-adaptive invariant rationalization in graph transformer. The experimental results reveal that our GFormer has the capability to consistently improve the performance over baselines on different datasets. Several in-depth experiments further investigate the invariant rationale-aware augmentation from various aspects. The source code for this work is publicly available at: https://github.com/HKUDS/GFormer.Comment: Accepted by SIGIR'202

    Timestamps as Prompts for Geography-Aware Location Recommendation

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    Location recommendation plays a vital role in improving users' travel experience. The timestamp of the POI to be predicted is of great significance, since a user will go to different places at different times. However, most existing methods either do not use this kind of temporal information, or just implicitly fuse it with other contextual information. In this paper, we revisit the problem of location recommendation and point out that explicitly modeling temporal information is a great help when the model needs to predict not only the next location but also further locations. In addition, state-of-the-art methods do not make effective use of geographic information and suffer from the hard boundary problem when encoding geographic information by gridding. To this end, a Temporal Prompt-based and Geography-aware (TPG) framework is proposed. The temporal prompt is firstly designed to incorporate temporal information of any further check-in. A shifted window mechanism is then devised to augment geographic data for addressing the hard boundary problem. Via extensive comparisons with existing methods and ablation studies on five real-world datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method under various settings. Most importantly, our proposed model has the superior ability of interval prediction. In particular, the model can predict the location that a user wants to go to at a certain time while the most recent check-in behavioral data is masked, or it can predict specific future check-in (not just the next one) at a given timestamp

    Exploring and linking biomedical resources through multidimensional semantic spaces

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    Background The semantic integration of biomedical resources is still a challenging issue which is required for effective information processing and data analysis. The availability of comprehensive knowledge resources such as biomedical ontologies and integrated thesauri greatly facilitates this integration effort by means of semantic annotation, which allows disparate data formats and contents to be expressed under a common semantic space. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional representation for such a semantic space, where dimensions regard the different perspectives in biomedical research (e.g., population, disease, anatomy and protein/genes). Results This paper presents a novel method for building multidimensional semantic spaces from semantically annotated biomedical data collections. This method consists of two main processes: knowledge and data normalization. The former one arranges the concepts provided by a reference knowledge resource (e.g., biomedical ontologies and thesauri) into a set of hierarchical dimensions for analysis purposes. The latter one reduces the annotation set associated to each collection item into a set of points of the multidimensional space. Additionally, we have developed a visual tool, called 3D-Browser, which implements OLAP-like operators over the generated multidimensional space. The method and the tool have been tested and evaluated in the context of the Health-e-Child (HeC) project. Automatic semantic annotation was applied to tag three collections of abstracts taken from PubMed, one for each target disease of the project, the Uniprot database, and the HeC patient record database. We adopted the UMLS Meta-thesaurus 2010AA as the reference knowledge resource. Conclusions Current knowledge resources and semantic-aware technology make possible the integration of biomedical resources. Such an integration is performed through semantic annotation of the intended biomedical data resources. This paper shows how these annotations can be exploited for integration, exploration, and analysis tasks. Results over a real scenario demonstrate the viability and usefulness of the approach, as well as the quality of the generated multidimensional semantic spaces

    Finding Semantically Related Videos in Closed Collections

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    Modern newsroom tools offer advanced functionality for automatic and semi-automatic content collection from the web and social media sources to accompany news stories. However, the content collected in this way often tends to be unstructured and may include irrelevant items. An important step in the verification process is to organize this content, both with respect to what it shows, and with respect to its origin. This chapter presents our efforts in this direction, which resulted in two components. One aims to detect semantic concepts in video shots, to help annotation and organization of content collections. We implement a system based on deep learning, featuring a number of advances and adaptations of existing algorithms to increase performance for the task. The other component aims to detect logos in videos in order to identify their provenance. We present our progress from a keypoint-based detection system to a system based on deep learning

    Système neuronal pour réponses à des questions de compréhension de scène auditives

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    Le présent projet introduit la tâche "réponse à des questions à contenu auditif" (Acoustic Question Answering-AQA) dans laquelle un agent intelligent doit répondre à une question sur le contenu d'une scène auditive. Dans un premier temps, une base de donnée (CLEAR) comprenant des scènes auditives ainsi que des paires question-réponse pour chacune d'elles est mise sur pied afin de permettre l'entraînement de systèmes à base de neurones. Cette tâche étant analogue à la tâche "réponse à des questions à contenu visuel" (Visual Question Answering-VQA), une étude préliminaire est réalisé en utilisant un réseau de neurones (FiLM) initialement développé pour la tâche VQA. Les scènes auditives sont d'abord transformées en représentation spectro-temporelle afin d'être traitées comme des images par le réseau FiLM. Cette étude a pour but de quantifier la performance d'un système initialement conçu pour des scènes visuelles dans un contexte acoustique. Dans la même lignée, une étude de l'efficacité de la technique visuelle de cartes de coordonnées convolutives (CoordConv) lorsqu'appliquée dans un contexte acoustique est réalisée. Finalement, un nouveau réseau de neurones adapté au contexte acoustique (NAAQA) est introduit. NAAQA obtient de meilleures performances que FiLM sur la base de donnée CLEAR tout en étant environ 7 fois moins complexe