20 research outputs found

    Interior-point solver for convex separable block-angular problems

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    Constraints matrices with block-angular structures are pervasive in Optimization. Interior-point methods have shown to be competitive for these structured problems by exploiting the linear algebra. One of these approaches solved the normal equations using sparse Cholesky factorizations for the block constraints, and a preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) for the linking constraints. The preconditioner is based on a power series expansion which approximates the inverse of the matrix of the linking constraints system. In this work we present an efficient solver based on this algorithm. Some of its features are: it solves linearly constrained convex separable problems (linear, quadratic or nonlinear); both Newton and second-order predictor-corrector directions can be used, either with the Cholesky+PCG scheme or with a Cholesky factorization of normal equations; the preconditioner may include any number of terms of the power series; for any number of these terms, it estimates the spectral radius of the matrix in the power series (which is instrumental for the quality of the precondi- tioner). The solver has been hooked to SML, a structure-conveying modelling language based on the popular AMPL modeling language. Computational results are reported for some large and/or difficult instances in the literature: (1) multicommodity flow problems; (2) minimum congestion problems; (3) statistical data protection problems using l1 and l2 distances (which are linear and quadratic problems, respectively), and the pseudo-Huber function, a nonlinear approximation to l1 which improves the preconditioner. In the largest instances, of up to 25 millions of variables and 300000 constraints, this approach is from two to three orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art linear and quadratic optimization solvers.Preprin

    Revisiting interval protection, a.k.a. partial cell suppression, for tabular data

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comInterval protection or partial cell suppression was introduced in “M. Fischetti, J.-J. Salazar, Partial cell suppression: A new methodology for statistical disclosure control, Statistics and Computing, 13, 13–21, 2003” as a “linearization” of the difficult cell suppression problem. Interval protection replaces some cells by intervals containing the original cell value, unlike in cell suppression where the values are suppressed. Although the resulting optimization problem is still huge—as in cell suppression, it is linear, thus allowing the application of efficient procedures. In this work we present preliminary results with a prototype implementation of Benders decomposition for interval protection. Although the above seminal publication about partial cell suppression applied a similar methodology, our approach differs in two aspects: (i) the boundaries of the intervals are completely independent in our implementation, whereas the one of 2003 solved a simpler variant where boundaries must satisfy a certain ratio; (ii) our prototype is applied to a set of seven general and hierarchical tables, whereas only three two-dimensional tables were solved with the implementation of 2003.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A specialized interior-point algorithm for huge minimum convex cost flows in bipartite networks

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    Research Report UPC-DEIO DR 2018-01. November 2018The computation of the Newton direction is the most time consuming step of interior-point methods. This direction was efficiently computed by a combination of Cholesky factorizations and conjugate gradients in a specialized interior-point method for block-angular structured problems. In this work we apply this algorithmic approach to solve very large instances of minimum cost flows problems in bipartite networks, for convex objective functions with diagonal Hessians (i.e., either linear, quadratic or separable nonlinear objectives). After analyzing the theoretical properties of the interior-point method for this kind of problems, we provide extensive computational experiments with linear and quadratic instances of up to one billion arcs and 200 and five million nodes in each subset of the node partition. For linear and quadratic instances our approach is compared with the barriers algorithms of CPLEX (both standard path-following and homogeneous-self-dual); for linear instances it is also compared with the different algorithms of the state-of-the-art network flow solver LEMON (namely: network simplex, capacity scaling, cost scaling and cycle canceling). The specialized interior-point approach significantly outperformed the other approaches in most of the linear and quadratic transportation instances tested. In particular, it always provided a solution within the time limit and it never exhausted the 192 Gigabytes of memory of the server used for the runs. For assignment problems the network algorithms in LEMON were the most efficient option.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    New interior-point approach for one- and two-class linear support vector machines using multiple variable splitting

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    Multiple variable splitting is a general technique for decomposing problems by using copies of variables and additional linking constraints that equate their values. The resulting large optimization problem can be solved with a specialized interior-point method that exploits the problem structure and computes the Newton direction with a combination of direct and iterative solvers (i.e., Cholesky factorizations and preconditioned conjugate gradients for linear systems related to, respectively, subproblems and new linking constraints). The present work applies this method to solving real-world binary classification and novelty (or outlier) detection problems by means of, respectively, two-class and one-class linear support vector machines (SVMs). Unlike previous interior-point approaches for SVMs, which were practical only with low-dimensional points, the new proposal can also deal with high-dimensional data. The new method is compared with state-of-the-art solvers for SVMs, that are based on either interior-point algorithms (such as SVM-OOPS) or specific algorithms developed by the machine learning community (such as LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR). The computational results show that, for two-class SVMs, the new proposal is competitive not only against previous interior-point methods—and much more efficient than they are with high-dimensional data—but also against LIBSVM; whereas LIBLINEAR generally outperformed the proposal. For one-class SVMs, the new method consistently outperformed all other approaches, in terms of either solution time or solution qualityPeer ReviewedPreprin

    A new interior-point approach for large two-stage stochastic problems

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    Two-stage stochastic models give rise to very large optimization problems. Several approaches havebeen devised for efficiently solving them, including interior-point methods (IPMs). However, usingIPMs, the linking columns associated to first-stage decisions cause excessive fill-in for the solutionof the normal equations. This downside is usually alleviated if variable splitting is applied to first-stage variables. This work presents a specialized IPM that applies variable splitting and exploits thestructure of the deterministic equivalent of the stochastic problem. The specialized IPM combinesCholesky factorizations and preconditioned conjugate gradients for solving the normal equations.This specialized IPM outperforms other approaches when the number of first-stage variables is largeenough. This paper provides computational results for two stochastic problems: (1) a supply chainsystem and (2) capacity expansion in an electric system. Both linear and convex quadratic formu-lations were used, obtaining instances of up to 38 million variables and six million constraints. Thecomputational results show that our procedure is more efficient than alternative state-of-the-art IPMimplementations (e.g., CPLEX) and other specialized solvers for stochastic optimizationPeer ReviewedPreprin

    A cutting-plane approach for large-scale capacitated multi-period facility location using a specialized interior-point method

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    We propose a cutting-plane approach (namely, Benders decomposition) for a class of capacitated multi-period facility location problems. The novelty of this approach lies on the use of a specialized interior-point method for solving the Benders subproblems. The primal block-angular structure of the resulting linear optimization problems is exploited by the interior-point method, allowing the (either exact or inexact) efficient solution of large instances. The effect of different modeling conditions and problem specifications on the computational performance are also investigated both theoretically and empirically, providing a deeper understanding of the significant factors influencing the overall efficiency of the cutting-plane method. This approach allowed the solution of instances of up to 200 potential locations, one million customers and three periods, resulting in mixed integer linear optimization problems of up to 600 binary and 600 millions of continuous variables. Those problems were solved by the specialized approach in less than one hour, outperforming other stateof- the-art methods, which exhausted the (144 Gigabytes of) available memory in the largest instances.Preprin

    On solving large-scale multistage stochastic problems with a new specialized interior-point approach

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    A novel approach based on a specialized interior-point method (IPM) is presented for solving large-scale stochastic multistage continuous optimization problems, which represent the uncertainty in strategic multistage and operational two-stage scenario trees, the latter being rooted at the strategic nodes. This new solution approach considers a split-variable formulation of the strategic and operational structures, for which copies are made of the strategic nodes and the structures are rooted in the form of nested strategic-operational two-stage trees. The specialized IPM solves the normal equations of the problem’s Newton system by combining Cholesky factorizations with preconditioned conjugate gradients, doing so for, respectively, the constraints of the stochastic formulation and those that equate the split-variables. We show that, for multistage stochastic problems, the preconditioner (i) is a block-diagonal matrix composed of as many shifted tridiagonal matrices as the number of nested strategicoperational two-stage trees, thus allowing the efficient solution of systems of equations; (ii) its complexity in a multistage stochastic problem is equivalent to that of a very large-scale two-stage problem. A broad computational experience is reported for large multistage stochastic supply network design (SND) and revenue management (RM) problems; the mathematical structures vary greatly for those two application types. Some of the most difficult instances of SND had 5 stages, 839 million variables, 13 million quadratic variables, 21 million constraints, and 3750 scenario tree nodes; while those of RM had 8 stages, 278 million variables, 100 million constraints, and 100,000 scenario tree nodes. For those problems, the proposed approach obtained the solution in 2.3 days using 167 gigabytes of memory for SND, and in 1.7 days using 83 gigabytes for RM; while the state-of-the-art solver CPLEX v20.1 required more than 24 days and 526 gigabytes for SND, and more than 19 days and 410 gigabytes for RMPeer ReviewedPreprin

    On geometrical properties of preconditioners in IPMs for classes of block-angular problems

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    J. Castro, S. Nasini, On geometrical properties of preconditioners in IPMs for classes of block-angular problems, Research Report DR 2016/03, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016.One of the most efficient interior-point methods for some classes of block-angular structured problems solves the normal equations by a combination of Cholesky factorizations and preconditioned conjugate gradient for, respectively, the block and linking constraints. In this work we show that the choice of a good preconditioner depends on geometrical properties of the constraints structure. In particular, it is seen that the principal angles between the subspaces generated by the diagonal blocks and the linking constraints can be used to estimate ex-ante the efficiency of the preconditioner. Numerical validation is provided with some generated optimization problems. An application to the solution of multicommodity network flow problems with nodal capacities and equal flows of up to 127 million of variables and up to 7.5 million of constraints is also presentedPreprin