109 research outputs found

    Space Time Coding Over a Multiple-Channel Free Space Optical Link

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    Free space optical (FSO) communications in the atmosphere are characterized by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and turbulent fading. We propose a combination of spatial and temporal forward error correction (FEC) coding to instantaneously correct for long-duration fades over a multiple channel link. We simulate this over a turbulent channel and identify the probability of outage of such a channel as the most significant channel parameter

    Performance analysis of packet layer FEC codes and interleaving in FSO channels

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    The combination of forward-error-correction (FEC) and interleaving can be used to improve free-space optical (FSO) communication systems. Recent research has optimized the codeword length and interleaving depth under the assumption of a fixed buffering size, however, how the buffering size influences the system performance remains unsolved. This paper models the system performance as a function of buffering size and FEC recovery threshold, which allows system designers to determine optimum parameters in consideration of the overhead. The modelling is based on statistics of temporal features of correct data reception and burst error length through the measurement of the channel good time and outage time. The experimental results show good coherence with the theoretical values. This method can also be applied in other channels if a Continuous-Time-Markov-Chain (CTMC) model of the channel can be derive

    Investigation on iterative multiuser detection physical layer network coding in two-way relay free-space optical links with turbulences and pointing errors

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    Physical layer network coding (PNC) improves the throughput in wireless networks by enabling two nodes to exchange information using a minimum number of time slots. The PNC technique is proposed for two-way relay channel free space optical (TWR-FSO) communications with the aim of maximizing the utilization of network resources. The multipair TWR-FSO is considered in this paper, where a single antenna on each pair seeks to communicate via a common receiver aperture at the relay. Therefore, chip interleaving is adopted as a technique to separate the different transmitted signals at the relay node to perform PNC mapping. Accordingly, this scheme relies on the iterative multiuser technique for detection of users at the receiver. The bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed system is examined under the combined influences of atmospheric loss, turbulence-induced channel fading, and pointing errors (PEs). By adopting the joint PNC mapping with interleaving and multiuser detection techniques, the BER results show that the proposed scheme can achieve a significant performance improvement against the degrading effects of turbulences and PEs. It is also demonstrated that a larger number of simultaneous users can be supported with this new scheme in establishing a communication link between multiple pairs of nodes in two time slots, thereby improving the channel capacity

    Aperture selection for ACO-OFDM in free-space optical turbulence channel

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    Aperture Selection for ACO-OFDM in Free-Space Optical Turbulence Channel

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    Performance evaluation of coded transmission for adaptive-optics corrected satellite-to-ground laser links

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    Performance estimation of coded LEO satellite-to ground laser transmissions partially corrected by adaptive-optics are presented. Through numerical simulations, the conjugation of adaptive-optics with a cross-layering optimization of data reliability mechanisms is investigated. The emphasis is put on the minimization of the data memories required at both the transmitter and the receiver in order to guarantee an error-free downlink