477 research outputs found

    Leveraging video annotations in video-based e-learning

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    The e-learning community has been producing and using video content for a long time, and in the last years, the advent of MOOCs greatly relied on video recordings of teacher courses. Video annotations are information pieces that can be anchored in the temporality of the video so as to sustain various processes ranging from active reading to rich media editing. In this position paper we study how video annotations can be used in an e-learning context - especially MOOCs - from the triple point of view of pedagogical processes, current technical platforms functionalities, and current challenges. Our analysis is that there is still plenty of room for leveraging video annotations in MOOCs beyond simple active reading, namely live annotation, performance annotation and annotation for assignment; and that new developments are needed to accompany this evolution.Comment: 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Barcelone : Spain (2014

    A Theoretical Accessible Approach for Collaborative Learning in Mobile Devices

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    [Poster] 3rd. International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2011), 6-8, May 2011, Noordvijkerhout (The Netherlands). Poster session 1, CeLS-12The concept of accessing to the Internet has changed in the last decade. Nowadays, the access to the Internet is more flexible and users are able to surf on it from different Mobile Devices. Then, why not learn through mobile devices as mobile phones? The main aim of this paper is to propose a theoretical model of a web collaborative module for mobile devices. It pretends to provide a list of features that all mobile Learning Management Systems (LMSs) should have in their collaborative modules and how they should be implemented in mobile devices.The work presented in this paper has been partially founded by GEMMA (TSI-020302-2010-141) research project

    Growing the use of Virtual Worlds in education : an OpenSim perspective

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    The growth in the range of disciplines that Virtual Worlds support for educational purposes is evidenced by recent applications in the fields of cultural heritage, humanitarian aid, space exploration, virtual laboratories in the physical sciences, archaeology, computer science and coastal geography. This growth is due in part to the flexibility of OpenSim, the open source virtual world platform which by adopting Second Life protocols and norms has created a de facto standard for open virtual worlds that is supported by a growing number of third party open source viewers. Yet while this diversity of use-cases is impressive and Virtual Worlds for open learning are highly popular with lecturers and learners alike immersive education remains an essentially niche activity. This paper identifies functional challenges in terms of Management, Network Infrastructure, the Immersive 3D Web and Programmability that must be addressed to enable the wider adoption of Open Virtual Worlds as a routine learning technology platform. We refer to specific use-cases based on OpenSim and abstract generic requirements which should be met to enable the growth in use of Open Virtual Worlds as a mainstream educational facility. A case study of a deployment to support a formal education curriculum and associated informal learning is used to illustrate key points.Postprin

    Development, implementation and acceptance of an AI-based tutoring system. A research-led methodology

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    This Design-Based Research (DBR) project aims to develop an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) for higher education. The system will collect teaching and learning materials in audio and video formats (e.g., podcasts, lecture recordings, screencasts, and explainer videos), and store them on a learning experience platform (LXP). Then, the ITS will process them with the help of speech recognition to gain data which, in turn, will be used to power further applications: Using artificial intelligence (AI), the platform will allow users to search the materials, automatically compiling them according to criteria like lesson subject, language, medium, or required prior knowledge. By the end of the last DBR cycle, the ITS will also provide a more active form of support: It will automatically generate exercises based on predefined patterns and teaching materials, thus allowing learners to check up on their learning progress autonomously. In order to closely match the ITS’s features to the needs and learning habits of students in higher education, the development of this AI-based tutoring system is accompanied by an interdisciplinary team which will continuously re-evaluate and adapt the concept over the course of several DBR cycles. Our goal is to derive implications for the system’s technical development by collecting and evaluating educational research data (mixed methods design; primary and secondary research methods). (DIPF/Orig.)Dieses Design-Based Research (DBR)-Projekt zielt auf die Entwicklung eines intelligenten Tutorensystems (ITS) für die Hochschulbildung ab. Das System wird Lehr- und Lernmaterialien in Audio- und Videoformaten (z.B. Podcasts, Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen, Screencasts und Erklärvideos) sammeln und auf einer Learning Experience Platform (LXP) speichern. Anschließend wird der ITS sie mit Hilfe von Spracherkennung verarbeiten, um Daten zu gewinnen, die wiederum für weitere Anwendungen genutzt werden können: Mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) wird die Plattform es den Nutzern ermöglichen, die Materialien zu durchsuchen und sie automatisch nach Kriterien wie Unterrichtsthema, Sprache, Medium oder erforderlichen Vorkenntnissen zusammenzustellen. Am Ende des letzten DBR-Zyklus wird der ITS auch eine aktivere Form der Unterstützung bieten: Er wird automatisch Übungen auf der Grundlage von vordefinierten Mustern und Lehrmaterialien erstellen, so dass die Lernenden ihre Lernfortschritte selbständig überprüfen können. Um die Eigenschaften des ITS genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Lerngewohnheiten der Studierenden im Hochschulbereich abzustimmen, wird die Entwicklung dieses KI-basierten Tutorsystems von einem interdisziplinären Team begleitet, das das Konzept über mehrere DBR-Zyklen hinweg kontinuierlich neu evaluiert und anpasst. Unser Ziel ist es, durch die Erhebung und Auswertung von Daten aus der Bildungsforschung (Mixed-Methods-Design; Primär- und Sekundärforschung) Implikationen für die technische Entwicklung des Systems abzuleiten. (Autor


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    An importance of creating of efficacious information systems, which would enhance learning outcomes, leads to development of appropriate models.Modelling process with further validation and verification of developed information system or technological solution is essential. This paper displays the considerations and efforts made to work out such model in a form of reflection stimulating and learning outcomes enhancing ePortfolio information system. The authors introduce architecture of developed system from a view of used technologies, system’s algorithmic model and data model, as well its approbation results in Living Lab

    Towards modeling of comprehensive assessment for licensing in higher education

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    In the modern society information technologies, services, quality become the determinative factors of success of any business. The questions of quality management are especially relevant in social sphere, since organization oriented on quality of its processes provides the improvement of people living standards. Information computer technologies (ICT) are the powerful tool for increasing the performance of decision-making processes. Formalization of management problems and adequate mathematical models provide ICT with techniques and methods of solving the application problems in different domains and improving business performance. Higher education is a unique social and economic environment. The quality of its functioning influences many processes of successive development of society.Therefore elaboration of ICT in higher education domain remains the challenging problem for specialists in computer sciences

    Serious video games in engineering education: a scoping review

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    Video games have become an important element of contemporary life. The need to use them in the field of education has given rise to the appearance of serious video games, which have been specially designed to achieve objectives at different educational levels and generate spaces for educational innovation. The purpose of this work is to investigate the use of serious video games in engineering education. A scoping review was carried out on serious video games that were used or designed for this purpose. The search was done in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2016 and 2021. The main results show that there is a strong inclination towards serious simulation video games, and they have a good degree of educational acceptance among engineering studentsPeer Reviewe

    Monitoring Conceptual Development: Design Considerations of a Formative Feedback tool

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    This paper presents the design considerations of a tool aiming at providing formative feedback. The tool uses Latent Semantic Analysis, to automatically generate reference models and provide learners a means to compare their conceptual development against these models. The design of the tool considers a theoretical background which combines research on expertise development, knowledge creation, and conceptual development assessment. The paper also illustrates how the tool will work using a problem and solution scenario, and presents initial validations results. Finally the paper draws conclusions and future work